The Baptism of Christ

Ecce vox clamantes in deserto.
I am þe voys of wyldirnese
þat her spekyth and prechy[t]h yow to.
Loke 3e forsake all wrecchidnesse;
Forsake all synne þat werkyth woo,
And turne to vertu and holynese.
Beth clene of levyng in your sowle also.
Than xall 3e be savyd from peynfulnese
Of fyere brynnyng in hell.
If þat 3e forsak synne,
Hevyn blysse xall 3e wyne.
Drede 3e not be devyllys gynne,
With angellys xall yow dwell.
Penitenciam nunc agite
Appropinquabit regnum celorum:
For your trespas penaunce do 3e
And 3e xall wyn hevyn Dei Deorum.
In hevyn blyse ye xall wyn to be
Among þe blyssyd company omnium supernorum,
þeras is all merth, joye, and glee
Inter agmina angelorum,
In blyse to abyde.
Baptyme I cowncell yow for to take
And do penaunce for your synnys sake.
And for your offens amendys 3e make,
Your synnys for to hyde.
I gyff baptym in watyr puere
þat is callyd Flom Jordon.
My baptym is but sygnyfure
Of his baptym þat his lyke hath non.
He is a lord of gret valour;
I am not worthy to onbokyll his schon.
For he xall baptyze, as seyth Scryptour,
þat comyth of hem all euerychone,
In þe Holy Goost.
He may dampne and he may save,
All goodnese of hem we haue.
þer may no man his werkys deprave,
For he is Lord of myghtys most.

Hic accedit Jesus ad Johannem, quem intuens Johannes dicat, digito demonstrans Jesum:

Ecce Agnus Dei qui tollit peccata mundi.
Beholde, þe Lombe of God is this
þat comyth now here beforne,
þe wich xall wasch þe worldys mys
And save all þat that was forlorne.
This same lombe, forsoth, it is
þat of a mayd full clene was borne.
Shamfull deth þis lambe, iwys,
Xall suffer for us, and be all to-torne
And rent on a roode.
He xall suffer for mannys sake
Lytyll rest and moch gret sorow and wrake:
Hys bake xall be bowndyn to a stake
And betyn owt all his bloode.
Johan Baptyste, myn owyn good frende
þat feythffully doth prech my wylle,
I the thanke with all my mende
For þat good servyse þu dost me tylle.
Thy desyre is synne to shende,
All synful lyff þu woldyst spylle.
Thyn entente hath a good hende;
þe lawe of God þu dost fulffylle
þis tyde.
Baptym to take I come to the,
And conferme þat sacrement þat nowe xal be.
In Flom Jordon þu baptyze me,
In watyr þat is wyde.
My Lorde God, þis behovyth me nought,
With myn hondys to baptyze the.
I xulde rather of the haue sought
Holy baptym þan þu of me.
Suffyr now, Johan, my wyl were wrought;
All ryghtffullnes þus fulfyll we.
Me to baptyze take þu no dowth;
þe vertu of mekenes here tawth xal be,
Euery man to lere
And take ensawmple here by me,
How mekely þat I come to þe.
Baptym confermyd now xal be;
Me to baptyze take þu no dwere.
All men may take exaunple, lo,
Of lowly mekenes evyn ryght here
Be oure Lorde God þat comyth me to,
Hese pore servaunt and his su[w]tere.
Euery man lere to werke ryght so,
Bothe kynge, and caysere, and grett empere;
Be meke and lowe þe pore man to,
And put out pryde in all manere —
God doth here þe same.
To þi byddynge, my Lord so dere,
I me obey with gladsum chere,
And baptyze the with watyr clere.
Euyr halwyd be þi name.

Spiritus Sanctus hic descendat super ipsum, et Deus, Pater Celestis, dicet in celo:

This is my wel-belovyd chylde,
Ouyr whom my Spryte doth ouyrsprede,
Clene, and pure and vndefylyd
Of body, of sowle, for thought, for dede.
That he is buxhum, meke, and mylde
I am wel plesyd, withowtyn drede,
Wysly to wysse 3ow from weys wylde.
To lysten his lore all men I rede,
And 3oure erys to herke.
Take good heed what he doth preche
And folwyth þe lawys þat he doth teche.
For he xal be 3oure altheris leche,
To saue 3ow from deuelys derke.
Johannes Bap[tyst]
Here I se with opyn syght
The Sone of God þat þu erte:
The Holy Goost ouyr the doth lyght,
þi faderys voys I here ful smerte.
The childe of God, as I þe plyght,
þat þu be, whilys I am qwerte,
I xall wyttnes to every whyght
And teche it trewly with all myn hert.
To sese, it were grett synne.
For Goddys sone I wurchypp the,
From hevyn þin hy3 magesté.
Thu comyst hedyr from dygnité,
Mannys sowle to wynne.
Johan Baptyste, þu be wyttnes,
The trewth loke þat þu nat hyde.
For now I passe forth into wyldernes,
The Holy Gost xal be my gyde.
esus transit in desertum dicens et cetera:
In whylsum place of desertnes
XIti days, a terme ful wyde,
And fourty nyghtys, both more and lesse,
Withowtyn bodyly fode þer to abyde —
For man þus do I swynke.
Into deserte I passe my way
For mannys sake, as I 3ow say.
XIti nyghtys and xlti day
I xal nowther ete nor drynke.
Johan Baptyst
In place where I passe wyttnes I bere,
The trewth xal I telle wheresoevyr I go:
þat Cryst, þe Sone of God, is become oure fere,
Clad in oure clothynge to sofer for us wo.
I baptyzid with myn owyn handys Cryst Jesu ryght here.
And now he is to wyldyrnes, penawns þer to do,
Informyng so all us, þat lord þat hath no pere,
To do for oure trespace penawnce here also.
Of penawnce do I preche.
In wyttnes ryght be this
þat what man for his mys
Doth penawns here, iwys,
His sowle he doth wel leche.
All men on ground þat be 3itt on lyue,
For 3oure grett offens loke 3e be repentaunt.
Of all 3oure venym synne, I rede þat 3e 3ow shryve,
For God is ful redy mercy for to graunt.
Be contryte for 3oure trespas and penauns do belyve;
Reconsyle 3oureself and be to God plesaunt.
With contryscyon, schryffte, and penauns, þe devil may 3e dryve;
Fer fro 3oure felachep he xal not be erraunt,
3ow for to meve.
Do penauns and synne forsake,
Shryfte of mowth loke þat 3e make;
And þan þe fende in helle so blake,
He xal 3ow nevyrmore greve.
A tre þat is bareyn and wyl bere no frute,
þe ownere wyl hewe it down and cast it on þe fyre.
Ryght so it be [þe] man þat folwyth þe fowle sute
Of þe devyl of helle, and werkyth his desyre.
God wyl be vengyd on man þat is both dum and mute,
þat Wyl nevyr be shrevyn, but evyrmore doth delyre.
Clothe the in clennes, with vertu be indute,
And God with his grace he wyl be sone inspyre
To amendynge of þi mys.
Schryfte of mowthe may best be saue,
Penauns for synne what man wyl haue,
Whan þat his body is leyd in grave,
His sowle xal go to blys.
Corne þat is good, men kepe it ful clene;
Chaff þat is sympyl is sett wul nere at nought.
So good men of levynge to God chosyn bene
Whan synful men be lyke chaff, and to helle xul be brought.
Good penauns 3ow to preche ful hertyly do I mene,
Shryfft and satysfaccyon evyrmore to haue in thought.
What man in good penauns and schryfte of mowth be sene,
Of God he is wel-belovyd, þat all þis worlde hath wrought,
And allþinge of nowth dede make.
Now haue I tawght 3ow good penauns.
God graunt 3ow grace at his plesauns
To haue of synne delyverauns,
For now my leve I take.

2024 Mar 19  14:56:36