The Saddlers Playe

Pagina decima nona, de Christo duobus discipulis ad castellum Emaus euntibus appare?ite, et aliis discipulis, et dicat Lucas.

Alas! nowe wayle is wente awaye!
My owine my mayster ever I maye,
That is nowe clongen under claye,
That makes my harte in care.
Sorrowe and sickinge, the south to saye,
Makes mone, that is no naye,
When I thinke on hym nighte and daye,
For deale I droppe and dare.
Yea, moche mirth was in me,
My sweete soveraigne when I mighte se,
And his likinge lore with lee,
And nowe so lowe is laide.
Brother, nowe is dayes three
Seith he was nayled on roode tree;
Lorde, wheither he risen be,
As he before hade sayde.
Leffe brother Cleophas,
To knowe this were a cuninge case,
Seith he through harte wounded was,
Howe shoulde he live agayne?
Yf that he godhead in hym hase,
And comen to hy mans treasspas,
He maye rise through his owine grace,
And his death to us gayne.
A mistye thinge it is [to] me,
To have beleffe it shoulde so be,
Howe he shoulde rise in daies three;
Suche wounderes never was wiste.
South thou sayest, full well I see;
Leeve maye I not by my lewtie,
But God maye of his magistie
Doe what so ever hym liste.

Tunc venit Jesus in habitu peregrini, et dicat Jesu.

Good men, if your will were,
Tell me in good manere
Of your talkinge that in feare
And of your woe witte I woulde.
A! syr, it seemes to us heare,
A pylgrem thou arte, as doth appeare;
Tydinges and tales al inteyre
Thou maye heare what is toulde
In Jerusalem that other daye,
That thou walkeste manye a waye,
Maye thou not here what men saye,
About ther as thou yeide?
What are those? tell me, I thee praye.
Of Jesus of Nazareth, in good faye,
A prophette to eich mans paye,
And wise in worde and deed:
To God and man wise was hee,
But bushoppes, cursed mote the be!
Dampned hym and nayled hym on a tree,
That wroughte yet never wronge.
Wytterlye before wende we,
That Isarell [he] shoulde have made free;
And out of payne through his postie
The people he shoulde have broughte.
Yea, sir, nowe is the thirde daie
Seith the made this affraye,
And some wemen ther as he laye
Were their erlye in the morne,
And feared us fowle in faye;
The toulde us he was stowlne awaie,
And angelles, as the can saye,
The sepulcher syttinge before.
Yea, sir, thes wemen that harde I,
Sayde he was risine readelye;
And some men of our companye
Thydder anon can goe,
And found it so lesse and more.
And yet our hartes are full sore,
Lest it be not so.
Ah, fooles and feible, in good faye,
Late to beleeve unto Godes lawe,
The prophettes before can this sawe,
Leeve you on this southlye,
That it nedes be allwaye
Christe to suffer death the south to saye,
And to joye that lasteth aye
Bringe man through his mercye.
And firste at Moyses to begyn,
What he saith I shall you myne,
That God was a greve with [in],
That burned aye as hym thoughte;
The greve payred nothinge theirby:
What was that but mayde Marye,
That bare Jesu sincerlye,
That man hath nowe for-boughte.
Also Esay sayde this,
As a woman comfortes, i-wisse,
Her childe that hath done amisse,
To amende, leeve you me;
So God woulde man reconsiled here,
Through his mercye, in good manere,
And in Jerusalem in better were,
Fore-boughte the shoulde be.

Quemadmodum mater consolatur filios suos, ita et ego consolabor vos, et in Jerusalem consolabamini. Esaius capitulo sexage. sexto: et dicat

A! Lorde! geve thee good grace,
For greatlye comforted me thou hase:
Goe with us to this place,,
A castill is here by.
Nowe, good men, southlye for to saye,
I have to goe a greate waie;
Therfore at this tyme I ney maye,
But I thanke you hartelye.
Sir, you shall in all mannere
Dwell with us at our suppere;
For nowe nighte approcheth nere,
Tarye here for anye thinge.
Nowe, God forbyde that we were
So uncurtise to you heare;
For saffe my lovelye lorde of lere,
Thy lore is moste likinge.

Tunc ibit Jesus cum Mis ad castellum.

Sytte downe here, sire, I you praye,
And take a morscell and you maie,
For you have walked a longe waie
Seith to daye at noone.
Graunte mercye, good me[n], in good faye,
To blesse this bread, south to saye,
I will anon in good araye,
Righte by you beforne.

Tunc franget panem, et dicat

Eates on, men, and doe gladlye,
In the name of God almightie!
For this breed blessed have I,
That I geve you to daye.

Tunc Jesus evanescet.

Graunte mercye, sickerlye!
Nowe rede I you be righte merye.
What! wher is he that sate us by?
Alas! he is awaie!
Alas! alas! alas! alas!
This was Jesus in this place!
By breakinge the bread I knewe his face,
But nothinge theirbefore.
A borninge harte in us he made;
For while he heare with us was,
To knowe hym we mighte have no grace,
For all his loxom lore.
Goe we, brother, and that anon,
And tell our brethren everye eichone,
Howe our maister is from us gone,
Yea, southlye we inaie saie.
the pilgrims of emaus. 1()7
Yea, we maye make our mone,
That sate with hym in greate wonne,
And we no knowledge hym hade upon,
Tell he was passed awaye.

Tunc ibunt ad alios discipulos in alio loco congregates: dicat Cleophas.

A! reste well, brethren, on and all!
Wounderouslye is us befall;
Our Lorde and we were in on hall,
And hym yet knewe not we.
Yea, leeve thou well this, Cleophas,
That he is risen that deade was,
And to Petter appeared hase
This daye appeartlye.
With us he was a longe fytte,
And undid his holye wrytte;
And yet our wittes were so knytte,
That hym we mighte not knowe.
No we sicker awaie was all my witte.
Tell the brede was brocken eich bitte,
And anon, when he brake it,
He vanished in a thrawe.
Nowe we brethren in fere,
I rede we hyde us somewhere here,
That Jewes meete us not in no manere,
For malyce, leeve you me.
Lenge we heare in this place:
Peradventure God will shewe us grace
To se our Lorde in littill space,
And comforted for to be.

Tunc omnes eunt infra castrum, et veniet Jesus stans in medio discipulorum; et posted dicat Jesus.

Peace amonge you, brethren fayer!
Yea, dread you naught in no manere,
I am Jesus without were,
That dyed on rood tree.
A! what is he that comes here
To this fellowship all in feare?
As he to me nowe can appeare,
A ghoste me thinke I see.
Brethren, why are you so freade for naughte,
And noyed in harte for feable thoughte?
I am he that hath you for-boughte,
And dyed for manes good.
My feete, my handes you maye see,
And knowe the truth also maye ye,
Southlye that I am hee
That dead was uppon a tree.
Handell me bouth all and one,
And beleeve well this everye eichone,
That ghoste hath nether fleshe nor bone,
As you se nowe on me.
A! Lorde! moche joye is us uppon,
But what he is wotte I ney can.
Nowe seith you leeve I am no man,
More signes you shall see.
Have you anye meate heare?
Yea, my Lorde life and deare,
Hosted fishe and honnye in feare,
Theirof we have good wonne.
Eate we then in good manere:
Thus nowe you knowe, without were
That ghoste to eate hath no power,
As you shall see anon.

Tunc comedet Jesus, et dabit discipulis suis.

Brethren, I toulde you before,
When I was with you not gayne an oure,
That nedelye lesse and more
Muste fulfilled be
In Moyses lawe, as wrytten were;
All other prophettes as nowe weare,
Is fulfilled, in good mannere,
Of that was sayde of me.
For this was wrytten by prophesye,
That I muste suffer death nedelye,
And the thyrde daye with victorye
Rise with good araye,
And preache remission of synnes
Unto all that his name doe myne:
Therfore, all you that be herein,
Thinke on what I saye.

Tunc evanescit Jesus, et ibunt discipuli Bethanic, ct obviantes Thome.

A! Thomas, tydinges good and newe!
We have seene the Lorde Jesu.
Shall I never leeve that this is trewe,
By God omnipotente,
But I see in his handes towe
Hooles the nayles can in goe,
And put my finger eke alsoe
Their as the nayles wente.
Thomas, goe we in all feare,
For dread of enemyes better were
Then Jewes shoulde have us in their dangere,
And all our fraternitye.
Wherever you goe, farre or nere,
I will goe with you in good mannere;
But this talke you tell me heare
I leeve not, tell I see.
Nowe, Thomas, be thou not awaye,
And in hope see hym thou maye,
And feele hym also in good faye,
As we have done before.
Wherever you be I wilbe aye;
But make me leeve this thinge vereye;
You pyne you not theirfore, I you praye,
To speake of that no more.

Tunc ibunt omnes iterum ad mansionem, et recumbent, et subito apparebit Jesus.

Peace, my brethren, on and all.
Come heither, Thomas; to thee I call:
Shewe fourth for oughte that may befalle
Thy hande, and put in here;
And see my handes and my feete,
And put in thy hande, thou ne lette,
My woundes are yet freshe and weette
As the firste were;
And be thou no more so dreadinge,
But ever trulye be leevinge.

Tunc emittil manum in latus et vulnera.

My God! my Lorde! my Christe! my kinge!
Nowe leeve I without weninge.
Yea, Thomas, thou seiste nowe in me,
Thou leeveste nowe that I am he;
But blessed muste the al be,
That leeve, and never see,
That I am that same bodye,
That borne was of meke Marye,
And on a crosse your soules did by
Upon Good Fryday.
Who so to this will consente,
That I am God omnipotente,
As well as the that be presente,
My darlinges shalbe ever.
Who so to this will not consente,
Ever to the daye of judgment
In hell fier the shalbe brente,
And ever in sorowe and teene.
Who so ever of my father hath mynde,
Or of my mother in anye kinde,
In heaven blesse the shall it fynde,
Without anye woe,
Christe geve you grace to take the waie
Unto the joye that lasteth aye!
For their is no nighte, but ever daye,
For all you theider shall goe.

Finis. Deo gracias! per me, Georgi Bellin. 1592.

2023 Sep 26  11:45:55