The Taylors Playe

Incipit Pagina Vicesima de Assentione Dommi Et primo dicat Jesus 'Pax vobis, ego sum, nolite timere'

My brethren that sytten in companye,1
with peace I greate you hartfullye.
I am hee that standes you bye;
ne dread you nothinge.
Well I knowe and wytterlye
that yee be in greate extacye
whether I be rysen verelye —7
that makes you sore in longinge.
[You] ys no neede to be anoyed soo9
neyther through thought to be in woo.
Your handes puttes nowe you froo
and feele my woundes wyde.
And leeves this, both all and one,
that ghoost hath neyther fleshe ne bonne
as yee may feele mee upon15
on handes and on feete.

Spiritus quidem carnem et ossa non habet sic me videtis habere'

A, what ys this that standeth us bye?17
A ghoost meethinke he seemeth, wytterlye.
Meethinke lightned mych am I.
this spryte for to see.
Peeter, I tell thee prevelye21
I dread me yett full greatlye
that Jesu should doe such maystrye,
and whether that this be hee.
Brethren, good yt is to thinke evermore25
what wordes he sayd the daye before
he dyed on roode — gonne ys not youre —
and bee we steadfast aye.
Jacobus Major
A, John, that makes us in weare29
that alwaye when he will appere —
and when us lyst beste to have him here,
anonne hee ys awaye.
I see well, brethren, sooth to saye,33
for any signe that I shewe maye
yee be not steadfast in the faye,
but ifittinge I you fynd.
Moe signes therfore yee shall see.
Have you ought may eaten bee?
Yea, lord, here — meate innough for thee,39
and elles we were unkynd.
Nowe eate we then for charitie,41
my leeve brethren fayre and free,
for all thinges shall fulfilled bee
wrytten in Moyses lawe.
Prophetes in psalmes sayden of mee
that death I behoved on the roode-tree,
and ryse within dayes three47
to joye mankind to drawe
and preach to folke this world within49
pennance, remyssion of there synne;
in Jerusalem I should begynne,
as I have donne for love.
Therfore, beleeve steadfastlye
and come ye with mee to Bethanye.
In Jerusalem yee shall all lye55
to abyde the grace above.

Tunc commedet Jesus cum discipulis suis, et postea dicat

Lord, from us thou nought conseyle!57
What tyme that thou art in thy weale,
shalt thou restore Israell
agayne her realme that daye?
Brother, that ys not to thee61
to knowe my Fathers privetie
that towcheth to his owne postie —
wytt that yee ne maye.
But take ye shall, through my beheste,65
vertue of they Holye Ghoste
that send shaibe to helpe you moste
in world where ye [shall] wend.
My wytnesse all yee shalbee
In Jerusalem and Judee,
Samarye also, and eych countree71
to the worldes end.
Goe yee all the worlde, and through my grace73
preach my word in eych place.
All that steadfast beleeffe hasse,
and fullye, save shall [be].
And whoeso beleeveth not in your lore,
the wordes ye preach them before,
dampned shalbe evermore;79
that payne may them not flee.
By this thinge ye shall well knowe81
whoso leeveth steadfastlye in you;
such signes, soothlye, the shall shewe
whersoever the tyde to goe.
In my name well shall they
devylles powers to putt awaye;
newe tonges yee shall have to preach the faye,87
and edders to mayster also;
and though the poyson eate or drynke,89
yt shall nye them nothinge;
sycke men with ther handlinge
shall healed redelye bee,
such grace shall be in there doinge.
Nowe to my Father I am goinge.
Yee shall have, brethren, my blessinge,95
for to heaven I must stee.

Tunc adducet discipulos in Bethaniam; et cum pervenerit ad locum, ascendens dicat Jesus, stans in loco ubi assendit. Dicat Jesus, ' Data est mihi omnis potestas in caelo et in terra.'

My sweete brethren leeffe and deare,97
to mee ys granted full powere
in heaven and yearth, farre and neare,
for my godhead is moste.
To teach all men nowe goe yee
that in world will fulfilled bee
in the name of my Father and mee103
and of the Holy Ghooste.

Tunc Jesus ascendet, et in ascendendo cantet (God singeth alonne).


Ascendo ad Patrem meum et Patrem vestrum, Deum meum et Deum vestrum. Alieluya.

Cum autem impieverit Jesus canticum, stet in medio quasi supra es, et dicat major angelus minori angelo.

Primus Angelus cantat:est iste qui venit de Edom, tinctis vestibus de Bosra?

Minor Angelus respondens cantatIste formosus in stola sua, gradiens in multitudine fortitudinis suae?

Jesus cantat solus:Ego qui loquor justitiam et propinquator sum ad salvandum.

Chorus cantat: Et vestimenta tua sicut calcantium in torculari.

Jesus cantat solus:Torcular calcavi solus, et de gentibus non est vir mecum

Primus Angelus dicat in materna lingua:

Primus Angelus
Who ys this that cometh within105
the blysse of heaven that never shall blynne,
bloodye, owt of the world of synne —
and harrowed hell hath hee?
Secundus Angelus
Comely hee ys in his clothinge,109
and with full power goinge,
a nomber of sayntes with him leadinge.
Hee seemeth great of postee.112

Jesus autem pausans eodem loco dicat.

I that spake rightwisenesse113
and have brought man out of distres,
forbyer called l am and was
of all mankynd through grace.
My people, that were from me rafte
through synne and through the dyvelles crafte,
to heaven I bringe — good never one lafte —
all that in hell were.
Tertius Angelus
Whye ys thy cloathinge nowe so reedd,121
thy bodye bloodye and also head,
thy clothes also, all that binne ledd,
like to pressars of wyne?
For the devill and his powere125
that mankynd brought in great dangere
Through death one crosse and blood so clere
I have made them all myne.
These bloodye droppes that yee nowe see129
all the freshe shall reserved bee
tyll I come in my majestie
to deame the laste daye.
This blood I shedd, wytnes bere to mee,
and dyed for man on roode-tree,
and rose agayne within dayes three —135
such love I loved thee aaye.
Theise droppes nowe with good intent137
to my Father I will present
that good men that on yearth be lent
shall knowe appertlye
howe gratiouslye that I them bought;
and for good workes that I have wrought
everlastinge blysse that they sought,143
to preeve the good worthye;
and that the wycked may eychone145
knowe and see all one
howe worthelye they [forgone]
that blysse that lasteth aye.
For theise causes, leeve yee mee,
the droppes I shedd on roode-tree.
All fleshe shall reserved bee151
ever, tyll the laste daye.

Tunc ascendet, et in ascendendo cantent angeli cantleum subseriptum Cantent 'Exaltaremus, dormne, in virtute tua, cantabimus et psallemus virtutes tuas'

Tunc descendent angeli, et cantent 'Viri Gallilei, quid aspicitis eaelum?'

Quartus Angelus
Yee men that binne of Galilee,153
whereupon nowe wonder yee,
waytinge him that through postye
ys nowe gonne you froo?
Primus Angelus
Jesu Christe, leeve yee mee,157
that steede to heaven, as ye see,
right so come agayne shall hee
as yee seene him goo.
Loo, brethren, what these angelles sayen,161
that Jesu, that through his great mayne
to heaven ys gonne, will come agayne
right as he forth went.
Manye sethen so height hee165
to send his Ghooste, with hart free,
and in Jerusalem we shalbee
tyll yt were to us sent.
Brethren, I read us, in good faye,169
that we thether take the waye
and with devotion night and daye
lenge in our prayer.
For knowe we mone by sygne vereye173
that hee ys Godes Sonne, sooth to saye.
Therfore yt ys good we goe to praye
as he commanded here.
Nowe mon we leeve yt no leasinge,177
for both by syght and handlinge,
speakinge, eatinge and drinkinge
hee prooves his deitee.
Jacobus Major
Yea, also by his uppsteyinge181
bee seemes fully heaven-kinge.
Whoe hasse therin full leevinge,
saved life and soule ys hee.
Goe we, brethren, with one assent185
and fuilfill his commandement;
but looke that none through dread be blent,
but leeves all steadfastlye.
Praye we all with full intent
that hee to us his Ghoost will sent.
Jesu, that from us nowe ys went,191
save all this companye! Amen.


2024 Mar 19  14:56:38