The Cookes Plaie

Hic incipit Pagina Decima Septima de Decensu ad Inferna et de his qut ibidem fiebant secundum Evangelium Nicodemi Et primo fiat lux in inferno materialis aliqua subtilitate machmata, et postea dicat Adam

O lord and soveraigne saviour,1
our comfort and our counselour,
of this light thou art author
as I see well in sight.
This ys a signe thou wilt succour
thy folkes that lyven in great langour,
and of the devill be conquerour,7
as thou hast yere beheight.
Mee thou madest, lord, of claye,9
and gave me paradyce in to playe;
but through my synne, the soothe to saye,
depryved I was therefroe,
and from that weale put awaye,
and here have longett sythen aye
in thestearnesse both night and daye,15
and all my kynd also.
Nowe, by this light that I nowe see,17
joye ys come, lord, through thee,
and one thy people hast pittye
to put them out of payne.
Sycker, yt may non other bee21
but nowe thow hast mercye on mee,
and my kynd through thy postye
thou wilt restore agayne.
Yea, secerlye, this ilke light25
comys from Goddes Sonne almight,
for so I prophecyed aright
whyle that I was livinge.
Then I to all men beheight,
as I goostlye sawe in sight,
these wordes that I shall to myght31
rehearse withowt tarienge:

'Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris vidit lucem magnam.'

The people, I sayd that tyme expresse,33
that yeeden abowt in thesternesse
seene a full great lightnesse,
as we donne nowe ychone.
Nowe ys fulifilled my prophecye
that I, the prophet Esaye,
wrote in my booke that will not lye,39
whoso will looke theron.
Simeon Justus
And I, Symeon, sooth to saye,41
will honour God all that I maye;
for when Cryst child was, in good faye,
in temple I him tooke
and, as the Holye Gooste that daye
taught me or I went awaye,
these wordes I sayd to Godes paye47
that men may fynd in booke:

Nunc dimittis servum tuum, domme, secundum verbum tuum, in pace'

There I prayed, withowten les,49
that God would lett me be in peace.
For he is Christ that commen was,
I had both feld and seene,
that he had ordeynt for mans heale,
joye to the people of Israell,
nowe ys yt wonne, that ylke weale,55
to us, withowten weene.
Johannes Baptista
Yea, lord, I am that prophett Johan57
that baptysed thee in flood Jordan
and prophecyed to every natyon
to warne of thy commynge
to bringe the people to salvatyon
by merrytt of thy bitter Passyon,
through fayth and penance to have remyssion63
and with thee to have wonnynge:

Penitentiam Appropinquat enim regnum caelorum'

And with my finger I shewed expresse,65
when I lyved in wildernesse,
a lambe in tokeninge of thy lycknesse,67
our ransome for to bee.
At thy commynge we had forgivenesse;
mercye concluded ryghtwisenesse.
Wherfore these wordes I doe rehearse
with honour unto thee:

'Ecce agnus Dei, ecce, qui tollit peccata mundi.'

And I, Seethe, Adams sonne, am here,73
that livinge went, withowten were,
to aske at paradyce a prayer
at God, as I shall saye:
that he would grant an angell in hye
to give me oyle of his mercye
to anoynt my father in his anoye,79
in sycknes when he laye.
Then to me appeard Mychaell81
and bade me travell never a deale,
and sayde for remynge nyf prayers felle
that grant me not to seeke;
nyf of that might I have none,
made I never so mych mon,
tyll fyve thousand yeres were gonne87
and fyve hundreth yeeke.

Omnibus flectibus dicat David:

A, high God and kinge of blys,89
worshipped be thy name, ywys
I hope that tyme nowe commen ys
delyvered to be of languor.
Come, lord, come to hell anon,
and take owt thy folkes everychon,
for the yeares be all comen and gonne95
sythen mankynd first came here.

Tunc Sathan sedens in cathedra dicat daemonibus:

Hell-houndes all that binne here,97
makes you boune with boste and beere,
for to thys felowshippe in fere
there byes a feerly freake.
A noble morsell ye have mone;
Jesu that ys Godes Sonne
comes hither with us to wonne.103
One him nowe ye you wreake.
A man hee ys fullye, in faye,105
for greatly death hee dread todaye,
and these wordes I hard him saye:
’My soule is threst to death.’
Such as I made halt and blynd,
he hasse them healed into theire kynd.
Therfore this bolster looke ye bynd111
in bale of hell-brethe.
Secundus Daemon
Syr Sathanas, what man ys hee113
that should thee pryve of thy postie?
Howe darre he doe agaynste thee
and dread his death todaye?
Grayter then thou he seemes to be,
for degradit of thy degree
thou must be soone, well I see,119
and pryved of thy praye.
Tertius Demon
Who ys he so styffe and stronge121
that so maysterlyke comes us amonge,
our felowshippe as he would fonge?
But therof he shall fayle.
Weyt he us with any wronge,
he shall synge a sorye songe;
but on thee, Sathan, or yt be longe,127
and his will ought avayle-
Agaynst thys shrewe that commys here129
I tempted the folke in fowle manere.
Aysell and galle to his dinere
I made them for to dight,
and sythen to hange him on roode-tree.
Nowe ys he dead, right so through mee,
and to hell, as yee shall see,135
hee comys anonne in hyght.
Secundus Daemon
Syr Sathanas, ys not this that syre137
that raysed Lazour out of the fyre?
Yea, this ys hee that would conspire139
anonne to reave us all.
Tertius Daemon
Owt, owt! Alas, alas!141
Here I conjure thee, Sathanas,
thou suffer him not come in thys place
for ought that may befall.
Secundus Daemon
Yea, sekerly, and he come here,145
passed ys cleane our power,
for all this felowshippe in fere
have home away he would;
for at his commandement
Lazour, that with us was lent,
maugre our teythe awaye hee hent,151
and him might we not hould.

Tunc venit Jesus et fiat clamor, vel sonitus magnus materialis, et dicat Jesus 'Attollite portas, principes, vestras, et elevamini portas aeternales, et introibit rex gloriae'

Open up hell-gates anonne,153
ye prynces of pyne everychon,
that Godes Sonne may in gonne,
and the kinge of blys.
Secundus Daemon
Go hense, poplard, owt of thys place157
or thou shalt have a sorye grace.
For all thy boaste and thy manace
theise men thou shalt amys.
Owt, alas, what ys thys?161
Seghe I never so mych blys
towardes hell come, iwys,
sythen I was warden here.
My masterdome fares amys,165
for yonder a stubberne fellowe ys,
right as wholye hell were his,
to reave me of my power.
Tertius Daemon
Yea, Sathanas, thy soverayntie169
fayles cleane. Therfore thou flee,
for no longer in this see
here shalt thou not sytt.
Goe forth! Feight for thy degree!
Or elles our prynce shall thou not bee;
for nowe passys thy postee175
and hethen thou must flytt.

Tunc surgens Sathanas de sede dicat.

Owt, alas, I am shent!177
My might fayles, verament.
This prynce that ys nowe present
will pull from me my praye.
Adam by myne intycement,
and all his blood, through me were shent.
Nowe hethen they shall all be bent,183
and I in hell for aye.
David Rex
I, kinge Davyd, nowe well may saye185
my prophecye fulfilled is, in faye,
as nowe shewes in sight verey,
and soothly here ys seene.
I taught men thus here in my lyefe-daye
to worshippe God by all waye,
that hell-yates he should afraye191
and wonn that his bath bynne.

Confiteantur domino misericordiae eius et mirabilia eius, filius hominis contrivit portas aereas et vectes ferreas confregit'

Tunc item dicat Jesus

Open up hell-yates yett I saye,193
ye prynces of pyne that be present,
and lett the kinge of blys this waye
that he may fulfill his intent.
Staye! What, what ys hee, that kinge of blys?197
David Rex
That lord the which almightie ys,198
in warre no power like to his,
of all blys ys gretest kynge.
And to him ys non like, iwys,
as ys soothly seene by thys,
for men that somtyme dyd amysse
to his blys he will them bringe.204

Hic extrahuntur patriarchi (Here must God take owt Adam)

Peace to thee, Adam, my dearlynge,205
and eke to all thy osspringe
that ryghtwise were in yearth livinge.
From mee yee shall not severe.
To blys nowe I wyll you bringe there
you shalbe withowt endinge.
Mychaell, lead these men singinge211
to blys that lasteth ever.
Lord, your will donne shalbe.213
Come forth, Adam, come with mee.
My lord upon the roode-tree
your synnes bath forbought.
Nowe shall ye have likinge and lee,
and be restored to your degree
that Sathan with hys subtyltye219
from blys to bale had brought.
Owt, alas! Nowe goes awaye221
all my prysoners and my praye;
and I myselfe may not starte awaye,
I am so stretlye tyed.
Nowe comes Christe, sorrowe I maye
for me and my menye for aye.
Never sytben God made the first daye227
were we so sore afrayd.

Here must Adam speake to Enocke and Helye.

Syrs, what manner of men bene yee229
that bodelye meete us, as I see,
that dead come not to hell as wee,
sythen all men dampned were?
When I trespassed, God height mee
that this place closed should bee
from yearthly men to have entree,235
and yett I fynd you here.
Syr, I am Enocke, the sooth to saye,237
put in this place to Goddes paye;
and here have lyved ever synce aye
at likinge all my fill.
And my fellowe here, in good faye,241
ys Helye the prophet, see yee maye,
that ravished was in this araye,
as hit was Godes will.
Helias Propheta
Yea, bodely death, leeve thou mee,245
yett never suffred wee,
but here ordaynt we are to bee
tyll Antechriste come with hise.
To fight agaynst us shall hee
and slea us in this holye cittye;
but sekerly, within dayes three251
and a halfe, we shall ryse.
And who ys this that comes here,253
that lives with you in this manere?
I am that theeffe, my father dere,255
that honge on roode-tree.
For I beleeved withowten were
that Christ might save us both in feere,
to him I made my prayer,
the which was granted mee.
When I see synnys full verey261
that hee was Goddes Sonne, sooth to saye,
to him devoutely did I praye,
in his regyon when he come
that he would thinke on me alwaye;
and hee answered and sayd: ’This daye
in paradice thou shalt with me playe.’267
Hederward I nome.
Then he betaught me this tokeninge,269
this crosse upon my backe hanginge,
to Michaell angell for to bringe,
that I might have entree.
Nowe goe wee to blys, ould and yonge,273
and worshippe God all willinglye;
and thiderward I read we singe
with great solempnitie.

Tunc eant omnes, et incipiat Michaell 'Te Deum laudamus'

Woe be the tyme that I came here,277
I saye to thee nowe, Lucifere,
with all thy felowshipp in fere
that present be in place.
Wofull am I with thee to dwell,
syr Sathanas, sargeant of hell.
Endles sorrowe and paynes cruell283
I suffer in this case.
Sometyme I was a taverner,285
a gentle gossippe and a tapster,
of wyne and ale a trustie bruer,
which woe hath me wrought.
Of kannes I kept no trewe measure.
My cuppes I sould at my pleasure,
deceavinge manye a creature,291
thoe my ale Were nought.
And when I was a bruer longe,293
with hoppes I made my alle stronge;
esshes and hearbes I blend amonge
and marred so good malt.
Therfore I may my handes wringe,
shake my cuppes and kannes ringe.
Sorrowfull maye I syke and singe299
that ever I so dalt.
Tavernes, tapsters of this cittye301
shalbe promoted here with mee
for breakinge statutes of this contrye,
hurtinge the commonwealth,
with all typpers-tappers that are cunninge,
mispendinge much malt, bruynge so thinne,
sellinge smale cuppes money to wynne,307
agaynst all trueth to deale.
Therfore this place nowe ordayned ys309
for such yll-doers so mych amysse.
Here shall they have ther joye and blys,
exalted by the necke,
with my master, mightie Mahound,
for castinge malt besydes the combes,
myche water takinge for to compound,315
and little of the secke.
With all mashers, mengers of wyne, in the night317
bruynge so, blendinge agaynst daylight,
sych newe-rnade claret ys cause full right
of sycknes and disease.
Thus I betake you, more and lesse,
to my sweete mayster, syr Sathanas,
to dwell with him in his place323
when hyt shall you please.
Welcome, dere daughter, to us all three.325
Though Jesu be gonne with our meanye,
yett shalt thou abyde here still with mee
in payne withowt ende.
Secundus Daemon
Welcome, sweete ladye! I will thee wedd,329
for manye a heavye and dronken head
cause of thy ale were brougt to bedd
farre worse then anye beaste.
Tertius Daemon
Welcome, deare darlinge, to endles bale.333
Usynge cardes, dyce, and cuppes smale,
with many false othes to sell thy ale-
nowe thou shall have a feaste!


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38