The Blackesmythes Playe

Pagina undecima de purifications beate Virginis; et dicat Semeon.

Myghtye God, have mynde of me,
That moste arte in magistie,
For manye winter have I be
Preiste in Jerusalem;
Moche teene and incommoditie6
Foloweth age, full well I see,
And nowe that fitte maie I not fleye,
Thinke me never so swene.
When I am dead and layde in claye,
Wende I muste the same waie
That Abraham wente, the south to saie,12
And in his bosome be,
But heaven blesse after my daie,
Tell Godes sonne come, the south to saye,
To ransome his folke in better araye,
To blesse come never we.
That Christe shall come, well I wotte:18
But daie nor tyme maye no man wotte,
Therfore my bokes loke I mote,
My harte to glade and lighte;
What Esaii sayth I will see,
For well I wote howe it shalbe,
And I were deade, well were me24
Of hym to have a sighte.

Tunc respiciens libi'um, legat prophetiam, Concipict el pariet

filium, ex te virgo.
A! Lorde, moche is thy power!
A wounder fynde I wrytten here,
It sayth a meden faier and cleare
Shall conseave and beare30
A sonne called Emanuell,
But of this leeve I never a deale,
It is wronge wrytten, as I have heale,
Or elles wounder were.
He that wrote this was a fone,
To wryte a virgine here upon,36
That shoulde conseave without helpe of man,
This wryttinge marvailes me;
# I will skrape this awaie anon,
Their as a virgine is wrytten on,
I will wryte, a good woman,
For so it shoulde be.42
Anna vidua
Semion, father, south I see,43
That Ohriste shall come our boote to be,
From the father in magistie,
On mankinde for to myne;
And when he cometh, leve thou me,
He will have mercye and pittie,
On his folke to make them free,49
And save them of their synne.
The tyme of his cominge knowe I naughte;
Yet manye bokes have I soughte,
But wounderlye he that this wryttinge wroughte,
And marvaile thinketh me:55
My boke to loke yf I fynde oughte,
What manner mankinde shalbe boughte,
And what tyme it shalbe.

Tunc accipiet librum, et admirando dicat:

Lorde, howe maie this be to daie,
That I wrote laste I fynde awaie,
And of redde letters in stowte araye61
A virgine wrytten theron!
Nay, hereafter I will assaie
Wheither this mirackle be vereye,
And scrape this worde written so gaye,
And wrytte, a good woman.

Tunc iterum fabricat ut antea, et dicat:

Dame Anne, thou maie see well heare,67
This is amended in good manere,
For a wounder thinge it were
To fall by anye waie;
Therfore, as it was amisse,
I have written that souther is,
That a good woman shall, i-wisse,73
Conseave, and not a maye.

Tunc ponit librum super altare, etfaciet angelus ut antea; dicat

Sir, marvile you nothinge theiron,75
For God will take kinde in man,
Through his godheade ordayne he can
A mayde a childe to beare;
For to that highe comlye kinge
Impossible is no thinge,
Therfore I leeve it no leasinge,81
But south all that is here.
Semion accipit librum.
By my faye, yet will I see,
Wheither my letters chaunged be. —
A! hie God in Trenitie,
Honoured be thou ever;87
For goulden letters, by my lewtie,
Are wrytten through Godes postie,
Since I layde my boke from me,
And my wryttinge awaie,
Ther as, a good woman, written was,
Righte here nowe before my face,93
Yet storred I not out of this place,
And my letters chaunged ys.
This must nedes be by Godes grace,
For an angell this wrytten hase,
Nowe leeve I a mayden, in this case,
Shall beare a baron of blisse.99
Nowe seith, Lorde, that it so is,
Thou wilte be borne with blisse,
Of a mayden that never did amisse,
On me, Lorde, thou have mynde;
Let me never death taste, Lorde full of grace,
Tell I have seene that childes face,105
That prophescied is here in this plase
To ever all mankinde.
Semeon, I tell thee sickerlye,108
That Godes owne ghoste am I,
Comen to warne thee witterlye,
Death shalte thou never see,
Tell thou have seene Ohriste vereye,
That borne is of mayden Marye,
And comen mankinde to for-bye,114
From God in magistie.
A! Lorde, I thanke thee of thy grace,
That thy ghoste sente to me haste!
Nowe hope I sickerlie in this place
Thy sonne for to see,120
That of a virgine muste be borne,
To save mankinde that was for-lorne,
As Esaues boke toulde me beforne.
Lorde, blessed muste thou be!
Josephe, my trewe owine fere,125
Nowe rede I, if your will were,
Seith fourtie daies are gone intier,
The temple that we goe to;
And Moyses lawe for to fulfill,
My sonne to offer Semion till:
I wote well that it is Godes will131
That we mone so doe.
Yea, Marye, though it be no nede,133
Seith thou arte cleane in thoughte and deed,
Yet it is good to do as God bade,
And worcke after his lawe;
And to the temple that we gone,
And take we with us dove byrdes towe,
Or a turckell to offer also,139
And so fulfill Godes lawe.
Rightewise Semeon, God thee see!141
Here am I comen nowe to thee,
Purified for to be,
With milde harte and meke;
Receive my sonne nowe at me,
And to my offeringe birdes three,
As falles, sire, for your degree,147
And for your office eke.
A signe I offer here also,149
Of virgine wax, as other moe,
In tockeninge shee has lived thoe
In full devocion;
And, sir Semion, leve well this,
As cleane as this waxe nowe is,
As cleane is my wife, i-wisse,155
As of all corruptcion.
Welckome, my Christe, my Savyour,
Welkome, mankindes conqueroure,
Welkome of all frute the flower,
Welkome with all my harte!161
To thee worshipe, joye, and honoure!
For nowe I see my Savyour
Is comen to see my langoure,
And bringe me into blesse.
Though I beare thee nowe, sweete wighte,
Thou ruleste me, as it is righte;167
For, through thee I have mayne and mighte
More then through waie of kinde;
Therfore a songe as I have tighte,
And laudes to thee with harte righte,
I will shewe here in thy sighte,
On me, Lorde, thou have mynde.173

Tunc cantabit, Nunc dimittis servum tuum, domine, etc.

Nowe let thy servante be
After thy worde in peace and lee,
For with my eyes nowe I see
Thou arte mankindes heale;
For thou haste ordeyned ther thy postie,
To people which thou haste pittie179
Lighteninge is comen nowe through thee,
And joye to Isarell.
And Marye, mother, to thee I saie,
Thy sonne that I have seene to daie,
Is comen, I tell thee in good faye,
For fallinge of manye a fone;185
And to releave in good araye
Manye a man, as he well maie,
In Isarell, or he wende awaie,
That shall leeve hym upon.
Manye signes he shall shewe,
In which untrewe shall not trowe,191
And suffer thou shalte manye a harde thrawe,
For soe of sorowe it shall goe;
Through my harte then men shall knowe
Thoughtes in harte on a rowe,
Of men that shall contrarye you,
And founde to worke thee woo.197
Anna vidua
And I acknowledge to thee, Lorde, heare,198
To leeve on thee through my power,
That fower skore and fower yeaire
Haste sente me mighte and grace
To leve in pennance and praier,
Nowe wote I well withouten were,
That thou arte Ohriste in godheade cleare,204
In thee whollye thou haste;
And openlye here south I saye
To all thy people that I see maie,
The which hath wayled manye a daie
After thee, our Savyoure;
That thou arte comen Christe vereye,210
This wotte I well by manye a waie,
Therfore I honoure thee for aye,
My Christe, my Creator.
Josephe, husbande leffe and deare,214
Our childe is gone upon his waie,
My harte were lighte and he were,
Let us goe seeke hym we thee praie,
For sodenlye he wente awaie,
And lefte us bouth in Jerusalem,
Greatlye in likinge manye a daie,220
That wilbe Lorde over all the realme.
Marrye, of myrthes we maie us meane,
And trewlye tell betwene us towe
Of fearlye sightes that we have seene,
Seith we came the cittie froe.
Dere Josephe, will you wende?226
Seith our childe hath bene us with,
Whom-warde I rede we hie,
He kepe us bouth from growne and greiffe,
In all the mighte that ever I maie,
For dreade of wicked companye,
Leaste anye us meete upon the waie:232
Whom-warde theirfore I rede we hie.
Primuz Doccter
Heare our reason righte on a rowe,234
You clarkes that be of greate cuninge,
Me thinkes this childe woulde learne our lawe,
He taketh greate heede to our talkinge.
You clarkes that be of greate cuninge,238
Unto my talkinge you take good heede,
My father that sitteth in magistie,
He knowes your thoughtes in worde and deed;
My father and I togeither be
In on godhead, withouten dreade,
We be bouth on in certentie,244
All thes workes to rule and reade.
Primus doccter
Heare this childe in his bourdinge,246
He weenes he kennes more then he knowes.
Certes, sonne, thou arte over yonge
By cleargye cleaine to knowe our lawes;
Therfore yf thou wouldeste never so fayne,
Futher in age then thou have drawe,
Yet arte thou never of mighte nor mayne252
To knowe as a clarke shoulde knowe.
Secundus Doccter
And thou wylte speake of Moyses lawe,254
Take good heede and thou maye se,
In case be that thou maye knowe,
Heare in this booke that wrytten be.
The kingdome of heaven is in me lighte,258
And hath me anoynted like a leche,
And geven me plaine power and mighte
The kingdome of heaven to tell and teache.
Secundus docter.
Behoulde howe he base learned our lawes,
And he learned never on boke to reade:264
Me thinkes he saies suttill sawes,
And vereye truth, yf you take heede.
Tercius Doccter
Let hym wende fourth on his wayes,267
For and he dwell, withouten dreade,
The people will sone hym praise,
Well more then us for all our deedes.
Primuz Doccter
This is nothinge to my intente,271
Suche speache to spende I rede we spare,
And welde in worlde as I have mente,
Yet founde I never so vereye a fare.
Secundus Doccter
By matters that this childe hath mente,275
To knowe our lawes lesse and more,
Out of heaven I hope hym sente
Into the yeairth to salve our sore.
You that be maysters of Moyses lawe,279
And worthy doccters of greate degree,
On commaundmente to me you shewe
That God on yeairth bade kepte shoulde be.
Primuz Doccter
I reade this is the firste byddinge,283
And is the moste in Moyses lawe,
To love our God above all thinge,
With all our mighte and all our lawe,
That for to doe loke you be bayne,287
With all your harte with good intente,
Take you not his name in vaine,
This is my fathers comaundmente.
Also you honor your holye daie,
No worckes save almes deedes you doe.
These three, the certen for to saie,293
The firste table belonge unto.
Also, father and mother worshipe aye;
Take no mans goodes againste the righte;
Also all false wittnes you put awaie;
And slea no man by daie nor nighte;
Envye doe by no woman,299
To doe her shame by nighte nor daie;
Other mens wyffes desier you note,
All suche desiers you put awaie;
Loke you doe not steale nighte nor daie,
What so ever to you be lente;
Thes wordes understande you maye,305
The are my fathers commaundmente.
Tercius Doccter
Sires, this childe of mickell prise,307
Which is yonge and tender of age,
I houlde hym from the highe justice,
To wyne againe our heritage.
Nowe blessed be he that us neither broughte,311
In lande lives non so lighte,
Se wher he sittes which we have soughte,
Amonge vender masters mickell of mighte.
Goe fourth, Joseph, on your waie,
And fatche our sonne, and let us fare,
That sitteth with yender doccters gaye,317
For we have hade of hym greate care.
Marye, wife, thou wotteste righte well,319
That I muste all my travile teene,
With men of mighte I can not melle,
That sitteth so gaye in furres fyne.
My worthy sonne to me so deare,323
Wee have thee soughte wounder wyde,
I am righte gladde that thou arte heare,
That we have found thee in this tyde.
Mother, full ofte I toulde you till,327
My fathers worckes for waile or wo
Heither was I sente for to fulfill,
That muste I nedes doe or I goe.
Thy sayinge, sonne, as have I heale,331
I can nothinge understande,
I shall thinke on them full well,
And founde to doe that you commaunde,
Nowe have you harde all in this place,335
That Christe is comon through his grace,
As hollye Esau prophescied hase,
And Semion hath hym sende;
Leve you well this lordes of mighte,
And kepe you all his lawes arighte,
That you maye in his blisse so brighte341
Ever more with hym live.

Finis. Deo gracias! per me Georgi Bellin.

Come, Lorde Jesu, come quicklye. 1592.

2023 Sep 26  11:45:55