The Bakers Playe

Pagina decima quinta de coena Domini, et de ejus prodicione.

Brethren all, to me righte dere,
Come neither to me and you shall here,
The feaste of Ester you knowe draweth nere,
And nowe it is at hande;
That feaste nedes kepe muste we
With vereye greate solempenitie,
The pascall lambe eate muste we,
As the lawe do commaunde;
Therfore, Petter, loke that thou goe,
And John with thee shalbe also,
Prepare all thinges that belonges therto,
Accordinge to the lawe.
Lorde, thy byddinge do will we,
But tell us firste wher it shalbe,
And we shall doe it speadelye,
And theidder will we drawe.
Goe into the cittie which you doe see,
And their a man meete shall ye,
With a watter pote that beareth he,
For so you maie hym knowe.
Into what howse that he shall goe,
Into the same howse enter ye also,
And saye the maister sende you too
His messuage for to shewe;
Saye ’ the maister to thee us sente,
To have a place conveniente,
The paskalle lambe their to eate is my intente,
With my disciples all; ’
A fayer parlore he will you shewe,
Ther prepare all thinges dewe,
Wher I with my retenewe
Fulfill the lawe we shall.
Al readye, Lorde, even thy will
Shortlye we towe shall fulfill,
And the faier cittie we shall goe till,
As faste as we maie.

Tunc Petrus et Johannes ibunt, ac hominem vas aquce teUaceum portantem alloquerentur, et annuntiabit eis domum fieri sui.

All heale, good felowe, hartelye!
To thy maisters howse I praye thee hye,
And we muste kepe thee companye,
Our messuage for to saye.
Come on your waie and folowe me,
My maisters howse sone shall you see,
Loe here it is verelye,
Saye nowe what you will.

Tunc domum intrant.

Sir, the maister saluteth thee,
And as messingers send we be.
Therfore we praie thee hartelye
Take heede us untill;
The maister hath sente us to thee,
A place prepare for hym muste we,
The pascall lambe ther eate will he,
With his disciples all.
Patter familius.
Loe here a parlore all readye dighte,
With paved flowers and wyndowes brighte,
Make all thinges readye as you thinke righte,
And this have you shall.
Nowe, brother Petter, let us hye
The paskall lambe to make readye,
Then to our master will you and I
As faste as we maie.

Tunc adornant mensam, et revertunt.

Thy commaundmente, Lorde, done have we,
The paskall lambe is made readie,
Therfore come one and you shall see,
And we shall leade the waie.
Nowe, brethren, goe to your seate,
This paskall lambe nowe lette us eate,
And then we shall of other thinges intreate
That be of greate effecte.
For knowe you nowe the tyme is come
That signes and shadowes be all done,
Therfore make haste that we maye sone
All figures cleane rejecte.
For nowe a newe lawe I wil begyne,
To helpe mankinde out of his synne,
So that he maye heaven wyne,
The which for synne he loste.
And here in presens of you all
Another sacrifice begine I shall,
To bringe mankinde out of his thrall,
For helpe hym nede I muste.

Tunc occumbit Jesus, ac Johannes in gremio dormiet.

Brethren, I tell you by and by,
With greate desier desiered have I
This Passeover to eate with you trewlye,
Before my passion;
For I saie to you sickerlye,
My fathers will allemightie
I muste fulfill meklye,
And ever to it be bowne.

Tunc Jesus accipit panem, frangit, et discipulis suit dat dicens

This breade I geve here my blessinge,
Take eate, brethren, at my byddinge,
Beleeve you well without leasinge,
This is my bodye,
That shall dye for all mankinde,
In remission of ther synne
Hereafter ever more.

Tunc accipiet calicem in manibus occulis levatis dicens

Father of heaven, I thanke thee,
For all that ever thou doste to me;
Brethren, take this with harte free,
For this is my bloode,
That shalbe shedde on the tree,
For more togeither drinke not we,
In heaven blesse tell that we be
To taste that ghostlye foode.

Tunc edit et bibit cum discipulis; et Judas Iscariot habebit manum in patina, et dicat Jesus

Brethren, for south I you saye,
On of you shall me betraye,
That eateth here with me to daye
In this companye.
Alas! alas! and wayleawaye!
Whoe that maye be knowe I ney maie,
For I it is not in good faye
That shall doe suche anoye.
Harde it is for us all
To whom this case shal befall,
We be but twelve in this halle,
Lorde, tell yf it be I.
Sorowfull for thes wordes be we:
Whoe it is I can not see;
Yf this case shall fall to me,
Lorde, tell me hastelye.

Tunc Judas intinget in patinam; Jesus dicens,

Through his deceate I am but dead,
That in my cupe weetes his breade,
Moche woe for his wicked reade
That wreche muste thole, i-wysse;
Well were hym hade he bene unborne,
For bodye and soule is bouth forlorne,
That falsclye so hath done beforne,
And yet in will is he.
Leffe maister, is it I,
That shall doe thee this villanye.
Thou haste rede, Judas, redelye,
For suerlye thou arte he;
That thou shall doe do hastelye.
Fare well, all this companye,
For on an errande I muste hie,
Undone it maye not be.
Brethren, take up this meate anon,
To another worke we muste gone,
Your feete shall wayshen be eichone,
To shewe all charittye;
And firste my feete I wil begine,
And wayshe you all that be herein,
On this deede that you maye mynde,
And meker for to be.

Tunc Jesus precinget corpus lintheolo, et elicit Petrus.

A! Lorde, shall thou wayshe my feete?
That doe I, Petter, I thee beheighte,
The while more thou shall not witte,
But thou shall afterwarde.
Naye, Lorde, for south in no manere
My feete thou ney wayshe here.
But I wayshe thee, withouten were,
Of joye gettes thou noe parte.
Naye, Lorde, my feete maye welbe leade;
But wayshe my handes and my heade.
All is cleane, therfore I doe rede,
Thy feete shall wayshen be,
And you cleane but not all.
Lorde, of wayle thou arte the walle;
And though it not wel befall,
Have here my feete to thee.

Tunc lavabi.t pedes omnium singulatim, el absterget linthea.

My deare brethren, well witte ye,
That lorde and maister you will call me,.
And well you saie as shoulde be,
I am and have bene yore.
Seith I have wayshen your feete here,
Your lorde and maister, in meeke manere,
Doe eichone so to other in fere,
As I have done before.

Tunc invicem omnes aliorum pedes lavant.

My littill children and my brethren free,
A littill while I maye with you be,
But theidder shall you not goe with me,
As I am nowe in waye;
But this southlye is my byddinge,
You love togeither in all thinge,
As I before with outflechinge
Have loved you trewlye [aye];
So all men maye knowe and se
My disciples that you be,
Falsehoode yf you allwayes fleye,
And loven well in feare.
Lorde, wheither arte thou in waie I
Petter, theidder as I goe to daye,
Come ney sickerlye thou ne maye
This tyme in no manner a waye y
But thou shall theidder goe.
Why shall not it be soe?
My life I will put in woe,
And for thy sake be slayne.
Petter, I saye thee sickerlye,
Or the cocke have crowen thrye,
Thou shalte forsake my companye,
And take thy worde againe.
Brethren, let not your hartes be sore,
But leeve in God ever more,
And in me as you have before,
And care not for this case.
For in my fathers howse ther is
Manye woninges of greate blesse,
And theider I will goe nowe, i-wisse,
To porvaye you a place.
And though I goe from you awaie,
To purvaye a place for youer paie,
I come againe another daie,
And take you all with me.
Lorde, we wote not in good faye,
What a gate thou wylte assaye?
Tell us that we knowe maie
That gate, and goe with thee.
Thomas, I tell thee without strife,
In me is waye southnes and life,
And to my father noe man ney wife
Maye come without;
And yf you knowe me verelye,
My father ye mighte knowe in hye,
From hensefourth, I saye sickerlye,
Knowe hym all shall ye.
Lorde, lett us see thy father anon,
And it sufficeth us everye icheone.
A! longe tyme you have with me goen,
Philippe, why sayes thou soe?
Suerlye who seeith me,
Seith my father, I tell it thee:
Why willeth thou my father to se,
While I with you goe.
Philippe, leeves thou not this?
That my father in me is,
And I in hym also, i-wisse,
And bouth we be one.
The workes I doe are his,
For his helpe maye I not misse;
Wherfore to wyne you heaven blesse,
My deedes you leeve upon.
Whatsoever you aske my father deare
In my name, in good manere,
To fulfill it in full power,
All that is to my paye,
That my father in magistie,
By me glorified maye be,
And either as I saye to thee,
For one have bene [aye].
Yf that you love me hartfullye,
Kepe my byddinge trewlye,
And to my father praye will I,
To sende you the holye ghoste,
To abyde with you ever more;
For the worlde knoweth not his lore,
But you that have knowen me yore
In you he shalbe mcste.
Though I goe nowe to destresse,
I will not leeve you comfortles,
But leeves this well and expres,
Efte I will come againe;
And then your hartes on a roe
Shalbe glade my blesse to knowe,
Which joy noe man shall take you froo.
Woulcle he never so fayne.
Rise up and goe wheathen anon;
To my prayer I muste gone,
But sitte you still everye eichone,
My father while I calle.
Wake and have my beneson,
For fallinge into temptacion:
The speritte aye to balle is bonne,
And the fleshe ever readye to fall.

Tunc ibit Jesus oratum, et discipule pre dolore dormiu/it.

Father of heaven, in magistie,
Glorifye, yf thy wil be,
Thy sonne that he maie gloryfie thee,
Nowe or I hense wende;
In eairth thou haste geven me poste,
And I have done with harte free
The worcke that thou charged me,
And broughte it to an ende.
Thy name have I made men to knowe,
And spared not thy will to shoe
To my disciples one a roe,
That thou haste geven me;
And nowe the knowe verelye,
That from the father sente am I,
Therfore I praye thee especiallyc
Save them through thy me r eye.

Tunc venit ad discipulos, et invnnit dormientcs, el dicit

What! slepe you brethren all here?
Rise up and make your prayer,
Leste temptacion have power
To make you for to falle;
The fleshe is, as I sayde before,
Inclyninge to synne sore,
And ghoste occupied ever more,
Therfore no we wake all.

Tunc ilcrum ad. orationem, et alta voce loquitur; dicit,

My harte is in greate myslikinge,
For death that is to me cominge;
Father, yf I dare aske this thinge,
Put this awaye from me;
All thinge to thee possible is,
Neverthelesse yet in this
At your will I am, i-wisse,
As thou wylte let it be.

Tunc redit ad discipulos iterum.

You slepen, brethren, yet I see:
Slepe on nowe all ye,
My tyme is comen tacken to be,
From you I muste awaie;
He that hath betrayed me,
This nighte from hym will I not fleye,
In sorye tyme borne was he,
And so he maye well saye.

Tunc Judas cum mititum coltorte lanlernis, facibus, et armis rani illuc, el dicat

You men, I aske, whom seeke ye?
Jesus of Nazareth, hym seeke we.
Here, all readye, I am he;
What have you for to saye?
A! sweete maister, kisse thou me,
For it is longe synce I thee see,
And togeither we will fleye,
And steale from them awaie.
What seeke you, men, with suche a breath?
Primuz Judeus
We seeke Jesus of Nazareth.
I saye yore, and yet I save,
I am he, in good faye;
Suffer thes men to goe ther waye,
And I am at your will.
False theiffe, thou shalt gone
To bushope Cayphas, and that anon,
Or I shall breake thy bodye ahd bono,
And thou be to late.
Theiffe, and thou be so boulde
My maister so for to houlde,
Thou shalbe quite a hundreth foulde,
And onewarde take thou this!
Be thou so boulde, as thrive I,
To houlde my maister here in hye,
Full deare thou shall it bye!
But thou thee heithen dighte,
Thy eare shall of, by Godes grace,
Or thou passe from this place.

Tunc extrahet gladium, et abscidet auriculum Malchi,

Goe nowe to Cayphas,
And byde hym doe thee righte.
Out! alas! alas! alas!
By Cokes bones! my eare he hase!
Me is betyde a harde case,
That ever I come here!
Petter, put up thy sworde in hye!
Whosoever with the sworde smiteth gladlye,
With sworde shall perishe hastelye,
I tell thee, withouten were.

Tunc Jesus tetigerit auriculum et sanabit.

A! well ys me! well is me!
My eare is healed well, I see!
So mercifull a man is he,
Knewe I never non.
Primuz Judeus
Yea, though he have healed thee,
Shute from us shall he not be,
But to sir Cayphas, as mote I thee,
With us shall he gone.
As to a theffe you come here,
With sworde and staves and armerer,
To take me in fowle manere,
And ende your wicked will.
In temple when I was with you aye,
No hande on me woulde you laye;
But nowe is comen tyme and daye
Your t alien te to fullfill.
Primuz Judeus
Come, caytiffe, to Cayplias,
Or thou shalte have a harde grace;
Trotte upon a prowder space,
Thou vile popilerde!
Though Bellsabube and Sathanas
Come to help thee in this case,
Bouth thy handes that thou hase
Shalbe bounde harde.

Finis. Deo gratias per me Geo Bellin. 1592.

2023 Sep 26  11:45:55