Noah and the Flood

Introitus Noe

God of his goodnesse and of grace grounde,
By whoys gloryous power allthyng is wrought,
In whom all vertu plentevously is founde,
Withowtyn whos wyl may be ryth nought,
Thy seruauntys saue, Lord, fro synful sownde
In wyl, in werk, in dede, and in thouht.
Oure welth in woo lete nevyr be fownde;
Vs help, Lord, from synne þat we be in brought,
Lord God ful of myght.
Noe, serys, my name is knowe,
My wyff and my chyldere here on rowe;
To God we pray with hert ful lowe
To plese hym in his syght.
In me, Noe, þe Secunde Age
Indede begynnyth, as I 3ow say:
Afftyr Adam, withoutyn langage,
The Secunde Fadyr am I, in fay.
But men of levyng be so owtrage,
Bothe be nyght and eke be day,
þat lesse þan synne be soner swage,
God wyl be vengyd on vs sum way,
Ther may no man go þerowte,
But synne regnyth in every rowte;
In every place rownde abowte
Cursydnes doth sprynge and sprede.
Vxor Noe
Allmyghty God of his gret grace
Enspyre men with hertely wyll
For to sese of here trespace,
For synfull levyng oure sowle xal spyll.
Synne offendyth God in his face
And agrevyth oure Lorde full ylle.
It causyth to man ryght grett manace
And scrapyth hym out of lyvys bylle,
þat blyssyd book.
What man in synne doth allwey sclepp,
He xal gon to helle ful depp.
Than xal he nevyr aftyr crepp
Out of þat brennyng brook.
I am 3oure wyff, 3oure childcryn þese be.
Onto us tweyn it doth longe
Hem to teche in all degré
Synne to forsakyn, and werkys wronge.
Therffore, fere, for loue of me,
Enforme hem wele evyr amonge
Synne to forsake, and vanyté,
And vertu to folwe þat þei fonge,
Oure Lord God to plese.
I warne 3ow, childeryn, on and all,
Drede oure Lord God in hevy[n] hall,
And in no forfete þat we ne fall,
Oure Lord for to dysplese.
A, dere fadyr, God forbede
þat we xulde do in ony wyse
Ony werke of synful dede
Oure Lord God þat xulde agryse.
My name is Shem, 3oure son of prise;
I xal werke aftere 3oure rede.
And also, wyff, be weyll awyse
Wykkyd werkys þat þu non brede,
Nevyr in no degré.
Vxor Seem
Forsothe, sere, be Goddys grace,
I xal me kepe from all trespace
þat xulde offende Goddys face
Be help of þe Trynyté.
I am Cham, 3oure secunde son,
And purpose me, be Goddys myght,
Nevyr suche a dede for to don
þat xuld agreve God in syght.
Vxor Cham
I pray to God, me grawnt þis bone:
That he me kepe in such a plyght,
Mornynge, hevenynge, mydday, and none,
I to affendyn hym day nor nyght.
Lord God, I þe pray,
Bothe wakynge and eke in slepe,
Gracyous God, þu me keppe
þat I nevyr in daunger crepe
On dredfull Domysday.
Japhet, þi jjjde sone, is my name.
I pray to God wherso we be
þat he vs borwe fro synfull shame,
And in vertuous levynge evyrmore kepe me.
Uxor Japhet
I am 3oure wyff and pray þe same,
þat God vs saue on sonde and se;
With no grevauns þat we hym grame,
He grawnt vs grace synne to fle.
Lord God, now here oure bone.
Gracyous God, þat best may,
With herty wyl to the we pray
þu save us sekyr bothe nyght and day,
Synne þat we noon done.
Ow! What menyht this myslevyng man
Whiche myn hand made and byldyd in blysse?
Synne so sore grevyht me, 3a, in certayn,
I wol be vengyd of þis grett mysse!
Myn aungel dere, þu xalt gan
To Noe, þat my servaunt is.
A shypp to make on hond to tan
þu byd hym swyth for hym and his,
From drynchyng hem to save.
For, as I am God of myght,
I xal dystroye þis werd downryght.
Here synne so sore grevyht me in syght,
þei xal no mercy haue.
Fecisse hominem nunc penitet me:
þat I made man sore doth me rewe.
Myn handwerk to sle sore grevyth me,
But þat here synne here deth doth brewe.
Go sey to Noe as I bydde þe:
Hymself, his wyf, his chylderyn trewe,
Tho viij sowlys in shyp to be,
Thei xul not drede be flodys flowe;
þe flod xal harme them nowht.
Of all fowlys and bestys thei take a peyre,
In shypp to saue bothe foule and fayere
From all dowtys and gret dyspeyre,
This vengeauns, or it be wrought.

Angelus ad Noe:

Noe, Noe, a shypp loke þu make,
And many a chaumbyr þu xalt haue þerinne.
Of euery kyndys best a cowpyl þu take
Within þe shyppbord, here lyvys to wynne.
For God is sore grevyd with man for his synne,
þat all þis wyde werd xal be dreynt with flood;
Saff þu and þi wyff xal be kept from þis gynne,
And also þi chylderyn with here vertuys good.
How xuld I haue wytt a shypp for to make?
I am of ryght grett age: VC 3ere olde!
It is not for me þis werk to vndyrtake;
For feynnesse of age my leggys gyn folde!
This dede for to do be bothe blythe and bolde.
God xal enforme þe and rewle þe ful ryght.
Of byrd and of beste take, as I þe tolde,
A peyr into þe shypp and God xal þe qwyght.
I am ful redy, as God doth me bydde,
A shypp for to make be myght of his grace.
Alas, þat for synne it xal so be betydde
þat vengeauns of flood xal werke þis manase.
God is sore grevyd with oure grett tresspas,
þat with wylde watyr þe werd xal be dreynt.
A shypp for to make now lete us hens pas,
þat God a3ens us of synne haue no compleynt.

Hic transit Noe cum familia sua pro naui, quo exeunte locum interludii sub intret statim Lameth conductus ab adolescente; et di [cit]:

Gret mornyng I make and gret cause I haue!
Alas, now I se not: for age I am blynde.
Blyndenes doth make me of wytt for to rave;
Whantynge of eyesyght in peyn doth me bynde!
Whyl I had syht þer myht nevyr man fynde
My pere of archerye in all þis werd aboute.
For 3itt schet I nevyr at hert, are, nere hynde
But yf þat he deyd, of þis no man haue doute.
Lameth þe good archere my name was ovyrall;
For þe best archere myn name dede evyr sprede.
Record of my boy here, wytnes þis he xal:
What merk þat were set me, to deth it xuld blede.
It is trewe, maystyr, þat 3e seyn, indede.
For þat tyme 3e had 3oure bowe bent in honde,
If þat 3oure prycke had be half a myle in brede,
3e wolde þe pryk han hitte if 3e ny had stonde.
I xuld nevyr a faylid what marke þat evyr were sett
Whyl þat I myght loke and had my clere syght.
And 3itt, as methynkyht, no man xuld shete bett
Than I xuld do now, if myn hand were sett aryght.
Aspye som marke, boy, my bowe xal I bende wyght;
And sett myn hand euyn to shete at som best.
And I dar Icy a wagour his deth for to dyght.
þe marke xal I hitt, my lyff do I best.
Vndyr 3on grett busche, maystyr, a best do I se.
Take me þin hand swyth and holde it ful stylle.
Now is þin hand evyn as euyr it may be.
Drawe up þin takyll 3on best for to kylle.
My bowe xal I drawe ryght with herty wylle;
This brod arwe I shete, þat best for to sayll.
Now haue at þat busch 3on best for to spylle.
A sharppe schote I shote; þerof I xal not fayll.
Out, out and alas! Myn hert is onsondyr!
With a brod arwe I am ded and sclayn!
I dye here on grounde, myn hert is all to tundyr;
With þis brod arwe it is clovyn on twayn!
Herke, boy, cum telle me þe trewth in certeyn,
What man is he þat þis cry doth þus make?
Caym þu hast kyllyd, I telle þe ful pleyn;
With þi sharp shetyng his deth hath he take.
Haue I slayn Cayme? Alas, what haue I done?
þu stynkynge lurdeyn, what hast þu wrought?
þu art þe why I scle hym so sone;
þerfore xal I kyll þe here — þu skapyst nowght!

Hic Lameth cum arcu suo verberat adolescentem ad mortem, dicente adolescente:

Out, out, I deye here! My deth is now sought!
þis theffe with his bowe hath broke my brayn!
þer may non helpe be, my dethe is me brought.
Ded here I synke down as man þat is sclayn.
Alas, what xal I do, wrecch wykkyd on woolde?
God wyl be vengyd ful sadly on me:
For deth of Caym I xal haue vij-folde
More peyn þan he had þat Abell dede sle!
These to mennys deth ful sore bought xal be:
Vpon all my blood God wyll venge þis dede.
Wherefore, sore wepyng, hens wyl I fle,
And loke where I may best my hede sone heyde.

Hic recedat Lameth et statim intrat Noe cum naui cantantes.

With doolful hert, syenge sad and sore,
Grett mornyng I make for this dredful flood!
Of man and of best is dreynte many a skore;
All þis werd to spyll þese flodys be ful wood.
And all is for synne of mannys wylde mood
þat God hath ordeyned þis dredfull yengeaunce.
In þis flood spylt is many a mannys blood.
For synfull levynge of man we haue gret grevauns!
All þis hundryd 3ere ryght here haue I wrought
This schypp for to make as God dede byd me.
Of all maner bestys a copyll is in brought,
Within my shyppborde on lyve for to be.
Ryght longe God hath soferyd amendyng to se;
All þis hundryd 3ere God hath shewyd grace.
Alas, fro gret syn man wyl not fle;
God doth þis vengeauns for oure gret trespase.
Vxor Noe
Alas, for gret ruthe of þis gret vengeaunce!
Gret doyl it is to se þis watyr so wyde.
But 3it thankyd be God of þis ordenaunce,
þat we be now savyd, on lyve to abyde.
For grett synne of lechory all þis doth betyde.
Alas, þat evyr such synne xulde be wrought!
þis flood is so gret on every a syde
þat all þis wyde werd to care is now brought.
Vxor Seem
Becawse [þe] chylderyn of God, þat weryn good,
Dede forfete ryght sore what tyme þat þei were
Synfully compellyd to Caymys blood,
Therfore be we now cast in ryght grett care.
For synful levynge þis werde doth forfare;
So grevous vengeauns myght nevyr man se.
Ouyr all þis werd wyde fer is no plot bare;
With watyr and with flood God vengyd wyll be.
Vxor Cham
Rustynes of synne is cawse of þese wawys.
Alas, in þis flood þis werd xal be lorn!
For offens to God, brekyng his lawys,
On rokkys ryght sharp is many a man torn.
So grevous flodys were nevyr 3ett beforn.
Alas, þat lechory þis vengeauns doth gynne!
It were well bettyr euyr to be vnborn
Than for to forfetyn evyrmore in þat synne.
Vxor Japhet
Oure Lord God I thanke of his gret grace,
þat he doth us saue from þis dredful payn.
Hym for to wurchipe in euery stede and place
We beth gretly bownde with myght and with mayn.
Xlti days and nyghtys hath lasted þis rayn,
And xlti days þis grett flood begynnyth to slake.
This crowe xal I sende out to seke sum playn;
Good tydyngys to brynge þis massage I make.

Hic emittat coruum et, parum expectans, iterum dicat:

This crowe on sum careyn is fall for to ete;
þerfore a newe masangere I wyll forth now sende.
Fly forth, þu fayr dove, ovyr fcse watyrys wete
And aspye afftere sum drye lond oure mornyng to amend.

Hic euolet columba, qua rede[u]nte cum ramo viridi oliue:

Joye now may we make of myrth þat yet were frende.
A grett olyve bush þis dowe doth us brynge.
For joye of þis tokyn ryght hertyly we tende
Oure Lord God to worchep: a songe lete vs synge.

Hic decantent has versus: Mare vidit et fugit, Jordanis conuersus est retrorsum. Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam. Et sic recedant cum naui.

2024 Mar 19  14:56:36