The Dyars Playe

Pagina Vicessima Tertia: De Adventu Antechristi

De celso throno poli, pollens clarion sole,1
age vos monstrare [descendi], vos judicare.
Reges et principes sunt subditi sub me viventes.
Sitis sapientes vos, semper in me credentes
et faciam flentes gaudere atque dolentes.
Sic omnes gentes gaudebunt in me sperantes.
Descendi pnaesens rex pius et perlustrator,7
princeps aeternus vocor, Christus, vester salvator.
All leedes in land nowe be light9
that wilbe ruled throughout the right.
Your saviour nowe in your sight
here may you saffelye see.
Messias, Christ, and most of might,
that in the lawe was you beheight,
all mankind to joye to dight15
ys commen, for I am hee.
Of me was spoken in prophecye17
of Moyses, Davyd, and Esaye.
I am hee the call messye,
forbyar of Israell.
Those that leeven on me steadfastlye,
I shall them save from anoye,
and joye right as have I23
with them I thinke to deale.

De me dicitur Ezechielis tricesimo sexto 'Tollam vos de gentibus et congregabo vos de urnversis terns, et reducam vos m terram vestram.'

But one hath ligged him here in land,25
Jesu he height, I understand.
To further falsehood he can found
and fand with fantasye.
His wickednes hee would not wond
tyll he was taken and put in band
and slayne through vertue of my sond.31
This ys sooth, sickerlye.
My people of Jewes he could twynne33
that there land came the never in.
Then on them nowe must I mynne
and restore them agayne.
To buyld this temple wyll I not blynne,
as God honored be therein,
and endelesse wayle I shall them wynne,39
all that to me benne bayne.

De me enim dicitur in psalmo 'Adorabo ad templum sanctum tuum in timore tuo'

One thinge me glades, be you bould.41
As Danyell the prophett before me tould,
all women in world me love should
when I were come in land.
This prophecye I shall well hould
which ys most likinge to yonge and ould.
I thinke to fast manye hould47
and theire fayrenes to found.
Also he tould them, leeve you mee,49
that I of gyftes should be free,
which pnophecye donne shalbe
when I my reahne have wonnen;
and that I should grant men postee,
ryved ryches, land and fee —
hitt shalbe donne, that you shall see,55
when I am hither conunen.

'Dabit eis potestatem, et multis terram dividet gratuito.' Danielis decimo tertio

What saye you kinges that here be lent?57
Are not my wordes at your assent?
That I am Christe omnipotent,
leeve you not this eychon?
Primus Rex
Wee leeven, lord, withouten lett,61
that Christ ys not common yett.
Yf thou be hee, thou shalbe sett
in temple as God alonne.
Secundus Rex
Yf thou bee Christe called messie65
that from our bale shall us bye,
doe before us maistrye,
a signe that wee may see.
Tertius Rex
Then will I leeve that yt ys soe.69
Yf thou doe wonders or thou goe
soe that thou save us of our woe,
then honored shalt thou bee.
Quartus Rex
Fowle have we leeved manye a yeare73
and of our weeninge binne in were.
And thou be Christe commen here,
then may thou stynt all stryffe.
That I am Christ and Christ wilbe77
by verey signe soone shall you see,
for dead men through my postee
shall ryse from death to life.
Nowe wyl I turne, all through my might,81
trees downe, the rootes upright —
that ys marveyle to your sight —
and fruyt groinge upon.
So shall they growe and multiplye
through my might and my maisterye.
I put you owt of heresye87
to leeve me upon.
And bodyes that binne dead and slayne,89
yf I may rayse them up agayne,
then honoures mee with might and mayne.
Then shall no man you greeve.
Forsoothe, then after will I dye
and ryse agayne throwe my postee.
Yf I may doe this marveylouslye,95
I read you on me leeve.
Men buryed in grave you may see.97
What maistrye ys nowe, hope yee,
to rayse them up throwe my postye
and all through my owne accorde?
Whether I in my godhead bee
by verey signe you shall see.
Ryse up, dead men, and honour me103
and knowe me for your lord.

Tunc resurgent mortui de sepulchris.

Primus Mortuus
A, lord, to thee I aske mercye.105
- I was dead but nowe live I.
Nowe wotte I well and witterlye
that Christe ys hither commen.108
Secundus Mortuus
Him honour wee and all men,109
devoutlye kneelinge on our kneene.
Worshippe be thou there amen.
Crist, our [knave], ys commen.
That I shall fulfill Whollye Wrytte113
you shall wotte and knowe well hitt,
for I am wall of wayle and wytt
and lord of everye land.
And as the prophett Sophonye
speakes of mee full wytterlye
I shall rehearse here readelye119
that clarkes shall understand:

'Expecta me in die resurrectionis meae in futurum quia judicium ut congregem gentes et colligam regna' Sophoni 3.

Nowe will I dye, that you shall see,121
and ryse agayne through my postee.
I will in grave that you put mee
and worshippe me alonne.
For in this temple a tombe ys made,
therein my bodye shall be layde.
Then will I ryse as I have sayde —127
take tent to me eycheone!
And after my resurrection129
then will I sitt in greate renowne
and my ghooste send to you downe
in forme of fyre full soone.
I dye, I dye! Nowe am I dead!133
Primus Rex
Nowe sythe this worthye lord ys deade134
and his grace ys with us leade,
to take his bodye yt ys my reade
and burye yt in a grave.
Secundus Rex
Forsoothe, and so to us he sayde138
in a tombe he would be leade.
Nowe goe we further, all in a brayde;
from disease hee may us save.

Tunc transeunt ad Antechristum.

Tertius Rex
Take we the bodye of this sweete142
and burye hit lowe under the greete.
Nowe, lord, comfort us, we thee beseech,
and send us of thy grace.
Quartus Rex
And yf hee ryse soone through his might146
from death to life, as hee beheight,
him will I honour both daye and night
as God in everye place.

Tunc recedent de tumulo usque ad terram.

Primus Rex
Nowe wotte I well that he ys dead,150
for nowe in grave we have him lead.
Yf he ryse as hee hath sayde,
hee ys of full great might.
Secundus Rex
I cannot leeve him upon154
but yf hee ryse himselfe alonne
as hee hath sayde to manye one,
and shewe him here in sight.
Tertius Rex
Tyll that my savyoure bee rysen agayne,158
in fayth my harte may not bee fayne
tyll I him see with eye.
Quartus Rex
I must mourne with all my mayne161
tyll Christ be rysen up agayne162
and of that miracle make us fayne.
Ryse up, lord, that we maye see.

Tunc Antechristus levat corpus suum surgens a mortuis.

I ryse! Nowe reverence dose to mee,165
God glorified created of degree.
If I be Christe, nowe leeve yee
and worche after my wise.
Primus Rex
A, lord, welcome most thou bee.169
That thou ante Godd nowe leeve wee.
Therefore, goc sytt up in thy see
and keepe our sacrafice.

Tunc transeunt ad Antechristum cum sacrificio

Secundus Rex
Forsoothe, in seate thou shalt be sett173
and honored with lambe and geat
as Moyses lawe that lasteth yett,
as hee hath sayde before.
Tertius Rex
O gratiouse lord, goe sytt downe then,177
and wee shall kneelinge on our kneene
worshippe thee as thy owne men179
and worke after thy lore.

Tunc anscendit Antechristus ad cathedram.

Hither wee be commen with good intent181
to make our sacrifice, lord excellent,
with this lambe that I have here hent,
kneelinge thee before.
Thou grant grace to doe and saye185
that yt be pleasinge to thee aye,
to thy blysse that come wee maye
and never from yt be lore.
I lord, I God, I high justice,189
I Christ that made the dead to ryse!
Here I receave your sacrifice
and blesse you fleshe and fell.

Tunc recedent Antechristo.

I will nowe send my holye ghooste.193
You kinges, also to you I tell
to knowe me lord of mightes moste
of heaven, yearth, and hell.

Tunc emittet spiritum, dicens 'Dabo vobis con novum et spiritum novum in medio vestri.'

Severalis Rex
A, God! A, lord mycle of might!197
This holye ghoost is in me pight.
Methinkes my harte ys verey light
syth yt came into mee.
Primus Rex
Lord, wee thee honour daye and night201
for thou shewest us in sight right
as Moyses us beheight.
Honored most thou be.
Yett worthye workes to your will205
of prophecye I shall fulfill.
As Danyell prophecied you untyll
that landes I shall devise,
that prophecye yt shalbe donne
and yt you shall see right soone.
Worshipps me all that ye mon211
and doe after the wise.
You kinges, I shall advance you all,213
and, because your regions be but smale,
citties, castells shall you befall,
with townes and towers gaye;
and make you lordes of lordshipp fayre,
as well yt fall for my power.
Yea, looke you doe as I you leere219
and herkens what I saye.
I am verey God of might.221
All thinges I made through my might,
sonne and moone, daye and night.
To blysse I may you bringe.
Therefore, kinges noble and gaye,
token your people what I saye —
that I am Christ, God verey —227
and tell them such tydinge.
My people of Jewes were put mee from.229
Therefore great ruthe I have them one.
Whether the will leeve me upon
I will full soone assaye.
For all that will leeve me upon,
worldlye welth shall them fall one
and to my blysse the shall come235
and dwell with mee for aye.
And the giftes that I beheight237
you shall have, as ys good right.
Hence or I goe out of your sight
eichone shall knowe his dole.
To thee I give Lombardee;241
and to thee Denmarke and Hungarye;
and take thou Pathmos and Italie;
and Roome yt shalbe thine.
Secundus Rex
Grantmercye, lord, your giftes todaye!245
Honour we will thee alwaye,
for wee were never so nych, in good faye,
nor nonne of all our kynne.
Therefore be true and stidfast aye,249
and truely leeves on my lawe,
for I will herken on you todaye,
stydfast yf I you fynde.

Tunc resedet Antechristus et venient Enock et Helias.

Almightie God in majestie,253
that made the heaven and yearth to bee,
fyre, water, stonne, and tree,
and man through thy might —
the poyntes of thy privitie
any yearthlye man to see
ys impossible, as thinkes mee,259
for anye worldelye wight.
Gratiouse lord, that art so good,261
that who so longe in fleshe and blood
hath granted lyffe and heavenlye foode,
Iett never our thoughtes be defyled,
but give us, lord, might and mayne,
or wee of this shrewe be slayne,
to converte thy people agayne267
that hee hath thus beguiled.
Sythe the worldes begininge269
I have lyved in great likynge
through helpe of high and heaven kinge
in paradice withowt anoye,
tyll we hard tokeninge
of this theves comynge
that nowe on yearth is rayninge275
and doth Goddes folkes destroye.
To paradice I was taken that tyde,277
this theeffe his comynge to abyde,
and Helye my brother, here mee besyde,
was after sent to mee.
With this champion we must chide
that nowe in worlde walketh wyde,
to disproove his pompe and pryde283
and payre all his postee.
O lord, that madest all thinge285
and longe hath lent us livinge,
lett never the devylls power springe
this man hath him within.
God gyve you grace, old and yonge,
to knowe disceate in his doinge,
that you maye come to that likinge291
of blysse that never shall blynne.
I warne you, all men, wytterlye,293
this ys Enock, I am Helye,
binne common his errours to destroye
that hee to you nowe shewes.
Hee calles himselfe ’Christe’ and ’Messye’.
Hee lyes, forsooth, apertlye.
Hee ys the devyll, you to anoye,299
and for nonne other him knowes.
Primus Rex
A, men, what speake you of Helye301
and Enocke? The binne both in companye.
Of our blood the binne, wytterlye,
and wee binne of there kynde.
Quartus Rex
Wee readen in bookes of our lawe305
that they to heaven were idrawe
and yett binne there — ys the common sawe
wrytten, as men may fynd.
Wee binne those men, forsooth iwysse,309
common to tell you doe amysse,
and bringe your soules to heaven-blysse
yf yt were anye boote.
This devylls lymme that common ys,313
that sayth heaven and yearth ys
his, nowe wee be readye — leeve you this —
agaynst him for to moote.
Primus Rex
Yf that wee here wytt mon317
by prooffes of disputacon
that you have skyll and reason,
With you wee wyll abyde.
Secundus Rex
And yf your skylles may doe him downe,321
to dye with you we wilbe bowne
in hope of salvatyon,
whatever may betyde.
To doe him downe wee shall assaye325
through might of Jesu, borne of a maye,
by right and reason, as you shall saye,
land that you shall well here.
And for that cause hither were we sent
by Jesu Christe omnypotent,
and that you shall not all be shent.331
Hee bought you all full deare.
Be gladd, therefore, and make good cheare,333
and and I doe reede as I you leere,
for wee be commen in good maneere
to save you evenychone.
And dreade you not for that false feynde,
Or you shall see him cast behinde
or wee departe and from him wend,339
and shame shall light him one.

Et sic transibunt Enock et Helias ad Antechristum.

Saye, thou verey devylles lymme341
that syttes so grysely and so gryme —
from him thou came and shalt to him,
for manye a soule thou deceaves.
Thou hast deceaved men manye a daye
and made the people to thy paye,
and bewitched them into a wronge waye347
wickedlye with thy wyles.
A, false faytures, from me yee flee!349
Am not I most in majestie?
What men dare mayne them thus to mee
or make such distance?
Fye one thee, fayture, fye on thee,353
the devylls owne nurrye!
Through him thou preachest and hast postee
a while, through sufferance.
O you ypocrytes that so cryne!357
Loselles, lardans! Lowdlye you lyne!
To spill my lawe you aspine.
That speeche ys good to spare.
You that my true fayth defyne
and needeles [my folke] devyne,
from hence hastelye; but you hence hyne,363
to you comes sorrowe and care.
Thy sorrowe and care come on thy head,365
for falsely through thy wicked read
the people ys put to pyne.
I would thy bodye were from thy head,
twentye myle from yt layde,
tyll I hit brought agayne.
Owt on the, roysard, with thy wyles,371
for falsclye my people thou begyles.
I shall thee hastely honge,
and that lurdayne that standes thee bye;
hee puttes my folke to great anoye
with his false flatteringe tonge.
But I shall teach you curtesye,377
your savyour to knowe anonne in hye,
false thceves with your heresye,
and yf you dame abyde.
Yes, forsoothe, for all thy pryde,381
here we purpose for to abyde
through grace of God almight.
And all the world that ys so wyde
shall wonder on thee on everye syde
soone in all mens sight.
Owt one you, theeves both too.387
Eyche man may see you be so
all by your araye,
muffeled in mantelles. Non such I knowe.
I shall make you lowt full lowe
or I departe you all froo,
to knowe mee lord for aye.393
Wee bee no theeves, wee thee tell,394
thou false fyend common from hell.
With thee wee purpose for to mel,
my fellowe and I in feare,
to knowe thy power and thy might
as wee these kinges have behight,
and thereto wee be readye dight400
that all men nowe maye heare.
My might is most, I tell to thee.402
I dyed, I rose through my postie.
That all these kinges sawe with theire eye,
and everye man and wyefe.
And myracles and marveyles I dyd also.
I counsel you, therefore, both too,
to worshippe me and noe moe,408
and lett us nowe noe more stryve.
The were no myracles but mervelles thinges410
that thou shewed unto these kinges
through the fyendes crafte.
And as the flower nowe springes,
falleth, fadeth, and hanges,
so thy joye; nowe yt raygnes
that shalbe from thee rafte.416
Owt on thee, theeffe, that syttes so styll!417
Whye wilt thou not one word speake them tyll
that commen me to reprove?
O lord, maister, what shall I saye then?420
I beshrewe both thy knen.421
Art thou nowe for to ken?
In fayth, I shall thee greeve.
Of my godhead I made thee wyse424
and sett thee ever at micle pryse.
Nowe I would feele thy good advyse
and heare what thou would sayen.
These lowlers, the would fayne me greeve
and nothinge one me the will leeve,
but ever be readye me to repreeve430
and all the people of my lawe.
O lord, thou art so micle of might,432
meethinke thou should not chyde ne fight;
but curse them, lord, through thy might.
Then shall they fare full yll.
For those whom thou blesses, they shall well speede,
and those whom thou cursest, they are but deade.
This ys my counsell and my reade,438
yonder heretikes for to spill.
The same I purposed, leeve thou mee.440
All thinges I knowe through my postee.
But yett thy wytt I thought to see,
what was thyne intent.
Hit shalbe donne full syckerlye;
the sentence given full openlye,
with my mouth, truelye,446
upon them shalbe hent.
My cursse I gyve you, to amend your meeles,448
from your head to your heeles.
Walke yee furth, in the xx devylles waye.
Yea, thou shalt never come in coelis,451
for falselye with thy wyles
the people are put in pyne.
Owt on you, theeves! Whye fare yee thus?454
Whether had you leaver have, payne or blysse?
I maye you save from all amys.
I made the daye and eke the night
and all thinges that are on yearth growinge —
flowes fayre that freshe can springe;
also I made all other thinge —460
the starres that be so bright.
Thou lyest! Vengeance on thee beefall!462
Owt on thee, wretche! Wroth thee I shall!
Thou callest thee ’kinge’ and ’lord of all’;
a fyend ys thee within.
Thou lyest falselye, I thee tell.466
Thou will be dampned into hell.
I made thee man of flesh and fell,
and all that ys lyvinge.
For other godes have yee nonne.
Therefore worshippe mee alonne,
the which hath made the water and stonne,472
and all at my lykinge.
Forsoothe thou lyest falselye.474
Thou art a fyende common to anoye
Goddes people that stande us bye.
In hell I would thou were.
Fye on thee, fellonne, fye on thee, fye!478
For all thy wytchcrafte and sorcerye,
to mote with thee I am readye,
that all the people may heare.
Owt on you, harlottes! Whence come yee?482
Where have you anye other god but mee?
Yes, Christe, God in Trynitie,484
thou false fayture attaynt,
that sent his Sonne from heaven-see
that for mankynde dyed on roode-tree,
that shall full soone make thee to flee,
thou faytume false and faynt.
Rybbauldes, ruled owt of raye!490
What ys the Trinitye for to saye?
Three persons, as thou leeve may,492
in on godhead in feere —
Father and Sonne, that ys noe naye,
and the Holye Ghoost styrringe aye.
That ys one God verey;
binne all three named here.
Owt on you, theeves! What sayen yee?498
Wyll you have on God and three?
Howe dare you so saye?
Madmen, madmen! Therfore leeve on mee
that am on god — so ys not hee!
Then may you lyre in joye and lee,
all this land I darre laye.504
Naye, tyrand! Understand thou this:505
withowt beginyge his godhead ys
and also without endinge, iwys.
Thus fullye leeven wee.
And thou that ingendered was amys
haste beginynge and nowe this blys,
and end shall have — no dread there ys —
full fowle, as men shall see.
Wretches! Gulles! You be blent.513
Goddes Sonne I am, from him sent.
Howe dare you maynteyne your intent,
syth hee and I bee one?
Have I not, syth I came him froo,
made the dead to speake and goe?
And to men I sent my ghoost alsoe519
that leeved mee upon.
Fye on thee, fellonne, fye on thee, fye!521
For through his might and his majestie,
by sufferance of God almightie,
the.people are blent throwe thee.
Yff those men be raysed wytterlye
withowt the devylles fantasye,
here shalbe prooved apertlye527
that all men shall see.
Ah, fooles! I read you leeve mee upon529
that myracles have shewed to manye on,
to the people everychone,
to put them owt of doubt.
Therefore I read you hastelye
convertes to me most mightie.
I shall you save from anoye,535
and that I am abowt.
Nowe of thy miracles would I see.537
Therefore common hither be wee.538
Doe what ys thy great postee —
and some thereof to leere.
Soone may you see, yf you wyll abyde,541
for I wyll neyther fight nor chyde.
Of all the world that ys so wyde,
therein ys not my peare.
Bringe forth those men here in our sight545
that thou hast reysed agaynst the right.
Yf thou bee so micle of might
to make them eate and drynke,
for verey God we will thee knowe
such a signe yf thou wylt shewe,
and doe thee reverence on a rowe551
all at thy likynge.
Wretches, dampned all bee yee,553
but nought for that yt falleth mee,
as gratyouse god abydinge bee,
yf you wyll mend your liefe.
You dead men, ryse through my postye.
Come date and drynke, that men may see,
and prove me worthye of deitee;559
so shall we stynt all stryffe.
Primus Mortuis
Lord, thy biddinge I will doe aye561
and for to date I will assaye.
Secundtus Mortuus
And I also, all that I maye,563
wyll do thy byddinge here.
Have here breadd both too.565
But I must blesse yt or yt goe,
that the fyend, mankyndes foe,
on hit have no power.
This bread I blesse with my hand569
in Jesus name, I understand,
the which ys lord of sea and land
and kinge of heaven on hie.
In nomine Patris — that all hath wrought —
et Filii virginis — that deare us bought —
et Spiritus Sancti — ys all my thought —
on God and persons three.
Primus Mortuus
Alas, put that bread out of my sight!577
To looke on hit I am not light.
That pnynt that ys uppon hit pight,
hit puttes me to great feere.
Secundus Mortuus
To looke on hit I am not light.581
That bread to me yt ys so bright
and ys my foe both daye and night,
and puttes me to great deare.
Nowe you men that have donne amys,585
you see well what his power ys.
Convertes to him, I read iwys,
that you on roode hath bought.
Tertius Rex
A, nowe we knowe appertlye589
wee have binne brought in heresye.
With you to death we will forthye,
and never efte torne our thought.
Quartus Rex
Nowe, Enock and Helye, yt ys no naye.593
You have taynted the tyrant this same daye.
Blessed be Jesu, borne of a maye!
On him I leeve upon.
Primtjs Rex
Thou fayture feard with fantasye,597
with sorcerye, wytchcraft, and nygromancye,
thou hast us lead in heresye.
Fye on thy workes eychone!
Secundus Rex
Jesu, for thy mycle grace,601
forgyve us all our trespasse
and bringe us to thy heavenlye place
as thou art God and man.
Nowe am I wyse made through thy might.
Blessed be thou, Jesu, daye and night!
This greesely groome greetes him to fight,607
to flea us here anomie.
Tertius Rex
Of our lyves lett us not wreache,609
though we be slayne of such a wretche,
for Jesus sake, that maye us teache
our soules to bringe to blys.
Quartus Rex
That was well sayd, and soe I assent.613
To dye, forsooth, ys myne intent
for Christes love omnypotent,
in cause that ys rightwyse.
A, false faytures, turne you nowe?617
You shall be slayne, I make avowe;
and those traytors that so turned you,
I shall make them unfayne,
that all other by verey sight
shall knowe that I am most of might,
for with this sword nowe wyll I feight,623
for all you shall be slayne.

Tunc Antechristus occidet Enock et Heiam et omnes reges conversos cum gladio et redibit ad cathedmam; cum dicat Michaell cum gladio in dextera sua.

Michael Archangelus
Antechriste, nowe ys common this daye.625
Reigne no lenger nowe thou maye.
Hee that hath led thee alwaye,
nowe him thou must goe to.
No more men shall be slayne by thee.
My lord will dead that thou bee.
Hee that hath gyven thee this postee631
thy soule shall underfoe.
In synne ingendered first thou was.633
In synne ledd thy lyffe thou hasse.
In synne an end nowe thow mase
that marred hasse manye one.
Nowe thou shalt knowe and wytt in hie
that more ys Goddes majestie
then eke the dyvell and thyne therebye,639
for nowe thow shalt be deade.
Thou hase ever served Sathanas
and had his power in evenye place.
Therefore thou gettes nowe no grace.
With him thou must gonne.

Tunc Michael occidet Antechristum et in occidendo clamat Antechristus 'Helpe, helpe, helpe, helpe!'.

Helpe, Sathanas and Lucyfere!645
Belzebubb, bould batchellere!
Ragnell, Ragnell, thou art my deane!
Nowe fare I wonder evyll.
Alas, alas, where ys my power?
Alas, my wytt ys in a weare.
Nowe bodye and soule both in feare651
and all goeth to the devyll.

Tunc morietur Antechristus et venient duo demones et dicunt ut sequitur:

Primus Demon
Anonne, mayster, anonne, anone !653
From hell-ground I hard thee grone.
I thought not to come myselfe alonne
for worshippe of thine estate.
With us to hell thou shalt gonne.
For this death wee make great mone.
To wynne more soules into our wonne —659
but nowe yt ys to late!
Secundus Demon
With mee thou shalt. From mee thou come.661
Of mee shall come thy last doome,
for thou hast well deserved.
And through my might and my postee
thou hast lyved in dignitie
and many a soule deceyved.
Primus Demon
This bodye was gotten by myne assent667
in cleane whooredome, verament.
Of mother wombe or that he went,
I was him within
and taught him aye with myne intent
synne, by which hee shalbe shent.
For hee dyd my commaundement,673
his soule shall never blynne.
Secundus Demon
Nowe, fellowe, in fayth great mone wee maye make675
for this lord of estate that standes in this steed.
Manye a fatt morsel! wee had for his sake
of soules that should have bine saved — in hell be the hydd!

Tunc capient animam eius, et potius corpus.

Primus Demon
His soule with sorrowe in hand have I hent.679
Yee, pennance and payne soone shall hee feele.
To Lucyfere, that lord, yt shalbe present
that burne shall as a brande; his sorrowe shall not keele.
Secundus Demon
This proctor of prophecye hath procured manye one683
one his lawes for to leeve, and lost for his sake
theire sowles be, in sorrowe, and his shalbe soone.
Such maistries through my might manye on I do make.

Posteaquam demones loqunti sunt, resurgens Enock et Helias ab Antechristo [coesi] et auditoribus status suos commonstrabunt.

Primus Demon
With Lucyfere, that lord, longe shall he lenge; in a seate aye with
sorrowe with him shall he sytt.
Secundus Demon
Yea, by the heeles in hell shall hee henge689
in a dungeon deepe, right in hell-pytt!
Primus Demon
To hell wyll I hye withowt anye fayle,691
with this present of pryce thither to bringe.
Secundus Demon
Thou take him by the toppe and I by the tayle.693
A sorrowfull songe, in fayth, shall hee singe.
Primus Demon
A, fellowe, a dole looke that thow deale695
to all this fayre companye, hence or thou wend.
Secundus Demon
Yea, sorrowe and care ever shall the feele.697
In hell shall they dwell at theire last ende.
A, lord, that all shall leade699
and both deeme the quycke and deade!
That reverence thee, thou on them reade
and them through right releaved.
I was deade and right here slayne,
but through thy might, lord, and thy mayne
thou hast me reased up agayne.705
Thee will I love and leeve.
Yea, lord, blessed must thou bee.707
My flesh glorifyed nowe I see.
Wytt ney sleight agaynst thee
conspired may be by noe waye.
All that leeven in thee stydfastlye
thou helpes, lord, from all anoye,
for dead I was and nowe lyre I.713
Honored be thou aye!
Enock and Helye, come you anon.715
My lord wyll that you with mee gonne
to heaven-blysse, both blood and bone,
evermore there to bee.
You have binne longe, for you bynne wyse,
dwellinge in yearthly paradyce;
but to heaven, where himselfe ys,721
nowe shall you goe with mee.

Tunc abducens eos ad coelos, cantabit Angelus 'Gaudete justi in domino' etc.


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38