The Marriage of Mary and Joseph

Tunc venit Abysakar Episcopus

Listenyth, lordyngys bothe hye and lowe,
And tendyrly takyth heyd onto my sawe.
Beth buxom and benyngne 3oure busshopp to knowe,
For I am þat lord þat made þis lawe.
With hertys so hende herkyn nowe:
3oure damyselys to weddyng, 3a, loke þat 3e drawe,
þat passyn xiiij 3ere, for what þat 3e owe.
þe lawe of God byddyth þis sawe:
þat at xiiij 3ere of age
Euery damesel, whatso sche be,
To þe encrese of more plenté,
Xulde be browght in good degré
Onto here spowsage.
Herke now, Anne, my jentyl spowse,
How þat þe buschop his lawe hath tolde,
þat what man hath a dowtyr in his house
þat passyth xiiij 3erys olde,
He muste here brynge, I herde hym rowse,
Into þe tempyl a spowse to wedde.
Wherfor oure dowtyr ryth good and dowse,
Into þe tempyl sche must be ledde,
And þat anoon-ryght sone.
Sere, I grawnt þat it be so.
A3en þe lawe may we not do.
With here togedyr lete us now go,
I hold it ryght weyl done.
Sere busshopp, here aftyr þin owyn hest
We haue here brought oure dowtyr dere,
Mary, my swete childe; she is ful prest,
Of age she is ful xiiij 3ere.
Welcome, Joachym, onto myn areste,
Bothe Anne þi wyff and Mary clere.
Now, Mary chylde, to þe lawe þu leste
And chese þe a spowse to be þi fere —
þat lawe þu must fullfylle.
A3ens þe lawe wyl I nevyr be,
But mannys felachep xal nevyr folwe me.
I wyl levyn evyr in chastyté
Be þe grace of Goddys wylle.
A, fayre mayde, why seyst þu so?
What menyth the for to levyn chast?
Why wylt þu not to weddyng go?
þe cawse þu telle me, and þat in hast!
My fadyr and my modyr, sertys, also,
Er I was born, 3e may me trast,
Thei were bothe bareyn, here frute was do;
They come to þe tempyl at þe last
To do here sacryfice.
Bycause they hadde nothyr frute nere chylde,
Reprevyd þei wore of wykkyd and wyllde.
With grett shame þei were revylyd,
Al men dede them dyspyce.
My fadyr and my modyr, thei wepte full sore.
Ful hevy here hertys wern of þis dede.
With wepynge eyn þei preyd, þerfore,
þat God wolde socowre hem and sende hem sede.
Iff God wold graunt hem a childe be bore,
They behest þe chylde here lyff xulde lede
In Goddys temple to serve evyrmore,
And wurchep God in loue and drede.
Than God, ful of grace,
He herd here longe prayour,
And þan sent hem both seed and flowre.
Whan I was born in here bowre,
To þe temple offryd I was.
Whan þat I was to þe temple brought
And offerde up to God above,
Ther hestyd I, as myn hert thought,
To serve my God with hertyly love.
Clennesse and chastyté myn hert owth
Erthely creature nevyr may shoue.
Such clene lyff xuld 3e nouht
In no maner wyse reprove.
To þis clennesse I me take.
This is þe cawse, as I 3ow tell,
þat I with man wyll nevyr mell!
In þe servyse of God wyl I evyr dwell —
I wyl nevyr haue other make.
A, mercy, God, þese wordys wyse
Of þis fayr mayde clene,
Thei trobyl myn hert in many wyse —
Her wytt is grett, and þat is sene!
In clennes to levyn in Godys servise
No man here blame, non here tene.
And 3it in lawe þus it lyce,
þat such weddyd xulde bene.
Who xal expownd þis oute?
þe lawe doth after lyff of clennes;
þe lawe doth bydde such maydenes expres
þat to spowsyng they xulde hem dres.
God help us in þis dowhte!
This ansuere grettly trobelyth me.
To mak a vow, to creaturys it is lefful —
Vovete et reddite in Scripture haue we —
And to observe oure lawe also it is nedful.
In þis to dyscerne, to me it is dredful.
þerfore, to cow[n]cell me in þis cas I calle
þe holde and þe wyse, and swiche as ben spedful.
In þis sey 3oure avyse, I besech 3ow alle.
To breke oure lawe and custom it wore hard indede;
And on þat other syde, to do a3en Scrypture.
To 3eve sentens in þis degré 3e must take goo[d] hede,
For dowteles þis matere is dyffuse and obscure.
Myn avyse here in þis, I 3ow ensure:
þat we prey all God to haue relacyon;
For be prayour grett knowlech men recure,
And to þis I counsell 3ow to 3eve assygnacyon.
Trewly 3oure counsel! is ryght good and eylsum,
And as 3e han seyd, so xal it be.
I charge 3ow, bretheryn and systerys, hedyr 3e com,
And togedyr to God now pray we
That it may plese his fynyte deyte
Knowleche in þis to sendyn vs.
Mekely eche man falle down on kne
And we xal begynne "Veni Creator Spiritus."

Et hic cantent "Veni Creator"

And whan "Veni Creator" is don þe buschop xal [seyn]:

Now, Lord God, of lordys wysest of alle,
I pray þe, Lorde, knelynge on kne;
With carcfull herte I crye and calle,
þis dowteful dowte enforme þu me.
Thy prayour is herd to hy3 hevyn halle.
God hath me sent here down to the
To telle þe what þat þu do xalle,
And how þu xalt be rewlyd in iche degré.
Take tent and vndyrstond:
This is Goddys owyn byddyng,
þat all kynsmen of Dauyd be kyng
To þe temple xul brynge here du offryng
With whyte 3ardys in þer honde.
Loke wele what tyme þei offere there
All here 3ardys in þin hand þu take;
Take heed whose 3erde doth blome and here,
And he xal be þe maydenys make.
I thank þe, Lord, with mylde chere.
Thi wurde xal I werkyn withowtyn wrake.
I xal send for hem bothyn fer and nere;
To werke þi wyl I vndyrtake.
Anon it xal be do.
Herk, masangere, þu wend þi way;
Dauyd kynsmen, as I þe say,
Byd hem come offyr þis same day,
And brynge white 3ardys also.
Oy! Al maner men, takyth to me tent
That be owgth of kynrede to Dauid þe kyng!
My lord þe busshop hath for 3ow sent,
To þe temple þat 3e come with 3oure offryng.
He chargight þat 3e hast 3ow, for he is redy bent
3ow to receyve at 3oure comyng.
He byddyth 3ow ferthermore in handys þat 3e hent
A fayre white 3erde everych of 3ow 3e bryng
In hyght.
Tary not, I pray 3ow,
My lord, as I say 3ow,
Now to receyve 3ow
Is full redy dyght.
In gret labore my lyff I lede,
Myn ocupasyoun lyth in many place.
For febylnesse of age my jorney I may nat spede.
I thank the, gret God, of thi grace.
Primus Generacionis Dauid
What chere, Joseph? What ys the case
That ye lye here on this ground?
Age and febylnesse doth me enbrase,
That I may nother well goo ne stond.
Secundus Generacio[nis Dauid]
We be commandyd be the beschoppys sond
That euery man of Dauyd kynrede
In the tempyll offyr a wond;
Therfor in this jorney let vs procede.
Me to traveyll yt is no nede.
I prey you, frendys, go forth youre wey.
Tercius Generacion[is Dauid]
Yis, com forth, Joseph, I you rede,
And knowyth what the buschop woll sey.
Quartus Gener[acionis Dauid]
Ther ys a mayd whos name ys clepyd Mary
Doughter to Joachym as it is told.
Here to mary thei woll asay
To som man dowty and bold.
Benedicité! I cannot vndyrstande
What oure prince of prestys doth men,
þat every man xuld come and brynge with hym a whande.
Abyl to be maryed, þat is not I, so mote I then!
I haue be maydon evyr and evyrmore wele ben,
I chaungyd not 3et of all my long lyff!
And now to be maryed? Sum man wold wen
It is a straunge thynge an old man to take a 3onge wyff!
But nevyrþelesse, no doute, of we must forth to towne.
Now, neyborys and kynnysmen, lete us forth go.
I xal take a wand in my hand and cast of my gowne.
Yf I falle þan I xalle gronyn for wo!
Hoso take away my staff I say he were my fo!
3e be men þat may wele ren, go 3e before.
I am old and also colde, walkyng doth me wo.
þerfore now wol[d]e I, so my staff holde I, þis jurny to wore.
Serys, 3e xal vndyrstande
þat þis is þe cawse of oure comynge,
And why þat ech of 3ow bryngyth a wande:
For of God we haue knowynge
Here is to be maryde a mayde 3ynge.
All 3oure roddys 3e xal brynge vp to me,
And on hese rodde þat þe Holy Gost is syttynge,
He xal þe husbond of þis may be.

Hic portent virgas

It xal not be [I], I ley a grote!
I xal abyde behynde preuyly.
Now wolde God I were at hom in my cote!
I am aschamyd to be seyn, veryly.
Primus Generacionis Dauidto
wurchep my Lord God hedyr am I come
Here for to offyr my dewe offrynge.
A fayr white 3arde in hand haue I nome,
My lord, sere busshop, at 3oure byddynge.
Secundus Generacionis Dauid
Off Dauythis kynred, sertys, am I com.
A fayr white 3arde in hand now I bryng.
My lord þe busshop, after 3oure owy[n] dom
þis 3arde do I offre at 3oure chargyng
Ryht here.
Tercius Generacionis Dauid
And I a 3arde haue both fayr and whyght;
Here in myn hond it is redy dyght,
And here I offre it forth within syght,
Ryght in good manere.
Quartus Generacionis Dauidi
am þe fourte of Dauidis kyn,
And with myn offrynge my God I honoure.
þis fayr whyte 3arde is offryng myn;
I trost in God of sum socoure.
Com on, Joseph, with offrynge þin,
And brynge up þin as we han oure.
þu taryst ryth longe behynde, certeyn!
Why comyst not forth to Goddys toure?
Com on, man, for shame!
Com? 3a! 3a! God help! Full fayn I wolde,
But I am so agyd and so olde
þat both myn leggys gyn to folde —
I am ny almost lame!
A, mercy, Lord, I kan no sygne aspy.
It is best we go ageyn to prayr.
VOX He brought not up his rodde 3et, trewly,
To whom þe mayd howyth to be maryed her.
Whath! Joseph, why stande 3e there byhynde?
Iwys, sere, 3e be to blame!
Sere, I kannot my rodde fynde.
To come fer, in trowth, methynkyht shame.
Comyth thens!
Sere, he may euyl go þat is ner lame —
In soth, I com as fast as I may!
Offyr up 3oure rodde, sere, in Goddys name.
Why do 3e not as men 3ow pray?
Now in þe wurchep of God of hevyn
I offyr þis 3erde as bely-whyte,
Prayng þat Lord of gracyous stewyn
With hert, with wytt, with mayn, with myght.
And as he made þe sterrys seven,
þis sympyl offrynge þat is so lyght
To his wurchep he weldygh evyn,
For to his wurchep þis 3erd is dyght.
Lord God, I þe pray,
To my herte þu take good hede,
And nothynge to my synful dede;
Aftyr my wyl þu qwyte my mede
As plesyth to þi pay.
I may not lyfte myn handys heye!
Lo. Lo. Lo! What se 3e now?
A, Mercy! Mercy! Mercy, Lord, we crye!
þe blyssyd of God we se art thou.

Et clamant omnes "Mercy! Mercy!"

A, gracyous God in hevyn trone,
Ryht wundyrful þi werkys be!
Here may we se a merveyl one:
A ded stok beryth flourys fre!
Joseph, in hert withoutyn mone,
þu mayst be blyth with game and gle.
A mayd to wedde þu must gone
Be þis meracle I do wel se.
Mary is here name.
What! Xuld I wedde? God forbede!
I am an old man, so God me spede!
And with a wyff now to levyn in drede,
It wore neyther sport nere game!
A3ens God, Joseph, þu mayst not stryve.
God wyl þat þu a wyff haue;
þis fayr mayde xal be þi wyve,
She is buxum and whyte as laue.
A! Shuld I haue here? 3e lese my lyff!
Alas, dere God, xuld I now rave?
An old man may nevyr thryff
With a 3onge wyff, so God me saue.
Nay, nay, sere, lett bene!
Xuld I now in age begynne to dote?
If I here chyde she wolde clowte my cote,
Blere myn ey, and pyke out a mote!
And þus oftyntymes it is sene.
Joseph, now as I þe saye,
God hath assygnyd here to þe.
þat God wol haue do, sey þu not nay —
Oure Lord God wyl þat it [so be].
A3ens my God not do I may.
Here wardeyn and kepere wyl I evyr be.
But, fayr maydon, I þe pray,
Kepe þe clene as I xal me —
I am a man of age!
Therfore, sere busshop, I wyl þat 3e wete
þat in bedde we xul nevyr mete,
For, iwys, mayden suete,
An old man may not rage.
This holyest virgyn xalt þu maryn now.
3oure rodde floreschyth fayrest þat man may se.
þe Holy Gost, we se, syttyht on a bow.
Now 3elde we all preysyng to þe Trenyté.

Et hic cantent "Benedicta sit beata Trinitas"

Joseph, wole 3e haue þis maydon to 3oure wyff
And here honour and kepe as 3e howe to do?
Nay, sere, so mote I thryff!
I haue ryght no nede þerto!
Joseph, it is Goddys wyl it xuld be so.
Sey aftyr me as it is skyl.
Sere, and to performe his wyl I bow þerto,
For allthynge owyght to ben at his wyl.
Sey þan after me:

Episcopus et idem Joseph:

"Here I take þe, Mary, to wyff,
To hauyn, to holdyn, as God his wyll with us wyl make.
And as longe as bethwen us lestyght oure lyff
To loue 3ow as myself my trewth I 3ow take."

Nunc ad Mariam sic dicens Episcopus:

Mary, wole 3e haue þis man,
And hym to kepyn as 3oure lyff?
In þe tenderest wyse, fadyr, as I kan,
And with all my wyttys fyff.
Joseph, with þis ryng now wedde þi wyff,
And be here hand now þu here take.
Sere, with þis rynge I wedde here ryff,
And take here now here for my make.
Mary, mayd, withoutyn more stryff
Onto þi spowse þu hast hym take.
In chastyté to ledyn my lyff
I xal hym nevyr forsake,
But evyr with hym abyde.
And, jentyll spowse, as 3e an seyd,
Lete me levyn as a clene mayd;
I xal be trewe, be not dysmayd,
Both terme, tyme, and tyde.
Here is þe holyest matremony þat evyr was in þis werd!
þe hy3 names of oure Lord we wole now syng hy.
We all wole þis solempn dede record
Devowtly: Alma chorus Domini nunc pangat nomina Summi.
Now goth hom all, in Godys name,
Whereas 3oure wonyng was before.
Maydenys, to lete here go alone it wore shame,
It wold hevy 3oure hertys sore.
3e xal bbysse þe tyme þat sche was bore.
Now loke 3e at hom here brynge.
To haue 3oure blyssyng, fadyr, I falle 3ow before.
He blysse 3ow þat hath non hendyng
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.
Joseph, þiselph art old of age
And þi wyff of age is 3onge;
And as we redyn in old sage,
Many man is sclepyr of tonge.
þerfore, euyl langage for to swage,
þat 3oure good fame may leste longe,
Iij damysellys xul dwelle with 3ow in stage,
With þi wyff to be evyrmore amonge.
I xal these iij here take:
Susanne þe fyrst xal be,
Rebecca, þe secunde, xal go with the,
Sephore, þe thrydde; loke þat 3e thre
þis maydon nevyr 3e forsake.
Sere, I am redy art 3oure wyll
With þis maydon for to wende.
3oure byddyng, sere, [I] xall fulffyl
And folwe þis maydon fayr and hende.
To folwe hyre it is good skyl,
And to 3oure byddynge wole I bende.
Now, sere buschop, hens go I wyl,
For now comyth onto my mende
A matere þat nedful is.
Farewel, Joseph and Mary clere,
I pray God kepe 3ow all in fere
And sende 3ow grace in good manere
To serve þe Kynge of Blysse.
Fadyr and modyr, 3e knowe þis cas
How þat it doth now stonde with me:
With myn spowse I must forth passe,
And wott nevyr whan I xal 3ow se.
Therfore I pray 3ow here in þis plas
Of 3oure blyssynge, for charyté,
And I xal spede þe betyr and haue more gras
In what place þat evyr I be.
On knes to 3ow I falle.
I pray 3ow, fadyr and modyr dere,
To blysse 3oure owyn dere dowtere
And pray for me in all manere,
And I for 3ow all.
Almyghty God, he mote þe blysse,
And my blyssynge þu haue also.
In all godnesse God þe wysse
On londe or on watyr, wherevyr þu go.
Now God þe kepe from every mysse
And saue þe sownd in welth from wo.
I pray þe, dowtyr, þu onys me kys
Or þat þi modyr parte þe fro.
I pray to God þe saue.
I pray fe, Mary, my swete chylde,
Be lowe and buxhum, meke and mylde,
Sad and sobyr, and nothyng wylde,
And Goddys blyssynge þu haue.
F[a]rwel, Joseph, and God 3ow spede
Wherso 3e be, in halle or boure.
Almyghiy God 3oure weys lede
And saue 3ow sownd from all doloure.
Goddys grace on 3ow sprede.
Farewel, Mary, my swete flowre.
Fareweyl, Joseph, and God 3ow rede.
Fareweyl, my chylde and my tresowre,
Farewel, my dowtere 3yng.
Farewel, fadyr and modyr dere,
At 3ow I take my leve ryght here.
God þat sytt in hevyn so clere
Haue 3ow in his kepyng.
Wyff, it is ful necessary þis 3e knowe,
þat I and my kynrede go hom before.
For in soth we haue non hous of oure owe;
þerfore I xal gon ordeyn and thanne come 3ow fore.
We ar not ryche of werdly thynge,
And 3et of oure sustenauns we xal not mys.
Therfore abydyth here stylle to 3oure plesynge;
To worchep 3oure God is all 3oure blysse.
He þat is and evyr xal be
Of hefne and helle ryche kynge
In erth hath chosyn poverté,
And all ryches and welthis refusynge.
Goth, husbond, in oure Lordys blyssynge;
He mote 3ow spede in all 3oure nede.
And I xal here abyde 3oure a3encomynge
And on my Sawtere-book I xal rede.
Now blyssyd be oure Lord for this.
Of hefne and erthe and all þat beryth lyff
I am most bound to 3ow, Lord, iwys,
For now I am bothe mayde and wyff.
Now, Lord God, dysspose me to prayour
þat I may sey þe holy psalmes of Dauyth,
Wheche book is clepyd þe Sawtere,
þat I may preyse the, my God, þerwith.
Off þe vertuys þerof þis is þe pygth;
It makyht sowles fayr þat doth it say;
Angelys be steryd to help us þerwith;
It bytenyth therkeness and puttyth develys away.
þe song of psalmus is Goddys deté,
Synne is put awey þerby.
It lernyth a man vertuysful to be,
It feryth mannys herte gostly.
Who þat it vsyth custommably,
It claryfieth þe herte and charyté makyth cowthe.
He may not faylen of Goddys mercy
þat hath þe preysenge of God evyr in his mowthe.
O holy psalmys, O holy book,
Swetter to say than any ony,
þu lernyst hem love Lord þat on þe look,
And makyst hem desyre thyngys celestly.
With these halwyd psalmys, Lord, I pray the specyaly
For all þe creatures qwyke and dede,
þat þu wylt shewe to hem þi mercy,
And to me specyaly þat do it rede.
I haue seyd sum of my Sawtere and here I am
At þis holy psalme indede.
Benedixisti, Domine, terram tuam.
In þis holy labore, Lord, me spede.
Mary, wyff and mayd most gracyous,
Displese 3ow not, I pray 3ow, so long I haue be.
I haue hyryd for us a lytyl praty hous,
And þerin ryght hesely levyn wole we.
Come forth, Mary, and folwe me,
To Nazareth now wele we go.
And all þe maydonys bothe fayr and fre,
With my wyff comyth forth also.
Now lystenyth well, wyff, what I tell þe:
I must gon owth hens fer þe fro.
I wyll go laboryn in fer countré,
With trewth to maynteyn oure housholde so —
þis ix monthis þu seyst me nowth.
Kepe þe clene, my jentyl spowse,
And all þin maydenys in þin howse,
þat evyl langage I here not rowse,
For hese love þat all hath wrought.
I pray to God he spede 3oure way,
And in sowle-helth he mote 3ow kepe,
And sende 3ow helth bothe nyth and day;
He shylde and saue 3ow from al shenschepe.
Now, Lord of Grace, to þe I pray,
With morny mood on kne I krepe.
Me saue from synne, from tene and tray,
With hert I murne, with eye I wepe,
Lord God of peté.
Whan I sytt in my conclaue
All myn hert on þe I haue.
Gracyous God my maydenhed saue
Euyr clene in chastyté.

2024 Mar 19  14:56:36