The Barbers and the Waxe Chaundlers Playe

Incipit Quarta Pagina qualiter reversus est a cede quatuor regum. Occurrit rex Salim etc. equitando et Lothe; et dicat Abraham. Preco dicat:

All peace, lordinges that bine presente,1
and herken mee with good intente,
howe Noe awaye from us hee went
and all his companye;
and Abraham through Godes grace,
he is commen into this place,
and yee will geeve us rowme and space7
to tell you thys storye.
This playe, forsothe, begynne shall hee9
in worshippe of the Trynitie
that yee may all here and see
that shalbe donne todaye.
My name is Goobett-on-the-Greene.
With you I may no longer beene.
Farewell, my lordinges, all bydene15
for lettynge of [your] playe.

Abraham, having restored his brother Loth into his owne place, doth firste of all begine the play and sayth:

Ah, thou high God, graunter of grace,17
that endinge ne begininge hase,
I thanke thee, lorde, that thou hase
todaye give mee the victorye.
Lothe, my brother, that taken was,
I have restored him in this case
and brought him home in this place23
through thy might and masterye.
To worshippe thee I will not worne,25
that iiii kynges of uncouth landes
todaye bath sent into my hand,
and ryches with greate araye.
Therfore of all that I have wone29
to give the teath I will begynne,
the cyttee sonne when I come in,
and parte with thee my praye.
Melchysedech, that here kinge is33
and Goddes preyste allsoe iwisse,
the teathe I will give him of this,
as skyll is that I doe.
Godd that base sende mee the vyctorye
of iiii kynges gracyously,
with him I praye parte will I,39
the cyttie when I come to.

Here Lothe, torninge him to his brother Abraham, doth saye:

Abraham, brother, I thanke thee41
that this daye haste delyvered mee
of enimyes handes and ther postee,
and saved mee from woo.
Therfore I will give teathinge
of my good whille I am livinge;
and nowe alsoe of his sendinge47
the teath I will give alsoe.

Tunc venit Armiger Melchysedech ad ipsum et gratulando dicit Armiger (Here the Messenger doth come to Melchysedech, kinge of Salem, and rejoysinge greatly doth saye):

My lorde the kinge, tydinges on right49
your hart to glade and to light —
Abraham hath slayne in fight
iiii kinges since hee went.
Here hee will bee this ylke night,
and ryches enough with him dight.
I harde him thanke God almight55
of grace hec had him sente.

Here Melchysedech, lookinge up to heaven, doth thanke God for Abrahams victorye, and doth prepare himselfe to goe presentAbraham.

Melchysedech, Rex Salem
Ah, blessed bee God that is but one.57
Agaynste Abraham will I gonne
worshipfullye and that anonne,
myne office to fulfill,
and presente him with bread and wyne,
for grace of God is him within.
Spede for love myne,63
for this is Godes will.
Armiger (cum pocula)

Here the Messenger, offeringe to Melchysedeck a standinge-cuppe and bread alsoe, dothe saye:

Sir, here is wyne, withowten were,65
and therto bred white and cleare
to present him with good chere,
that soe us holpenn hasse.

Here Melchysedeck answeringe sayth:

To God I wott hee is full deare,69
for of all thinges in his prayer
hee hath withowten dangere,
and speciallye his grace.

Melchysedeck, comminge unto Abraham, doth offer to him a cuppe full of wynne and bred, and sayth unto him:

Abraham, welcome moste thou bee —73
Godes grace is fuiiye in thee.
Blessed ever muste thou bee
that enimyes soe can meeke.
Here is bred and wyne for thy degree;
I have brought as thou maye see.
Receyve this present nowe at mee, and that I thee beeseche.

Here Abraham, receyvinge the offeringe of Meichysedeck, dothe saye:

Syr kynge, welcome in good faye;80
thy presente is welcome to my paye.
God that hath holpen mee todaye,
unworthye though I were,
ye shall have parte of my praye
that I wan sinse I wente awaye.
Therfore to thee that take it maye,86
the teathe I offer here.

Here Abraham offereth to Meichysedeck an horse that is laden. Melchysedeck, receivinge the horse of Abraham verey gladly, doth saye:

And your present, syr, take I88
and honoure hit devoutlye,
for much good it may signifye
in tyme that is commynge.
Therfore horse, harnesse, and petrye,
as falles for your dignitye,
the teathe of hit takes of mee94
and receyve here my offeringe.

Here Loth doeth offer to Melchysedeck a goodly cuppe, and sayth:

And I will offer with good intente96
of such goodes as God bath mee lente
to Melchysedeck here presente,
as Gods will is to bee.
Abraham, my brother, offered hasse,
and soe will I through Godes grace.
This royal! cuppe before your face102
receyve yt nowe at mee.

Here Melchysedeck receaveth the cuppe of Loth.

Syr, your offeringe welcome ys;104
and well I wott, forsoth iwys,
that fullye Godes will yt is
that is nowe doone today.
Goe wee together to my cyttie;
and God nowe hartely thanke wee
that helps us aye through his postee,110
for soe wee full well maye.

Here they doe goe together, and Abraham dothe take the bred and wyne, and Melchysedeck the laden horse.

Expositor (equitando)
Lordinges, what may this signifye112
I will expound yt appertly —
the unlearned standinge herebye
maye knowe what this may bee.
This present, I saye veramente,
signifieth the newe testamente
that nowe is used with good intente118
throughout all Christianitye.
In the owld lawe, without leasinge,120
when these too good men were livinge,
of beastes were there offeringe
and eke there sacramente.
But synce Christe dyed one roode-tree,
in bred and wyne his death remenber wee;
and at his laste supper our mandee126
was his commandemente.
But for this thinge used should bee128
afterwardes, as nowe done wee,
in signification — as leeve you mee —
Melchysedeck did soe.
And teathinges-makinge, as you seene here,
of Abraham begonnen were.
Therfore to God hee was full deare,134
and soe were both too.
By Abraham understand I maye136
the Father of heaven, in good faye;
Melchysedecke, a pryest to his paye
to minister that sacramente
that Christe ordayned the foresayde daye
in bred and wyne to honour him aye.
This signifyeth, the sooth to saye,142
Melchysedeck his presente.

Here God appeareth to Abraham and saythe:

Abraham, my servante, I saye to thee144
thy helpe and thy succour will I bee.
For thy good deede myche pleaseth mee,
I tell thee witterly.

Here Abraham, torninge to God, saythe:

Lord, on thinge that wouldest see,148
that I praye after with harte full free:
grante mee, lorde, through thy postee
some fruite of my bodye.
I have noe chylde, fowle ne fayre,152
save my nurrye, to bee my hayre;
that makes mee greatly to appeare.
One mee, lord, have mercye.
Naye Abraham, frend, leeve thou mee —156
thy nurrye thine hayre hee shall not bee;
but one sonne I shall send thee,
begotten of thy bodye.
Abraham, doe as I thee saye —160
looke and tell, yf thou maye,
stares standinge one the straye;
that unpossible were.
Noe more shalt thou, for noe neede,
number of thy bodye the seede
that thou shalt have withowten dreede;166
thou arte to mee soe dere.
Therfore Abraham, servante free,168
looke that thou bee trewe to mee;
and here a forwarde I make with thee
thy seede to multiplye.
Soe myche folke forther shalt thou bee,
kinges of this seede men shall see;
and one chylde of greate degree174
all mankynde shall forbye.
I will hethen-forward alwaye176
eyche man-chylde one the eyght daye
bee circumsysed, as I thee saye,
and thou thyselfe full soone.
Whoesoe cyrcumsysed
not ys forsaken shalbe
with mee iwys,182
for unobedyent that man ys.
Looke that this bee done.
Lord, all readye in good faye.185
Blessed bee thou ever and aye,
for therby knowe thou maye
thy folke from other men.
Cyrcumsyscd they shalbe all
anon for ought that maye befall.
I thanke thee, lorde, thyne one thrall,191
kneelinge one my kneene.
Lordinges all, takys intent193
what betokens this commandement:
this was sometyme an sacrament
in the ould lawe truely tane.
As followeth nowe verament,
soe was this in the owld testamente.
But when Christe dyed away hit went,199
and then beganne baptysme.
Alsoe God a promise behett us here201
to Abraham, his servant dere:
soe mych seede that in noe manere
nombred yt may bee,
and one seede mankinde for to bye.
That was Christe Jesus wytterlye,
for of his kynde was our ladye,207
and soe alsoe was bee.
Abraham, my servante Abraham!209
Loe, lord, alreadye here I am.210
Take Isaack, thy sonne by name211
that thou lovest the best of all,
and in sacryfyce offer him to mee
upon that hyll there besydes thee.
Abraham, I will that yt soe bee
for ought that maye befall.
My lord, to thee is myne intent217
ever to bee obedyent.
That sonne that thou to mee haste sent
offer I will to thee,
and fulfill thy cornmandement
with hartye will, as I am kent.
High God, lorde omnipotent,223
thy biddinge, lorde, done shalbee.
My meanye and my chyidren eycheone225
lenges at home, both all and one,
save Isaack, my sonne, with mee shall gonne
to an hyll here besyde.

Here Abraham, torninge him to his sonne Isaack, sayth:

Make thee readye, my dere darlinge,229
for we must doe a little thinge.
This wood doe thou on thy backe bringe;
wee may noe lenger byde.
A sworde and fyer that I will take,233
for sacrifyce mee behoves to make.
Godes biddinge will I not forsake,
but ever obedyent bee.

Abraham taketh a sworde and fyer. Here Isaack speakes to his father, taketh the bundell of stickes, and beareth after his father.

Father, I all readye237
to doe your byddinge moste meekely,
and to beare this wood full beane am I,
as ye commande mee.
O Isaack, my darlinge deare,241
my blessinge nowe I give thee here.
Take up this fagott with good chere,
and on thy backe yt bringe.
And fyer with us I will take.
Your bydding I wyll not forsake;246
father, I will never slake
to fullfill your byddinge.
Nowe Isaack, sonne, goe wee our waye249
to yonder monte, yf that wee maye.

Here they goe both to the place to doe sacrafice.

My dere father, I will assaye251
to follow you full fayne.252

Abraham, beinge minded to slea his sonne, lifte us his handes to heaven and sayth:

O my harte will breake in three!253
To here thy wordes I have pittye.
As thou wilte, lorde, soe muste yt bee;
to thee I will bee beane.
Laye downe thy fagott, my owne sonne.257
All readye, father; loe yt here.258
But why make yee soe heavye chere?
Are ye any thinge adread?
Father, yf yt bee your will,
where is the beaste that wee shall kyll?
Therof, sonne, is none upon the hill263
that I see here upon this stedde.

Isaack, fearinge leste his father will slea him, sayth:

Father, I am full sore afrayde265
to see you beare that drawen sworde.
I hope for all myddylarde
you will not slaye your chylde.

Abraham, comfortinge his sonne, sayth:

Dreade thee not, my chylde. I reade269
our lorde will sende of his goodheade
some manner of beast into this fyelde,
eyther tame or wylde.
Father, tell mee or I goe273
whether I shall harme or floe.
Ah, deare God, that mee ys woe!275
Thou breakeste my harte in sunder.
Father, tell mee of this case:277
why you your sworde drawen base,
and beares yt naked in this place.
Therof I have greate wonder.
Isaack, sonne, peace, I praye thee.281
Thou breakest my harte anon in three.
I praye you, father, leane nothinge from mee;283
but tell mee what you thinke.
Ah, Isaack, Isaack, I muste thee kyll.285
Alas, father, ys that your wyll,286
your owne chylde for to spyll
upon thys hilles bryncke?
If I have trespassed in any degree,289
with a yarde you may beate mee.
Put up your sworde yf your wyll bee,
for I am but a chylde.
O my deare sonne, I am sorye293
to doe to thee this great anoye.
Godes commandement doe must I;
his workes are aye full mylde.
Would God my mother were here with mee!297
Shee would kneele downe upon her knee,
prayeinge you, father, if yt might bee,
for to save my liefe.
O comely creature, but I thee kyll301
I greeve my God, and that full yll.
I may not worke agaynste his wyll
but ever obedyent bee.
O Isaack, sonne, to thee I saye
God hase commanded mee todaye
sacryfyce — this is noe naye — to make of thy bodye.
Is yt Godes will I shalbe slayne?308
Yea, sonne, yt is not for to leane;309
to his byddinge I will bee beane,
ever to him pleasinge.
But that I doe this deolfull deede,
my lorde will not quite mee my meede.
Marye, father, God forbydde314
but you doe your offeringe.
Father, at home your sonnes you shall fynde316
that you muste love by course of kynde.
Be I once out of your mynde,
your sorrowe may sonne cease.
But yet you must doe Godes byddinge.
Father, tell my mother for nothinge.

Here Abraham, wringinge his handes, sayth:

For sorrowe I maye my handes wringe;322
thy mother I cannot please.
O Isaak, Isaack, blessed most thow bee!
Almoste my wytt I loose for thee.
The blood of thy body soe free
I am full loth to sheede.
Father, synce you muste needes doe soe,328
lett yt passe lightly and over goe.
Kneelinge upon my knees too,
your blessinge one mee spreade.
My blessinge, deare sonne, give I thee,332
and thy mothers with harte soe free.
The blessinge of the Trinitye,
my deare sonne, one thee light.
Father, I praye you hyde my eyne336
that I see not the sworde soe keene.
Your strooke, father, would I not seene
leste I agaynst yt gryll.
My deare sonne Isaack, speake noe moare;340
thy wordes make my harte full sore.
O deare father, wherfore, wherfore?342
Sythenn I muste needes bee dead,
of one thinge I would you praye.
Sythen I must dye the death todaye,
as fewe strokes as yee well maye
when yee smyte of my head.
Thy meekenes, chylde, makes mee affraye.348
My songe maye bee ’Wele-Awaye’.
O deare father, doe away,350
doe away your makinge of myche mone.
Now truely, father, this talkinge
doth but make longe taryinge.
I praye you come of and make endinge,
and lett mee hence bee gone.
Come hyther, my chylde; thow art soe sweete.356
Thow must be bounden hand and feete.

Here Isaack ryseth and cometh to his father, and hee taketh him and byndeth him and layeth him one the alter for to sacrifyce him.

Father, we muste noe more meete358
by ought that I cane see.
But doe with mee then as thou will;
I muste obey, and that is skyll,
Godes commandement to fulfill,
for needes soe must it bee.
Upon the purpose that you have sett you,364
forsooth, father, I wyll not lett you;
but evermore to doe your vowe
while that ever yee maye.
Father, greete well my brethen yonge,
and praye my mother of hir blessinge;
I come no more under her winge.370
Farewell, for ever and aye.
But, father, I crye you mercye372
for all that ever I have trespased to thee;
forgiven, father, that hit may bee
untill domesdaye.
My deare sonne, lett bee thy mones;376
my chylde, thow greeves mee every ones.
Blessed bee thow, body and bones,
and I forgive thee here.
Nowe, my deare sonne, here shall thow lye.
Unto my worke nowe must I hye.
I had as leeve myselfe to dye382
as thow, my darlinge deare.
Father, if yee bee to mee kynde,384
about my head a carchaffe bynde
and lett mee lightly out of your mynde,
and soone that I were speede.
Farewell, my sweete sonne of grace.388

Here kisse him and binde the carchaffe about his head, and lett him kneele downe and speake.

I praye you, father, turne downe my face389
a little while, while you have space,
for I am full sore adreade.
To doe this deede I am sorye.392
Yea, lorde, to thee I call and crye!393
Of my soule thow have mercye,
hartely I thee praye.
Lord, I would fayne worke thy will.396
This yonge innocent that lieth soe still,
full loth were mee him to kyll
by any manner of waye.
My deare father, I thee praye,400
let mee take my clothes awaye,
for sheeding blood on them todaye
at my laste endinge.
Harte, yf thow would breake in three,404
thou shall never mayster mee.
I will floe longer lett for thee;
my God I may not greeve.
A, mercye, father, why tarrye yee soe?408
Smite of my head and lett mee goe.
I praye you rydd mee of my woo,
for nowe I take my leave.
My sonne, my harte will breake in three412
to here thee speake such wordes to mee.
Jesu, one mee thow have pyttye,
that I have moste of mynde.
Nowe, father, I see that I shall dye.416
Almighty God in majestie,
my soule I offer unto thee.
Lorde, to yt bee kynde.

Here lett Abraham take and bynde his sonne Isaack upon the aulter, and leett him make a signe as though bee would cutt of his head with the sword. Then lett the Angell come and take the sworde by the end and staye yt, sayinge:

Abraham, my servante deare!420
Loe, lord, I am all readye here.421
Laye not thy sworde in noe manere422
one Isaack, thy deare darlinge;
and doe to him none anoye.
For thou dreades God, well wott I,
that of thy sonne hasse noe mercye
to fulfill his byddinge.
Angelus Secundus
And for his byddinge thow doest aye,428
and sparest neyther for feare nor faye
to doe thy sonne to death todaye,
Isaack to thee full deare,
therfore God bath sent by mee in faye
a lambe that is both good and gaye.
Loe, have him right here.434
Ah, lorde of heaven and kinge of blysse,435
thy byddinge shall be donne iwys.
Sacrifyce here mee sent ys,
and all, lorde, through thy grace.
An horned wether here I see;
amonge these bryers tyed is hee.
To thee offered now shall hee bee,441
anonright in this place.

Then lett Abraham take the lambe and kyll him, and lett God saye:

Abraham, by my selfe I sweare:443
for thou hast bine obedient ayere,
and spared not thy sonne to teare
to fulfill my byddinge,
thou shall bee blessed that pleased mee.
Thy seede shall I soe multiplye
as starres and sande, soe many highe I449
of thy bodye comminge.
Of enimyes thou shalte have power,451
and thy blood alsoe in feare.
Thow haste beene meeke and bonere
to doe [as] I thee bade.
And of all natyons, leeve thow mee,
blessed evermore shalbee
through fruyte that shall come of thee,457
and saved through thy seede.

Here the Docter saythe:

Lordinges, this significatyon459
of this deede of devotyon —
and yee will, yee wytt mon —
may tome you to myche good.
This deede yee scene done here in this place,
in example of Jesus done yt was,
that for to wynne mankinde grace465
was sacrifyced one the roode.
By Abraham I may understand467
the Father of heaven that cann fonde
with his Sonnes blood to breake that bonde
that the dyvell had brought us to.
By Isaack understande I maye
Jesus that was obedyent aye,
his Fathers will to worke alwaye473
and death for to confounde.

Here lett the Docter kneele downe and saye:

Such obedyence grante us, O lord,475
ever to thy moste holye word;
that in the same wee may accorde
as this Abraham was beyne.
And then altogether shall wee
that worthye kinge in heaven see,
and dwell with him in great glorye481
for ever and ever. Amen.

Here the Messenger maketh an ende:

Make rowme, lordings, and give us waye483
and lett Balack come in and playe,
and Balaham that well can saye,
to tell you of prophecye.
That lord that dyed one Good Frydaye,
the same you all, both night and daye.
Farewell, my lordings, I goe my waye;489
I may noe lenger abyde.


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38