The Purification at the Temple

Symeon Justus
I haue be prest in Jherusalem here
And tawth Goddys lawe many a 3ere,
Desyrynge in all my mende
þat þe tyme we[re] neyhand nere
In which Goddys son xul apere
In erthe to take mankende,
Or I deyd þat I myght fynde
My Savyour with myn ey to se.
But þat it is so longe behynde,
It is grett dyscomforte onto me.
For I wax olde and wante my myght
And begynne to fayle my syght,
þe more I sorwe þis tyde,
Save only, as I telle 3ow ryght,
God of his grace hath me hyght
þat blysful byrth to byde.
Wherfore now here besyde
To sancta sanctorum wyl I go,
To pray God to be my gyde,
To comfort me aftyr my wo.

Here Symeon knelyth and seyth:

A, gode God in Trinité,
Whow longe xal I abyde the
Tyl þat þu þi son doth sende,
þat I in erth myght hym se?
Good Lord, consydyr to me —
I drawe fast to an ende —
þat, or my strenthis fro me wende,
Gode Lorde, send dow[n] þi son,
þat I with my ful mende
Myght wurchepp hym if I con;
Bothe with my fete and hondys to
To go to hym and handele also,
My eyn to se hym, in certayn,
My tonge for to speke hym to,
And all my lemys to werke and do,
In his servyse to be bayn,
Send forth þi son, my Lord sovereyn,
Hastely, anon, withowte teryenge;
For fro þis world I wolde be fayn —
It is contrary to my levynge.
Symeon, leff þi careful stevene,
For þi prayer is herd in hevene.
To Jherusalem fast now wynne,
And þer xalt se ful evene
He þat is Goddys son for to nemene
In þe templ[e] þer þu dwellyst inne.
The dyrknes of orygynal synne
He xal make lyght and clarefye.
And now þe dede xal begynne
Whiche hath be spokyn be prophecye.
A, I thank þe, Lord of Grace,
þat hath grauntyd me tyme and space
To lyve and hyde thys!
And I wyl walk now to þe place
Where I may se þi sonys face,
Which is my joye and blys.
I was nevyr lyghtere, iwys,
To walke nevyr herebeforn!
For a mery tyme now is
Whan God, my Lord, is born!
Anna Prophetessa
Al heyl, Symeon, what tydyngys with 3ow?
Why make 3e al þis myrth now?
Telle me whedyr 3e fare.
Anne Prophetes, and 3e wyst whov,
So xulde 3e, I make avow,
And all maner men þat are.
For Goddys son, as I declare,
Is born to bye mankende!
Oure Savyour is come to sesyn oure care,
þerfore haue I grett merth to wende.
And þat is þe cawse I hast me
Onto þe temple hym to se.
And þerfore left me not, good frende.
Now blyssyd be God in Trinyté
Syn þat tyme is come to be!
And with 3ow wyl I wende
To se my Savyour ende,
And wurchepp hym also
With all my wytt and my ful mende.
As I am bound now wyl I do.

Et tunc ibunt ambo ad templum et prophetissa.

In be temple of God, who vndyrstod,
þis day xal be offeryd with mylde mood
Which þat is kynge of alle,
þat xal be skorgyd and shedde his blood
And aftyr dyen on þe rood
Withowtyn cawse to calle;
For whos Passyon þer xal beffalle
Swych a sorwe bothe sharpe and smerte,
þat as a swerd perce it xalle
3evene thorwe his moderys herte.
Anna Prop[hetissa]
3a, þat xal be, as I wel fende,
For redempcyon of all mankende,
þat blysse for to restore
Whiche hath be lost fro oute of mende,
As be oure fadyr of oure owyn kende,
Adam, and Eue beffore.
Joseph, my husbond, withowtyn mys,
3e wote þat fourty days nere is
Sythe my sonys byrth ful ryght.
Wherfore we must to þe temple, iwys,
þer for to offre oure sone of blys
Up to his fadyr in hyght.
And I in Goddys syght
Puryfyed for to be,
In clene sowle with al my myght,
In presence of þe Trinyté.
To be purefyed haue 3e no nede,
Ne þi son to be offryd, so God me spede.
For fyrst þu art ful clene,
Vndefowlyd in thought and dede;
And anothyr, þi son, withowtyn drede,
Is God and man to mene.
Wherefore it nedyd not to bene,
But to kepe þe lawe on Moyses wyse.
Whereffore we xal take us betwene
Dowys and turtelys for sacrefyce.

Et ibunt ad templum.

All heyl, my kyndely comfortour!
Anna Prophetissa
All heyl, mankyndys creatoure!
All heyl, þu God of Myght!
Anna Prophetissa
All heyl, mankyndys Savyour!
All heyl, bothe kynge and emperour!
Anna Prophetissa
All heyl, as it is ryght.
All heyl also, Mary bryght!
Anna Prophetissa
All heyl, salver of seknes!
All heyl, lanterne of lyght!
Anna Prophetissa
All heyl, þu modyr of mekenes!
Symeon, I vndyrstand and se
þat bothyn of my sone and me
3e haue knowynge clere.
And also in 3oure compané
My sone desyryth for to be,
And þerffore haue hym here.

Et accipiet Jhesum.

Welcome, prynce withowte pere!
Welcome, Goddys owyn sone!
Welcome, my Lord so dere,
Welcome with me to wone.

Suscepimus Deus misericordiam tuam.

Lord God in magesté,
We haue receyvyd þis day of þe
In myddys of þi temple here
Thy grett mercy, as we may se.
Therfore þi name of grett degré
Be wurchepyd in all manere
Over all þis werde, bothe fer and nere,
3evyn onto þe [vterest] ende.
For now is man owt of daungere,
And rest and pes to all mankende.

Nunc dimittis seruum tuum, Domine, et cetera.

The psalme songyn every vers, and þerqwyl Symeon pleyth with þe child; and qwhan þe psalme is endyd he seyth:

Now lete me dye, Lorde, and hens pace,
For I, þi servaunt in þis place
Haue sen my Sauyour dere,
Whiche þu hast ordeyned beforn þe face
Of al mankynde þis tyme of grace
Opynly to appere.
þi lyth is shynand clere
To all mankyndys savacyon.
Mary, take 3oure childe now here,
And kepe wel þis, manis savacyon.
Anna Prophetissa
Ne I rowth nere to dye also,
For more than fowre skore 3ere and to
þis tyme hath bede to se.
And sythe þat it is come þerto,
What Goddys wyl is with me to do,
Ryght evyn so mot it be.
Take here these candelys thre,
Mary, Symeon, and Anne.
And I xal take þe fowrte to me
To offre oure childe up thanne.
Hyest fadyr, God of powere,
3oure owyn dere son I offre 3ow here.
As I to 3oure lawe am sworn,
Receyve þi childe in glad manere.
For he is þe fyrst, þis childe so dere,
þat of his modyr is born.
But þow I offre hym 3ow beforn,
Good Lord, 3it 3yf me hyrn a3en,
For my comforte were fully lorn
If we xuld longe asondyr ben.

Mari leyth þe childe on þe autere.

Sere prest of þe temple, now
Haue he[re] fyff pens vnto 3ow,
Oure childe a3en to take.
It is þe lawe, as 3e woot how.
Joseph, 3e an do ryght anow
As for 3oure childys sake.
But othere offerynge 3ett must 3e make.
And þerfore take 3oure sone, Mary.
In meche joye 3e may awake
Whylys he is in 3oure company.
Therto I am ful glad and fayn
For to receyve my childe agayn,
Ellys were I to blame;
And afterewarde for to be bayn
To offre to God, in ful certayn,
As in my sonys name
With fowlys bothe wylde and tame.
For in Goddys servyse I xal nevyr irke.
Lo, Mary, haue here tho same
To do þi dewtys of Holy Kyrke.

And þer Mary offeryth fowlys onto þe autere and seyth:

Allmyghtyfful Fadyr, mercyful Kynge,
Receyvyth now þis lytyl offrynge,
For it is be fyrst in degré
þat 3oure lytyl childe so 3ynge
Presentyth today be my shewyng
To 3oure hy3 magesté.
Of his sympyl poverté,
Be his devocyon and my good wylle,
Vpon 3oure awtere receyve of me
3oure sonys offrynge, as it is skylle.

2024 Mar 19  14:56:36