The Saddlers Playe

Pagina Decima Nona: De Christo Duobus Discipulis ad Castellum Emaus Euntibus Apparente et Aliis Discipulis

Alas, nowe wayle ys went awaye.1
My owne, my mayster ever I maye
that is nowe clongen under claye,
that makes my hart in care.
Sorrowe and sighinge, the sooth to saye,
makes me both, that ys no naye.
When I thinke on him both night and daye7
for deole I drowpe and dare.
Yea, mych myrth was in mee9
my sweete soveraygne when I might see,
and his likinge lore with lee,
and nowe so lowe ys layde.
Brother, nowe ys dayes three
syth hee was nayled on the tree.
[Lorde], whether he rysen bee15
as hee before hath sayd?
Leyffe brother Cleophas,17
to knowe that were a coynte case.
Syth he through hart wonded was,
howe should he lyre agayne?
If that godhead in him hasse21
and commen to bye mans tresspas,
he may ryse through his owne grace
and his death to us gayne.
A mystie thinge yt is to mee25
to have beleyffe yt should so bee.
howe hee should ryse in dayes three-
such wonders never was wyst.
Sooth thou sayst, nowe well I see.29
Leeve maye I not by any lewtye;
but God maye of his majestye
doe whatsoever him liste.

Tunc veniet Jesus in habitu peregrino et dicat eis.

Good men, yf your will weare,33
tell me in good manere
of your talkinge. That in fere
and of your woe wytt I would.
A, syr, yt seemes to us here37
a pylgryme thou art, as can appeare.
Tydinge and tales all inteere
thou may here what ys towld.
In Jerusalem that other daye41
thou, that walkest manye a waye,
maye thou not here what men doe saye,
abowt theras thou yeede?
What are those? Tell me, I thee praye.45
Of Jesus of Nazareth, in good faye,46
a prophett to eych mans paye
and wyse in word and deede!
To God and man wyse was hee,
but bushoppes-cursen motte the bee-
dampned him and nayled him on a tree,
that wronge never yett wrought.52
Witterlye, before wend wee53
that Israell he should have made free,
and out of payne through his postye
the people he should have brought.
Yea, syr, nowe ys the thyrd daye57
sythe they made thys affraye,
and some weomen there as hee laye
weare yarlye in the morne
and feared us fowle, in faye.
The towid us hee was stollen awaye
and angelles, as they can saye,63
the sepulchre syttinge beforne.
Yea, syr, these weomen that hard I65
sayde hee was rysen redelye,
and some men of our companye
thyder anon can goe
and found yt so, lease and more.
And yett our hartes are full sore
lest yt be not so.71
Ah, fooles, and feeble in good faye;72
latt to beleeve unto Goddes lawe!
The prophetes before can thus saye-
leeve you on this soothlye-
that yt needes be alwaye,
Christ to suffer death, the sooth to saye,
and to joye that lasteth aye78
bringe man through his mercye.
And first at Moyses to beginne,80
what he sayth I shall you mynne:
that God was a greave within
that burned aye, as him thought.
The greave payred nothinge therbye-
what was that but mayd Marye
that bare Jesu synleslye86
that man hath nowe forbought?
Also Esaye sayd this:88
’As a woman comfortes iwys
her child that hath donne amys
to amend, leeve ye mee
so God would man reconcyled here
through his mercye, in good manere,
and in Jerusalem in better were94
forbought they should bee’:

'Quemadmodum mater consolatur filios suos, ita et ego consolabor vos; et in Jerusalem consolabimini.' Esaias, capitulo sexagesino sexto.

A, lord give thee good grace,96
for greatly comforted mee thou hasse.
Goe with us to this place.
A castell ys herebye.
Nowe, good men, soothly to saye,100
I have to goe a great waye.
Therfore at this tyme I ne maye,
but I thanke you hartelye.
Syr, you shall in all manere104
dwell with us at our suppere,
for nowe night approcheth nere.
Tarrye here for anythinge!
Nowe God forbyd that we weare108
so uncurtysse to you here
for, saffe my lovely lord of lere,
thy lord ys most likinge.

Tunc ibit Jesus cum illis ad castellum.

Sytt downe, syr, here I you praye112
and take a morsell yf you maye,
for you have walked a great waye
syth todaye at noone.
Grantmercye, good men, in good faye.116
To blesse this bread, sooth to saye,
I will anon in good araye
rightly you beforne.

Tunc frangit panem et dicat

Eates on, men, and do gladlye120
in the name of God almightie,
for this bread blessed have I
that I give you todaye.

Tunc Jesus evanescit

Grantmercye, syr, syckerlye.124
Nowe read I you be right merye.
What! Where ys hee that sate us bye?
Alas, he ys awaye.
Alas, alas, alas, alas!128
This was Jesus in this place.
By breakinge the bread I knewe his face
but nothinge there before.
A burninge hart in us hee made,132
for while [he] with us here was
to knowe him we might have no grace
for all his luxon lore.
Goe we, brother, and that anon,136
and tell our brethren everychon
howe our mayster ys from us gonne;
yee, soothly wee may saye.
Yea, we maye make our monne140
that sate with him in great wonne,
and we no knowledge had him upon
tyll he was passed awaye.

Tunc ibunt ad alios discipulos in alio loco congregatos.

A, reste well, brethren one and all.144
Wondrously ys us befall!
Our lord and wee were in a hall
and him yett knewe not wee.
Yea, leeve thou well this, Cleophas,148
that hee ys rysen that dead was
and to Peter appeared hase
this daye appertlye.
With us he was a longe fytt152
and undyd his holy wrytt;
and yett our wyttes were so knytt
that him we might not knowe.
Nowe sycker awaye was all my wytt156
tyll the bread was broken eych bytt;
and anon when he brake hitt
he vanished in a thrall.
Nowe we breathren all in feere,160
I reade we hyde us somewhere here
that Jewes meete us not in no manere
for malice, leeve you mee.
Lenge wee here in this place.164
Peradventure God wyll shewe us grace
to se our lord in little space
and comforted for to bee.

Tunc omnes eunt infra castrum, et veniet Jesus stans in media discipulorum; et postea dicat.

Peace amonge you, brethren fayre!168
Yea, dread you nought in no manere.
I am Jesus, withowt were,
that dyed on roode-tree.
A, what ys hee that comys here172
to this fellowshippe all in fere
as hee to me nowe can appeare?
A ghooste methinke I see.
Brethren, whye are ye so frayd for nought176
and noyed in harte for feeble thought?
I am hee that hath you forbought
and dyed for mans good.
My feete, my handes you may see;
and knowe the soothe also may yee,
soothly that I am hee182
that dead was upon a tree.
Handle me, both all and one,184
and leeve well this everychone:
that ghooste hath neyther fleshe ne bonne
as you see nowe on mee.
A, lord, mych joye is us upon!188
But what he ys, wott I ney can.
Nowe sythe you leeve I am no man,190
more sygnes you shall se.
Have you any meate here?192
Yea, my lord leeffe and dere,193
rosted fyshe and honye in fere,
therof we have good wonne.
Eate we then in good manere.196
Thus nowe you knowe withowt were
that ghooste to eate hath no powere,
as you shall see anon.

Tunc commedit Jesus, et dabit discipulis suis

Brethren, I towld you before200
when I was with you not gayne an howre,
that nedelye both lesse and more
must fuffilled bee.
In Moyses lawe as wrytten were,
all other prophettes as nowe weare,
ys fulfilled in good manere206
of that was sayd of mee.
For thys was wrytten in prophecye:208
that I must suffer death nedelye
and the thyrd day with victorye
ryse in good arraye
and preach remission of synnes
unto all men that his name doth mynne.
Therfore, all you that bee herein214
thinke on what I saye.

Tunc evanescit Jesus, et ibunt discipuli Bethaniae, et obviantes Thomas dicat Petrus.

A, Thomas! Tydinges good and neewe!216
We have seene the lord Jesu.
Shall I never leeve that this ys trewe,218
by God omnypotent,
but I see in his handes two
holes the nayles can in goe
and put my fynger eke alsoe
thereas the nayles went.
Thomas, goe we all in feere;224
for dread of enemyes better were
then Jewes should have [us] in there dangeire
and all our fraternitie.
Wherever you goe, brethren deare,228
I will goe with you in good manere;
but this talke you tell mee here
I leeve not tell I see.
Nowe, Thomas, bee thou not awaye232
and in happe se him thou maye
and feele him also, in good faye,
as we have donne before.
Wherever you bee, I will be aye;236
but make mee leeve this thinge verey-
you pyne you not! Therfore I you praye
to speake of that no more.

Tunc ibunt omnes iterum ad mansionem et recumbent. Et subito apparebit Jesus dicens

Peace, my brethren, both on and all.240
Come hither, Thomas; to thee I call.
Showe forth, for ought that maye befall,
thy hand and put in here;
and see my handes and my feete,
and put in thy hand; thou ne lett.
My woundes are yett freshe and wett246
as the first were.
And be thou no more so dreadinge,248
but ever trulye beleevinge.

Tunc emittet manum in latus et vulnera

My God, my lord, my Christ, my kinge!250
Nowe leeve I withowt weeninge.
Yea, Thomas, thou seest nowe in mee.252
Thou leevest nowe that I am hee.
But blessed must they all bee
that leeve and never see
that I am that same bodye
that borne was of meeke Marye
and on a crosse your sowles did bye258
upon Good Frydaye.
Whoeso to this wyll consent,
that I am God omnipotent,
as well as they that be present
my dearlynges shalbe aye.
Whoeso to this wyll not consent264
ever to the daye of judgment,
in hell-fyer they shalbe brent
and ever in sorrowe and teene.
Whosoever on my Father hath any mynd268
or of my mother in any kynd,
in heaven blysse they shall yt fynd
withowt any woe.
Christe give you grace to take the waye
unto that joye that lasteth aye,
for there is noe night but ever daye,274
for all you thyder shall goe.


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38