The Glovers Playe

Pagina Decima Tertia: De Chelidonio et de Resurrectione Lazari

’Ego sum lux mundi. Qui sequitur me non ambulat in tenebris sed habebit lumen vitae.’
Brethren, I am Filius Dei, the light of this world.
Hee that followeth me walketh not in dearknes
but hath the light of life; the scriptures so recorde;
as patriarches and prophets of me bearen wytnes,
both Abraham, Isaack, and Jacob in there sundrye testimonies,
unto whom I was promised before the world beganne7
to paye there ransome and to become man.
Ego et Pater unum sumus: my Father and I are all on,
which hath me sent from the throne sempiternall
to preach and declare his will unto man
because hee loveth him above his creatures all
as his treasure and dearlinge most principall-
man, I say agayne, which is his owne elect,
above all creatures peculiarlye select.15
Wherfore, deare brethren, yt is my mynd and will16
to goe to Bethenye that standeth herebye,
my Fathers hestes and commandmentes to fulfill.
For I am the good sheppard that putteth his life in jeoperdye
to save his flocke, which I love so tenderlye;
as yt is written of mee-the scripture beareth wytnes-
’bonus pastor ponit animam suam pro [ovibus] suis.’
Goe we therfore, brethren, while the day is light,23
to do my Fathers workes, as I am fully mynded;
to heale the sicke and restore the blynd to sight,
that the prophecye of mee may be fulfilled.
For other sheepe I have which are to me commytted.
They be not of this flocke, yet will I them regard,
that there may be one flocke and one sheppard.29
But or we goe hence, printe these sayinges in your mynd and harte;
recorde them and keepe them in memorye.
Contynue in my worde; from yt doe not departe.
Therby shall all men knowe most perfectlye
that you are my disciples and of my familie.
Goe not before me, but let my word be your guide;
then in your doinges you shall alwayse well speede.

'Si vos manseritis in sermone meo, veri discipuli mei eritis, et cognoscetis veritatem, et veritas liberabit vos.'

[Puer] (ducens Caecum)
If pittie may move your jentyll harte,37
remember, good people, the poore and the blynd,
with your charitable almes this poore man to comforte.
Yt is your owne neighbour and of your owne kynd.
Your almes, good people, for charitie,41
to me that am blynd and never did see,
your neighbour borne in this cittie;43
helpe or I goe hence.
Maister, instruct us in this case45
why this man borne blynd was.
Is it for his owne trespas
or elles for his parentes?
Was synne the cause oryginall,49
wherin we be conceived all,
that this blynd man was brought in thrall?
Hit was neither for his offence,52
neither the synne of his parentes,
or other fault or negligence
that hee was blynd borne;
but for this cause spetiallye:
to sett forth Goddes great glorye,
his power to shewe manifestlye,58
this mans sight to reforme.
While the daye is fayre and bright,60
my Fathers workes I must worke right
untyll the comminge [of] the night
that light be gonne awaye.
In this world when I am heare,
I am the light that shyneth cleare.
My light to them shall well appeare66
which cleeve to mee alwaye.

Tunc Jesus super terram spuit et lutum faciat, et oculos Caeci manibus fricabit; postea dicat.

Doe, man, as I say to thee.68
Goe to the water of Siloe,
there washe thy eyes, and thou shalt see;
and give to God the prayse.

Tunc Caecus quaerit aquam et abut Jesus.

Leade me, good child, right hastely72
unto the water of Siloe.

Tunc lavat, et postea dicat:

Praysed be God omipotent74
which nowe to me my sight hath sent.
I see all thinges nowe here present.
Blessed be God alwaye.
When I had donne as God me badde,78
mye perfect sight forthwith I hadde;
wherfore my hart is now full gladde
that I doubt where I am.
Primus Vicinus
Neighbour, if I the trueth should saye,82
this is the blynd man which yesterdaye
asked our almes as we came this waye.
Yt is the verey same.
Secundus Vicinus
No, no, neighbour, yt is not hee,86
but yt is the likest to him that ever I see.
One man to another like may bee,
and so is hee to him.
Good men, truely I am hee90
that was blynd, and nowe I see.
I am no other verelye;
enquire of all my kynne.
Primus Vicinus
Then tell the trueth, we thee praye,94
how this his happened to us saye-
thou that even yesterdaye
couldest see no yearthly thinge,
and nowe seest so perfectly.
No want of sight in thee we see.
Declare therfore to us truelye100
withowt more reasoninge.
The man which we call Jesus,102
that worketh miracles daylye with us
and whom we finde so gratiouse,
anoynted my eyes with claye.
And to the water of Siloe
he bade me goe immediatelye
and wash my eyes, and I should see;108
and thyder I tooke my waye.
When the water on my eyes light,110
immediately I had my sight.
Was there never yearthly wight
so joyfull in his thought.
Secundus Vicinus
Where is hee nowe, we thee praye?114
I knowe not where he is, by this daye.115
Secundus Vicinus
Thou shalt with us come on this waye116
and to the Pharasyes these wordes saye.
But yf thou would these thinges denye,
yt shall helpe thee right nought.
Looke up, lordinges and judges of right!120
We have brought you a man that had no sight
and one the sabaoth day through on mans might
was healed and restored forsooth.
Primus Vicinus
Declare to them, thou wicked wight,124
who did restore thee to thy sight,
that we may knowe anonright
of this matter the trueth.
Jesus annoynted my eyes with claye128
and bade mee washe in Siloe,
and before I come awaye
my perfect sight I hadd.
Primus Pharaseus
This man, the trueth if I should saye,132
is not of God-my head I laye-
which doth violate the saboath daye.
I judge him to be madd.
Secundus Pharaseus
I cannot enter into my thought136
that hee which hath thys marveyle wrought
should be a synner-I leeve yt nought;
hit is not in my creede.
Saye what is hee that did thee heale.
A prophet hee ys, withowt fayle.141
Primus Pharaseus
Surely thou arte a knave of kynde142
that faynest thyselfe for to be blynde;
wherfore nowe this is my mynde,
the trueth to trye indeede.
His father and mother, both in feere,146
shall come declare the matter heere,
and then the trueth shall soone appeare
and we put out of doubt.
Goe forth, messinger, anon in hye,
and fetch his parentes by and by.
This knave can nought but prate and lye;152
I would his eyes were out.
Your byddinge, maister, I shall fulfill154
and doe my dutye as is good skill,
for this daye hither I knowe the will,
and I shall spie them out.

Tunc circumspectat, et adloquitur eos:

Syr and dame, both in feare,158
you must afore the Pharasies appeare.
What there will is, there shall you heare.
Have donne and come your waye.
Alas, man, what doe we heere?162
Must we afore the Pharasyes appeare?
A vengeance on them farre and neare;
they never did poore men good!
Dame, here is no other waye166
but there commandment wee must obeye,
or elles they would without delaye
course us and take our good.
Here I have brought as you bade me170
these two persons that aged bee.
They be the parentes of him truely
which sayd that he was blynde.
Primus Pharaseus
Come neare to us both too,174
and tell us truely or ere wee goe
whether this be your sonne or noe
looke floe descent we fynde.
Maysters, we knowe certaynlye178
our sonne hee is-we cannot denye-
and blynd was borne, undoubtedly,
and that we will depose.
But whoe restored him to his sight182
we be uncertayne, by God almight.
Wherfore of him, as is right,
the trueth you must enquyre.
For he hath age his tale to tell,186
and his mother-tonge to utter hit well;
although hee could never bye nor sell,
lett him speake, we desyre.
Primus Pharaseus
Give prayse to God, thou craftie knave,190
and looke hereafter thou do not rave
nor saye that Jesus did thee save
and restored thee to thy sight.
Secundus Pharaseus
Hee is a sinner and that wee knowe,194
disceavinge the people to and froe.
This is most true that wee thee showe.
Beleeve us as is right.
If he bee sinfull I doe not knowe,198
but this is trueth that I doe showe.
When I was blynd and in great woe,
hee cured me, as yee see.
Primus Pharaseus
What did hee, thou lither swayne?202
I tould you once; will you here hit agayne?203
Or his disciples will [you] become,
of all your sinnes to have remission?
Secundus Pharaseus
O cursed caytyffe, yll moote thow thee!206
Would thou have us his disciples to bee?
No, no! Moyses disciples binne wee,
for God with him did speake.
But whence this is, I never knewe.210
I marvayle of that, as I am trewe-211
that you knowe not from whence hee should bee
that me cured that never did see-
knowinge this most certaynlye:
God wyll not sinners here.
But hee that honoreth God truely,
him will hee here by and by217
and grant his askinge gratiously,
for that man is to him deare.
And to this I dare be bould,220
there is noe man that ever could
restore a creature to his sight
that was blynd borne and never sawe light.
If he of God were not, iwis,
hee could never worke such thinges as this.
Primus Pharaseus
What, sinful! knave! Wilt thou teach us226
which all the scriptures can discusse,
and of our livinge be so vertuous?
We curse thee owt of this place.
Beleeves thou in God Sonne trulye?230
Yea, gratious lord. Whoe is hee?231
Thou hast him scene with thy eyee.232
Hee is the same that talketh with thee.
Then I here, I honour him with hart free,234
and ever shall serve him until! I dye.
Primus Judeus
Saye, man that makest such maistrye,236
or thow our sowles doe anoye,
tell us here appertly
Christ yf that thou be.
That I spake to you openlye240
and workes that I doe verelye
in my Fathers name almightie
beareth wytnes of mee.
But you beleeve not as you scene,244
for of my sheepe yee ne beene;
but my flocke, withowten weene,
here my voyce alwaye.
And I knowe them well eychon,
for with me alwaye the gonne;
and for them I ordayned in my owne250
everlastinge life for aye.
No man shall reave my sheepe from me,252
for my Father in majestie
ys greater then binne all yee,
or any that ever was.
Secundus Judeus
Thou shalt abye, by my bone,256
or thou heathen passe.
Helpe, fellowe, and gather stones
and beate him well, for cockes bones.
He scornes us quiantlye for the nones
and doth us great anoye.

Tunc lapides colligunt.

Yea, stones nowe here I have262
for this rybauld that thus can rave.
One stroke, as God me save,
he shall have soone in hye.
Wretches, manye a good deede266
I have donne, yea in great neede;
nowe quite you fowle my meede
to stone me on this manere.
Primus Judeus
For thy good deede that thou hast wrought270
at this tyme stone we thee nought.
Both in word and thought
there thou lyes falselye.
But I doe well and truely274
my Fathers biddinge by and by,
elles may you hope well I lye
and then leeves you me nought.
But sythen you will not leeve me,278
nor my deedes that you may see,
to them beleevinge takes yee,
for nothinge may be soother.
Soe may you knowe well and verey
in my Father that I ame aye,
and hee in mee, sooth to saye,284
and eyther of us in other.

Tunc colligunt lapides et statim evanescit Jesus.

Secundus Judeus
Owt, owt, alas where is our fonne?286
Quyntly that hee is heathen gonne.
I would have taken him, and that anone,
and fowle him all to-frapped.
Yea, make we never so much mone,
nowe there is noe other wonne,
for hee and his men everychone292
are from us clearly scaped.
Primus Judeus
Nowe by the death I shall one dye,294
may I see him with my eye,
to syr Cayphas I shall him wrye
and tell that shall him deare.
See I never none, by my faye,
when I had stones, soc soone awaye.
But yet no force! Another daye300
his tabret we shall feare.
A, lord Jesu, that me is woo302
to wytt my brother syckly soo!
In feeble tyme Christ yoode me froo.
Well were we and hee were here.
Yea, sister, abowt I will goe306
and seeke Jesu too and froo.
To helpe him hee would be throo
and hee wyst how hit were.

Tunc venit Jesus.

A, my lord, sweete Jesus, mercye!310
Lazar, that thou loved tenderlye,
lyeth sicke a little herebye
and suffereth mych teene.
Yea, woman, I tell thee wytterlye,314
that sickenes is not deadly
but Godes Sonne to glorifie.
Loe, I am him, as may be scene.

Tunc ibit Martha ad Mariam.

A, Martha, sister, alas, alas!318
My brother ys dead syth thou heere was.
Had Jesus my lord binne in this,
this case had not befalne.
Yea, sister, neare is Godes grace.322
Manye a man hee holpen hasse.
Yett may hee doe for us in this case
and him to life call.
Here will I sitt and mourninge make326
tyll that Jesu my sorrowe slake.
My teene to harte, lord, thou take,
and leeche mee of my woe.
In sorrowe and woe here wyll I wake,330
and lament for Lazar my brothers sake.
Though I for coulde and pennance quake,
heathen will I not goe.

Tunc pariter juxta sepulchrum sedebunt plorantes, et Jesus procul sit.

Brethren, goe we to Judye.334
Maister, right nowe thou well might see335
the Jewes would have stoned thee,
and yett thou wilt agayne?
Wott you not well this is vereye,338
that xii houres are in the daye
and whoeso walketh that tyme a waye
trespasseth not, the sooth to saye?
Hee offendeth not that goeth in light;342
but whosoever walketh abowte in night,
hee tresspasseth all agaynst the right,
and light in him is non.
Whye I saye this, as I have tight,
I shall tell you soone in height.
Have mynd on hit through your might348
and thinkes well thereupon.
To the daye myselfe may likened be,350
and to the xii houres all yee
that lightened be through followinge mee
that am most likinge light.
For worldes light I am verey,
and whoesoe followeth me, sooth to saye,
hee may goe no Chester waye,356
for light in him is dight.
Oportet me operari opera eius qui misit me donec dies est; venit nox quando nemo potest operari. Quamdiu sum in mundo, lux sum mundi.
Brethren, I tell you tidinges:359
Lazar my freinde is sleepinge.
Thether wee must be goinge,
upon him for to call.
Lord, if hee sleepe, saffe hee may bee,363
for in his sleepe no perrill is hee.
Therfore yt is not good for thee
goe thider for soc smale.
I tell you, brethren, certenlye;367
Lazar is deade, and thyder will I.
Fayne I am, I wott, that I
was not there, as you may see.
We goe thider anon in hye.
Followe him, brethren, to his anoye,372
and dye with him devoutly,
for other hit will not bee.

Tunc versus locum ibit Jesus ubi Maria et Martha se Martha fuit obviam.

A, lord Jesu, haddest thou binne here leade375
Lazar my brother had not binne deade;
but well I wott thou wilt us reade,
nowe thou arte with us here.
And this I leeve and hope aright:
what thinge thou askest of God almight,
hee will grant yt thee in height381
and grant thee thy prayer.
Thy brother, Martha, shall ryse, I saye.383
That leeve I, lord, in good faye,384
that bee shall ryse the last daye;
then hope I him to see.
Martha, I tell thee withowt naye,387
I am risynge and life verey;
which life shall last for aye
and never shall ended be.
Whosoever leeveth steedfastlye391
in mee-I tell thee trulye-
though he dead bee and downe lye,
shall live and fare well.
Leeves thou, woman, that this maye?
Lord, I leeve and leeve mon396
that thou arte Christ, Godes Sonne,
is commen into this woride to wonne,
mans boote for to bee.
This have I leeved steedfastlye;
therfore on mee thou have mercye,
and on my sister eke Marye.402
I will fetch her to thee.

Tunc Martha ibit et vocabit Mariam, dicens

A, Marye, sister leeffe and deare,404
hye thee quickly and come neare.
My sweete lord Jesu hee is here,
calleth thee him to.
A, well were we and hit so were!408
But had my lovely lord of leere
scene my brother lye one beare,
some boote might have binne donne.
But nowe he stinketh, sooth to saye,412
for nowe this is the fourth daye
syth hee was buryed in the claye,
that was to mee so leeffe.
But yet my lord I will assaye,
and with all my hart him I praye
to comforte us, and that hee may418
and mend all our mischeiffe.

Tunc Maria videns Jesum prosternat se ad pedes, dicens:

A, lord Jesu, haddest thou binne here,420
Lazarre my brother, thy owne deare,
had not binne dead in this manere.
Mych sorrowe is me upon.
Where have yee donne him? Telles mee.424
Lord, come hither and thou may see,425
for buryed in this place is hee
fore dayes nowe agonne.

Tunc venient Judei, quorum dicat Primus.

Primus Judeus
See, fellowe, for cockes soule,428
this freake beginneth to reeme and yowle
and make great dowle for gowle
that bee loved well before.
Secundus Judeus
Hee hadd cunninge, meethinke hee might432
from death have saved Lazarre by right,
as well as send that man his sight,
that which so blynd was borne.
Have donne, and put awaye the stone.436
A, lord, foure dayes be agone437
syth hee was buried, bloodd and bonne.
He stynkes, lord, in good faye.
Martha, sayd I not to thee440
if that thou fullye leeved in mee
Godes grace soone shalt thou see?
Therfore doe as I thee saye.

Tunc deponent lapidem de sepulchro, et Jesus tergum vertens, manibus elevatis, dicit.

Father of heaven, I thanke yt thee444
that so soone hasse hard mee.
Well I wist and soothly see
thou hearest myne intent.
But for this people that stande hereby
speake I the more openlye,
that they may leeve steedfastly450
from thee that I was sent.
Lazarre, come forth, I bydd thee!452
A, lord, blessed most thou be453
which from death to life hast raysed mee
through thy micle might.
Lord, when I hard the voyce of thee,
all hell fayled of there postie,
so fast from them my soule can flee;
all divells were afrayd.459
Loose him nowe and lett him goe.460
A, lord, honored be thou oo461
that us hast saved from mych woe
as thou hast oft beforne.
For well I wist hit should be soo,
when ye were full farre froo.
The, lord, I honour, and no moo,
kneelinge upon my kneene.467
A, lord Jesu, mych is thy might,468
for nowe my harte is glad and light
to see my brother ryse in my sight
here before all these men.
Well I hoped that soone in height
when thou came yt should fare aright.
The, lord, I honour with all my might,474
kneelinge upon my knees.
A, lord Jesu, I thanke thee,476
that one my brother hase pittie.
By verey signe nowe men maye see
that thou arte Godes Sonne.
With thee ever, lord, will I bee
and serve thee with harte free
that this daye hase gladdedd mee,482
and alwaye with thee wonne.
Have good-day, my doughter deare.484
Whereever you goe, farre or neare,
my blessinge I give you here.
To Jerusalem I take the waye.


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38