The Blackesmythes Playe

Pagina Undecima: De Purificatione Beatae Virginiis

Mightie God, have mynd on me,1
that most art in majestee.
For many a winter have I bee
preist in Jerusalem.
Mych teene and incommoditie
followeth age, full well I see;
and nowe that fytt may I not flee,7
thinke me never so swem.
When I am dead and layd in claye,9
wend I mote the same waye
that Abraham went, the sooth to saye,
and in his bosome be.
But heaven-blysse after my daye-
tyll Godes Sonne come, the sooth to say,
to ransome his folke, in better araye15
to blysse come never wee.
That Christe shall come well I wott,17
but daye nor tyme may noe man wott.
Therfore my booke looke I mott,
my hart to glad and light.
When Esaye sayth I will see,
for well I wott how yt shalbe;
or I deed, well were me23
of him to have a syght.

Tunc respitiens librum legat prophetiam: 'Ecce virgo concipiet et pariet fllium' etc.

A, lord, mich is thy power;25
a wonder I fynd written here.
It sayth a mayden clean and cleare
shall conceive and beare
a sonne called Emanuell.
But of this leeve I never a deale;
it is wronge written, as have I heale,31
or elles wonder yt were.
He that wrote this was a fonne33
to writte ’a virgin’ hereupon
that should conceive without helpe of man;
this writinge mervayles me.
I will scrape this awaye anon;
thereas ’a virgin’ is written on
I will write ’a good woman’-39
for so yt should be.

Tunc fabricabit librum quasi deleret hoc verbum (virgo); et post ponit librum super altare. Et veniet Angelus et accipiet librum, faciens signum quasi scriberet; et claudet librum et vuanesset; et dicat Anna Vidua.

Anna Vidua
Simeon, father, sooth I see41
that Christe shall come, our boote to be,
from the Father in majestie
on mankynd for to myne.
And when he comes, leeves you mee,
hee will have mercye and pittie
on his folke, to make them free47
and salve them of there synne.
The tyme of his comynge knowe I nought;49
yett manye bookes have I sought.
But wonderlye hee that this writinge wrought,
and marvell thinkes mee.
My booke to looke yf I fynde ought
what maner mankynde shalbe
bought and what tyme yt shalbe.55

Tunc accipiet librum et admirando dicat:

A, lord, how may this be? Todaye56
that I wrote last I fynd awaye
and of red letters in stowte araye
’a virgin’ written therin.
Nay, faye, after I will assaye
whether this miracle be verey,
and scrape this word written so gaye62
and write ’a good woman.’

Tunc iterum fabricat ut antea.

Dame Anne, thou may se well here64
this is amended in good manere;
for a wonder thinge yt weare
to fall by any waye.
Therfore, as yt was amisse,
I have written that soother ys:
that ’a good woman’ shall iwys70
conceive, and not a maye.

Tunc ponit librum super altare, et faciet Angelus ut antea.

Syr, marvayle yoe nothinge thereon;72
forsooth God will take kynd in man.
Through his godhead ordayne hee can
a mayd a child to beare.
For to that high comly kinge
impossible is nothinge.
Therfore I leeve yt no leasinge,78
but sooth all that is here.
My faye, yet eft will I see80
whether my letters changed be.

Accipiet librum.

A, hye God in Trinitee,82
honored be thou aye.
For goulden letters, by my lewtye,
are written through Godes postie
syth I layd my booke from mee
and my writinge awaye,
thereas ’a good woman’ written was88
right nowe here before my face;
yet stirred I not owt of this place,
and my letter changed is.
This must be needes by Godes grace,92
for an angell this written hase.
Nowe leeve I a mayd in this case
shall beare a barron of blysse.
Now, lord, syth that yt so is-96
that thou wilt be borne with blisse
of a mayd that never did amysse-
on mee, lord, thou have mynd.
Lett me never death tast, lord full of grace,
tyll I have seene thy childes face
that prophecied is here in this place102
to kever all mankinde.
Simeon, I tell thee sickerly104
that Godes owne ghost am I,
common to warne thee witterly:
death shall thou never see
tyll thou have seene Christe verey
that borne is of meaden Marye
and common mankynd for to forbye.110
A, lord, I thanke thee of thy grace111
that thy goste sent to mee hase.
Nowe hope I syckerlye in this place
thy Sonne for to see,
that of a virgin must be borne
to save mankynd that was forlorne,
as Esaues bookes tould me beforne.117
Lord, blessed must thou bee.

Tunc Simeon sedebit expectans consolationem; de alio loco [procull] a templo

Joseph, my owne trewe fere,119
now redde I-if your will weare-
syth fortye dayes are gonne entere,
the temple that wee goe to
and, Moyses lawe for to fulfill,
my sonne to offer Simeon tyll.
I wott well that yt is Godes will125
that we nowe soe doe.
Yea, Marye, though yt be no neede-127
syth thou art cleane in thought and deede-
yett yt is good to do as God bade
and worke after his sawe,
and to the temple that we goe
and take with us dove-byrdes two
or a turtle to offer too,133
and soe fulfill Goddes lawe.
Ryghtwise Simeon, God thee see!135
Here am I common here to thee
purified for to be
with myld harte and meeke.
Receave my sonne nowe at mee
and to my offringe bryddes three,
as falles, syr, for your degree141
and for your office eke.
A signe I offer here alsoe143
of virgin waxe, as other moo,
in tokeninge shee hase lived oo
in full devotion.
And, syr Simeon, leeve well this:
as cleane as this waxe nowe is,
as cleane is my wife, iwys,149
of all corruption.

Tunc Simeon accipiet puerum in ulnas.

Welcome, Christ my saviour!151
Welcome, mankyndes conqueroure!
Welcome, of all fruites the flowre,
welcome with all my harte!
To thee worshippe, joye, and honour!
For nowe I see my saviour
is commen to leech my langour157
and bringe me unto blys.
Though I bere thee nowe, sweete wight,159
thou rulest mee as yt is right;
for through thee I have mayne and myght
more then through waye of kynde.
Therfore a songe, as I have tyght,
and laudes to thee with hart right
I will shewe here in thy sight;165
of mee, lord, thou have mynde.

Tunc cantabit 'Nunc dimittis servum tuum, domine' etc.

Nowe, lord, lett thy servant bee167
after thy word in peace and lee,
for with my eyes nowe I see
thou art mankyndes heale.
And thou hast ordayned there thy postie
to people which thou hast pittie.
Lightninge is commen nowe through thee173
and joye to Israell.
And Marye, mother, to thee I saye:175
thy sonne that I have scene todaye
is commen-I tell thee in good faye-
for fallinge of many fonne;
and to releeve in good araye
manye a man, as hee well maye,
in Israell or hee wend awaye181
that shall leeve him upon.
Manye signes hee shall shewe183
in which untrewe shall non trowe.
And suffer thou shalt many a throwe,
for sword of sorrowe it shall goe
through thy hart, that men shall knowe
thoughtes in harte-on a rowe-
of men that shall contrarye you189
and found to worke thee woe.
Anna Vidua
And I acknowledge to thee, lord, here:191
to leeve on thee through thy power,
that fore score and fore yeares
hase send me might and grace
to live in pennance and prayer.
Nowe wott I well withowten were
that thou art Christ in godhead cleare,197
in thee wholey thou hast.
And openly here sooth I saye199
to all thy people that I see maye-
the which have wayted many a daye
after thee, saviour-
that thou art commen, Christ verey;
this wott I well by many a way.
Therfore I honour thee now and aye,205
my Christ, my creatour.
Josephe, husband leeffe and deare,207
our child is gonne upon his waye.
My harte were light and hee weare here;
lett us goe seech him, I thee praye.
For sodenlye hee went his waye
and left us both in Jerusalem-
greatly in likinge manye a day-213
that wilbe lord over all the realme.
Marye, of myrthes we may us meane,215
and truely tell betwixt us two
of fearly sightes that wee have seene
syth wee came the cittye froe.
Deare Josephe, you will not weene219
syth our child hath binne us with-
homward I read, I read we hye-
hee kept us both from growne and gryth.
In all the might that ever we maye-
for dread of wicked companye,
lest any us meete upon the waye-225
homwarde therfore I read wee hye.
Primus Docyor
Here our reason right on a rowe,227
you clarkes that be of great cunninge:
methinkes this child will learne our lawe;
hee taketh great tent to our talkinge.
You clearkes that be of great degree,231
unto my talkinge you take good heede.
My Father that sitteth in majestie,
hee knowes your workes in thought and deede.
My Father and I together bee
in on godhead withouten dread.
We be both on in certayntie,237
all these workes to rule and reade.
Primus Docyor
Hearkes this child in his bourdinge!239
Hee weenes hee kennes more then hee knowes.
Certes, sonne, thou art over-yonge
by cleargie cleane to knowe our lawes.
Therefore, if thou wouldest never so fayne,
further in age tyll thou have drawe-
yett art thou neither of might nor mayne245
to knowe yt as a clarke might knowe.
Secundus Docyor
And thou wilt speake of Moyses lawe,247
take good heede and thou may see,
in case be that thou can knowe,
here in this booke that written bee.
The kingdome of heaven is in me light251
and hath me annoynted as a leach,
and given me playne power and might
the kingdome of heaven to tell and teach.
Secundus Docyor
Behould how hee hase learned our lawes,255
and he learned never on booke to reade.
Methinkes hee sayes suttle [sawes]257
and very trueth, if you take heede.
Tertius Docyor
Lett him wend forth on his wayes;259
for and he dwell, withouten dread,
the people full sonne will him prayse
well more then wee, for all our deede.
Primus Docyor
This is nothinge to my entent;263
such speach to spend I read we spare.
And wyde in world as I have went,
yett found I never so farrely fare.
Secundus Docyor
By matters that this child hath ment267
to knowe our lawes, both lesse and more,
owt of heaven I hope him sent
into the earth to salve our sore.
You that be maisters of Moyses lawe271
and worthye doctours of great degree,
one commandment you to me shewe
that God on earth bade kept should be.
Primus Docyor
I read this is the first biddinge,275
and is the most in Moyses lawe:
to love our God above all thinge
with all our might and all our lawe.
That for to do, looke yee be bayne279
with all your harte with good intent.
Take you not his name in vayne;
this is my Fathers commandment.
Alsoe you honour your holye daye;283
no workes save almes-deedes you doe.
These three, the certayne for to saye,
the first table belongen to.
Alsoe father and mother worshippe aye.
Take no mans goodes without the right.
All false witnesse you put awaye,289
and slea no man by day nor night.
Envy do by no woman,291
to do her shame by night or daye.
Other mens wives desyre you not;
all such desyres you put awaye.
Looke ye ne steale by night nor daye,
whatsoever that you be lent.
These wordes understand you maye;297
they are my Fathers commandment.
Tertius Docyor
Syr, this child of mycle pryce299
which is yonge and tender of age,
I hould him sent from the high justice
to wynne agayne our heritage.
Nowe blessed be hee us hither brought;303
in land lyves non so bright.
See where hee sittes thatt wee have sought305
amonge yonder maisters micle of might.
Wend forth, Josephe, upon your waye
and fetch our sonne-and lett us fare-
that sytteth with yonder doctours gaye;
for we have had of him great care.
Marye, wife, thou wottes right well311
that I must all my traveyle teene;
with men of might I cannot mell,
that syttes soe gaye in furres fine.
My deareworthy sonne, to mee so deare,315
wee have you sought full wonder wyde.
I am right glad that you be here,
that we found you in this tyde.
Mother, full ofte I tould you tyll:319
my Fathers workes, for wayle or woe,
hither was I sent for to fuffill;
that must I needes doe or I goe.
They sawes, sonne, as have I heale,323
[I] can nothinge understand.
I shall thinke on them full well
and fownd to doe that the command.
Now have you hard, all in this place,327
that Christ is commen through his grace-
as holye Esau prophecied hase-
and Symeon hase him seene.
Leeve you well this, lordes of might,
and keepe you all his lawes of right,
that you may in his blisse so bright333
evermore with him to leene.


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38