The Webstars Playe

Pagina Vicessima Quanta et Omnium Postmema: De Judicio Extremo

Ego sum alpha et omega, I, primus et novissimus.
I God, greatest of degree,
in whom begyninge non may bee,
that I am pearles of postee,
nowe appertly that shalbe preeved.
In my godhead are persons three;
maye non in faye from other flee.
Yett soveraygne might that ys in mee
may justly be meeved.
It ys full youre syns I beheight
to make a reckoninge of the right.
Nowe to that doome I will mee dight
that dead shall dulye dread.
Therefore, my angelles fayre and bright,
looke that you wake eych worldlye wight
that I maye see all in my sight
that I blood forth can bleede.
Shewe you my crosse appertlye here,
crowne of thorné, sponge and speare,
and nayles to them that wanted nere
to come to this anoye;
and what weede for them I weare,
upon my bodye nowe I beare.
The most stowtest this sight shall steare
that standeth by streete or stye.
Angelus Primus
Lord that madest through thy might
heaven and yearth, daye and night,
withowt distance wee be dight
your byddinge for to donne.
And for to awake eyche worldlye wight
I shall bee readye, artd that in height,
that they shall shewe them in thy sight.
Thou shalt see, lord, full soone.
Secundus Angelus
Take wee our beames and fast blowe.
All mankynd shall them knowe.
Good accompt that nowe can shewe,
soone yt shalbe scene.
That have done well in there lyvinge,
they shall have joye withowt enclinge.
That evell have done withowt mendinge
shall ever have sorrowe and teene.

Tunc angeli tubas accipient et flabunt, et omnes mortui de sepulchris surgent, quorum dicat primus Papa Salvatus.

Papa Salvatus
A, lord, mercye nowe aske wee,
that dyed for us on the roode-tree.
Hit ys three hundreth yeares and three
synce I was put in grave.
Nowe through thy might and thy postye
thy beames blast bath raysed mee —
I, flesh and blood as I nowe see —
my judgment for to have.
While that I lyved in flesh and bloodd,
thy great godhead that ys so good
mee knewe I never, but ever was wood
worshipps for to wynne.
The wyttes, lord, thou sent to mee
I spend to come to great degree.
They highest office under thee
in yearth thou puttest me yn.
Thou grantest me, lord, through thy grace,
Peters power and his place.
Yett was I blent. Alas, alas,
I dyd not thyne assent.
But my fleshiye will that wicked was,
the which raysed nowe thou hasse,
I forthered, lord, before thy face
shall take his judgment.
When I in yearth was at my will,
this world mee blent, both lowde and styll;
but thy commandment to fulfill
I was full neglygent.
But purged yt ys with paynes yll
in purgatorye that sore can gryll.
Yett thy grace I hope to come tyll
after my great torment.
And yett, lord, I must dread thee
for my great synne when I thee see;
for thou art most in majestie,
of mercye nowe I call.
The paynes that I have longe in bee,
as hard as hell save hope of lee,
agayne to goe never suffer mee
for ought that may befall.
Imperator Salvatus
A, lord and soveraygne savyoure,
that lyvinge put mee to honour
and made me kinge and emperour,
highest of kythe and kynne —
my flesh, that fallen was as the flowre,
thou hasse restored in this stowre
and with paynes of great languowre
clensed mee of my synne.
In purgatorye my soule hath binne
a thousand yeares in woe and teene.
Nowe ys noe synne upon mee seene,
for purged I am of pyne.
Though that I to synne were bayne and bowne
and coveted ryches and renowne,
yett at the last contrytion
bath made mee on of thyne.
As hard payne, I darre well saye,
in purgatorye are night and daye
as are in hell, save by on waye —
that one shall have an end.
Worshipped bee thou, high justice,
that mee hasse made in flesh to ryse.
Nowe wott I well, those that have binne wyse
shall come unto thy welth.
Grant me, lord, amongest moe,
that purged am of synne and woe,
on thy right hand that I maye goe
to that everlastinge health.
Rex Salvatus
A, lord of lordes and kinge of kinges
and informer of all thinges,
thy power, lord, spreades and springes,
as soothly here ys seene.
After bale, boote thou bringes,
and after teene-tyde tydinges
to all that ever thy names mynes
and buxon to thee benne.
While I was lord of land and leede
in purple and in rych weede,
meethought to thee I had no neede,
so wronge the world me wyled.
Though thou for me thy blood can sheede,
yett in my hart more can I heede
my flesh to further and to feede,
but the soule was ever begyled.
My fowle bodye through synne blent,
that rotten was and all torent,
through thy might, lord omnipotent,
raysed and whole yt ys.
My soule that ys in bales brent
to my bodye thou hast nowe sent
to take before the judgment
of that I have donne amys.
But, lord, though I were synfull aye,
contrytion yett at my last daye
and almes-deedes that I dyd aye
hath holpen me from hell.
But well I wott that ylke waye
that Abraham went wynde I maye,
for I am purged to thy paye,
with thee evermore to dwell.
Regina Salvata
Pearles prynce of most postye
that after langwore lendeth lee,
that nowe in bodye hasse raysed mee
from fyre to rest and rowe —
my flesh, that as flowre can flye
and powder was, through thy pyttie
together hasse brought, as I nowe see,
the soule and bodye too.
While I in yearth rych can goe
in softe sandalles and silke alsoe,
velvet also that wrought me woe,
and all such other weedes,
neyther prayed I ney faste.
Saffe almes-deedes, yf any paste,
and great repentance at the laste
hath gotten me to thy grace,
that saved I hope fullye to bee,
for purged synnes that were in mee.
Thy laste doome may I not flee,
to come before thy face.
All that might excyte lecherye —
perrelles and precyouse perrye —
agaynst thy byddinge used I,
and other wycked deedes.
After purgatorye-paynes
from me thy lordshippe thou ney laynes.
To warne thy doome mee ney gaynes,
though I were never so greate.
Sythe I have suifred woe and teene
in purgatorye longe too benne,
lett never my synne be on me seene
but, lord, thou hit forgett.

Tunc venient damnati.

Papa Damnatus
Alas, alas, alas, alas!
Nowe am I worse then ever I was.
My bodye agayne the soule hasse
that longe hase benne in hell.
Together the bee — nowe ys noe grace —
fyled to bee before thy face,
and after my death here in this place
in payne ever to dwell.
Nowe bootelesse ys to aske mercye,
for, lyvinge, highest in yearth was I,
and cunynge closen in cleargye;
but covetousnes dyd me care.
Also sylver and symonye
made mee pope unworthye.
That burnes me nowe, full witterlye,
for of blys I am full bare.
Also, why spend I wronge my wytte
in covetousnes my hart to knytte?
Hard and hoft nowe feele I hitt;
hell howldes me right here.
My bodye burnes everye bytt.
Of sorrowe must I never be shutt.
Mee to save from helI-pytt
nowe helpeth noe prayer.
Of all the soules in Christianitie
that damned were while I had degree
nowe gyve accompt behoveth mee,
through my lawes forlorne.
Also damned nowe must I bee.
Accompt befalles, or elles to flee.
Make me deafe, I cojure thee,
as I had never binne borne.
Imperator Damnatus
Alas, nowe sterred I am in this stowre.
Alas, nowe fallen ys my flowre.
Alas, for synne nowe cease succour.
No sylver maye mee save.
Alas, that I ever was emperoure.
Alas, that I ever had towne or towre.
Alas, hard bye I my honour;
hell-paynes for yt I have.
Alas, in world whye was I ware?
Alas, that ever mother mee bare!
Alas, there ys noe yeane-chare!
Scape may I not this chance.
Alas, doe evell who ys that dare?
To threpe no more us ne dare,
for to payne we ordayned are,
ever withowt delyverance.
Nowe ys manslaughter upon mee seene.
Nowe covetousnes makes my care keene.
Nowe wronge-workinge, withowten weene,
that I in world have wrought,
nowe traytorouse tornes do me teene,
and false doomes all bydeene.
In gluttonye I have in binne
that shall nowe deare be bought.
Nowe knowe I what I dyd with wronge
and eke my lyther lyvinge longe.
Falsehoode to hell makes mee to fonge,
in fyre ever fowle to fare.
Misbegotten money ever I myxed amonge.
Nowe ys me yeelded to hell yonge.
Whye were I not dead as ys the donge?
For deole I drowpe and dare!
Rex Damnatus
Alas, unlykinge ys my lott.
My weale ys gonne, of woe I wott.
My synne ys seene I was in sett.
Of sorrowe nowe may I synge.
To hell-payne that ys so hott
for my misdeedes wend I mot.
Alas, that I hadd beene sheepe or goatte
when I was crowned kinge.
When I was in my majestie,
soveraigne of shyre and of cyttye,
never did I good. In noe degree
through me was any grace.
Of poore had I never pittie.
Sore ne sycke would I never see.
Nowe have I languowre and they have lee.
Alas, alas, alas!
Wronge ever I wrought to eych wight.
For pennyes, poore in payne I pight.
Relygion I reaved agaynst the right.
That Jkeenlye] nowe I knowe.
Lecherye, I held hit light.
In covetousenes my hart was clight.
On good deede in God his sight
nowe have I not to shewe.
Regina Damnata
Alas, alas! Nowe am I lorne.
Alas ! With teene nowe am I torne.
Alas, that I was.of woman borne,
this bytter bale to byde.
I made my moane both even and [morne]
for feare to come Jesu beforne
that crowned for mee was with thorne
and thrust into the syde.
Alas, that I was woman wrought.
Alas, whye God made me of nought
and with his pretyouse blood me bought
to worke agaynst his wyll?
Of lecherye I never wrought,
but ever to that synne I sought,
that of that fylth in deede and thought
yett had I never that fyll.
Fye on pearles! Fye on prydee!
Fye on gowne! Fye on guyde!
Fye on hewe ! Fye on hyde!
These harrowe me to hell.
Agaynst this chance I may not chyde.
This bitter bale I must abyde.
Yea, woe and teene I suffer this tyde,
noe lyvinge tonge may tell.
I, that soe seemelye was in sight,
where ys my blee that ys so bright?
Where ys baron, where ys knight
for mee to alledge the lawe?
Where in world ys any wight
that for my fayrenes nowe wyll fight,
or from this death I am to dight
that darre mee heathen drawe?
Justiciarius Damnatus
Alas! Of sorrowe nowe ys my sawe.
Alas! For hell I am in awe.
My fleshe as flowre that all to-flawe
nowe tydes a fearely fytt.
Alas, that ever I learned lawe,
for suffer I must manye a hard thrawe;
for the devyll will me drawe
right even into his pytt.
Alas! While that I lyved in land,
[wrought] to worke I would not wond
but falsely causes tooke in hand
and mych woe dyd elles.
When I sought sylver or rych sound
of baron, burges, or of bound,
his moote to further ever I would found,
were yt never so false.
Nowe ys the dyvell readye, I see,
his moote to further agaynst mee
for the judge of such postye
that mee wyll not avayle;
harte and thought both knoweth hee.
Though I would lye, noe boote wyll bee.
Alas, this hard fytt to flee
rufullye I must fayle.
All my lyeffe ever I was bowne
to trouble poore in towre an towne,
payre Holy Church possession
and sharpely them to shend.
To reave and robbe relygion,
that was all my devotyon.
Therefore mee tydes damnatyon
and payne withowten end.
Mercator Damnatus
Alas, alas, nowe woe ys mee!
My fowle bodye, that rotten hath be,
and soule together nowe I see.
All stynketh, full of synne.
Alas! Marchandize maketh mee,
and purchasinge of land and fee,
in hell-payne evermore to bee,
and bale that never shall blynne.
Alas! In world fervent was I
to purchase landes falselye.
Poore men I dyd such anoye,
made them theire landes to sell.
But when I dyed, wytterlye,
all that I had, my enemye
both bodye and soule damned therebye
ever to the payne of hell.
Yett might not false. purchase suffyce,
but ofte I dealed with marchandyce;
for there methought wyninge would ryse,
I used yt manye a yeare.
Ofte I sett upon false assyce,
rayvinge poore with layinge myse.
Falsely, by God and saynte Hyse
a thousand tyme I sware.
Occurre I used wylfullye.
Wanne I never so much therebye,
to Holye Church never taythed I,
for meethought that was lorne.
Why made thou me, lord, of nought? Whye?
To worch in world so wickedlye
and nowe burne in the dyvelles bellye?
Alas, that ever I was borne!

Finitis lamentationibus mortuorum, [descendet] Jesus quasi in nube, si fieri potent, quia, secundum doctoris opiniones, in aere prope terram judicabit Filius Dei. Stabunt angeli cum cruce, corona spinea, lancea, et instrumentis allis; ipsa demonstrant.

You good and evell that here benne lent,
here you come to your judgment,
yf you wyst whereto hit would appent
and in what manere.
But all myne, as I have ment —
prophettes, patriarches here present —
must knowe my doome with good intent.
Therefore I am nowe here.
But you shall heare and see expresse
I doe to you all rightwysenes.
Loovesome deedes more and lesse
I wyll rehearse nowe here.
Of yearth through mee made, man, thou was
and putt in place of greate cleanes
from which thou was, through wyckednes,
away then wayved weare.
When thou had donne this trespasse,
yett wayted I which way best was
thee to recover in this case
into my companye.
Howe might I do thee more grace
then that selfe kynd that thou hasse
take — here nowe in this place
appeareth appertlye —
after dyed on the roode-tree
and my blood shedd, as thou may see,
to pryve the devyll of his postie
and wynne that was awaye;
the which blood — behouldes yee —
fleshe-houlden tell nowe I would should be
for certayne poyntes that lyked mee
of which I will nowe saye.
On cause was this, certeynlye,
that to my Father almightie
at my Assentyon offer might I
this blood, pnayinge a boone:
that hee of you should have mercye
and more gracyous be therebye
when you had synned horryblie,
not takinge vengeance to soone.
Also, I would, withowten were,
this bloodd should nowe be shewed here
that the Jewes dyd in this manere
might knowe appertlye
howe unkynd they them beare.
Behould on mee and you may lere
whether I be God in full powere
or elles man onlye.
Also, my blood nowe shewed ys
that good therebye maye have blys
that avoyded wyckednes, iwys,
and ever good workes wrought.
And evyll also, that dyd amysse,
must have greate sorrowe in sight of this
that lost that joye that was his
that him on roode-tree bought.
Yett, for all this greate torment
that suffered here while I was lent,
the more spared in your intent.
I am not as I feele.
For my bodye ys all torent
with othes false aiwayes fervent;
noe lymme on mee but yt is lent
from head right to the heele.
Nowe that you shall appertlye see
freshe blood bleede, man, for thee —
good to joye and full greate lee,
the evyll to damnatyon.
Behould nowe, all men! Looke on mee
and see my blood freshe owt flee
that I bleede on roode-tree
for your salvatyon.

Tunc emittet sanguinem de latere eius.

Howe durst you ever doe amys
when you unthought you of this,
that I bleede to bringe you to blys
and suffered such woo.
Me you must not white, iwysse,
though I doe nowe as right ys.
Therefore eych man reacon his,
for ryghtwysenes must goo.
Papa Salvatus
A, lord, though I lyved in synne,
in purgatorye I have [bene] in.
Suffer my bale for to blynne
and bringe mee to this blysse.
Imperator Salvatus
Yea, lord, and I have therein
bee more then three hundreth yeares and three.
Nowe I am cleane, forsake not mee,
although I dyd amysse.
Rex Salvatus
Lord, receyve me to thy grace
that payne hath suffered in this place.
Although I foule and wycked was,
washen yt ys awaye.
Regina Salvata
And I, lord, to thee crye and call,
thy owne christen and thy thrall,
that of my synnes am purged all,
of thy joye I thee praye.
Come hither to mee, my dearlynges deare,
that blessed in world aiwayse weare.
Take my realme, all in feare,
that for you ordayned ys.
For while I was on yearth here
you gave mee meate, in good manere;
therefore in heaven-blysse cleare
you shall ever lenge, iwysse.
In great thyrst you gave me drynke,
when I was naked also clothinge,
and when mee needed harboringe
you harbored me in cold.
And other deedes to my lykinge
you dyd on yearth there lyvinge.
Therefore you shall be quytte that thinge
in heaven an hundrethfold.
Papa Salvatus
Lord, on this can I not mynne:
earth when I was dwellinge in,
thee in myscheffe or any unwynne
to shewe such a will.
Imperator Salvatus
Noe, syckerlye! I can have noe mynde
that ever to thee I was so kynd,
for there I might thee never fynd,
such kyndnes to fulfyll.
Yes, forsoothe, my freindes deare,
such as poore and naked weare,
you cladd and fedd them both in feere
and harbored them alsoe.
Such as weare also in great dangere,
in hard prysoun yn yearth here,
you visited them in meeke mannere,
all men in such woe.
Therefore, as I you ere tould,
you shalbe quytt an hundrethfould.
In my blysse, bee you bowld,
evermore you shall bee.
There neyther honger ys ney could
but all thinges as yourselves would —
everlastinge joye to yonge and old
that in yearth pleased mee.
Therfore, my angeles, goe you anon
and twyne my chosen everye one
from them that have benne my foen
and bringe them unto blysse.
On my right hand they shall be sett,
for soe full yore I them beheight
when the dyd withowten lett
my byddinge not amysse.
Primus Angelus
Lord, we shall never blynne
tyll we have brought them blys within,
those soules that benne withowten synne,
full soone, as you shall see.
Secundus Angelus
And I knowe them well affyne
which bodyes, lord, that benne thyne.
The shall have joye withowten pyne
that never shall ended bee.

Tunc angel ibunt ac cantabunt euntes ac venientes 'Letamini in domino, salvator mundi, domine.' Ac omnes salvati eos sequentur; postea veniunt demones, quorum dicat Primus.

Demon Primus
A, rightuouse judge, and most of might,
that there art sett to deeme the right,
mercye thou was, nowe ys gright,
to save these men from pyne.
Doe as thou hast yoare beheight.
Those that be synnfull in thy sight,
to reacon there deedes I am dight
to proove these men for myne.
Judge this pope myne in this place
that worthye ys for his trespace —
and ought to be thyne through grace —
through synne commynne myne.
A christen man I wott hee was,
knewe good from evell in eych case,
but my commandment donne hee hase,
and ever forsaken thyne.
Through mercye hee should be thyne,
but myne through wyckednes and synne;
thyne through passion thou was in,
and myne through temptatyon.
To mee obedyent hee was aye,
and thy commandment put awaye.
Thou righteouse judge therefore I praye,
deeme him to my pryson.
This emperour also that standeth by,
I hould him myne full wytterlye,
that held him ever in heresye
and leeved not on thy lore.
Therefore I tell thee verament
myne hee ys withowt judgment.
Thou sayd, when thou on yearth went,
that leeved not, damned were.

'Qui non credit, jam judicatus est.'

This kinge and queene would never knowe
poore men, them almes to showe.
Therefore, put them all from you
that stand before thy face,
and I shall leade them tyll a lowe;
there fyre shall burne though no man blowe.
I have them tyed upon a rowe;
they shall never passe that place.
Secundus Demon
Naye, I wyll spute with him this
that sytteth as high justice,
and yf I see he be righteous
soone I shall assaye.
And other he shall, forsooth iwysse,
forsake that of him wrytten ys
or these men that have donne amysse,
deeme them us todaye.
These wordes, God, thou sayde expresse,
as Matthewe thereof bayreth wyttnes,
that right as mans deedes was
yeelden hee should bee.
And, lest thou forgett, good man,
I shall mynne thee upon,
for speake Latten well I can,
and that thou shall soone see.

'Filius hominis venturus est in gloria Patris, Patris sui cum angelis suis, et tunc reddit unicuiquam secundum opus suum.'

Therefore, righteouse yf thou bee,
these men are myne, as mote I thee,
for on good deede here before thee
have they not to shewe.
Yf there bee anye, saye on! Lettes see!
Yf there be nonne, deeme them to mee;
or elles thou art as false as wee —
all men shall well knowe.
Demon Primus
Yea, this thou sayd, verament,
that when thou came to judgment
thy angelles from thee should be sent
to put the evyll from the good
and put them into great torment,
there reemynge and grennynge verey fervent;
which wordes to clearkes here present
I wyll rehearse.

'Sic erit in consummatione seculi: exibunt angel et [seperabunt] malos de medio justorum, et mittent eos in caminum ignis, ubi erit fletus et stridor dentium.'

Therefore delyver mee these men
and, as broke I my panne,
I shall make them to grynne
and nufullye to reeme.
And in as whott a chimneye
as ys ordayned for mee
bathed they all shalbee
in bitter bale and brenne.
This popelard pope here present
with covetousenes was aye fullye bent.
This emperour also, verament,
to all synne did enclyne.
This kinge also all righteouse men shent,
damned them through false judgment
and dyed so withowt amendment;
therefore I hould him myne.
This queene, while shee was lyvinge here,
spared never synne, in no mannere,
and all that myght, by Mahound so dere,
excyte her lecherye
shee used, mans harte to styrre,
and thereto fullye ordayned her.
Therefore shee hath lost her lure,
heaven-blysse, right as dyd I.
Loe, you men that wycked have benne,
what Sathan sayth you heren and scene.
Rightuouse doome may you not fleene,
for grace ys put awaye.
When tyrne of grace was endurynge,
to seeke yt you had no lykinge.
Therefore must I, for anythinge,
doe rightuousenes todaye.
And though my sweete mother deare
and all the sayntes that ever were
prayed for you right nowe here,
all yt were to late.
Noe grace may growe through theire prayere.
Then rightuousenes had no powere.
Therefore, goe to the fyre in feere.
There gaynes noe other grace.
When I was hungrye and thyrstie both,
and naked was, you would not mee clothe;
also, sycke and in greate woe,
you would not vysytt mee;
nor yett in pryson to me come,
nor of your meate to gyve me somee,
nor mee to your harboure nome
never yett in wyll were yee.
Papa Damnatus
When was thou naked or harborlesse,
hongrye, thyrstie, or in sycknes;
eyther in any prysoun was?
Wee sawe thee never a-could.
Imperator Damnatus
Hadd we thee hungrye or thyrstie seene,
naked, sycke, or in prysoun benne,
harborlesse or in anye teene,
have harbored thee we would.
Naye! When you sawe the leaste of myne
that on yearth suffered pyne,
with your rychesse you would not ryne
ney fulfill my desyre.
And syth you would nothinge enclyne
for to helpe my poore lyne,
to mee your love yt was not fyne.
Therefore, goe to the fyre!
Primus Demon
A, syr judge, this goeth aright.
By Mahound mych of might,
you bee myne, eych wyght,
ever to lyve in woe.
A dowlefull death to you ys dight,
for such hyre I you beheight
when you served me daye and night,
to be rewarded soe.
Goe we forthe to hell in hye.
Withowt end there shall you lye,
for you have loste — right as did I —
the blysse that lasteth ever.
Judged you be to my bellye
there endles sorrowe ys and noye.
One thinge I tell you truelye —
delyvcred benne you never.
Demon Secundus
Naye, maister, forgett not these theves two,
for, by Mahound, the shall not goe!
Theire deedes, lord, amonge moe,
soone I can them spye.
This justice, lord, was ever thy foe,
but falsehood to further hee was ever throo.
Therefore deeme him to sorrowe and woe,
for hee ys full well worthye.
This marchant also that standeth here,
hee ys myne, withowten were.
As oftetymes hee him forswere
as seedes be in my secke.
And occurre also used hee
that my powche ys so heavye,
I sweare by Mahound so free,
hit well-nyc breakes my necke.

Tunc demones exportabunt eos, et venient quatuor evangelistae.

I, Matthewe, of this beare wytnes,
for in my gospell I wrotte expresse
this that my lord of his goodnesse
hath rehearsed here.
And by mee all were warned before
to save theire soules evermore
that nowe through lykinge the benne lore
and damned to fyre in feare.
I, Marke, nowe appartlye saye
that warned they were by manye a waye
theire lyvinge how the should araye,
heaven-blysse to recover;
so that excuse them they ne maye
that they benne worthye, in good faye,
to suffer they doome given todaye
and damned to be ever.
And I, Luke, on yearth lyvinge,
my lordes workes in everyethinge
I wrote and taught through my cunnynge
that all men knowe might.
And therefore I saye, forsooth iwys,
excusation none there ys.
Agaynst my talkinge they dyd arnysse.
This donne, yt goeth aright.
And I, John the Evangeliste,
beare wytnes of thinges that I wyste
to which they might full well have truste
and not have donne amysse.
And all that ever my lord sayth here,
I wrote yt in my mannere.
Therfore, excuse you, withowten were,
I may not well, iwysse.


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38