The Marcers Playe

Pagina Nona: De Oblatione Trium Regum

Primus Rex
Myghtie God and moste of mayne,1
to honour thee wee may bee fayne:
the starre I see yt common agayne
that was owt of our sight.
Secundus Rex
Thy lordshippe to us thou ney layne,5
that for mankynde would suffer payne.
Thou send us grace, if thou be gayne,
to come to thee tonight.
Tertius Rex
A, lord, honored be thou aye,9
for nowe we shall knowe well the waye.
I will followe yt in good faye,
my forward to fulfill.
[Primus Rex]
I hope withowt dreade todaye13
to see that childe and his araye.
But methinkes, lordes, by my faye,
the starre yt standeth still.
Secundus Rex
That is a signe wee be neare,17
but high hall see I non here.
To a child of such powere
this howsinge standeth lowe.
Tertius Rex
Nowe wott I well, withouten were,21
without pryde hee will apere
to make men meeke, in such manere
an example us to shewe.
Primus Rex
The starre yonder over the stable is.25
I wotte wee be not gonne amys,
for yt hath sterred ever or this
and nowe there yt is glent.
Secundus Rex
I wotte hee wonnes here, iwysse,29
and this simple house is his.
Ordeyne we nowe that kinge of blys
appertly our present.
Tertitjs Rex
What present best will for him fall33
cast we here amongest us all;
for though hee lye in an oxe stall,
his might is never the lesse.
Primus Rex
’Kinge of Jewes’ wee shall him call;37
therfore of mee have hee shall-
that am his subjecte and his thrall-
gould, or I passe.
For in our land is the manere41
to approache noe kinge neare
but dayntye giftes rich and deare
after his dignitie.
And for a kinge gould cleane and cleare
is moste commendable. Therfore nowe here
hee shall have that of mee.47
Alsoe yt seemes by this place
that little treasure his mother hasse.
Therfore to helpe hir in this case
gould shall be my present.
Secundus Rex
And I will offer through Godes grace52
incense that noble savoure hasse.
Stynke of the stable yt shall wast,
theras they be lent.
Tertius Rex
And myrre is best my offeringe to bee:56
to anoynte him, as thinkes mee,
the childes members-head and knee,
and other lymmes all.
Thus shall we honour him all three
with thinges that falles to his degree,
towchinge manhoode and deitie.62
These giftes will well befall.
Primus Rex
You saye well, lordes, witterlye.64
As towchinge gould, prove maye I,
yt should be given him dewlye
because of temporalitye.
Syth hee shall be kinge most mightye,
trybute hee must have trulye;
and gould therfore witterlye70
is beste, as thinkes me.
Secundus Rex
And syth hee hath in him godhead,72
methinkes best-as eate I bread-
incense to give him through my reade
in name of sacrifice,
for that may noe waye be lead.76
Syth hee of Holy Church is head,
more dewe giftes, yf I should be dead,
I cannot devise.
Tertius Rex
You saye full well, syrs, both two.80
And myrre is good, methinkes alsoe.
Syth hee for man will suffer woo
and dye on roode-tree,
myrre-that puttes sinne him fro
and saves man from rowtinge woo;
for yt is best to balme him thoo,86
that shall hee have of mee.
Primus Rex
By these giftes three of good araye88
three thinges understand I maye:
a kinges powere, sooth to saye,
by gould here in my hand;
and for his godhead lastlye aye
incense wee must give him todaye;
and bodely death alsoe in good faye94
by myrre I understande.
Secundus Rex
Gould love alsoe may signifye,96
for yt men given not commonlye
but these they loven hartfullye-
this chyld as wee donne all;
and incense tokeneth, leeve I,
orysons and prayers done devoutlye;
myrre death that man hath bodelye.102
And all these him shall fall.
Tertius Rex
By gould that wee to bringe are bowne,104
that rychest mettall of renowne,
skyllfullye understand wee mon
most pretiouse godhead;
and incense may well be sayd
a roote of great devotyon;
by myrre, that waves corruptyon,110
cleane flesh both quicke and dead.
And sycerlye this knowen wee:112
hee wantes non of these three;
for full godhead in him hasse hee,
as gould maye signifie.
And sowle devout in him must bee
to come owt of the Trynitie;
and cleane flesh we hopen to see118
in him full hastelye.
Primus Rex
Nowe we have proved yt here120
these giftes to him bee most deare,
goe wee forth in good manere
and make we our present.
Secundus Rex
The starre yt shines fayre and cleare124
over this stable aye entyre.
Here is his wonninge withowten were,
and herein is hee lent.
Tertius Rex
A fayre mayden yonder I see,128
an ould man sittinge at hir knee,
a child alsoe; as thinkes mee,
three persons them are.
Primus Rex
I saye in certayne this is hee132
that we have sought in farre countree.
Therfore now with all honestye
honour I will that baron.

Tunc appariet sciatuum cum auto.

Primus Rex
Hayle be thou, lord, Christe and messie,136
that from God art common kindly,
mankynd of bale for to forbye
and into blys bringe.
We knowe well by prophecye-
of Moyses, Davyd, and Esaye,
and Balaam of our auncetrye-142
of Jewes thou shalt bee kinge.
Therfore, as falleth for thy crowne,144
gould I have here readye bowne
to honour thee with greate
renowne after thy royaltye.
Take here, lord, my intentyon
that I doe with devotyon,
and give mee here thy benesoun150
ere that I goe from thee.
Secundus Rex
Hayle be Christe Emanuell!152
Thou common art for mans heale
and for to wynne agayne that wayle
that Adam put awaye.
Prophets of thee every one saye,
both Esaye and Ezechiell;
and Abraham might not conceale158
the sooth of thee to saye.
Bushoppe I wotte thou must bee;
therfore now, as thinkes mee,
incense will fall best for thee;
and that nowe here I bringe
in tokninge of thy dignitie164
and that office of spiritualtye.
Receave here, lord, at mee
devoutly my offeringe.
Tertius Rex
Hayle, conquerour of all mankynd!168
To doe mercye thou hasse mynde,
the devils band to unbynd
and releive all thyne.
A full fayre waye thou can fynd
to haunce us and put him behind,
though thy Passyon to unbynd174
thy people that be in pyne;
for thou shalt mend us throgh thy might,176
dye and ryse the thyrd night,
to recover agayne our right
and breake the devils bande.
Myrre to thee here have I dight
to balme thy bodye fayre and bright.
Receive my present, sweete wight,182
and blesse mee with thy hand.
You royall kinges in rych araye,184
the high Father of heavon I praye
to yeeld you your good deede todaye,186
for his micle might;
and give you will now and alwaye
to yerne the liefe that lasteth aye,
and never to fall out of the faye
that in your hartes is pight.
And leeves, lordes, withouten were,192
that to my sonne you shall be deare,
that him todaye hath honored here
and me alsoe for his sake.
When tyme is come entyre
to prove his strenght and his powere,
to him you shall bee leeffe and deare-198
that darre I undertake.
You kynges all comely of kynd,200
full faythfully you shall yt fynd-
this menskie that God will have in mynd
and quyte you well your meede.
And leeves well: of noe mans strynde
ys hee, not gotten by leefe of kynde;
that soe beleevon are full blynde,206
for I knowe yt in deede.
This mayden was betaken mee208
when I had lost my jollitie,
and fayled might and postie
sinne for to assaye.
But for God would in chastitie
that we should together bee,
keeper of her virginitie214
I have binne manye a daye.
Therfore I wott, forsooth iwys,
cleane mayden that shee ys
and with man did never amysse;
and therof be you bould.
But of the Holye Ghost this ys220
for to bringe mankynde to blys.
And this child is verey his;
soe Gabriel! me tould.
I warne you comely kynges three,224
my lord would you not spilled bee.
Therfore hee sendes you word by mee
to tome another waye.
Herodes felowshippe you shall flee;
for you, harme ordayne hasse hee.
Therfore goes not through his countree,230
ne the gate you come todaye.
Primus Rex
A, high lord that wee honour here,232
that warnes us in thys manere-
elles had we wend without were
to him that would us spill.
Secundus Rex
Yea, lord, as thou can us lere,236
we will doe to our powere.
Tertius Rex
Goe we hethen all in fere,238
and his byddinge fullfill.
Primus Rex
Farewell, syr Jasper, brother, to you,240
kinge of Tharsis most worthye.
Farewell, syr Baithasar; to you I bowe.
I thanke you of your companye.
Hee that made us to meete on playne
and offered to Marye in her jesayne,
send us saffe and sound agayne246
to the land we came froo.
Secundus Rex
You kinges, I saye you verament:248
syth God of his grace you hyther sent,
wee will doe his commandement
whatsoever may befall.
Therfore stand we not in doubt
for to walke our land about,
and of his byrth that wee maye moote254
both to great and smale.
Tertius Rex
Farewell, syr kynges, both in fere;256
I thanke you both of your good chere.
But yett my witt in a were
lest Herode make us some trayne.
Hee that shoope both sea and sand,
send us saffe into our land.
Kynges to, give me your hand;262
farewell and have good daye!


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38