The Skynners Playe

Pagina decima octava de Resurreocione Jesu Christi.

Per vous, sir Cayphas,
Et wuse wus, sir Annas,
Et sum discipule Judas,
Cule treison finte.
Et grande lices de lucite,
Amoye per fioy et judge
Mostre dame finte deliverie
Per loes roye escreite.

You lordes and ladyes, so lovelye and lere,
You kennes you knowes knightes of kinde,
Harcken all heitherwarde my hestes to here,
For I am moste fayereste and fresheste to fynde,
And moste higheste I am of estate.
For I am prince pearles,
Moste royall man of riches,
I may deale and I maye dresse,
My name is Sir Pilate.
For Ceaser, prince moste of poste,
Honoured my estate and my degreey,
When that he sente Jesus to me
To deliver hym to the deade;
The cryed on me all with on voyce,
The Jewes on me made great noyse;
I gave them leve to hange hym on crosse,
This was through Jewes reade.
I dreade yet leste he will us greve,
For that I sawe I maye wel beleeve;
I sawe the stonnes beganne to cleve,
And dead men up can rise.
In this cittye all aboute
Was non so stearne ney so stowte,
That up loked for greate doubte,
The were so sore agased.
And therfore, sir Oayphas, yet I dread
Leste ther be perrill in that deed;
I sawe hym hange on rowde and bleede
Tell all his blood was sheed,
And when he should his death take,
The weither waxed wounderous blacke;
Leate, thounder, and eirth beganne to quake,
Therof I am adreade.
And this was ysterdaye about nonne.
Yea, sir bushope, this is one,
To speake therfore we have to done,
For I let burye hym full sone
In a tombe of stonne;
And therfore, syres, amonght us three,
Let us ordeyne and oversee
Yf ther anye peryl be,
Or we hense gone.
Sir Pilate, all this was donne,
As we sawe after sonne,
But betyme at after nonne
The wedder beganne to cleare;
And sir, if it be your will,
Suche wordes you let be still,
And speake of another skill,
Leste anye man us heare.
Yea, sir Pilate, naughte for-thy,
I sawe hym and his companye
Rayse men with sorscerye,
That longe before were deade;
For and their be anye more such lefte,
Which can of suche wichcrafte,
Yf that bodye be from us rafte,
Advise you well, I rede.
Yea, sir Pilate, I tell you righte,
Let us ordayne manye a harde knighte,
Well armed to stande and feighte,
With power and with force;
That no shame to us befall.
Let us ordayne here amonge us all,
And trewe men to us calle,
To kepe well the corse.
Nowe, by Jesus that dyed on roode,
Me thinke your counsell is wounderous good,
The beste man of kynne and blood,
Anon loke ye no blyne.
And my knightes, stiffe and stearne of harte,
You be boulde men and smarte;
I warne you nowe at wordes shorte,
For with you I have to donne.
Primus miles
Sir, we bene heare all and some,
As boulde men, readye bonne
To drive your enemyes all downe;
Why[le] that we maye stande,
We be your knightes everye eichone;
Fayntnes in us their shalbe non,
We wilbe wrocken upon thy fonne,
Wherever he maye be founde,
And for no dread that we will wonne.
That I am well to understande,
You be men doughtie of hande,
I love you without lacke;
But that prophette that was done and drawes
Through the recountinge of your lawes,
But yet some thinge we stand in awes,
Of wordes that he spake.
For south this harde I hym saye,
That he woulde rise the thirde daye;
Nowe suerlye and he so maye,
He hath a wounderous tache.
Secundus miles
Yea, let hym rise if that hym dare!
For and I of hym maye be aware,
He bode never a worse charre,
Or that he wende awaye.
I helped to slea hym ere while,
Wenes he to doe us more gile?
Naye it is noe perille;
My heade their dare I laye.
Tercius miles
Yet let hym quicken hardlve,
Whyle my felowes here and I
Maye awake and stand hym by,
He skaped not uncaughte;
For and he oste heave up his head,
But that he be sone dead,
Shall I never eate more bread,
Ne never more be saughte.
Primus miles
Have good daie, sir, we wilbe gone:
Geves us our charge everye eichone.
Nowe fare well, the beste of blood and bone,
And take good heede unto my sawe.
For as I am a trewe Jewe,
Yf that you anye treason shewe,
Ther is non of you all shall esue,
But he shalbe to-drawe.
Secundus miles
Nowe, felowes, we be charged hye,
Our prince hath sworne that we shall dye
Without anye prophescye,
Or anye other in charge;
But yf the done as the wise,
I red we righte well advise,
Though he be boulde, he shall not rise,
But one of us be ware.
Tercius miles
Sir, the moste wytte lyeth in thee,
To ordayne and to oversee;
You be the eldeste of us three,
And man of moste renowne:
The tombe is heare at our hande,
Sett us their as we shall stande,
Yf that he rise we shall founde
To beate hym adowne.
Primus miles
And I shall nowe sette us so,
Yf that he rise and woulde goe,
On of us or eles towe
Shall se of his uprise;
Stande thou heare, and thou here,
And I my selfe in medle mere:
I troe our hartes will not feare,
But it were stowtlye wiste.

Tunc cantabunt duo angeli, Christus resurgens a mortuis, etc., et Christus tunc resurget, etc postea cantu finito dicat ut sequitur Jesus resurgens, et pede omnes miliies quatiat.

Eirthlye man that I have wroughte,
Awake out of thy slepe;
Eirthlye man that I have bought,
Of me thou have no kepe.
From heaven mans soule I soughte,
Into a dongion depe,
My dere lemon from thense I broughte,
For ruthe of her I weepe.
I am vereye prince of peace,
And kinge of free mercye;
Who will of synnes have release,
On me the call and crye.
And yf the will of synnes cease,
I graunte them peace trewlye,
And therto a full rich messye,
In brede my owne bodye.
I am vereye bread of life,
From heaven I lighte and am sende,
Who eateth that brede, man or wife
Shall live with me without ende.
And that brede that I you geve,
Your wicked life for to amende,
Becomes my fleshe through your beleffe,
And doth release your synfull bande.
And whoesoever eatheth that breade
In syne or wicked life,
He receiveth his owine death,
I warne bouth man and wife.
The whiche bread shalbe seene in steade
Their joye is aye full rafte;
When he is dead through fooles read
Then is he broughte to paine and striffe.

Tunc duo angeli, postquam Christus resurrexerit, sedebunt in sepulcro, quorum alter ad caput alter ad pedes sedeant.

Primus miles
Out, alas! wher am I?
So brighte aboute is heare by,
That my harte whollye
Out of my breste is shaken;
So fowle feared with fantasye
Was I never in non anoye,
For I wote not witterlye
W neither I be on slepe or waken.

Tunc socium surgere coget.

Secundus miles
Where arte thou, sir Bachelere I
Aboute me is wounder cleare,
Wytte me wantes withouten were,
For fearder I never was.
To remove fare or nere,
Me fayles mighte and power,
My harte in my bodye here
Is hoven out of my breste.

Tunc tanget socium: somno desurgere coget: dicat

Primus miles
Yea, we are shente sickerlye,
For Jesus is risen, well wotte I,
Out of the sepulcher mightelye,
And therof I have in mynde;
And as dead here can I lye,
Speake mighte I [not] ne spie
Which waye he toke trewlye,
My eyes the were so blynde.
Tercius miles
Alas! what is this great lighte,
Shyninge here in my sighte?
Marred I am mayne and mighte,
To move have I no mayne.
Thes towe beast es that are so brighte,
Power have I non to rise arighte,
Me fayles with them for to feighte,
Would I never so fayne.
Secundus miles
Yea, I will crepe fourth on my knye,
Tell I this parill passed be,
For my waye I maye not se,
Nether eirth nor stonne.
Yea, in wicked tyme we
Nayled hym on the roode tree,
For, as he sayde, in daies three
[Risen he is and gone.]
Tercius miles
Hye we faste we were awaie,
For this is Godes sonne vereye;
Strive with hym we ne maye,
That maister is and more.
I will to Cayphas by and by,
The south openlye for to saye:
Fare well, sires, and have good daye,
For I will goe before.
Primus miles
We to lenge heare were no boute,
For nede to sir Pilate we mote,
And tell hym crape and roote
So southlye as we wiste;
For and the Jewes knewe as well as we,
That he were risen through his poste,
Then shoulde the laste errande be
Worse then the firste.

Tunc adeunt Pilatum.

Secundus miles
Harcken, sir Pilate, the south to sayen,
Jesu that was on Fryday slayne,
Through his mighte is risen againe,
This is the thirde daye.
Ther came no power hym to fette,
But suche a slepe he on me sete,
That non of us mighte hym lete
To rise and goe his waves.
Nowe, by the outh I have to Ceaser sworne,
All you dogges sonnes shall dye therfore,
If it be on you longe;
Yf that you have prevelye
Soulde hym to his companye,
Then are you worthye for to dye
Righte in your owne wronge.
Tercius miles
Nowe, by the order I beare of knighte,
He rose upp in the morninge lighte,
By vertue of his owne mighte:
I knowe it vereye well.
He rose up, as I saye nowe,
And lefte us lyinge I wote nere howe,
Al bemased in a soune,
As we hade bene sticked swyne.
Fye, theiffe! fye, traytor!
Fye on thee! thy truste is full bare!
Fye, feynde! fye, feature!
Hye hense faste! I rede thou fare.
Primuz miles
That tyme that he his waie toke,
Durste I nether speake nor loke,
But for feare I laye and quoke,
And laye in sound dreame:
He sett his foote upon my backe,
That everye lith beganne to crake;
I woulde not abyde such another shake,
For all Jerusalem.
Fye, harlote! fye, hounde!
Fye on thee, thou taynted doge!
What! laye thou still in that stonde,
And let that losinger go on the roge?
Sir Cayphas and sir Annas,
What saye you to this treaspas?
I praye you, sires, in this case,
Advise me of some read.
Nowe, good sir, I you praie,
Harcken to me what I you saie,
For moche avayle us it maie,
And doe after my spell.
Praye them nowe, sir, pardye,
As the loven well thee,
Here as the stand all three,
To kepe well our counscell.
Sir bushope, I saye to you verament,
Unto your counscell I fullye assente;
This foolishe prophette, that we all to-rente,
Through his wichcrafte is stolne awaie;
Therfore let us call our counscell togeither,
And let us conclude to the wholl matter,
Or elles our lawes are done for ever hereafter
Nowe in good fayth, full woes me,
And so I tro bene all ye,
That he is risen this prevelye
And is from us escaped;
Nowe I praye you, sires, as you love me,
Kepe this in close and previtye
Untell our counscell, and tell we
Have harde how he is scaped.

Tunc tradet eis pecuniam, et discedunt; et venient mulieres plorantes etc Jesum querentes.

Maria Magdelena.
Alas! nowe lorne is my likinge;
For woe I wander, and handes wringe;
My harte in sorowe and in sickinge
Is sadlye set and sore.
That I moste loved of all thinge,
Alas, is nowe full loe lyinge;
Why am I, Lorde, so longe livinge,
To lose thy luxom lore?
Maria Jacoby.
Alas! wayle awaie is wente,
My helpe, my heale, from me is hente;
My Christe, my comforte, that me kente,
I-clongen nowe in claye.
Mightie God omnipotente,
Thou geve them harde judgmente,
That my soveraigne hath so shente,
For so I maye well saye.
Maria Salome.
Alas! nowe marred is all my mighte,
My Lorde, through whom that I was lighte,
Shamfullye slayne here in my sighte;
My sorowe is aye unsoughte.
Seith I have no other righte,
Of thes devilles that have my Lorde so dighte,
To balme his bodye that is so brighte
Boyste heare have I broughte.
Maria Magdelena.
Sister, which of us everye one
Shall remove this greate stonne
That lyeth my sweete Lorde upon,
For move it I ney maie.
Maria Jacobi.
Sister, maisterye it is non:
It seemes to me as he were gone,
For on the sepulcher sitteth one,
And the stonne awaie.
Maria Salome.
Towe children here I see sittinge,
All of whyte is ther clothinge,
And the stone besydes lyinge:
Goe we nere and see.

Tunc ibunt et aspicient in sepulcrum,.

Primus Angellus
What seeke you, women, here
With wepinge and unlikinge cheare?
Jesus, that to you was deare,
Is risen, leeve you me.
Secundus Angellus
Be not afrayde of us in feare.
For he is wente, withouten were,
As he before cane you lere,
Fourth into Gallalye.
Primus Angellus
This is the place, therefore be payde,
That Jesus our Lorde was in layde,
But he is risen, as he sayde,
And hense wente awaie.
Secundus Angellus
Hye you for oughte that maye befall,
And tell his disciples all,
And Petter also saye you shall,
Ther fynde hym that you maye.
Maria Magdelena.
A! hye we faste for anye thinge,
And tell Petter this tydinge,
A blessedfull worde we maye hym bringe,
South yf that it were.
Maria Jacobi.
Yea, walke thou, sister, by on waye,
And we another shall assaye,
Tell we have mette with hym to daie,
My worthy Lorde so deare.

Tunc discedent et paulisper circumambulabunt, el tunc obvient discipulis Petro et Johanni; et dicat Maria Magdelena.

Maria Magdelena.
A! Petter and John, alas! alas!
Ther is befallne a woundorous case;
Some man my Lorde stollne has,
And put hym I wote not where.
What, is he removed out of the place
In the which he buryed was?
Maria Magdelena.
Yea, sicker, all my solace
Is gone and is not their.
Johannes Evangelist.
Petter, goe we theider anon,
Roninge as faste as we can,
To loke who hath removed the stonne,
And wheither he be awaie.
Abyde, brother, sweete John,
Leste we meete with anye fonne;
But nowe I se no other wonne,
To ronne I will assaye.

Tunc ambo simul concurrent, sed Johannes procurret citius Petro, et non intrant sepulchrum.

A! Petter, brother, in good faye,
My Lorde Jesu is awaye!
But his shouldarye, south to saye,
Lyinge here I fynde.
By it selfe, as thou se maye,
Farre from all other clothes it laye;
Nowe Maryes wordes are south vereye,
As we maie have in mynde.
Yea, but, as God kepe me from woe!
Into the sepulcher I will goe,
To loke yf it be vereye soe,
As Marye to us can saye.

Tunc introibit in sepulchrum;

A! Lorde, blessed be thou ever and oo,
For as thou toulde me and other moe,
I fynde thou haste overcomon our foe,
And risen arte, in good faye.

Tunc Petrus lamentando dicat.

A! Lor[d]e, how shall I do for shame,
That hath deserved so moche blame,
To forsake thy holye name,
To meete with thee by anye waie.
I that in pennance and greate anoye
My sweete Lorde forsocke thrye,
Save endlise hope of his mercye,
Therto truste I maie.
For ney it were his greate grace,
And sorrowe of harte that in me was,
Worse I were then Judas was,
My Lorde so to forsake.
Petter, comforte thee in this case,
For suerlie my Lorde Jesu accepted hase,
Greate repentance for thy treasspas
My Lorde in harte will take.
Goe we seeke Jesu anon in hye,
On waie thou, another waie I.
Yea, well I hope through his mighte
My pennance shall hym please.

Tunc abeunt, hie per aliam viam, Me per alteram. Mulieres venient.

Maria Magdelena.
Hense will I never, sickerlye,
Tell I be comforted of myne anoye,
And knowe where he is readelye,
Here will I sitte and weepe.
Primus Angellus
Woman, why wepeste thou soe, aye I
Maria Magdelena.
Sonne, for my Lorde is taken awaie,
And I wotte not where, the south to saye:
Who hath donne that thinge!
Alas! why were I not deade to daie,
Cloughte and clongen under claye,
To see my Lorde that heare laye
Onste at my likinge?

Finis. Deo gracias! per me, Georgi Bellin. 1592.

Come, Lorde Jesu, come quicklye. 1592.

2023 Sep 26  11:45:55