The Cappers and Lynnan Drapers Playe

Incipit Pagina Quinta de Moyses et de lege sibi data.

Deus (ad Moysen)
Moyses, my servant leeffe and dere,1
and all my people that bine here,
yee wotten in Egipte when yee weare
out of thraldome I you brought.
I will you have floe God but mee;
no false godes none make yee.
My name in vayne name not yee7
for that liketh mee nought.
I wyll you hould your holy daye9
and worshippe yt eke alwaye,
father and mother all that yee maye,
and slea noe man noewhere.
Fornication yee shall flee.13
Noe meanes goodes steale yee,
nor in noe place lenge ne bee
false wytnes for to beare.
Your neighbours wyefe desyre you nought,17
servante nee goodes that bee bath bought,
oxe nor asse, in deede nor thought,
nor nothinge that is his,
nor wrongefullye to have his thinge
agaynst his love and his likinge.
In all these keepe my byddinge,23
that yee doe not amysse.
Good lorde that art ever soe good,25
I will fulfill with mylde moode
thy commandementes, for I stood
to here thee nowe full styll.
Fortye dayes now fasted have I,
that I might bee the more worthye
to lerne this tokenn trulye.31
Nowe wyll I worke thy will.

Tunc Moyses in monte dicat populo:

Good folke, dread yee nought.33
To prove you with God bath this wrought.
Take theese wordes in your thought;
nowe knowne yee what ys sinne.
By this sight nowe yee may see
that bee is pearles of postee.
Therfore this token looke doe yee,39
therof that yee ne blynne.
Lordings, this commandement41
was the firste lawe that ever God sent;
x poynctes there bine — takes intent —
that moste effecte ys in.
But all that storye for to fonge
to playe this moneth yt were to longe.
Therfore moste fruitefull ever amonge47
shortly wee shall myn.
After, wee reden of this storye49
that in this monte of Synaye
God gave the lawe witterlye
wrytten with his hand
in stonye tables, as reede I;
before, men honored mawmentrye.
Moyses brake them hastelye,55
for that hee would not wond.
But after, played as yee shall see,57
other tables owt carved hee
which God bade wrytten should bee,
the wordes bee sayde before.
The which tables [shryned] were
after, as God can Moyses leare;
and that [shryne] to him was deare63
therafter evermore.

Here God appereth agayne to Moyses.

Moyses, my servant, goe anon65
and kerve owt of the rocke of stone
tables to wryte my byddinge upon,
such as thou had before.
And in the morninge looke thou hye69
into the monte of Synaye.
Lett noe man wott but thow onlye,
of companye noe more.
Lord, thy byddinge shalbe donne73
and tables kerved owt full soonne.
But tell mee — I praye thee this boone —
what wordes I shall wryte.
Thou shalt wryte the same lore77
that in the tables was before.
Hyt shalbe kepte for evermore,
for that is my delyte.

Tunc Moyses faciet signum quasi effoderet tabulas de monte et, super ipsas scribens, dicat populo.

Godes folke of Israell,81
herkens you all to my spell.
God bade ye should keepe well
this that I shall saye.
Syxe dayes bodely worke all;
the seaventh sabboath ye shall call.
That daye for ought that maye befall87
hallowed shalbe aye.
Whoe doth not this, dye shall hee.89
In howses forever shall noe man see
firste fruyctes — to God offer yee,
for soe himselfe beode;
purpur and [byse] both too
to him that shall save you from woo
and helpe you in your neede.95

Tunc descendet de monte, et veniet rex Balaack equitando juxta montem et dicat.

I Balaack, kinge of Moab land,96
all Israell and I had in hand,
I am soe wrath I would not wond
to slea them everye wight.
For there God helpes them so stowtly
of other landes to have mastery
that yt is boteles wytterly102
agaynst them for to fight.
What natyon doth them anoy,104
Moyses prayeth anon in hye;
then have the ever the victorye
and there cncmyes the worse.
Therfore, how I will wroken bee
I am bethought, as mote I thee:
Balaham shall come to mee,110
that people for to curse.


Noe knife nor sworde maye not avayle112
that ylke people to assayle.
That foundes to fight, hee shall fayle,
for sycker yt is noe boote.

Caste up.

All natyons they doe anoye,116
and my folke commen for to distroye,
and oxe that graweth buselye
the grasse right to the roote.
Whosoever Balaham blesseth, iwys,120
blessed that man sothlye is;
whosoever he cursys fareth amyse,
such name over all bath bee.
But yett I truste venged to bee124
with dynte of sword or pollicye
on these false losells, leaves mee.
Leeve this withowten dowbte,
for to bee wroken is my desyre;
my heart brennys as whott as fyre
for vervent anger and for ire,130
till this bee brought abowte.

'Surgite dei patriae et opitulamini nobis et in necessitate nos defendite.'

Therfore, my god and godes all,132
O mightye Mars, one thee I call!
With all the powers infernall
ryse now and helpe at neede.
I am enformed by trewe reporte
how the mediators doeth resorte
to wynne my land to there comforte,138
desended of Jacobs seede.
Now shewe your power, you godes mighty,140
soe that these caytiffes I may destroye,
havinge of them full victorye,
and them brought to mischance.


Beate them downe in playne battell,144
those false losells soe cruell,
that all the world may here tell
wee take on vengeance.
Owt of Egipte fled the bee148
and passed through the Red Sea.
The Egiptians that them pursued trewlye
were drowned in that same fludd.
The have on God mickell of might
which them doeth ayde in wronge and right.
Whosoever with them foundeth to fight,154
hee wynneth little good.
They have slayne — this wott I well —156
through helpe of God of Israell
both Seon and Ogge, kinges so fell,
and playnly them distroye.
Thearefore ryse up, ye goodes eiche one!
Ye be a hundrethe godes for one.
I would be wroken them upon,162
for all there pompe and pryde.
Therefore goe fetche hym, batchelere,164
that he may curse these people heare.
For sycker on them in no manere
may we not wroken be.

Miles rex Balack loquitur:

Syr, on your errannde will I goon,168
that yt shalbe donne anone.
And he shall wreake you on your fanne,
the peopell of Isarell.
Rex Balack
Yea, looke thou hett him gould great one172
and landes for to live upon
to destroye them as bee cann,174
these freekes that bine soe fell.

Tunc Miles regis Balack ibit ad Balaham et dicat:

Balaham, my lorde greetes well thee176
and prayeth thee soone at him to bee,
to curse the people of Judee
that done him great anoye.
Abyde a whyle there, batchelere,180
for I may have noe power
but yf that Godes will were;
and that shall I wete in hye.

Tunc ibit Balaham ad consulendum dominum in oratione. Sedens dicat Deus:

Balaham, I commande thee184
kinge Balackes byddinge for to flee.
That people that blessed is of mee
curse thou by noe waye.
Lorde, I must doe thy byddinge188
though yt to mee be unlikynge,
for therby mych wynninge
I might have had todaye.
Yett though Balack bee my foe192
thou shalt have leave thyther to goe.
But look that thou doe right soe
as I have thee taught.
Lorde, yt shall be donne in hight.196
This asse shall beare me aright.
Goe we together anon, syr knight,
for leave nowe have I caught.

Tunc Balaham et Miles equitabunt simul, et dicat

Knight, by my lawe that I live one,200
nowe have I leave for to gonne,
cursed they shalbe everyeychone
and I ought wynne maye.
Hould the hinge that hee beheight,
Godes hoste I sett at light.
Warryed the shalbe this night,206
or that I wynd awaye.
Balaham, doe my lordes will208
and of gould thou shalt have thy fill!
Spare thou nought that folke to spill,
and spume ther Godes speach.
Frend, I have godes wonder fell;212
both Ruffyn and Reynell
will worke right as I them tell.
Ther ys noe wyle to seeke.

Tunc Balaham ascendit super asinam et cum Milite equitabit; et in obviam venit Angelus domini cum gladio extricto; et asina videt ipsum et non Balaham, ad [terram] prostrata jacebit; et dicat

Gooe forth, Burnell; goe forth, goe!216
What the divell? My asse will not goe.
Served shee mee never soe,
what sarrowe soever yt is.
What the divell? Now shee is fallen downe.
But thou ryse and make thee bowne
and beare mee soone owt of this towne,222
thow shalt abye iwys.

Tunc percutiet Balaham asinam suam. Et hic oportet aliquis transformiari in speciem asinae; et quando Balaham percutit, dicat asina:

Mayster, thow doest ill secerly,224
soe good an asse as mee to nye.
Now hast thow beaten mee here thrye,
that bare the thus abowte.
Burnell, whye begylest thow mee228
when I have most neede to thee?
That sight that before mee I see230
maketh mee downe to lowte.
Am not I, mayster, thy owne asse232
to beare thee whyther thow will passe,
and many winter readye was?
To smyte me hyt ys shame.
Thow wottest well, mayster, perdee,
that thow haddest never non like to mee,
ne never yett soe served I thee.238
Now am I not to blame.

Tunc videns Balaham Angelum evaginatum gladium habentem [adorans] ipsum dicat Balaham (Balaham on his knees shall fall sodenly downe and speaketh to the Angell).

A, lorde, to thee I make avowe240
I had noc sight of thee or nowe.
Little wyste I that yt was thowe
that feared my asse soc.
Why hast thow beaten thy asse, why?244
Nowe am I commen thee to nye,
that changed thy purpose soe falsly
and nowe wouldest be my foe.
If this asse had not downe gonne,248
I would have slayne thee here anon.
Lord, have pittye mee upon,250
for synned I have sore.
Lorde, ys yt thy will that I forth gonne?
Yea, but looke thow doe that folke no woe253
otherwaye then God bade thee doe
and sayde to thee before.

Tunc Balaham et Miles equitabunt simul et in obviam veniet rex Balaack, et dicat rex

Ah, wellcome, Balaham my frende,256
for all my anger thow shalt ende
if that thy will bee to wende
and wreake mee one my foe.
Nought may I speake, as I have wyn,260
but as God putteth mee within
to forbye all the ende of my kyn.
Therfore, syr, me ys woe.
Come forth, Balaham; come with mee.264
For one this hill, soe mott I thee,
the folke of Israell shall thou see
and curse them, I thee praye.
Gould and silver and eke pearle
thou shalt have, great plentee,
to curse them that yt sonne may bee,270
all that thou sayst todaye.

Tunc Balaack descendit de equo et Balaham de asina et ascendent in montem, et dieat Balaack rex.

Lo, Balaham, now thow seest here272
Godes people all in feare.
Cittye, castle, and ryvere —
looke now. How lykes thee?
Curse them now at my prayer
as thow wilt bee to mee full deare
and in my realme moste of powere278
and greatest under mee.

Tunc Balaham versus austrem dicat.

How may I curse here in this place280
that people that God blessed hasse?
In them is both might and grace,
and that is ever well scene.
Wytnes may I none beare
agaynst God that them can were,
his people that noe man may dare286
ne trowble with noe teene.
I saye this folke shall have there will,288
that noe natyon shall them gryll;
the goodnes that they shall fulfyll
nombred may not bee.
Theire God shall them keepe and save
and other rcproffe shall they none wave;
but such death as they shall have294
I pray God send to mee.
What the dyvell ayles thee, thow populart?296
Thy speach is not worth a farte!
Doted I hope that thow arte,
for madly thou hast wrought.
I bade thee curse them everycheone
and thow blessest them blood and bone.
To this north syde thow shall gone,302
for here thy deede is nought.

Tunc Balaack rex addueet Balaham ad borialem partem montis, et dicat alta voce

A, lord, that here is fayre wonninge:304
halles, chambers great likinge,
valles, woodes, grasse growinge,
fayre yordes, and eke ryvere.
I wott well that God made all this,308
his folke to lyve in joye and blys.
That eursys them, cursed bee is;
whoe blesseth them to God is deare.
Thow preachest, populard, as a pye;312
the dyvell of hell thee destroye!
I bade thee curse my enimye;
therfore thow come mee to.
Now hast thow blessed them here thrye,
for the meanes mee to anoye.
Syr hinge, I told thee ere soe thrye318
I might none other doe.

Tunc Balaham vertit se ad orientalem in plagam montis, et respiciens coelum spiritu prophetico dicit: 'Orietur stella ex Jacobb et exurget homo de Israell et consurget omnes duces alienigenarum, et erit omnis terra possessio eius.'

Now on thinge I will tell you all,320
hereafter what shall befall:
a sterre of Jacobb springe shall,
a man of Israell,
that shall overcome and have in bond
all hinges and dukes of strange land;
and all this world have in his hand326
as lord to dight and deale.
Goe wee hence; yt is noe boote328
longer with this man to moote.
For God is both crop and roote,
and lorde of heaven and hell.
Now see I well noe man one lyve
agaynst him is able to stryve.
Therfore here, as mote I thrive,334
I will noe longer dwell.

Here Balaham speaketh to Balaack: 'Abyde a while.'

O, Balaack kinge, abyde a whyle.336
I have imagined a mervelouse wyle
thy enimyes how thow shalt begyle,
my eounsell yf thow take.
Ther maye no pestylenee them dismaye,340
neyther battell them affraye.
Plenteefull they shalbee aye
of gould, cattell, and corne.
There God of them takes the cure
from passions that hee makes them sure,
them to preserve in greate pleasure346
as hee before hath sworne.
Yee shall not them distroye for aye,348
but for a tyme vexe them yee maye.
Marke well now what I shall saye
and worke after my bore.
Send forth woomen of thy contrye —
namely, those that bewtyfull bee —
and to thy cnimyes lett them drawe nye,354
as stales to stand them before.
When the yonge men that lustye bee356
have percayved there great bewtye,
they shall desyre there companye,
love shall them soe inflame.
Then when they see the have them sure360
in there love withowten cure,
the shall denye them theyre pleasure,
except the grante this same —
to love theyre great solempnitye364
and worshipp the godes of thy contrye,
and all things commenlye
with other people to use.
Soe shall the theyre God displease
and tome themselves to great disease.
Then may thow have thy hartes ease,370
there law when they refuse.
Balaham, thy counsell I will fulfill.372
Hit shalbe done right as thow wyll.
Come nere, my knight that well can skyll
my message to performe.
Goe thou forth, thow valyant knight;
looke thow ne stopp daye nay night.
Briinge those women to [my] sight378
that shall my enimyes destroye.
Spare thou neyther ryche ne poore,380
wyddowe, mayde, ne ylke whoore;
yf shee bee fresh of coloure,
bringe her with thee, I saye.
My lord, I shall bye faste384
to doe your wyll in goodlye haste.
Truste yee well, at the laste
your enimyes yee shall dismaye.

The Doctor speaketh:

Lordes and ladyes that here bine lente,388
this messenger that forth was sente
as yee have hard — to that intente,
these women for to bringe —
soe craftelye bee hath wrought,
the fearest women hee hath owt sought;
and to Godes people bee bath them brought —394
God knoweth, a perlouse thinge.
For when they had of them a sight,396
manye of them agaynste might
gave themselfe with all theyre might
those women for to please.
And then soone to them they went;
to have theyre [love] was there intent,
desyminge those women of theyr consent402
and soe to live in pease.
But those women them denyed404
there love; the sayd yt should be tryed,
which they might not elles abyde
for fere of great disceyte.
Those blynde people sware many an othe
that neythcr for leeffe nor for lothe
at any tyme they would have them wrothe,410
nor never agaynst them pleade.
Soe by these women full of illusion412
Godes people were brought to great confusion
and his displeasure; in conclusion,
his law they sett at naught.
God to Moyses — leeve yee now —416
bade him sett up a gallowes tree,
the princes of the tribes there hanged to bee
for sinnes that they had wrought.
With that Moyses was sore greved,420
and generally hee them repryved.
Therfore the would him have mischived,
but God did him defend.
For the good people that tendered the lawe,
when they that greate mischyefe sawe,
wholye together the can them drawe426
upon those wretches to make [an] ende.
Anon Phinees, a yonge man devowte,428
captayne bee was of that whole rowte,
and of these wretches, withowt dowbt,
xxiiii thowsand the slewe.
And then God was well content
with Phinees for his good intent,
as the prophett wryteth verament,434
and here wee shall yt shewe:

'Stetit Phinees, et placavit, et cessavit quassatio, et reputatum est ei ad justitiam in generatione sua' etc.

Soone after, by Godes commandement,436
to the Madianytes the went,
and ther they slewe verament
Balaham with fyve gyants moe.
Lordings, mych more mattere
is in this storye then yee have hard here.
But the substans, withowten were,442
was played you beforen.
And by this prophecye, leeve yee mee,444
three kinges, as yee shall played see,
honored at his nativitye
Christe when hee was borne.
Now, worthye syrs both great and smale,
here have wee shewed this storye before;
and yf hit bee pleasinge to you all,450
tomorrowe nexte yee shall have more.
Prayenge you all, both east and west452
where that yee goe, to speake the best.
The byrth of Christe, feare and honest,
here shall yee see; and fare yee well.


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38