Joachim and Anna and the Conception of Mary

Cryst conserve þis congregacyon1
Fro pereilys past, present, and future,
And þe personys here pleand, þat þe pronunciacyon
Of here sentens to be seyd mote be sad and sure;
And þat non oblocucyon make þis matere obscure,
But it may profite and plese eche persone present
From be gynnynge to be endynge so to endure,7
þat Cryst and every creature with þe conceyte be content.
This matere here mad is of þe Modyr of Mercy:
How be joachym and Anne was here concepcyon
Sythe offred into þe temple, compiled breffly;
Than maryed to Joseph; and so, folwyng, þe Salutacyon,
Metyng with Elyzabeth, and þerwith a conclusyon,
In fewe wurdys talkyd, þat it xulde nat be tedyous
To lernyd nyn to lewd, nyn to no man of reson.15
þis is þe processe, now preserve 3ow Jesus.
þerfore of pes I 3ow pray, all þat ben here present,
And tak hed to oure talkyn[g], what we xal say.
I beteche 3ow þat Lorde þat is evyr omnypotent
To governe 3ow in goodnes, as he best may.
In hevyn we may hym se.
Now God þat is Hevyn Kynge
Sende us all hese dere blyssynge,23
And to his towre he mote vs brynge.
Amen for charyté.
The prestys of God offre sote ensens26
Vnto here God, and þerfore they be holy.
We þat mynistere here in Goddys presens,
In vs xuld be fownd no maner of foly.
Ysakar, prynce of prestys, am I,
þat þis holyest day here haue mynystracyon,
Certyfyenge all tribus in my cure specyaly32
þat this is þe hyest fest of oure solennyzacyon.
This we clepe Festum Encenniorum,34
þe newe fest, of which iij in þe 3ere we exercyse.
Now all þe kynredys to Jerusalem must cum
Into þe temple of God, here to do sacryfyse.
Tho þat be cursyd my dygnyté is to dysspyse,
And þo þat be blyssyd here holy sacrefyse to take.
We be regal sacerdocium, it perteyneth vs to be wysse
Be fastyng, be prayng, be almes, and at du tyme to wake.
Now all þis countré of Galylé,42
With þis cetye of Nazareth specyal,
þis fest to Jerusalem must go we
To make sacrefyce to God eternal.
My name is Joachym, a man in godys substancyall.
"Joachym" is to say, "He þat to God is redy."
So haue I be and evyrmore xal,48
For be dredful domys of God sore drede I.
I am clepyd ryghtful, why wole 3e se,50
For my godys into thre partys I devyde:
On to þe temple and to hem þat þer servyng be;
Anodyr to þe pylgrimys and pore men; be iijde for hem with me abyde.
So xulde euery curat in þis werde wyde
3eve a part to his chauncel, iwys,
A part to his parochonerys þat to povert slyde,
The thryd part to kepe for hym and his.
But, blyssyd wyff Anne, sore I drede58
In þe temple þis tyme to make sacryfice;
Becawse þat no frute of vs doth procede,
I fere me grettly þe prest wole me dysspice.
Than grett slawndyr in þe tribus of vs xulde aryse.
But þis I avow to God with all þe mekenes I can:
3yff of his mercy he wole a childe us devyse,64
We xal offre it up into þe temple to be Goddys man.
3oure swemful wurdys make terys trekyl down be my face.
Iwys, swete husbond, þe fawte is in me.
My name is Anne, þat is to sey "grace;"
We wete not how gracyous God wyl to us be.
A woman xulde bere Cryst, þese profecyes haue we;
If God send frute and it be a mayd childe,
With all reuerens I vow to his magesté,72
Sche xal be here footmayd to mynyster here most mylde.
Now lete be it as God wole, þer is no more.74
Tweyn turtelys for my sacryfice with me I take.
And I beseche, wyff, and evyr we mete more,
þat hese grett mercy vs meryer mut make.
For dred and for swem of 3oure wourdys I qwake.78
Thryes I kysse 3ow with syghys ful sad,
And to þe mercy of God mekely I 3ow betake.
And þo þat departe in sorwe, God make þer metyng glad.
Senior Tribus
Worchepful Sere Joachym, be 3e redy now?82
All 3oure kynrede is come 3ow to exorte
þat þei may do sacrifice at þe temple with 3ow,
For 3e be of grett wurchep, as men 3ow report.
All synfull, seke, and sory God mote comforte.86
I wolde I wore as men me name.
Thedyr, in Goddys name, now late us all resorte.
A. Anne, Anne, Anne, God scheeld us fro shame!
Now am I left alone, sore may I wepe.90
A, husbond, ageyn God wel mote 3ow brynge,
And fro shame and sorwe he mote 3ow kepe.
Tyl I se 3ow ageyn I kannot sees of wepynge.
Prynce of oure prestys, if it be 3oure plesynge,94
We be com mekely to make oure sacrefice.
God do 3ow mede, bothe elde and 3ynge.96
Than devowtly we wyl begynne servyse.

There they xal synge þis sequens: "Benedicta sit beata Trinitas." And in þat tyme Ysakar with his ministerys ensensyth þe autere; and þan þei make her offryng, and Isaker seyth:

Comyth up, serys, and offeryth all now,98
3e þat to do sacryfice worthy are.
Abyde a qwyle, sere; whedyr wytte þu?
þu and þi wyff am barrany and bare;
Neyther of 3ow fruteful nevyr 3ett ware.
Whow durste þu amonge fruteful presume and abuse?
It is a tokyn þu art cursyd fare.104
Whereffore with grett indygnacyon þin offeryng I refuse!

Et refudit sacrificium Joachim.

Amonge all þis pepyl barreyn be no mo.106
Therefore comyth up and offeryth here alle.
þu, Joachym, I charge þe, fast out þe temple þu go.

Et redit flendo

Than with Goddys holy wourde blysse 3ow I shalle.109

Ministro cantando:

Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini,110
Qui fecit celum et terram.111
Sit nomen Domini benedictum112
Ex hoc nunc et usque in seculum.113
Benedicat vos diuina majestas et vna Deitas,114
Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus.

Signando manu cum cruce sole[m]niter, et recedant tribus extra templum.

Now of God and man blyssyd be 3e alle.117
Homward a3en now returne 3e.
And in þis temple abyde we xalle
To servyn God in Trinyté.
A, mercyfful Lord, what is þis lyff?121
What haue I do, Lorde, to haue þis blame?
For hevynes I dare not go hom to my wyff,
And amonge my neyborys I dare not abyde for shame.
A, Anne, Anne, Anne, al oure joye is turnyd to grame!
From 3oure blyssyd felachepp I am now exilyd.
And 3e here onys of þis fowle fame,127
Sorwe wyl sle 3ow to se me thus revylyd.
But s[e]n God soferyth thys, vs must sofron nede.129
Now wyl I go to my she[p]herdys and with hem abyde,
And þer evyrmore levyn in sorwe and in drede.
Shame makyth many man his bed for to hyde.
Ha, how do 3e, felas? In 3ow is lytel pryde.
How fare 3e and my bestys, þis wete wolde I veryly.
Primus Pastor
A, welcom hedyr, blyssyd mayster; we pasture hem ful wyde.
They be lusty and fayr, and grettly multyply.
How do 3e, mayster? 3e loke al hevyly.137
How doth oure dame at hom? Sytt she and sowyht?
To here þe speke of here, it sleyth myn hert, veryly.
How I and sche doth, God hymself knowyth.
The meke God lyftyth up, þe proude overthrowyht.
Go do what 3e lyst, se 3oure bestys not stray.
Secundus Pastor
Aftere grett sorwe, mayster, ever gret grace growyht.
Sympyl as we kan, we xal for 3ow pray.
Tercius Pastor
3a, to pray for careful, it is grett nede;145
We all wul prey for 3ow knelende.
God of his goodnes send 3ow good spede,
And of 3oure sorwe 3ow sone amende.
I am nott wurthy, Lord, to loke up to hefne.149
My synful steppys an vemynyd þe grounde.
I, lothfolest þat levyth; þu, Lord hyest in þi setys sefne.
What art þu? Lord. What am I? Wrecche, werse þan an hownde.
þu has sent me shame which myn hert doth wounde —
I thank þe more herefore þan for all my prosperité.
þis is a tokyn þu lovyst me, now to the I am bounde;
þu seyst þu art with hem þat in tribulacyon be.
And hoso haue þe, he nedyth not care thanne.157
My sorwe is feryng I haue do sum offens.
Punchyth me, Lorde, and spare my blyssyd wyff Anne
þat syttyth and sorwyth ful sore of myn absens.
Ther is not may profyte but prayour to 3oure presens;
With prayorys prostrat byfore þi person I wepe.
Haue mende on oure avow for 3oure mech magnyficens,
And my lovyngest wyff Anne, Lord, for þi mercy, kepe.
A, mercy, Lord! Mercy, mercy, mercy!165
We are synfolest it shewyth þat 3e send us all þis sorwe.
Why do 3e thus to myn husbond, Lord? Why? Why? Why?
For my barynes? [3e] may amend þis þiself, and þu lyst, tomorwe.
And it plese so þi mercy, þe, my Lord, I take to borwe,
I xal kepe myn avow qwhyl I leve and leste.
I fere me I haue offendyd þe; myn hert is ful of sorwe.
Most mekely I pray þi pety þat þis bale þu wyl breste.

Here þe aungel descendith þe hefne syngyng, "Exultet celum laudibus, resultet terra gaudiis, archangelorum gloria sacra canun[t] solemnia."

Qwhat art þu, in Goddys name, þat makyst me adrad?
It is as lyth abowt me as al þe werd were fere!
I am an aungel of God com to make þe glad.175
God is plesyd with þin helmes and hath herd þi prayere;
He seyth þi shame, þi repreff, and þi terys cler.
God is avengere of synne and not nature doth lothe;
Whos wombe þat he sparyth and makyth barreyn her
He doth to shewe his myth and his mercy bothe.
Thu seest þat Sara was nynty 3ere bareyn;181
Sche had a son, Ysaac, to whom God 3aff his blyssynge.
Rachel also had þe same peyn;
She had a son, Joseph, þat of Egypt was kynge.
A strongere þan Sampson nevyr was be wrytynge,
Nor an holyere þan Samuel, it is seyd thus;
3ett here moderys were bareyn bothe in þe gynnynge.
þe concepcyon of all swych, it is ful mervelyous!
And in þe lyke wyse, Anne, þi blyssyd wyff,
Sche xal bere a childe xal hygth Mary,
Which xal be blyssyd in here body and haue joys fyff,
And ful of þe Holy Goost inspyred syngulyrly.
Sche xal be offryd into þe temple solemply,
þat of here non evyl fame xuld sprynge thus.
And as sche xal be bore of a barrany body,195
So of here xal be bore without nature Jesus,
That xal be Savyour vnto al mankende.197
In tokyn, whan þu come to Jherusalem, to þe Gyldyn Gate,
þu xalt mete Anne, þi wyff; haue þis in þi mende.
I xal sey here þe same, here sorwys to rebate.
Of þis imcomparabyl comfort I xal nevyr forgete þe date!
My sorwe was nevyr so grett, but now my joy is more!
I xal hom in hast, be it nevyr so late.
A, Anne, blyssyd be þat body of þe xal be bore!
Now farewel, myn shepherdys, governe 3ow now wysly.
Primus Pastor
Haue 3e good tydyngys, maystyr? þan be we glad.
Prayse God for me, for I am not wourthy.207
Secundus Pastor
In feyth, sere, so we xal with all oure sowlys sad.
Tercius Pastor
I holde it helpiful þat on of vs with 3ow be had.
Nay, abyde with 3oure bestys, sone, in Goddys blyssynge.
Primus Pastor
We xal make us so mery now þis is bestad211
þat a myle on 3oure wey 3e xal here us synge.
Alas, for myn hushond me is ful wo.213
I xal go seke hym whatsoevyr befalle.
I wote not in erth which wey is he go.
Fadyr of Hefne, for mercy to 3oure fete I falle.
Anne, þin husbond ryght now I was withall,217
þe aungel of God þat bar hym good tydynge;
And as I seyd to hym, so to þe sey I xal:
God hath herd þi preyour and þi wepynge.
At þe Goldyn Gate þu xalte mete hym ful mylde,
And in grett gladnes returne to 3oure hous.
So be proces þu xalt conseyve and bere a childe
Whiche xal hyght Mary; and Mary xal bere Jesus,
Which xal be Savyour of all þe werd and us.
Aftere grett sorwe evyr grett gladnes is had.
Now myn inbassett I haue seyd to 3ow thus.227
Gooth in oure Lordys name and in God beth glad.
Now blyssyd be oure Lorde and all his werkys ay!229
All heffne and erthe mut blysse 3ow for this.
I am so joyful I not what I may say;
þer can no tounge telle what joye in me is!
I to bere a childe þat xal bere all mannys blys,
And haue myn hosbonde ageyn! Ho myth haue joys more?
No creature in erth is grauntyd more mercy, iwys.235
I xal hy3e me to þe 3ate to be þer before.

Here goth þe aungel a3en to hefne.

A, blyssyd be oure Lord, myn husbond I se.237
I xalle on myn knes and to hymward crepe.
A, gracyous wyff Anne, now fruteful xal 3e be.239
For joy of þis metyng in my sowbe I wepe.
Haue þis kusse of clennesse and with 3ow it kepe.
In Goddys name, now go we, wyff, hom to oure hous.
þer was nevyr joy sank in me so depe.243
Now may we sey, husbond, God is to us gracyous,
3a, and if we haue levyd wel herebefore,246
I pray þe, Lord, þin ore,
So mote we levyn evyrmore,
And, be þi grace, more holyly.
Now homward, husbond, I rede we gon,250
Ryth hom al to oure place,
To thank God þat sytt in tron,
þat þus hath sent us his grace.

2024 Mar 19  14:56:36