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Scenes from THE LUDUS COVENTRIAE December 1990 The Creation of Heaven and the Angels The Fall of Lucifer The Creation of the World and Man Cain and Abel Noah The Prophets The Parliament of Heaven The Salutation and Conception Joseph's Return The Visit to Elizabeth The Birth of Christ The Adoration of the Shepherds Herod's Court The Adoration of the Kings At Holy Trinity Church, Sloane Street, London, SW1 The Cast Presenter Mick Playle Contemplation Sandy Boyle God the Father Alan Burgoyne God the Son Reg Eppey / Peter Evans God the Holy Ghost Edward Weedon Lucifer John Mclntyre Good Angels Pamela Cassidy Jennifer Kiek Toria Law Bad Angels Eileen Mills Lilian Prentice Adam Roger Lee Eve Eve Haughton Abel Colin Hoggan Cain Roger Haworth Noah James Hardwick Mrs Noah Eileen Mills Shem Alan Carey Mrs Shem Lilian Prentice Ham Tony Gore Mrs Ham Toria Law Japhet Martin O'Kane Mrs Japhet Nicola Scavolo Angel to Noah Pamela Casidy Prophets: Isaiah John Povey David Mick Playle Micah Kevin Jackson Asa Tom Murach Jonah Roger Haworth Amos Andrew Dobson Angel Virtues Toria Law Daughters of God: Truth Jennifer Kiek Mercy Pamela Cassidy Righteousness Judith Elbourne Peace Nicola Scavolo Gabriel Colin Hoggan Mary Patricia Reader Joseph James Hardwick Sephor, maid to Mary Eve Haughton Angel to Joseph Toria Law Elizabeth Lilian Prentice Zachary John Povey Citizen of Bethlehem Kevin Jackson Midwives: Zelomy Judith Elbourne Salome Eileen Mills Angel to the Shepherds Helen Westbrook Shepherds: Boosras Andrew Dobson Maunfras Alan Carey Moyse Martin O'Kane Steward to Herod Tony Gore King Herod Roger Lee Kings: Baltazar Roger Haworth Mekhizar Mick Playle Jasper Sandy Boyle Music Liaison Patrick Mills Singers Lee Brace Judith Elbourne Reg Eppey Susan Jourdain Mick Playle Helen Rendall Nicola Scavolo Helen Westbrook Pipes / Percussion James Hardwick Colin Hoggan Jennifer Kiek Tom Murach Patricia Reader Organ Patrick Mills Stage Manager Ted Weedon Lighting Kay Baker & Ken MacLeod Props Co-ordination Eve Haughton Ark Created by Sandy Boyle & Nicole Florentino Costume Co-ordination Jeff Bannister Lilian Prentice Wardrobe Imelda Jones Jennifer Kiek Patricia Reader Ticket Office Justin Arundale Front of House Daniel Bird & Janet Cowen Caroline Gore & George Haworth Lesley Haworth & Jillian Pearce Helen Rendall & Barbara Smith Adaptation and Direction Olive Stubbs The Players of St. Peter Vice Presidents: The Lord Bishop of London JCT Longstaff H Schiller J D Evenett Mrs J L Eatock Taylor Chairman: Rev K Yates Hon Secretary: P Evans Hon Treasurer : KMacLeod