The Tanners Playe

beinge the ....

[Pagina prima de celi, angelorum, et infirne sp'un creacion (sic) paginal]

Ego sum alpha et o, primus et ultimus.
It is my will yt shoulde be soe,
Hit is, yt was, it shalbe thus:
I am greate God gracious,
Which never hade beginninge.
The wholle foode of parente
Is sette in my essencion;
I am the try all of the Trenitye,
Which never shalbe twyninge;
Pearles patron imperiall,
And patris sapiencia.
My beames be all bewtitude,
All blesse is in my buildinge,
All myrth lyeth in mansuetude
Cum del potentia.
Bouth viscible and inviscible,
As God greateste and glory ous,
All is in mea licentia;
For all the mighte of the magistie
Is magnified, in me:
Prince, principall, provyde
Tn my perpetuall provydense.
I was never but one,
And ever one in three,
Sette in my substanciall sout lines,
Which, in selestiall sapience,
The three tryalles in a throne,
And trewe Trenitie,
Be grounded in my God heade,
Exsaulted by my excelencye.
The mighte of my makinge is marked in me,
Dissohemus under a dieadem,
By my devyne experiens.
Nowe seith I am soe solempe,
And sett in my solotacion,
A biglye blesse heare will I builde,
A heaven without endinge,
And caste a comlye compas,
By comlye creacion,
Nine orders of angelles
Be ever at onste dese[ndinge.]
Doe your indever, a[nd doubte you not,]
Under my domyn[acion,]
[To sytt in celestiall saftye:]
[All solace to your sendinge.]
[For all the likeinge in this lordshipp]
[Be laude to my laudacion;]
[Through might of] my moste magistie,
[Your meirth shall] ever be mendinge.
Lorde, through thy mighte thou haste us wroughte
Nine orderes heare, that we maye see,
Cherubyn and Seraphyn through thy grace,
Thrones and dominaciones in blesse to be,
With principates that order brighte,
And potestates in blissful lighte,
Alsoe vertutes through thy greate mighte,
Angell, also arckeangele.
Nine orderes nowe heare be witterlye,
That thou haste made heare full righte;
In thy blesse full brighte the be,
And I the principall, Lorde, heare in thy sighte.
Heare have I you wroughte, with heavenly mighte,
Of angelles nine orderes of greate bewtye;
Ich one with other, as it is righte,
To walke aboute the Trenitie:
Nowe, Lucifier and Lightborne, loke lowlye you be,
The blessinge of my begyninge
I geve to my operacion.
For crafte nor for cuninge,
[Cas]te never comprehencion;
Ausculte you not to excelente,
Into highe exsaltacion;
Loke that you tende rightewislye;
For hense I wilbe wendinge.
The worlde, that is bouth voyde and vayne,
I forme in the formacion,
With a dongion of darckenes,
Which never shall have endinge.
This worcke is nowe well wroughte
[By my] devyne formacion;
[This wjorcke is well donne,
[That is] soe cleane and cleare,
[As I you] made of naughte:
[My blessinge] I geve you heare.
[Wee thanke thee, Lorde,] full soveraignlye,
[That us hath formed soe] cleane and cleare,
[Ever in this blesse to byde] thee bye;
[Graunte us thy grace ever to] byde heare.
Heare for to byde God grante [us grace;]
To please this prince withouten [peare,]
Hym for to thanke with some solace,
A songe nowe lett us singe in feare.

a songe Dignus Dei.

Nowe seeinge I have formed you soe fayer,
And exaulted you so excelente,
And heare I sett you nexte my cheare,
My love to you is soe fervente.
Loke you fall not in not dispayer;
Touch not my throne by non assente:
All youer bewtye I shall appayre,
And pryde fall oughte in youer intente.
Naye, Lorde, that will we not indeede,
For nothinge treasspass unto thee;
Thy greate God-heade we will ever dreed,
And never exsaulte our selfes soe hye.
Thou haste us marked with greate mighte and mayn,
In thy blesse ever more to byde and be,
In lastinge life our life to leade,
And bearer of lighte thou haste made me.
And I am marcked of that same moulde:
Lovinge be to our Creator,
That us hath made gayer then goulde,
Under his dyeadem ever to induer.
I have forbyde that ye nere shoulde
But kepe you well in that stature;
The same coveinant I charge you houlde,
In payne of heaven your forfature;
For I will wende and take my trace,
And see this blesse in everye tower.
Iche one of you kepe well his place,
And, Lucifier, I make thee governoure:
No we I charge the grounde of grace,
That it be sette with my order;
Behoulde the beanies of my brighte face,
Which ever was and shall induer.
This is youer health in everye case,
To behoulde youer Creature:
Was never non like me so full of grace,
Nor never shall as my figure.
[Here will I] byde no we in this place,
[To be] angelles comforture;
[To be] reviscible in shorte space,
[It is] my will in this same owre.
Aha! that I am wounderous brighte,
Amonge you all shynning full cleare;
Of all heaven I beare the lighte,
Though God hym selfe and he were heare.
All in this throne yf that I were,
Then shoulde I be as wyse as hee:
What saye you, angelles, all that be heare?
Some comforte sone nowe lett me see.
AVe will not assente unto youer pryde,
Nor in our hartes take suche a thoughte;
But that our Lorde slialbe our guyde,
And kepe that he to us hath wroughte.
Our Lorde commaunded all that be heare
To kepe ther seates, bouth more and lesse;
Therfore I warne the, Lucifier,
This pryde will tome to greate destresse.
Destres! I commaunde you for to cease,
And see the bewtye that I beare;
All heaven shines through my brightnes,
For Grod hym selfe shines not so cleare.
Off all angelles you beare the prise,
And moste bewtye is you befall;
My counscell is that you be wise,
That you bringe not youer selfes in thrall.
Yf that ye in thrall you bringe,
Then shall you have a wicked fall;
And also youer ofspringe,
Awaye with you the shall all.
Our brethrens counscell is good [to here,]
To you I saye, Lucifier and Lightborne;
Wherfore be ware you of this cheare,
Leste that you have a fowle spurne.
In fayth, brother, yett you shall
Sitte in this throne, that is cleane and cleare.
That ye mighte be as wise withall
As God hym selfe, yf he were heare;
Therfore you shalbe sette heare,
That all heaven maye you behoulde,
The brightnes of youer bodye cleare
Is brighter then God a thousande foulde.
Alas! that bewtye will you spill;
Yf you kepe it all in youer thoughte,
Then will pryde have all his will,
And bringe youer brightnes all to naughte.
Lett it passe out of youer thoughte,
And caste awaye all wicked pryde,
And kepe youer brightnes to you is wroughte,
And lett our Lorde be all our guyde.
Alas! that pryde is the walle of bewtye,
That tomes youer thoughte to greate offence:
The brightnes of youer fayer bodye
Will make you to goe hense.
Goe hense! behoulde, seniors, one everye syde,
And unto me you caste youer eyne:
I charge you, angelles, in this tyde
Behoulde and see nowe what I meane.
Above greate God I will me guyde,
And sette my selfe heare as I wene;
I am pearles and prince of pryde,
For God hvm selfe shines not soe shene.
Heare will I sitte nowe in his steade,
To exsaulte my selfe in this same [see;]
Behoulde my bodye, handes, and [head;]
The mighte of God is marcked [in mee;]
All angelles torne to me, I read,
And to youer soverigne kn[eele one your knee:]
[I ame your] comforte, bouth lorde and heade,
[The meirth] and mighte of the magistie.
And I am nexte of the same degree,
Repleth by all exsperience:
Me thinkes yf I mighte sitt hym by,
All heaven shoulde doe us reverence.
All orderes maye assente to thee and me;
Thou haste them torned by eloquence:
And heare were nowe the Trenitie,
We shoulde hym passe by our fullgens.
Alas! why make you this greate offence?
Bouth Lucifier and Lightborne, to you I saye,
Our sovereigne Lorde will have you hense,
And he fynde you in this araye.
Goe to youer seates, and wende you hense;
You have begone a parlous playe;
You shall well witte the subsequens,
This daunce shall torne to teene and traye.
I reade you all, doe me reverence,
That am repleath with heavenlye grace.
Though God come, I will not hence,
But sitte righte heare before his face.
Saye, what araye doe you make heare I
Whoe is youer prince and principall?
I made thee angell and Lucifier,
And heare thou wouldeste be lorde over all:
Therfore, I charge this order cleare
Faste from this place loke that you fall;
Full soone I shall chaunge youer cheare;
For youer fowle pryde to hell you shall!
Lucifier, who sett thee heare when I was goo?
What have I offended unto thee?
[I] made thee my frinde, thou art my fooe;
[Why] haste thou treasspased this to me?
[Above] all angelles ther were noe moe
[That sitt] so nighe my magistie.
[I charge] you all, falle tell I byde whoo,
[Into the de]epe pitte of hell ever to be.
Nowe Lucifier and [Lightborne fall].
Primus demon
Alas! that ever we were wroughte!
That we shoulde come into this place!
We were in joye, nowe we be naughte.
Alas! we have forfeted our grace.
Secundus demon
And even neither thou haste us broughte,
Into the dongion to take our trace;
All this sorowe thou haste us soughte:
The devill maye speade thy stinckinge face.
Primus demon
My face, false feature, for thy fare,
Thou haste us broughte to teene and traye;
I cumber, I counger, I kindle in care,
I sincke in sorowe, what shall I saye?
Secundus demon
Thou haste us broughte this wicked waye,
Through thy mighte and thy pryde,
Out of the blesse that lasteth [aye,]
In sorowe ever more for to abyde.
Primus demon
Thy wytte yt was as well as myne,
Of that pryde that we did shewe,
And nowe bene heare in hell fier,
Tell the daye of dome, tell beames blowe.
Secundus demon
Then shall we never wante for woe,
But lye heare like towe feendes blacke.
Alas! that we ever did forgette soe
That lordes love to lose that did us make!
Primus demon
And therfore I shall for his sake
Shewe mankinde greate envye;
As sone as ever he can hym make,
I shall sende hym to destroye.
[One of myne] order shall he be,
[To make] mankinde to doe amisse;
[RufF]yne, my frinde fayer and freey,
[Lok]e that thou kepe mankinde from blesse.
That I and my fellowes fell downe for aye,
He will ordeyne mankinde againe
In blesse to be in greate araye,
And we ever more in hell paine.
Secundus demon
Out! harrowe! wher is our mighte
That we were wounte to shewe,
And in heaven bare so greate lighte!
And nowe we be in hell full lowe!
Primus demon
Out, alas! for woo and wickednes,
That I am soe faste bounde in this cheare,
And never awaie hense shall passe,
But lye in hell allwaye heare.
A! wicked pryde, a! wooe worth thee, woo!
My meirth thou haste made amisse;
I maye well suffer, my will is not soe,
That the shoulde parte this from my blesse.
A! pryde! why mighte thou not barste in towe?
Why did the that, why did the thus?
Behoulde, my angelles, pryde is youer fooe,
All sorowe shall shewe wher soe ever yt is.
And though the have brocken my commaundment,
Me rues it sore full soveraignlye:
Nevertheles, I will have my intente,
That I firste thoughte, yett soe will I.
I and towe persons be at one assente,
A solempne matter for to trye:
A full fayer image we have i-mente,
That the same seede shall multiplie.
In my blessinge, heare I begine
The fyrste that shalbe to my paye;
Lightnes and darcknes I byde you tweyne,
The darcke to be Nighte, the lighte to be Daie;
[Keepe] youer course for more or myne,
[And] suffer not to you, I saye,
[But save] youer selfe bouth out and in,
[That is my] will, and will allwaye.
As I have made you all of [noughte,]
Att myne owine wyshinge,
My firste daye heare have I [wroughte,]
I geve yt heare my blessinge.

Finis. Deo gracias! per me, George Bellin. 1592.

Come, Lorde Jesus, come quieklye.

2023 Sep 26  11:45:55