The Dyars Playe

Pagiua vieesima tercia de adventu Avtechristi: dicit

De celso throno poll, pollens clarior sole,1
Age vos monstrare, descendi wsjudicare;
Reges et principes sunt subditi sub me viventes;
Sitis sapientes vos, semper in me credentes,
Et faciam flentes gaudere atque dolentes;
Sic omnes gentes gaudebunt in me sperantes.
Descendi presens rex pius et perlustrator,7
Princeps eternus tocor, Christies, tester sahator.
All leedes in lande nowe be lighte,
That wilbe ruled throughout the righte,
Your savyour nowe in your sighte
Heare maye you safflye see;
Messias, Christe, and moste of mighte,13
That in the lawe was you beheighte,
All mankinde to joye to dighte
Is comen, for I am he.
Of me was spocken in prophesye,
Of Moyses, David, and Esay,
I am he the calle Messye,19
Forbyear of Isarell.
Those that leeve on me steadfastlye
I shall them save from anoye,
And joye righte as have I
With them I thinke to deale.
De me enim dicitur Ezechiel. tricesimo sexto: Tollam vos
de genlibus, et congregabo vos de universis lerris, et
reducam vos in terrain vestram: et dicit
But on hath ligged me here in lande,
Jesu he heighte I understande,
To further falsehoode he can founde,
And farde with fantasye;31
His wickednes he woulde not wound,
Tell he was tacken and put in bande,
And slayne through vertue of my sound,
This is south sickerlye.
My people of Jewes he coulde twayne,
That ther lande came the never in,37
On them nowe muste I myne,
And restore them againe;
To builde this temple will I not blene,
As God honoured be theirin,
And endles wayle I shall them wyn,
All that to me be bayne.43
De me enim dicitur in psalmo: adarabo ad templum sanc-
tum tuum in timore tuo: et dicat
One thinge me glades, be you boulde,
As Danyell, the prophette, before me toulde,
All wemen in worlde me love shoulde,
And their fairenes to founde;49
This prophescye I shall well houlde,
Which is moste likinge to yonge and oulde,
I thinke faste manye to houlde,
And their fairenes to founde.
Also he toulde them, leeve you me,
That I of geiftes shoulde be freey,55
Which prophecye clone shalbe,
When I my realme have wonnan.
And that I shoulde graunte mercye,
Rived riches, lande and fee,
Yt shalbe done that you shall see,
When I am neither comon.61
Dabit eis potestatem, et multis terram dividil gratuito.
Danielis decimo tercio: et dicit
What save you, kinges that heare be lente?
Are not my wordes at your assente,
That I am Christe omnipotente?
Leeve you not this eichone?67
Primuz rex
We leven, lorde, withouten lette,68
That Christe is not comen yette.
Yf thou be he, thou shalbe sette
In temple as God above.
Secundus rex
Yf thou be Christe, called Messye,72
That from our balle shall us bye,
Doe before us maysterye,
A signe that we maie see.
Tercius rexe.
Then will I leeve that it is soe,
Yf thou doe wounders or thou goe,78
So that thou save us of our woe,
Then honoured shall thou be.
Fowle have we leeved manye a yeaire?
And of our weninge manye a were;83
And thou be Christe nowe comon heare,
Then maye thou stinte all striffe.
That I am Christe and Christe wilbe,86
By verrye signes you shall see,
For dead men, through my postie,
Shall rise from death to life.
Nowe will I tome all through my thoughte
Treyes downe the rootes up righte,
That is marvayle to your sighte,92
With frute growing upon.
So shall the grooe and multiplie,
Through my mighte and my maisterye,
I put you out of heresye
To leeve me uppon.
And bodyes that bene dead and slayne,98
Yf I maye rayse them up againe,
Then honoures me with might and mayne,
Then shall no man you greve.
For south then after will I dye,
And rise againe through my postie,
Yf I maye doe this marvelouslye;104
I rede you on me leeve.
Men buryed in graves you maye se,
What maisterye is nowe hope ye,
To rayse them up through my postie,
And all through my owne accorde I
Wheither I in my godheade be,110
By vereye signes you shall see:—�
Rise up dead men and honour me,
And knowe me for your lorde.

Tunc resurgent mortui de sepulcris.

lorde, to thee I aske mercy e;
I was dead, but live I;116
Nowe wotte I well and witterlye,
That Christe is neither come.
Hym honoure we and all men,
Devoutlye knelinge on our knye,
Worshipped be thou ther, amen,122
Christe our name is comen.
That I shall fulfill whollye wrytten,124
You shall wotte and knowe well it,
For I am walle [of] wayle and witte,
And lorde of everye lande;
And as the prophette Sophanye
Speakes of me righte witterlye,
I shall rehearse readelye130
That clarke shall understande.
Expecta me in die resurrectionis mee in fulurum,
quia judicium ut congregem gentes el colli gam
regna. Sophon. 3.

Nowe will I dye, that you shall see,
And rise againe through my postie,136
I will in grave that you put me,
And worshipe me aloone;
For in this temple a tombe is made,
Therin my bodye shalbe layde,
Then will I rise as I have sayde,
Take teene to me ichone.142
And after my resurrexcion,
Then will I sitte in greate renowne,
And my ghoste sende to you downe,
In forme of fier full soone.
I dye, I dye! nowe am I deade!
Primus rexe
Nowe seith this worthy lorde is dead,148
And his grace is with us lead,
To take his bodye it is my read,
And burye it in a grave.
Secundus rexe
For south and so he to us sayde,152
In a tombe he woulde be layde,
Nowe goe we fourth all in a brcade,
From destres he maie us save.

Tunc transeunt ad Antichrist um.

Tercius rex
Take we the bodye of this sweete,156
And burye it loe under the greete.
Nowe, lorde, eomforte us we thee beseeke,
And sende us of thy grace.
Quartus rex
And yf he rise sone through his mighte,160
From death to life, as he behighte,
Hym will I honoure daye and niglite,
As God in everye place.

Tunc recedent de tumulo usque ad terram.

Primus rex
Nowe wote I well that he is dead,164
For nowe in grave we have liym layde;
Yf he rise, as he hath sayde,
He is of full greate mighte.
Secundus rex
I can not leeve hym uppon,168
But yf he rise hym selfe alone,
As he hath sayde to manye a one,
And shewe hym heare in sighte.
Tercius rex
Tell that my savyour be risen againe,172
In faith my harte maye not be fayne,
[My body eke will not be bayne,]
Tell I hym see with eye.
Quartus rexe
I muste mourne with all my mayne,176
Tell Ohriste were risen up againe,
And of that mirackle make us fayne:
Rise up, lorde, that we maye see.

Tunc Antichristm levat corpus suum surgcns a mortuis.

I rise nowe! reverense nowe doc to me,180
God glorified, created of degree;
Yf I be Christe, nowe leeve you me,
And worke after my will.
Primus rex
lorde, welckome moste thou be,184
That thou arte God nowe leeve we,
Therforc goc sitte up in thy see,
And kepe our sacrifice.
Secundus rex
For south, in seate thou shalbe sette,188
And honoured with lande greate,
As Moyses lawe that lasteth yette,
As he hath sayde before.
Tercius rex
gracious lorde, goe sytte downe then,192
And we shall kneele upon our k[n]ene,
Worshipe thee as thy owne men,
And worke after thy lore.

Tunc ascendil Antichrist us ad cathedram.

Heither we be comen with good intente
To make our sacrifice, lorde excelente,
With this lambe that I have heare hente,198
Kneelinge thee before;
Thou graunte grace to doe and saye,
And yf it be pleasinge to thee aye,
To thy blesse that come we maye,
And never from it be borne.
A! lorde, I God, I highe justice,204
I Christe that made the dead to rise,
Here I receive your sacrifice,
And blesse you fleshe and fell.

Tunc recedent ab Antichristo.

I will nowe sende my holye ghoste,
You kinges also you I tell,
To knowe me lorde of mightes moste,210
Of heaven, eairth, and hell.

Tunc emittit spirit turn dicens, Dabo vobis cor novum el spiritum novum in medio vestri.

Quartus rex
A God! a lorde! raickell of mighte,212
This holye glioste is in me pighte,
Me thinkes my harte is vereye lighte,
Seith it came into me.
Primuz rex
Lorde, we thee honour daie and nighte,216
For thou sheweste us in sighte,"
Righte as Moyses us behighte,
Honoured muste thou be.
Yet worthy workes to your will220
Of prophescye I shall fulfill,
As Danyell prophescyed untill,
That baundes I shoulde devise.
That prophescye yt shalbe clone,
And that you shall see righte sone;
Worshipes me all that you mon,226
And doe after the wise.
You kinges, I shall advanse you all,
And because your regions be but small,
Citties, castilles shall you befall,
With townes and tow res gaye.
I am vereye God of mighte,232
All thinges I made through my mighte,
Sonne and mone, daie and nighte,
To blesse I maie you bringe;
And the geiftes that I behighte,
You shall have, as is good righte;
Hense or I goe out of your sighte,238
Eichone shall knowe his dole.
To thee I geve Lombardye,
And to thee Denmarke and Hongarye,
And take thou Ponthous and Italye,
And Rome yt shalbe thyne.
Secundus rex
Graunte mercye, lorde, your giftes to daie,244
Honour we will thee allwaie,
For we were never so riche, in good faye,
Nor non of all our kynne.
Therfore be trewe and steadfaste aye,248
And trewlye leeves on my lawe;
For I will harcken on you to daye,
Steadfaste if I you fynde.
Tvnc recedet Antichristus, et venient Enocke et Elias.
Allmightie God in magistie,253
That made the heaven and eirth to be,
Fier, watter, stonne, and tree,
And man through thy mighte;
The poyntes of thy previtie
Anye eirthlye man to see
Is inpossible, as thinkes me,259
For anye worldlye wighte.
Gracious lorde, that arte so good,
That who so longe in fleshe and blood
Hath graunted life and heavenlye foode,
Lett never our thoughtes be defiled;
But geve us, Lorde, mighte and mayne,265
Or we of this shrewe be slavne,
To converte thy people againe,
That he hath thus begiled.
Synce the worldes begininge,
I have lived in greate likinge,
Through helpe of highe heavenlye kinge,271
In Parradice without anoye;
Tell we harde tockeninge
Of this theives cominge,
That nowe in eirth is raigninge,
And doth Godes folkes destroye.
To Parradise tacken I was that tyde,277
This thiffes cominge to abvde,
And Helye, my brother here bysyde,
Was after sente to me;
With this champion we muste chyde,
That nowe in worlde walketh wyde,
To disprove his pompe and pride,283
And payer all his postie.
Lorde, that madeste all thinge,285
And longe hath lente us levinge,
Lette never the devilles power springe,
This man hath hym with in;
God geve you grace bouth ould and yonge.
To knowe deceate in his doinge,
That you maye come to that likinge291
Of blesse that never shall blyne.
I warne you all men witterlye,
This is Enocke, I am Elye,
Be comen his errores to destroye,
That he nowe to you shewes.
He calles hym Christe and Messye,297
He lyes for south apeartelye,
He is the devill you to anoye,
And for non other hym knowes.
Primuz rex
A! men, what speake you of Helye301
And Enocke? the bene bouth in companye;
Of our blood the bene witterlye,
And we bene of their kinde.
Quartus rex
We reden in bookes of our lawe,305
That the to heaven were i-drawe,
And yet bene their, is the comen sawe,
Wrytten as men maye fynde.
We bene those men, for south i-wisse,309
Comen to tell you doe amisse,
And bringe you soules to heaven blesse,
Yf it were anye boote.
This devilles lyme that comon is,313
That saith heaven and eirth is his,
Nowe we be readye, leeve you this,
Againste hym for to mote.
Primuz rex
Yf that we heare witte mone,317
By proufFes of disputacion,
That you have skill and reason,
With you we will abyde.
Secundus rex
Yf your skilles maie doe hym downe,321
To dye with you we wilbe bowne,
In hope of salvacion,
What so ever betyde.
To doe hym downe we shall assaye,325
Through mighte of Jesu borne of a maye,
By righte and reason, as you shall saye,
And that you shall well heare;
And for that cause heither we be sente,
By Jesu Christe omnipotente,
And that you shall not al be shente,331
He boughte you all full deare.
Be glade therfore, and make you cheare,
And I doe read, as I do lere,
For we be comen in good mannere
To save you everye one.
And dread you not for that selfe fende,337
For you shall see him caste behynde,
Or we departe or from hym wende,
And shame shall lighte hym one.
Et sic transibunt Enocke et Helias ad Antichristum.
Saye, thou verreye devilles Lyme,
That syttes so grisslye and so gryme,343
From hym thou came and shall to hym,
For manye a soule thou deceives;
Thou haste deceived men manye a daie,
And made the people to thy paie,
And bewiched them into a wronge waye,
Wickedlye with thy willes.349
A! false features, you from me fleyne,350
Am not I moste in majestie?
What men dare name them thus to me,
Or make such distance?
Fye on thee, feature, fie on thee!354
The devilles owine nurrye;
Through hym thou preacheste and has postie
A while through sufferance.
you ippocrittes, that so cryne,358
Lossilles, lurdenes, so loudlye lyne,
To spill my lawe you spine,
That speache is good to spare.
You that my trewe faith defyne,
And needles my folke devyne,
From hense hastelye but you hyne,364
To you comes sorowe and care.
Thy sorowe and care come on thy heade,366
For falslye through thy wicked read,
The people is put to paine;
I woulde thy bodye were from thy heade,
Twentye miles from it leade,
Tell I it broughte againe.
Out on thee, rasarde, with thy wiles,372
For falslye my people thou begyles,
I shall thee hastelye honge;
And that lurden that standes thee by,
He puttes my folke in greate anoye
With his false flatteringe tonge.
But I shall teach you curtesye,378
Your Savyour to knowe anon in hye,
False theifes, with your heresye,
And yf you dare abyde.
Yes, for south, for all thy pryde,382
Through grace of God allmight,
Here we purpose for to abyde;
And all the worlde that is so wyde
Shall wounder on thee on everye syde,
Soone in all mens sighte.
Out on you, theifes bouth towe!388
Ech man may se you be soe,
All by youer araye,
Muffled in mantilles non such I knowe,
I shall make you lowte full loe,
Or I departe you all froo,
To knowe me lorde for aye.394
We be no theifes, we thee tell,395
Thou false feynde comen from hell;
With thee we porpose for to mell,
My ffellowe and I in feare;
To knowe thy power and thy mighte,
As we thes kinges have beheighte,
And therto we be readye dighte,401
That all men maye nowe heare.
My mighte is moste, I telle to thee;403
I dyed, I rose, through my postie,
That all thes kinges sawe with ther eye,
And everye man and wife;
And myrackles and marvayles I did also.
I counscell you therfore bouth towe
To worshipe me and no moe,409
And lett us nowe no more strive.
The were no mirackles, but marvayles thinges,411
That thou shewed unto thes kinges,
[Into falsehood thou them bringes,]
Through the feyndes crafte;
And as the flower nowe springes,
Falleth, faith, and hanges,
So thy joye it raignes,417
That shalbe from thee rafte.
Out on thee, theiffe, that sittes so still!419
Why wylte thou not speake them tyll,
That comen me to reprove?
lorde maister, what shall I saye then?422
I beshrewe bouth thy kenne,423
Arte thou nowe for to kene I
In faith I shall thee greeve.
Of my godheade I made thee wise,
And sette thee ever at mickell prise,
Nowe I woulde feile thy good advise,
And heare what thou wouldeste saye.429
Thes lossilles the woulde fayne me greve,
And no thinge on me the wil beleeve,
But ever be readye me to reprove,
And all the people of my lawe.
O lorde, thou arte so mickell of inighte,434
Me thinke thou shoulde nc chide ne feightc,
But curse them, lorde, through thy mighte,
Then shall the fare full ylle.
For thoes thou blesses the shall well speede,
And thoes whom thou curses the are but dead;
This is my counscell and my reade,440
Yender heritickes for to spille.
The same I purposed, leeve thou me,442
All thinges I knowe through my postie,
But yette thy witte I thoughte to see,
That was myne intente:
It shalbe done full witterlye,
The sentence geven full openlye,
With my mouth trewlye,448
Upon them shalbe hente. —
My curse I geve you to amend your meeles,
From your heade unto your heeles;
Walke you fourth in twentie devilles waie!
Yea, thou shall never come in cells,453
For falslye with thy wyles,
The people is put in paine.
Out on you, theives! why fare you thus?456
Whether had you rather have paine or blesse?
I maye you save from all amisse;
I made the daie and eke the nighte,
And all that is on eairth growinge,
Flowers freshe that faier can springe,
And the starres that be so brighte.462
Thou lyeste, vengance on thee befalle!463
Out on thee, wreche! wrath thee I shall:
Thou calleste thee kinge and lorde of all,
A feynd is thee within.
Thou lyeste falslye, I thee tell,467
Thou wilbe dampned into hell;
I made thee man of fleshe and fell,
And all that is livinge.
For other Godes have you non,
Therfore worshipe me alone,
The which hath made the watter and stonne,473
And all at my likinge.
For south, thou lyeste falslye,475
Thou arte a feynde comen to anoye
Godes people that standes us by;
In hell I woulde thou were.
Fye on thee, fellon! fie on thee, fie!479
For all thy wichcrafte and sorcerye,
To mote with thee I am readye,
That all thes people maie heare.
Out on you, harlottes! whense come ye?483
Where have you any other Godes but me?
Yes, Christe, God in trenitie,485
Thou false feature ataynte,
That sende his sonne from heaven see,
That for mankinde dyed on roode tree,
That shall make thee full sone to fleye,
Thou feature false and faynte.
Ryballes ruled out of raye,491
What is the Trenitie for to saie,
Three persones, as thou leeve maie,493
In on godheade in free;
Father and sonne, that is no naye,
And the holye ghoste styringe aye.
That is on God vereye,
Bene all three named heare.
Out on you, theives! what sayen ye?499
Will ye have on God and three?
Howe dare you so saye?
Madmen, maddmen, leeve on me,
That am on god, so is not he;
Then maye you live in joye and lee
All this lande, I dare laye.505
Naye, tyrrante, understande thou this,506
Without begin inge his godhead is,
And also without endinge is,
Thus fullye leven wee;
And thou that ingendred was aniisse,
Haste begininge, and nowe this blesse
An ende shall have, no dread their is,512
Fully fowle, as men shall see.
Wreches, glowes, you be blente,514
Godes sonne I am from hym sente:
Howe dare you mentayne your intente,
Seith he and I be one?
Have I not, since I came hym froe,
Made the dead to rise and goe,
And to men I sente my ghoste also,520
That leeve me uppon?
Fie on thee, fellon! fie on thee, fie!522
For through his mighte and maisterye,
By sufferance of God allmightie,
The people is blente through thee.
Yf thoes men be raysed witterlye,
Without the devilles fantasye,
Here shalbe provid perfectlye,528
That all men shall see.
A! fooles, I rede you leeve me uppon,530
That mirackles have shewed to manye one,
To the people everyechone,
To put them out of doubte;
Therfore I rede you hastelye,
Con vert es to me moste mightelye,
I shall you save from anoye,536
And that I am aboute.
Nowe of thy mirackles woulde I see.538
Therfore come neither we be.539
Doe what is thy great postie,
And some therof to lere.
Sone maye you see, yf you will abyde;542
For I will neither feight ney chide,
Of all the worlde that is so wyde
Therin is not my peare.
Bringe fourth thes men heare in our sighte,546
That thou haste raysed againste the righte:
Yf thou be so mickell of mighte,
To make them eate and drinke;
For vereye God we will thee knowe,
Suche a signe yf thou will shoe,
And doe thee reverense on a roe,552
All at thy likinge.
Wreches, dampned al be ye;554
But naughte for that it falleth me,
As gracious God, abydinge be,
Yf you will mende your life.
You dead men rise through my postie,
Come eate and drinke that men maye see,
And prove me worthye of dietie,560
Soe shall we stinte all striffe.
Primus mortuus.
Lorde, thy byddinge I will doe aye,
And for to eate I will assaye.
Secundus mortuus.
And I also, all that I maye,566
Will doe thy byddinge heare.
Have heare breade bouth towe:568
But I muste blesse it or I goe,
That the feyende, mankindes foe,
On it have no power.
This breade I blesse with my hande,
In Jesus name I understande,
The which is lorde of sea and lande,574
And kinge in heaven so hye;
In nomine patris that all hath wroughte,
Etfilii mrginis that deare us boughte,
Et spiritus sancti is all my thoughte,
One God and persones three.
Primus mortuus.580
Alas! put that bread out of my sighte,
To loke on it I am not lighte;
That printe that is upon it pighte,
Hit puttes me to greate feare.
Secundus mortuus.
To loke on it I am not lighte,586
That breade to me hit is so brighte,
And is my foe daye and nighte,
And puttes me to greate dreade.
Nowe you men that have done amisse,590
You see well what his power is;
Convertes to hym I reade, i-wisse,
That you on roode hath boughte.
Tercius rex
And nowe we knowe appeartelye,594
We have bene broughte in heresye,
With you to death we will for-thy,
And never torne our thoughte.
Quartus rex
Nowe, Enocke and Helye, it is no naye,598
You have taynted the tyrrande this same daie,
Blessed be Jesu borne of a maye,
On hyin I leeve upon.
Primus rex
Thou feature, fere with fantasye,602
With sorcerye, wichcrafte, and negremonseye,
Thou haste us leade in heresye:
Fie on thy workes eichone.
Secundus rex
Jesu, for thy mickell grace,606
Forgeve us all our treaspas,
And bringe us to thy heavenlye place,
As thou arte God and man;
Nowe am I wise made through thy mighte,
Blessed be Jesu daye and nighte,
This greisslye grome greetes hyin to feighte,612
To slea us heare anon.
Tercius rex
Of our ly ves let us not reche,614
Though we be slayne of suche a wrech,
For Jesus sake, that maye us lech,
Our soules to bringe to blesse.
Quartus rex
That was well sayde, and so I assente,618
To dye for south is myne intente,
For Ohristea love omnipoteiite,
In cause that is rightewise.
A! false features, torne you nowe I622
You shalbe slayne, I make a vowe,
And thoes traytores that so torned you,
T shall make them unfayne;
That all other, by vereye sighte,
Shall knowe that I am moste of mighte,
For with this sworde I thinke to feighte,628
For all you shalbe slayne.

Tunc Antechristus occidit Enocke et Heliam et omnes reges conversos cum gladio, et redibit ad cathedram; cum dicat Michell cum gladio in dextera sua.

Michell arckeangell
Antichriste, nowe is comen this daye,630
Raigne no longer thou ne maie,
He that hath lead thee alwaie,
Nowe hym thou muste goe to.
No more men shalbe slayne by thee,
My lorde will dead that thou be,
He that hath geven thee his postie636
Thy soule shall underfoe.
In synne ingendered firste thou was,
In synne lead thy life thou haste,
In synne an ende nowe thou mase,
That marred hath manye a one.
Three yeairs and halfe on witterlye,642
Thou hast hade leave to destroye
Godes people wickedlye,
Through thy fowle reade.
Nowe thou shall knowe and witt in hie,
That more is Godes magistie,
Then eke the devilles and thyn theirby,648
Nowe thou shalbe deade.
Thou haste ever served Sathanas,
And hade his power in everye place,
Therfore thou gettes no other grace,
With hym thou muste gone.

Tunc Michell occidit Antechristum, et in occidendo clamat Antechristus, helpe! helpe! helpe! helpe!

Helpe, Sathanas and Lucifier,654
Bellsabube, bolde Balacher,
Ragnell, Ragnell, thou arte my deare,
Nowe fare I wounder evill.
Alas! alas! wher is my power!
Alas! my witte is in a were;
Nowe bodye and soule bouth in feare,660
And all goeth to the devill.

Tunc morietur Antechristus, et venient duo demones et dicunt ut sequitur.

Primus demon
Anon, maister, anon, anon!662
From hell grounde I harde thee grone;
I thought not to come my selfe aloone,
For worshipe of thyn estate;
With us to hell thou shalte gone,
For this death we make greate mone,
To wyne more soules into our pon,668
But nowe it is to late.
Secundus demon
With me thou shalte, from me thou come,670
Of me shall come thy laste dome,
For thou haste well deserved;
And through my mighte and my maisterye,
Thou haste lived in dignitie,
And manye a sowle deceivede.
Primuz demon
This bodye was gotten by myne assente,676
In cleane hordome veramente,
Of mother wombe, or that he wente,
I was hym within:
And taughte hym eever myne intente,
Synne by which he shalbe shente,
For he he did my comaundment,682
His soule shall never blyne.
Secundus demon
Nowe, felowe, in faith, greate mone we maie make,684
For this lorde of estate that standeth in this stead,
Many a fatt morscell we hade for his sake
Of soules that shoulde bene hange in hel by the head.

[Tunc aufertur corpus Antechristi a demonibus.

Demon primus
His soule with sorrow in hand have I hent;688
Yea, penance and payne sone shall he feele.
To Lucifer that lord it shall be present,
That burne shall as a brand, his sorrow shall not feele.
Demon secundus
This procter of prophesy hath procured many one692
In his lawes for to leeve and lose for his sake;
Ther soules bene in sorrow, and his shall be sone,
Such maystryes through my might many one do I make.
Postquam demones loquuti fuerint, resurgent Eenoch et Helias ab
Antechristo cesi, et auditoribus status suos commonstrabunt.
Demon primus
With Lucifer that lord long shall he lenge,698
In a seat ave with sorrow with him shall he svtt.
Demon secundus
Yea by the heeles in hell shall he henge,700
In a dongeon deep right in hell pitt.]
Primuz demon
To helle will I hye without anye fay[l]e702
With this presente of price theither to bringe.
Secundus demon
Thou take hym by the toppe and I by the tayle,704
A sorowfull sono-e in faith he shall sinsre.
[Demon primus
A! fellow, a dole looke that thou now deale
To all this fayr company, hence er thou wend.
Demon secundus
Yea, sorrow and care ever shall they feele,709
All sinnfull shall dwell in hell at ther last ende.]
A! lorde that all shall leade,711
And bouth deme the quicke and dead,
That reverence thee thou on them read,
And them through righte releved.
I was deade and righte here slayne,
But through thy mighte and thy mayne,
Thou haste me raysed up againe;717
Thee will I love and leeve.
Yea, lorde, blessed muste thou be!719
My fleshe glorified no we I see,
Witte ner sleighte againste thee
Conspired maye be by noe waie.
All that leve in thee steadfastlye,
Thou helpes, lorde, from all anoye,
For dead I was and nowe live I,725
Honoured be thou ever.
Enocke and Helye, come you anon;
My lorde will that you with me gone
To heaven blesse bouth bloode and bone,
Ever more their to be.731
You have bene longe, for you be wise,
Dwellinge in eirthlye Paradise;
But to heaven, wher hym selfe is,
Nowe shall you goe with me.

Tunc abducens eos ad celum, cantabit angelus, Gaudete justi in Domino.

Finis. Deo gracias! per me, Georgi Bellin. 1592.

2023 Sep 26  11:45:55