The Skynners Playe

Pagina Decima Octava: De Resurrectione Jesu Christi

Per vous, sir Cayphas,1
et vous e vous, syr Annas,
et sum disciple Judas
ou le treison fuite;
et grande luces de lucite
a moy perfoyte deliverie,
nostre dame fuit judge,7
per loer roy estreite.
You lordes and ladyes so lovely and lere,9
you kemps, you knowne knightes of kynde,
herkens all hitherward my hestes to here,
for I am most fayrest and freshest to fynd,
and most highest I am of estate;
for I am prynce pereles, most royall man of ryches.
I may deale and I may dresse.15
My name ys syr Pilate.
For Caesar, lord most of postie,17
honored my estate and my degree
when that he sent Jesus to me
to delyver him to the dead.
The cryed on mee all with on voyce;
the Jewes one me made great noyce.
I gave them leave to hange him on crosse.23
This was through Jewes read.
I dread yett lest hee will us greeve,25
for that I sawe I may well beleeve.
I sawe the stones begane to cleave
and dead men up can ryse.
In this cyttye all aboute
was non so stearne ne so stowte
that up durst looke, for great doubt;31
they could so soone agryse.
And therfore, syr Cayphas, yett I dread33
leste there were parrell in that deed.
I sawe him hange on roode and bleed
tyll all his blood was shedd.
And when he should his death take,
the wedders waxed wondrous blacke-
layte, thonder-and earth beganne to quake.39
Therof I am adread.
And this was yesterdaye, about noone?41
Yea, syr byshoppe, this ys one.42
To speake therfore we have to donne.
For I lett burye him full soone
in a tombe of stonne.
And therfore, syrs, amonge us three
lett us ordayne and oversee
yf there anye parrell be,48
or we hence gonne.
Syr Pilate, all this was donne,50
as we sawe after sone;
but betyme at afternoone
the wedder begane to cleare.
And, syr, yf yt be your will,
such wordes you left be styll
and speake of another skyll,56
least any man us heare.
Yea, syr Pilate, nought forthy!58
I sawe him and his companye
rayse men with sorcerye
that longe before were dead.
For, and there be any more such lafte
which can of such wytchcrafte,
yf that bodye be from us rafte,64
advyse you well, I redd.
Yea, syr Pilate, I tell you right.66
Lett us ordayne manye a hard knight,
well armed, to stand and feight
with power and with force,
that noe shame to us befall.
Lett us ordayne here amonge us all,
and trewe men to us call72
to keepe well the coarse.
Nowe by Jesu that dyed on roode,74
methinke your counsell wondrous good.
The best men of kynne and blood
anonne I wyll in.
Syr Colphram and syr Jeragas
Aroysiat and syr Jerophas,
we praye you, syrs, here in thys case80
anonne looke you ne blynne.
A, my knightes styffe and stearne of hart,82
you be bould men and smart.
I warne you nowe at wordes short,
with you I have to donne.
Primus Miles
Syr, we be here all and some86
as bowld men, readye bowne
to dryve your enemyes all adowne
while that wee may stand.
We be your knights everychon.90
Fayntnes in us there shalbe nonne.
We wilbe wroken upon thy fonne
wherever he may be found-
and for no dread that we wyll wend.
That I am well to understand.95
You be men doughtie of hand;
I love you withowt lacke.
But that prophett that was donne and drawes98
throwe the recountinge of your lawes-
but yett somethinge me standes in awes
of wordes that he spake.
Forsooth, this I hard him saye:
that hee would ryse the thyrd daye.
Nowe surely and he so maye,104
he hath a wonderous tatch.
Secundus Miles
Yea, lett him ryse yf that him dare;106
for, and I of him be awarre,
hee bode never a worse charre
or that hee wend awaye.
I helped to slea him yerre while.
Weenes he to doe us more guyle?
Ney, yt ys no parrayle,112
my head heare dare I laye.
Tertius Miles
Yea, lett him quicken! Hardlye,114
whiles my fellowes here and I
may awake and stand him by,
he scapeth not uncaught.
For and he ones heave up his head,
but that he be soone dead,
shall I never eate more bread120
ne never more be saught.
Primus Miles
Have good-day, syr. Wee wyll be gonne.122
Geeve us our charge everychon.
Nowe fares-well, the best of blood and bonne,124
and takes good heede unto my sawe.
For as I am a trewe Jewe,126
yf that you anye treasonn sue,
there ys none of you all shall yt eschewe
but he shall be to-drawe.
Secundus Miles
Nowe, fellowes, we be charged hye.130
Our prynce hath sworne that we shall dye
withowt anye prophecye
or anye other encharre
but yf we donne as the wyse.
I read us we right well advise.
Though he be bould, hee shall not ryse136
but one of us be warre.
Tertius Miles
Syr, the most wytt lyeth in thee138
to ordayne and to oversee.
You binne the eldeste of us three,
and man of most renowne.
The tombe ys here att our hand.
Sett us there as we shall stand.
Yf that he ryse, we shall found144
to beate him adowne.
Primus Miles
And I shall nowe sett us soe,146
yf that he ryse and would goe,
one of us, or elles two,
shall see of his upryste.
Stand thou there, and thou here,
and I myselfe in myddle mere.
I trowe our hartes will not feare152
but yt were stowtly wyste.

Tunc cantabunt duo angeli: 'Christus resurgens a mortuis' etc., et Christus tune resurget; ac postea, cantu finito, dicat ut sequitur. Jesus resurgens et pede eos milites quatlat

Earthlye man that I have wrought,154
awake out of thy sleepe.
Earthly man that I have bought,
of me thou take noe keepe.
From heaven mans soule I sought
into a dungeon deepe;
my deare lemmon from thence I brought,160
for ruth of her I weepe.
I am verey prynce of peace162
and kinge of free mercye.
Whoe wyll of synnes have release,
one me the call and crye;
and yf they will of synnes sease,
I grant them peace trulye
and therto a full rych messe168
in bread, my owne bodye.
I am verey bread of liffe.170
From heaven I light and am send.
Whoe eateth that bread, man or wiffe,
shall lyve with me withowt end.
And that bread that I you give,
your wicked life to amend,
becomes my fleshe through your beleeffe176
and doth release your synfull band.
And whosoever eateth that bread178
in synne and wicked liffe,
he receaveth his owne death-
I warne both man and wiffe;
the which bread shalbe seene instead182
the joye ys aye full ryffe.
When hee ys dead, through fooles read
then ys he brought to payne and stryffe.

Tunc duo angeli, posteaquam Christus resurrexit, sedebunt in sepulchro, quorum alter ad caput, alter ad pedes, sedeant.

Primus Miles
Owt, alas! Where am I?186
So bright abowt ys herebye
that my harte wholey
owt of slough ys shaken.
So fowle feared with fantasye
was I never in non anoye,
for I wott not, witterlye,192
whether I be on sleepe or waken.

Tunc socium surgere cogit.

Secundus Miles
Where art thou, syr batchlere?194
About me ys wonder cleare.
Wytt me wantes withowten were,
for fearder I never was.
To remove farre or neare
mee fayles might and power.
My hart in my bodye here200
ys hoven owt of my brest.

Tunc tanget socium et de somno surgere coget.

Primus Miles
Yea, we are shent, syckerlye,202
for Jesu ys rysen, well wott I,
owt of the sepulchre mightelye,
and therof I have in mynd.
And, as dead here can I lye,
speake might I not, ney espye
which waye he tooke, truelye-208
my eyes the were so blynde.
Tertius Miles
Alas, what ys thys great light210
shyninge here in my sight?
Marred I am, both mayne and might;
to moove have I noe mayne.
These two beastes that are so bright-
power I ney have to ryse aright-
mee fayle with them for to fight,216
would I never so fayne.
Secundus Miles
Yea, I will creepe forth upon my knee218
tyll I this parrell passed bee,
for my waye I may not see,
neyther yearth ney stonne.
Yea, in a wicked tyme we
nayled him on the roode-tree.
For us, he sayd, in dayes three224
that he would ryse agayne.
Tertius Miles
Hye we fast we were awaye,226
for this ys Goddes Sonne verey.
Stryve with him wee ney maye
that mayster ys and more.
I will to Cayphas, by my faye,
the sooth openlye for to saye.
Farewell, syrs, and have good-daye,232
for I will goe before.
Primus Miles
We to lenge here ys no boote,234
for needes to syr Pilate we moote
and tell him both croppe and roote
so soothly as wee wist.
For and they Jewes knewe as well as wee
that he were rysen through his postie,
then should the last errour bee240
worse then was the firste.

Tunc adeunt Pilatum.

Sectjndus Miles
Herkens, syr Pilate, the sooth to sayne,242
Jesu that was on Frydaye slayne
through his might ys rysen agayne.
Thys ys the thyrd daye.
There came noe power him to fett,
but such a sleepe he on us sett
that none of us might him lett248
to ryse and goe his waye.
Nowe by the othe that I have to syr Caesar sworne,250
all you dogges sonnes
shall dye therfore
yf yt be on you longe.
If that you have privylie
sowld him to his companye,
then are you worthye for to dye256
right in your owne wronge.
Tertius Miles
Nowe by the order that I beare of knight,258
he rose up in the morninge light
by vertue of his owne might.
I knowe hit well afyne.
Hee rose up, as I saye nowe,
and lefte us lyenge, I wott nere howe,
all bemased and in a swoone264
as we had binne stycked swyne.
Fye, theeffe; fye, traytour;266
fye on thee, thy truth ys full bare!
Fye, feynd; fye, feature;
hye hence. Fast I read that thou fare!
Primus Miles
That tyme that hee his waye tooke270
durst I neyther speake nor looke,
but for feare I laye and quooke,
and laye in sownd dreame.
He sett his foote upon my backe
that everye lythe beganne to cracke.
I would not abyde such another shacke276
for all Jerusalem.
Fye, harlott; fye, hownde;278
fye on thee, thou taynted taken dogge!
What! Laye thou styll in that stound
and lett that losingere goe so on the rogge?
Syr Cayphas and syr Annas,
what saye you to thys trespas?
I praye you, syrs, in this case284
advyse me of some reede.
Nowe, good syr, I you praye,286
herkens to mee what I you saye-
for mych avayle us yt maye-
and doe after my spell.
Praye them nowe, syr, pardye,
as the loven well thee,
here as they standen all three,292
to keepe well our counsell.
Syr byshoppe, I saye to you verament,294
unto your counsell I fullye assent.
This foolishe prophet that we all torent
through his witchcrafte ys stollen awaye.
Therfore lett us call our counsell together
and lett us conclude to the whole matter,
or elles our lawes are donne forever.300
Nowe in good fayth, full woe ys mee,301
and so I trowe bynne all yee,
that he ys rysen thus privelye
and ys from us escaped.
Nowe I praye you, syrs, as yee love mee,
keepe this in close and privetye
untyll our counsell and tyll wee307
have hard howe hee is scaped.
Maria Magdalena
Alas, nowe lorne ys my likinge.309
For woe I wander and handes wringe.
My harte in sorrowe and sighinge
ys sadlye sett and sore.
That I most loved of all thinge,
alas, ys nowe full lowe lyenge.
Whye am I, lord, so longe livinge315
to loose thy luxonne lore?
Maria Jacobi
Alas, wayle awaye ys went.317
My helpe, my heale from me ys hent.
My Christ, my comfort that me kent,
is clongen nowe in claye.
Mightie God omnipotent,
thou give them hard judgment
that my soveraygne hath so shent,323
for so I maye well saye.
Maria Salome
Alas, nowe marred ys my might.325
My lord through whom that I was light
shamefullye slayne here in my syght!
My sorrowe ys aye unsought.
Syth I maye have no other ryght
of these dyvelles that have my lord so dight,
to balme his bodye that ys so bryght boyst331
here have I brought.
Maria Magdelena
Suster, which of us everychon333
shall remove this great stonne
that lyeth my sweet lord upon,
for moove yt I ne maye?
Maria Jacobi
Suster, maystrye ys hit nonne.337
Hit seemes to mee as he were gonne,
for on the sepulcher sytteth one,
and the stonne away.
Maria Salomee
Two children I see ther syttinge-341
all of whyte ys there clothinge-
and the stonne besydes lyeinge.
Goe we nere and see.

Tunc ibunt, et aspiciunt in sepulchrum.

Angelus Primus
What seeke ye women here345
with weepinge and unlykinge chere?
Jesus, that to you was deare,
ys rysen, leeve you mee.
Angelus Secundus
Be not afrayde of us in fere,349
for he ys wente, withowten were,
as hee before can you leere,
forth into Gallylye.
Angelus Primus
This ys the place, therfore be apayde,353
that Jesu our lord was in layde;
but he ys rysen as he sayde,
and heathen went awaye.
Angelus Secundus
Hye you, for ought that may befall,357
and tell his disciples all;
and Peter allso saye you shall
there fynde him that you maye.
Maria Macdalena
Ah, hye wee faste for anye thinge361
and tell Peter this tydinge.
A blessedfull word we may him bringe,
sooth yf that hit were.
Maria Jacobi
Yea, walke thou, suster, by on waye365
and we another shall assaye
tyll we have mett with him todaye,
my dereworth lord so deare.

Tunc discedent, et palisper circumambulabunt, et tunc obvient discipulis, Petro et Johanm

Maria Magdalena
A, Peter and John, alas, alas!369
There ys befallne a wondrous case.
Some man my lord stollne hase
and put him I wott not where.
What? Ys he removed owt of the place373
in the which he buryed was?
Maria Magdalena
Yea, sickerlye, all my solace375
ys gonne and ys not there.
Johannes Evangelist
Peter, goe we thither anon,377
runninge as faste as we maye gonne,
to looke whoe hath removed the stonne
and whether hee be awaye.
Abyde, brother, sweete John,381
leste wee meete with anye fonne;
but nowe I see non other wonne,
to runne I will assaye.

Tunc ambo simul concurrunt, sed Johannes precurreret citius Petro, et non intrat sepulchrum.

A, Peter, brother, in good faye,385
my lord Jesu is awaye,
but his sudarye, sooth to saye,
lyenge here I fynd
by hitselfe, as thou se maye;
farre from all other clothes yt laye.
Nowe Maryes wordes are sooth verey,391
as we may have in mynd.
Yea, but as God keepe me from woe393
into the sepulcher I wyll goe
to looke whether yt be verey soe
as Marye to us can saye.

Tunc introibit in sepulchrum.

A, lord, blessed be thou ever and oo,397
for as thou towld me and other moo
I fynd thou hasse overcome our foo
and rysen art in good faye.

Tunc Petrus lamentando dicat

A, lord, howe shall I doe for shame-401
that have deserved so mych blame
to forsake thy sweete name-
to meete with thee by any waye,
I that in pennance and great anoye
my sweete lord forsooke thrye?
Save endlesse hope of his mercye,407
therto trust I maye.
For ne hit were his great grace409
and sorrowe in hart that in me was,
worse I were then was Judas,
my lord so to forsake.
Peter, comforte thee in this case,413
for sycker my lord Jesu hase
greate repentance for thy tresspasse;
my lord in hart will take.
Goe we seeke Jesu anon in hye,417
one waye thow, another way I.
Yea, well I hope through his might419
my pennance shall him please.

Tunc abeunt, hic per aliam viam ille per alteram. Mulieres venient.

Maria Magdalena
Heathen will I never, syckerlye,421
tyll I be comforted of myne anoye
and knowe where hee is readelye.
Here will I sitt and weepe.
Angelus Primus
Woman, whye weepest thou so aye?425
Maria Magdalena
Sonne, for my lord ys taken awaye426
and I wott nere, the sooth to saye,
whoe hath donne that thinge.
Alas, whye were I not dead todaye,
clought and clongen under claye
to see my lord that here laye
once at my likynge?432


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38