The Clothe Workers Playe

'Facta est super me manus dommi et eduxit me spiritus domini, demisit me in medio campi qui erat plenus ossibus, et [circumduxit] me per ea in giro ' Hec in libro Ezechielis 37

Herken, all that loven heale!
I am the prophett Ezechiell.
What I sawe I will not conceale
but as mee thought I will tell.
God his ghooste can with me deale
that lead me longe with wordes leale
into a feild where bones fell
all bare without flesh.
Then spake that ghoost unto mee
and sayd, ’Mans sonne, how likest thee?
Thinkest thou not well that this may bee,
these bones might turne and lyve?’
Then bade bee mee tell and prophecye
that bee would revyve them soone in bye
with flesh and synewes and skynne therebye
which soone bee can them give.
After that ghooste hee them geete,
ryse of there graves hee them leete,
and made them stande upon there feete,
speake, goe, and see.
This sawe I right in my sight
to knowe that he was God almight.
that heaven and yearth should deale and dight
and never shall ended bee.
Nowe that you shall expresselye knowe
these prophettes wordes upon a rowe,
what the doe signifie I will shewe
that mych may doe you good.
By them understand may I
the daye of doome skyllfullye,
when men through Godes postee
shall ryse in flesh and blood.
Therefore this prophett sayd full yare
hee sawe a feud of bones bare,
and soone that ghoost with them can fare,
gave them fleshe and life.
Beleeve this fuhlye withouten weene,
that all which dead and rotten beene
in fleshe shall ryse, as shalbe scene,
man, mayd, and wyfe.
They that shall be saved shall be as bright
as seaven tymes the sonne ys light;
the dampned thester shall be in sight,
theire doome to underfoe.
Both saved and dampned, after that daye
dye they may not by noe waye.
God give you grace to doe soe aye
that blisse you may come to.
I, Zacharye-men, leeves yee mee-
lift up my eyes a sight to see,
and as mee thought, by my lewtee,
foure charettes came anon
out of two hiles-leeve yee mee,
sylver hilles they were, as wytten wee!
Great wonder I had in my degree
whither that they would gonne.
Redde horses in one were, reddelye;
another blacke that went them bye;
the third was white, I wott not whye;
the forth of dyvers hewe.
They were styffe, drawinge biglye.
Then anone answered I
to that angell in my bodye
which tould me wordes true.
I asked him then what yt might bee
and he answered anon unto mee.
’These charettes,’ he sayde, ’which thou doest see,
foure wyndes the bee, iwys,
which shall blowe and readye be
before Christe, that prynce which ys of postye.
There ys none soc fell there feete to flee
nor wynne there wyll from this.’
Nowe for to moralyze aright
which this prophett sawe in sight,
I shall found through my might
to you in meeke mannere,
and declare that soone in height
more playnlye, as I have teight.
Lystens nowe with hartes light
this lesson for to learne.
Fowre charettes this prophett see, howe they
out of two hilles tooke there waye-
the hilles of sylver, the soothe to saye,
the horses of dyvers hewe.
Which hilles signifie maye
Enock and Helye, in good faye,
that as good sylver shalbe aye
stydfast men and trewe.
Fowre charrettes hee sawe, as thinkes mee,
skylfullye may lickned bee
to sayntes of foure maners of degree
that then shall suffer anoye.
Fowre horses ys allso, certayntee,
of dyvers hewes that he coon see,
fowre manner of sayntes in dignitee-
licken them well maye I:
martyrs, confessours, there bee two;
men misbeleevinge converted also
that turned shaibe from synne and woe
through Enock and Helye;
virgens also, both on and moe.
Here be dyvers hewes too
that through Godes grace shall goe
for him to suffer anoye.
These redde horses call I maye
all maner of marters, in good faye,
for redd maye well betoken aye
mans blood sheedinge;
they white bee sayth token there waye
above the yearth to goe astraye,
as such that neyther night nor daye
dreeden death nothinge;
the blacke horses which went them bye,
by them maye well signifie
preachers of Godes word, truely,
that confessors shalbe;
the skewed horses, by myne intent,
the which into the south forth went,
I maye well licken verament
to Jewes and paynims eke,
yett through fayth with hart fervent
shall turne to good amendment
when Enock and Helye have them kent
salvatyon for to seeke.

'Ego, Daniel, videbam in visione mea nocte; et ecce, quatuor venti pugnabant in magno mare, et quatuor bestiae gradentes ascendebant de mare.' Capitulo septimo.

I, Daniel, as I laye on a night,
methought I sawe a wondrous sight.
Fowre wyndes together the can fyght
above the sea upon bye.
Fowre beastes out of that sea the yeade.
To the fourth beast I tooke good heede;
for that to speake of nowe ys neede,
the other all I will leave.
That beaste was wondrous styffe and stronge,
of teeth and nayles sharpe and longe,
eatinge over all that hee could fonge.
The remnante he fortredde.
Unlike he was to anye of leede.
Ten homes he had upon his head.
In the myddest on little borne can spread
above all other in hye.
That borne had mouthe to speake and eyes to see,
and spake great wordes, leeve you mee;
but of the ten, the first three
soone were consumed awaye.
That one borne had so great postee;
the remnant meeke to him to bee
that highest was in that degree,
and endured so, manye a daye.
Then was yt tould me right there
that ten hornes ten kinges were,
but all that on should feare
that sprange upward so fast,
and that hee should worke agaynst that kinge
that of nought made all thinge;
but lyttle while, without leasinge,
that kinge his might should last.
By this beast understand I maye
the world to come nexte doomesdaye;
and by that borne, in good faye,
in myddest the ten can springe,
Antechriste I maye understand,
that then great lord shalbe in land
and all the world have in hand
three yeares and halfe duringe.

'Tradentur in manu eius usque ad tempus et tempora et dimidium temporis, et usque ad annum duos annos et dimidium anni.' Danielis capitulo septimo.

Ten homes ten kinges in hand shalbe
of which Antechriste shall slea three.
The other seaven this case shall see
and put them to his grace.
This shal befall, witterlye,
by the understandinge that have I
of Danyelles prophecye
that here rehersed was.
Johannes Evangelista

'Dabo duobus testibus meis et prophetabunt diebus mile, ducentis et sexagmta amicti saccis 'Apocalipsis capitulo undecimo.

I, John, Christes owne darlinge,
as I laye in greate longinge
upon my maistems brest sleepinge,
wonders sawe I manye one.
My ghoost was ravished, without leasinge,
to heaven before that highest kinge.
There sawe I manye a wondrous thinge.
One will I tell you anon.
There hard I God greatly commend
two wittnesses which he thought to send,
false faythes for to defende
that raysed were by his foe.
He sayde the should prophecye
a thousand dayes, witterlye;
two hundreth and sixtye
in sackes clad they should god.
He called them chandelours of great light
burmnge before Godes sight
Fyre out of there mouthes the should feight,
there enemyes for to destroye.
Whosoever them harmed, as sayde hee,
dead behooved him for to bee.
To lett the raygne they had postee
in tyme of there prophecye.
Hee sayde the should have power good
to turne the water into blood,
and overcome there enemyes that were wood,
and maister them through [their might].
And when they had donne there devoure,
a beast should come, of great power,
from beneath, withowten were;
agaynst them he should feight.
And slea them also should hee
in middest of the holye cyttye
where Christ was nayled on a tree,
forsooth as I you tell.
But after three dayes and halfe one,
they shall ryse, speake and gonne,
and into heaven be taken anonne,
in joye evermore to dwell.
Nowe, lordinges, what these thinges may bee,
I praye you herken all to med.
As expressely in certeyntye
as I have might and grace,
I shall expound this ylke thinge
which saynt John sawe thus sleepinge
through helpe of Jesu, heaven kinge,
anonneright in this place.
These two wyttnes, wytterlye,
hee sayde the should come and prophecye,
that one ys Enock, the other Helye-
shall have greate might and mayne
that when Antechrist comes in hye
Goddes people for to destroye,
that he deceaveth falselye
they shall convert agayne.
Manye signes they shall shewe
which the people shall well knowe,
and in theire token truely trowe
and leeve yt steadfastlye.
And all that turne, leeve you mee,
Antechrist will slea through his postie;
but verey martyrs they shalbee
and come to heaven one bye.
They beast that John spake of here
ys Antechrist, withowten were,
which shall have the devilles power
and with these good men meete;
and at the last, witterlye,
he shall slea Enock and Helye
in Jerusalem, as read I,
even in myddest of the streete.
Nowe, that you shall knowe and seene
what men Enock and Helye beene,
I will you tell, withouten wene,
while that I have tyme.
They are two good men, leeve yee mee;
to paradyce through Goddes postee
were ravished both, and there shalbee
ever tyll the daye doe come.
They one was taken, for hee was good,
longe before Noe his flood,
and there he lyves in fleshe and blood,
as fullye leeven wee.
They other was taken, withouten were,
after that manyc a hundreth yeare;
and there together they binne in fere
untyll that tyme shalbe.

Signa 15: Signa quindecim magna quae, secundum opiniones doctorum extremum precedunt judicium, ab antiquis Hebroeorum codicibus selecta a doctore huius paginae reticenda.

Nowe xv signes, while I have space,
I shall declare by Goddes grace,
of which saynt Jerome mentyon mase
to fall before the daye of doome;
the which were wrytten on a rowe-
he found in booke of Hebrewe.
Nowe will I tell in wordes fewe,
a while yf you will dwell.
1 The first daye, as I wrytten fyand,
the sea shall ryse agaynst kinde,
and as a wall agaynst the wynd
above all hilles on hye
2 fortye cubytes, as read wee;
the seaconde daye so lowe shalbee
that scarslye a man the sea shall see,
stand he never so nye.
3 The third daye after, as read I,
great fishes above the sea shall lye,
yell and rore so hideouslye
that only God shall heare.
4 The fourth daye next after then,
sea and water all shall burne
agaynst kinde, that men may kenne,
tynder as though yt were.
5 The fifte daye, as reade wee,
all manner of herbes and also tree
of blooddye dewe all full shalbee,
and manye a beaste all dased.
Fowles shall gather them, as I fynd,
to feildes; eicheon in there kynd
of meate and drinke shall have no mynd,
but stand all madd and mased.
6 The syxt daye in the world overall,
buylded thinges to ground shall fall-
church, cittie, house, and wall-
and men in graves dare.
Layte and fyre alsoe, verament,
from the sonne to the firmament
up and downe shall stryke and glent,
and all night so fowle fare.
7 The seaventh daye both rocke and stonne
shall breake asunder and fight as fonne.
The sound thereof shall here no man,
but onlye God almight.
8 The eight daye yearthquake shalbe,
that men and beast, leeve you mee,
to stand or goe shall fayle postee,
but fall to ground all right.
9 The nynthe day, as our bookes sayen,
hilles shall fall and ware all playne,
stonne turne to sand through Goddes mayne,
so streat men shall be stadd.
10 The tenthe daye, men that hydd bee,
out of theme caves they shall flee-
to speake together have noe postee,
but goe as the were madd.
11 The elevon daye, from mornowe to even,
all buryalls in the world shall be open
that dead may ryse, withowten weene,
above the yearth standinge.
12 The twelife daye starres shall fall in hye
and fyre shoote from them hideouslye.
All manner of beastes shall rore and crye
and neyther eate nor drynke.
13 The thirteene daye shall dye all men
and ryse anone agayne right then.
14 The foureteene daye, all shall brenne,
both yearth and eke heaven.
15 The fyfteene daye made shalbee
neewe yearth, neewe heaven, through Goddes postee;
which heaven God grant us in to bee,
for his names seaven.
Nowe have I tould you, in good faye,
the tokens to come before doomesdaye.
God give you grace to do so aye
that you them worthye bee
to come to the blysse that lasteth aye.
As mych as here wee and our playe,
of Antechristes signes you shall assaye.
Hee comes! Soone you shall see!


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38