The Bakers Playe

Pagina Decima Quinta: De Caena Domini et de eius Proditione

Brethren all, to me right deare,
come hither to me and ye shall here.
The feaste of Easter you knowe draweth neare
and nowe yt is at hand.
That feaste needes keepe must we
with verye great solempnitie.
The pascall lambe eaten must bee
as the lawe doth commande.
Therfore, Peter, looke that thou goe,
and John with thee shalbe alsoe.
Prepare all thinges that longeth therto
acordinge to the lawe.
Lord, thy biddinges doe will we.
But tell us first where yt shalbe
and we shall doe yt speedelye,
and thidder will we drawe.
Goe into the cittie which yee doe see,
and there a man meete shall yee
with a water pott that beareth hee,
for so you may him knowe.
Into what house that bee shall goe,
into the same [howse] enter ye alsoe
and saye the maister send you too
his message for to shewe.
Saye ’The maister to thee us sent
to have a place convenient
the pascall lambe to eate.’ There is my entent,
with my disciples all.
A fayre parlour hee will you shewe.
There prepare all thinge dewe
where I with my retynewe
fulfill the lawe we shall.
All readye, lorde. Even thy will
shortlye we two shall fulfill,
and the fayre cittie we shall goe tyll
as fast as we maye.

Tunc Petrus et Johannis ibunt ac hominem vas aquae testaceum portantem alloquerentur.

All hayle, good fellowe, hartelye.
To thy maisters house I praye thee hye;
and wee must keepe thee companye
our message for to saye.
Come on your waye and followe mee;
my maisters house soone shall you see.
Loe, here yt is, verelye.
Saye nowe what yee will.

Tunc domum intrant.

Syr, the maister saluteth thee
and as messingers send we bee.
Therfore we praye thee hartelye
take heede us until.
The maister bath sent us to thee.
A place preparde for him must bee;
the pascall lambe there eate will hee
with his disciples all.
Pater Familius
Loe, here a parloure all readye dight
with paved fibres and windowes bright.
Make all thinges readye as you thinke right,
and this have you shall.
Nowe, brother Peter, lett us hye
the paseall lambe to make readye;
and to our maister then will you and I
as fast as we maye.

Tunc adornent mensam et revertunt.

Thy commandment, lord, donne have wee.
The pascail lambe is made readye.
Therfore come on and you shall see,
and we shall lead the waye.
Nowe, brethren, goe to your seate;
this pascall lambe nowe lett us eate,
and then we shall of other thinges entreate
that be of greater effecte.
For knowe you nowe, the tyme is come
that sygnes and shadowes be all donne.
Therfore, make haste, that we maye soone
all figures deane rejecte.
For nowe a newe lawe I will beginne
to helpe mankynd owt of his sinne
soe that hee may heaven wynne,
the which for synne bee loste.
And here, in presence of you all,
another sacrifice beginne I shall,
to bringe mankynd out of his thrall,
for helpe him neade I muste.

Tunc accumbet Jesus ac Johannis in gremio dormit.

Brethren, I tell you bye and bye,
with greate desyre desyred have I
this Passeover to eate with you trulye
before my Passion.
For I saye to you syckerlye,
my Fathers will allmightye
I must fulifill meekelye,
and ever to be bowne.

Tunc Jesus accipiet panem, frangit, et discipulis suis dat, dicens:

This bread I give here my blessinge.
Takes, eate, brethren, at my byddinge
for, leeve you well, withowt leasinge,
this is my bodye
that shall dye for all mankynde
in remission of there synne.
This give I you on me to mynd
aye after evermore.

Tunc accipit calicem in manibus, oculis elevatis, dicens:

Father of heaven, I thanke thee
for all that ever thou doest to mee.
Brethren, takes this with hart free;
that is my blood
that shalbe shedd on the tree.
For more together drinke not wee
in heaven-blys tyll that we bee
to tast that ghostly foode.

Tunc edit et bibit cum discipulis, et Judas Iscarioth habebit manum in patina.

Brethren, forsooth I you saye,
one of you shall me betraye
that eatethe here with me todaye
in this companye.
Alas, alas and weale-awaye!
Whoe that may be, knowe I nay maye-
for I yt is not, in good faye,
that shall doe such anoye.
Hard yt is for us all
to whom this case shall befall.
We be but twelve within this hall-
lord, tell yf yt be I.
Jacobus. Sorrowfull for these wordes be wee.
Who ys yt? I cannot see.
If this case shall fall to mee,
lord, tell mee hastelye.

Tunc Judas intingit in patinam.

Through his deceipte I am but dead
that in my cuppe weetes his bread.
Mych woe for his wicked read
that wretch must thole iwys.
Well were him had bee binne unborne,
for bodye and soule bee is forlorne
that falseiye soe hath donne beforne
and yett in will bee ys.
Leeffe maister, ys yt not I
that shall doe thee this villanye?
Thou hast read, Judas, redealye,
for sycker thou arte bee.
That thou shalt doe, doe hastelye.
Farewell, all this companye,
for on an errand I must hye;
undonne hit may not bee.
Brethren, take up this meate anon;
to another worke we must gonne.
Your feete shall washen be eychone
to shewe all charitie.
And first myselfe I wyll begynne
and washe you all that be herein,
one thys deede that you may mynne
and meeker for to bee.

Tunc Jesus precinget corpus lintheolo.

A, lord, shalt thou washe my feete?
That doe I, Peeter, I thee beheight.
The while more thou shalt not wytt,
but thou shalt afterwarde.
Naye, lord, forsooth in no manere
my feete shalt thou not washe here!
But I washe thee, withowten were
of joye gettes thou noe parte.
Naye, lord, my feete may well be layde;
but wash my handes and my head.
All ys cleane Therfore doe I read
thy feete shall washen bee
and you cleane-but not all.
Lord, of wayle thou arte the wall,
and, though yt not well befall,
have here my feete to thee.

Tunc lavabit pedes omnium singulatim et abstergit lintheo.

My deare brethren, well wytt yee
that lord and maister you call mee;
and well you saye as should bee-
I am, and have binne yore.
Syth I have washen your feete here-
lord and maister, in meeke manere-
doe eychon to other in fere
as I have done before.

Tunc invicem omnes ahorum pedes lavant

My litle children and my brethren free,
little while maye I with you bee,
but thidder shall you not goe with mee
as I am nowe in waye.
But this soothly my biddinge:
you love together in all thinge
as I before, withowt fletchinge,
have loved you trulye aye.
Soe all men may knowe and see
my disciples that you bee,
falshood if you alwayes flee
and loven well in feere.
Lord, whither arte thou in waye?
Peter, thidder as I goe todaye
come syckerlye thou ney maye
this tyme in noe manere;
but thou shalt thidder goe.
Whye shall yt not, lord, be soe?
My lyffe I will put in woe
and for thy sake be slayne.
Peter, I saye thee syckerlye,
or the cocke have crowen thrye
thou shalt forsake my companye
and take thy word agayne.
Brethren, lett not your hartes be sore,
but leeve in God evermore
and in mee as you have before,
and care not for this case.
For in my Father house there is
manye wonnynges of great blys,
and thidder I will goe now, iwys,
to purvaye you a place.
And though I goe from you awaye
to purvaye a place to your paye,
I come agayne another daye
and take you all with mee.
Lord, we wotte not, in good faye,
what manere of gate thou wilt assaye.
Tell us, that we knowe maye
that gate and goe with thee.
Thomas, I tell thee withowt stryfe,
in me is waye, soothnes, and life,
and to my Father no man ney wife
may come withowt mee.
And yf you knowe me verelye,
my Father you might knowe in bye.
From henceforth, I say you syckerlye,
knowe him all shall yee.
Lord, lett us see thy Father anon
and yt sufficeth us everychone.
A longe tyme you have with me gonne
Philipp; why sayest thou soe?
Sickerlye, whoe seeth mee
seeth my Father, I tell yt thee.
Whye willest thou my Father to see
while I with you goe?
Phillipp, leeves thou not this:
that my Father in mee ys,
and I in him alsoe, iwys,
and both we be one?
The workes that I doe are his;
for his helpe maye I not mys.
Therfore, to wynne you heaven-blys,
my deedes you leeve upon!
Whatsoever ye aske my Father deare
in my name in good manere,
to fulfill yt I have power.
All that ys to my paye,
that my Father in majestie
by mee glorified may bee;
and eyther, as I saye to thee,
for one have binne aye.
Yf that you love mee hartfullye,
keepe my biddinge truelye,
and to my Father praye will I
to send you the Holye Ghoste
to abyde with you evermore-
for the world knoweth not his lore,
but you, that have knowen mee yore,
in you he shall be most.
Though I goe now to distresse,
I will not leave you comfortles;
but leeves this well and expresse,
efte I will come agayne;
and then your hartes on a rowe
shall gladlye be, my blys to knowe,
with joye noe man shall take you froo,
would he never so fayne.
Ryse up and goe heathen anon.
To my prayer I must gone,
but syt you styli everychwonne,
my Father while I call.
Wakes and have my benisonn
for fallinge into temptation.
The sprite aye to bale is bowne
and the flesh readye to fall.

Tunc it Jesus oratum, et discipuh pre dolore dormiunt

Father of heaven in majestie,
glorifie, yf thy will bee,
thy Sonne, that hee may glorifie thee,
nowe or I heathen wend.
In yearth thou hast given me postie,
and I have donne with harte free
the worke that thou charged mee
and brought yt to an ende.
Thy name have I made men to knowe
and spared not thy will to showe
to my disciples one a rowe
that thou hast given mee.
And nowe they knowe verelye
that from the Father sent am I.
Therfore, I pray thee especiallye,
save them through thy mercye.

Tunc venit ad diseipulos et invenit eos dormientes, et dicit:

What! Sleepe you, brethren all, here?
Ryse up and make your prayer
lest temptation have power
to make you for to fall.
The flesh is, as I sayd before,
inclininge aye to synne sore,
and ghooste oecupyed evermore;
therfore nowe wakes all!

Tunc iterum ad orationem, et alta voce loquitur:

My hart is in great mislikinge
for death that is to me commynge.
Father, if I dare aske this thinge,
put this awaye froe mee.
Eyeh thinge to thee possible is;
neverthelesse, nowe in this
at your will I am, iwys.
As thou wilt, lett yt bee.

Tunc redit ad discipulos iterum.

You sleepen, brethren, yett, I see.
Sleepes one nowe all yee.
My tyme ys common taken to bee.
From you I must awaye.
He that bath betrayed mee,
this night from him will I not flee.
In sorye tyme borne was bee
and soe he may well saye.

Tunc Judas cum miitum cohorte, laternis facibus et armis, venit illuc.

You men I aske, whom seeke yee?
Jesus of Nasareth, him seeke we.
Here, all readye-I am hee.
What have you for to saye?
A, sweete maister, kysse thou mee,
for yt is longe syth I thee see,
and togeather we will flee
and steale from them awaye.
What seeke you men with such a breath?
Primus Judeus
Wee seeke Jesus of Nazareth.
I saye yore, and yet I saye,
I am hee, in good faye.
Suffer these men to goe there waye
and I am at your will.
False theefe, thou shalt gone
to bysshopp Cayphas, and that anon;
or I shall breake thy bodye and bonne
and thou be to late.
Theefe, and thou be so bould
my maister soe for to hould,
thou shalt be quytte an hundrethfould,
and onward take thou that!
Be thou so bould, as thrive I,
to hould my maister here in bye,
full deare thou shalt hit abye
but thou thee heathen dight.
Thy eare shall of, by Goddes grace,
or thou passe from this place.

Tunc extrahet gladium et abscindet auriculam Malchi.

Goe playnt nowe to Cayphas
and bydd him do the right.
Owt! Alas, alas, alas!
By cockes bones, my eare bee hase!
Mee is betyde a hard case
that ever I come here.
Peeter, put up thy sword in hye.
Whosoever with the sword smiteth gladlye
with sword shall perish hastelye,
I tell thee withowten were.

Tunc Jesus tetigerit auriculam et sanabit.

A, well is mee, well is mee!
My eare is healed nowe, I see.
So mercifull a man as ys hee
knewe I never none.
Primus Judeus
Yea, though bee have healed thee,
shutt from us shall hee not bee,
but to syr Cayphas, as mott I thee,
with us shall hee goe.
As to a theeffe you came here
with sword and staves and armerye
to take me in fowle manere
and end your wicked will.
In temple with you when I was aye,
noe hand on mee would you laye,
but nowe is common tyme and daye
your talent to fulfill.
Primus Judeus
Come, caytiffe, to Cayphas
or thou shalt have a hard grace.
Trott upon a prowder pase,
thou vilde popelard.
Though Belzebubb and Sathanas
come to helpe thee in this case,
both thy hand that thou hase
shalbe bounden hard.


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38