The Corvysors Playe

Pagina Decima Quarta: De Jesu Intrante Domum Simonis Leprosi et de Aliis Rebus

Brethren, goe we to Bethenye
to Lazarre, Martha, and Marye;
for I love mych that companye,
thidder now will I wend.
Symon the lepper hath prayed me
in his house to take charitie.
With them nowe yt liketh mee
a while for to lend.
Lord, all readye shall we be
in life and death to goe with thee.
Great joye they may have to see
thy comrninge into there place.
Lazarre thou raysed through thy pittye,
and Simon also-mesell was hee-
thou clensed, lord, that wotten we,
and holpe them through thy grace.

Tunc ibunt versus domum Simonis leprosi.

Welcome, Jesu, full of grace,
that mee that fowle and mesell was
all whole, lord, thou healed hase,
over all for to showe.
Well is me that I may see thy face
here in my house, this poore place.
Thou comfortes me in manye a case
and that I full well knowe.
Welcome, lord, sweete Jesu.
Blessed be the tyme that I thee knewe.
From death to life through thy vertue
thou raysed me not yore.
Fowre dayes in yearth when I had layne
thou grantest me life, lord, agayne.
Thee I honour with all my mayne
nowe and evermore.
Welcome, my lovely lord and leere;
welcome, my deareworth darlinge deare.
Fayne may thy freindes be in feere
to se thy freelye face.
Syttes downe, if your will weare,
and I shall helpe to serve you here
as I was wonte in good manere
before in other place.

Tunc Jesus sedebat, et omnes cum eo, et veniet Maria Magdalena cum alablastro unguenti, et lamentando dicat.

Maria Magdalena
Welcome, my lovely lord of leale;
welcome, my harte; welcome, my heale;
welcome, all my worldes weale,
my boote and all my blys.
From thee, lord, may I not conceale
my fyith and my faultes fayle.
Forgive mee that my flesh so frayle
to thee hath donne amysse.
Oyntment I have here readye
to anoynte thy sweete bodye.
Though I be wretched and unworthye,
wayve me not from thy wonne.
Full of synne and sorrowe am I,
but therfore, lord, I am sorye.
Amend me through thy mercye,
that makes to thee my monne.

Tunc aperiet pixidem, et faciet signum unctionis, et rigabit pedes Jesu lachrymis et tergebit capillis suis.

A, Judas, why doth Jesus soe?
Methinke that hee should lett her goe,
this woman full of synne and woe,
for feare of worides shame.
And if hee verey prophet were,
hee should knowe hir life here
and suffer her not to come him nere,
for payringe of his fame.
Judas Iscarioth
Naye, Simon, brother, sooth to saye,
hit is nothinge to my paye;
this oyntment goeth to fast awaye
that is so mych of pryce.
This ylke boyst might have binne sould
for three hundreth penyes tould
and dealt to poore men, whosoever would,
and whosoever had binne wise.
Simon, take good heed to mee.
I have an errand to saye to thee.
Maister, what you will maye bee,
saye on, I you beseech.
By an example I shall thee showe
and to this companye on a rowe,
whereby I say thou may knowe
to answere to my speache.
Two detters somtyme there were
oughten money to a userer.
The on was in his dangere
five hundreth penyes tould;
they other fiftie, as I saye here.
For they were poore, at there prayer
he forgave them both in feare,
and nought take of them he would.
Whether of these two, read if thou can,
was more behoulden to that man?
Lord, as much as I can thereon
I shall saye or I passe.
Five hundreth is more then fiftie;
therfore methinke skylfullye
that hee that hee forgave more partie,
more houlden to him he was.
Simon, thou deemes soothlie, iwysse.
Sees thou this woman that here is?
Sycker shee hath not donne amysse
to worke on this manere.
Into thy house here thou me geete;
no water thou gave mee to my feete.
Shee washed them with her teares weete
and wyped them with her heare.
Kisse syth I came thou gave non,
but syth shee came into this wonne
shee hath kyssed my feete eychon;
of weepinge shee never ceased.
With oyle thou hast not me anoynt,
but shee hat donne both foot and joynt.
Therfore I tell thee on poynt,
mych synne is her released.

Ad Judam Iscarioth:

And Judas, also to thee I saye:
wherto wouldest thee mispaye
with this woman by any waye
that eased me this hasse?
A good deede shee hath donne todaye,
for poore men you have with you aye,
and me yee may not have, in faye,
but a little space.
Therfore, woman, witterlye,
for thou hast loved so tenderly,
all thy synnes nowe forgive I;
beleeffe hath saved thee.
And all that preach the evangelye
through the world by and by
of thy deed shall make memorye
that thou hasse donne to mee.
Maria Magdalena
My Christ, my comfort and my kinge,
I worshippe thee in all thinge,
for nowe my hart is in likinge,
and I at myne above.
Seaven devils nowe, as I well see,
thou hast dryven nowe owt of mee,
and from fowle life unto great lee
releeved me, lord, for love.

Tunc surget Jesus, et stando dicat Ut sequitur:

Peter and Philipe, my brethren free,
before you a castle you may see.
Goe you thider and fetch anon to mee
an asse and a foale alsoe.
Loose them, bringe them hither anone.
Yf any man grytch you as yee gonne,
and you say that I will ryde thereon,
soone will they let them goe.
Maister, we shall doe your byddinge
and bringe them soone for anythinge.
Phillippe, brother, be we goinge
and fetch these beastes too.
Brother, I am readye bowne.
Hye that we were at the towne.
Great joye in hart have we mone
on this arrand for to goe.

Tunc ibunt in civitatem, et dicat Petrus Janitro:

How, how! I must have this asse.
Here thou gettest neither more then lesse
but thou tell me or thou passe
whither they shall goe.
My maister Jesu, leeve thou mee,
thinkes to come to this cittie
and bade both brought to him should bee,
himselfe to ryde upon.
All readye, good men, in good faye!
And syth hee will come todaye,
all this cittie I will saye
and warne of his comynge.
Take asse and foale and goe your waye,
for eyche man of him marvayle maye.
Lazarre, that fowre daye dead laye,
hee raysed at his callinge.

Tunc ibit Janitor ad cives.

Tydinges, good men evrye one!
The prophet Jesus comes anone.
Of his disciples, yonder gonne
twayne that were nowe here.
For his marvayles leeve aye upon
that hee is verey Goddes Sonne
although hee in this wonne-
for elles wonder were.
Primus Civis
A, lord, blessed most thou bee!
Him will I goe nowe and see;
and so I read that all wee
thidderward take the waye.
Secundus Civis
Fellowes, I leeve that Christ is hee,
commen from God in majestie;
elles such marveyles, as thinkes mee,
hee ney did daye for daye.
Tertius Civis
Lazarre he raysed, as God me save,
that foure dayes hath binne in grave.
Therfore devotion nowe I have
to welcome him to this towne.
Quartus Civis
Branches of the palme tree
eycheon in hand take wee,
and welcome him to this cittie
with fayre processionn.
Quintus Civis
With all the worshippe that I maye
I welcome him will todaye,
and spread my clothes in the waye
as soone as I him see.
Sextus Civis
These miracles preeven appertlye
that from the Father almightie
hee is commen, mankynd to bye;
yt may not other bee.
Primus Puer
Fellowes, I hard my father saye
Jesu the prophet will come todaye.
Thidder I read we take the waye
with branches in our hand.
Secundus Puer
Make wee myrth all that we maye
pleasant to that lordes paye.
’Hosanna!’ I read, by my faye,
to synge that we founde.

Tunc ibunt pueri versus Jerusalem cantantes 'Hosanna!' cum ramis palmarum in manibus. Et cives prosternent vestimenta sua in via: 'Hosanna, filio David! Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini! Hosanna in excelsis!'Tunc Jesus sedens super asellam, videns civitatem, flebit et dicat.

A, Jerusalem, holye cittie!
Unknowne todaye yt is to thee
that peace thou hast-thou canst not see-
but bale thou shalt abyde.
Mych must thou dreigh yet some daye
when woe shall fall on everye waye,
and thou begyled, sooth to saye,
with sorrowe one all syde;
destroyed, dilfullye dryven downe.
Noe stone with other in all this towne
shall stand, for that they be unlevon
to keepe Christes commen
and Goddes owne visitation,
donne for mankyndes salvation;
for the have no devotyon,
ne dreiden not his dome.

Tunc Jesus equitabit versus civitatem, et omnes cives pannos suos in via prosternent. Et cum venerit ad templum, descendens de asina dicat vendentibus, cum flagello:

Doe awaye, and use not this thinge,
for hit is not my likinge.
You make my Fathers wonnynge
a place of marehandize.
Primus Mercator
What freake is this that makes this fare
and casteth downe all our warre?
Come no man hither full yare
that did us such anoye.
Secundus Mercator
Owt, owt, woe is mee!
My table with my money
is spread abroade, well I see,
and nought dare I saye.
Nowe yt seemes well that hee
would attayne royaltee;
elles this bould durst hee
not bee to make such araye.
Primus Mercator
Hit seemes well hee would be kinge
that casteth downe thus our thinges
and sayes his Fathers wonninge
in this temple is.
Saye, Jesus, with thy janglinge,
what evidence or tokeninge
shewest thow of thy rayninge,
that thou darest doe this?
Secundus Mercator
What signes nowe shewest thou here
that preeves such power
to shend our ware in such manere,
maisterlye through thy mayne?
This temple here I maye destroye,
and through my might and my maistrye
in dayes three hit edifie
and buyld yt up agayne.
Primus Mercator
Aha, Jesu, wilt thou soe?
Thys worde, as ever mote I goe,
shalbe rehearsed before moe.
Cayphas I shall tell.

Tunc Jesus ejiciet cum flagello ementes et vendentes.

Hye you fast this temple froe,
for marchandize shall be here noe more.
In this place, be you never soe throe,
shall you no lenger dwell.
Judas Iscarioth
By deare God in majestie,
I am as wroth as I may be,
and some waye I will wreake mee
as soone as ever I maye.
My maister Jesu, as men might see,
was rubbed head, foote, and knee
with oyntment of more dayntee
then I see many a daye.
rfo that I have great envye,
that bee suffered to destroye
more then all his good thrye,
and his dammes too.
Had I of yt had maistrye,
I would have sould yt soone in hie
and put hit up in treasurye
as I was wont to doe.
Whatsoever was given to Jesu
I have kept syns I him knewe;
for bee hopes I be trewe,
his pursse I alwaye beare.
Him had binne better, in good faye,
had spared oyntment that daye,
for wroken I wilbe some waye
of waste that was donne there.
Three hundeth penyes-worth yt was
that hee lett spill in that place.
Therfore God give me hard grace
but himselfe shalbe sould
to the Jewes, or that I sytt,
for the tenth penye of hit;
and thus my maister shalbe quytte
my greeffe an hundrethfould.
Syr Cayphas and his companye
conspyrne Jesus to anoye.
There speech anon I will espye,
with falsshood for to fowle him.
And if the gladlye will do whye,
I shall teach them to him in hye,
for of his counsell well knowe I.
I may best beguyle him.

Tunc Judas pro tempore abut, et Cayphas dicit.

Lordinges, lookers of the lawe,
herkyns hether to my sawe.
To Jesu all men can drawe
and likinge in him base.
If we letten him longe gonne,
all men will leeve him upon;
so shall the Romanes come anon
and pryve us of our place.
Therfore yt is fullye my readd
we cast howe hee best were dead;
for yf hee longe on life be leade
our lawe goeth all to nought.
Therfore saye eychon his counsell,
what manere of waye will best avayle
this ylke shrewe for to assayle-
some sleyght there must be sought.
Syr, you saye right skylfullye;
but needesly men must espie
by him we catch noe vilanye,
to fownd and fowle to fayle.
For you knowe as well as I,
oft we have fownded to do him anoye;
but ever he bath the victorye-
that noe waye maye avayle.
Primus Pharaseus
Yea, syr, in temple hee bath binne
and troubled us with mych teene,
that when we wended and did weene
of him to have had all our will,
or ever we wist, he was awaye.
This maketh the people, in good faye,
to leeve that bee is Christ vereye,
and our lawe for to spill.
Secundus Pharaseus
Yea, lordes, one poynt may doe gayne.
That lourden, Lazarre, should be slayne,
for he raysed him up agayne
that foure dayes had binne dead.
For that miracle mych of mayne,
to honour him eychon is fayne;
and Lazarre, that dead was, will not layne,
and bee one life be leade.
Noe more, forsooth, will many moe
that hee base made to speake and goe;
and blynd that have theire sight alsoe
loven him steadfastlye
and followen him both farre and neare,
preachinge to the people his powere.
Therfore my witt is in a weare
to ordayne remedye.
And remedye must ordayned be
before this great solempnitie,
or elles may other as well as we
trusse and take our waye.
For when bee comes to this cittie,
all the world, as you might see,
honored him upon there knee
as God had comon that daye.
Primus Pharaseus
Alsoe, lordinges, you sawe there
how that he fared with chaffere-
cast hit downe, God give him care,
that ’was so great of price!
And alsoe lowdlye hee can lye-
called the temple apertlye
his Fathers house full falslye,
right as yt had binne his!
Secundus Pharaseus
Lordinges, there is noe more to saye-
but loost is owr lawe, I dare laye,
and bee come one our saboath daye
that nowe aprocheth nye.
Heale he any, lesse or more,
all men will leeve on his lore.
Therfore yt is good to slea him before,
yf that wee will be slye.
Amonge our wittes lett us see
to take him with some subteltye.
Hee shall have sylver, gould, and fee,
this thinge that would fulfill.
Lordes, what will you give mee
and I shall soone helpe that hee
sleelye betrayed bee,
right at your owne will?
Welcome, fellowe, as have I roo.
That bargayne fayne would I goe too.
Lett me see what ye will doe,
and laye downe sylver here.
For the devill swappe of my swyre
and I doe yt without hyre,
other for soveraigne or syre-
yt is not my manere.
Saye on what we shall give thee
to helpe that he taken bee;
and here is readye thy moneye
to paye thee or thou passe.
As ever mote I thrive or thee,
and I shewe my subtilltye,
thirtie penyes yee shall give mee
and not a farthinge lasse.
Primus Phariseus
Yea, but thy trueth thou must plight
for to serve us aright
to betraye thy maister through thy might,
and have here thy money.
Have here my trueth, as I have tight,
or Fridaye that hit be night
I shall bringe you to his sight
and tell which is bee.
Primus Phariseus
Yee binne brethren on a rowe.
Which is he I cannot knowe.
Noe. A verey signe I shall you showe.
Aspies whom I kysse,
and that is bee, sooth to saye.
Takes him manlye, as you maye,
and lead him sleelye awaye
whither your likinge ys.
Nowe looke thou serve us truely,
thy maysters cornminge to espie.
Trust well therto and sickerlye
that he shall not eschewe.
And would God almightie
the kinge of France might so afye
in this realme and baronye
that they were all so treu!
On Fridaye in the morninge
espies all on my comminge,
for where that he is walkinge
I will goe and espie.
With him I thinke to eate and drinke
and after, tydinges to you to bringe
where he shapes his dwellinge,
and come and tell you in bye.


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38