The Last Supper and the Conspiracy with Judas

Here Cryst procedyth on fote with his dyscipulys aftyr hym, Cryst wepyng upon, þe cyté, sayng þus:

O Jherusalem, woful is þe ordenawnce1
Of þe day of þi gret persecucyon!
þu xalt be dystroy with woful grevans,
And þi ryalté browth to trew confusyon.
3e þat in þe ceté han habytacyon,
þei xal course þe tyme þat þei were born,
So gret advercyté and trybulacyon7
Xal falle on hem both evyn and morwyn.
þei þat han most chylderyn sonest xal wayle
And seyn, "Alas, what may þis meen?"
Both mete and drynk sodeynly xal fayle —
þe vengeance of God þer xal be seen.
þe tyme is comyng hes woo xal ben,
þe day of trobyl and gret grevauns.
Bothe templys and towrys, they xal down cleen.15
O ceté, ful woful is þin ordenawns!
Lord, where wolte þu kepe þi Maundé?
I pray þe, now lete us haue knowyng,
þat we may make redy for þe,
þe to serve withowte latyng;
To provyde, Lord, for þi comyng21
With all þe obedyens we kan atende,
And make redy for þe in althyng,
Into what place þu wy[lt] us send.
Serys, goth to Syon and 3e xal mete25
A pore man in sympyl aray
Beryng watyr in þe strete.
Telle hym I xal come þat way.
Onto hym mekely loke þat 3e say
þat hese hous I wele come tylle.
He wele not onys to 3ow sey nay,31
But sofre to haue all 3oure wylle.
At þi wyl, Lord, it xal be don;33
To seke þat place we xal us hye,
In all be hast þat we may go[n],35
þin comaw[n]dement nevyr to denye.

Here Petyr and Johan gon forth, metyng with Symon leprows beryng a kan with watyr, Petyr þus seyng:

Good man, þe prophete, oure Lord, Jesus,37
þis nyth wyl rest wythin þin halle.
On massage to þe he hath sent vs:
þat for his sopere ordeyn þu xalle.
3a, for hym and his dyscipulys alle41
Ordeyn þu for his Maundé
A paschall lomb, whatso befalle,
For he wyl kepe his Pasch with the.
What, wyl my Lord vesyte my plase?45
Blyssyd be þe tyme of his comyng!
I xal ordeyn withinne short space
For my good Lordys welcomyng.
Serys, walkyth in at þe begynnyng
And se what vetaylys þat I xal take.
I am so glad of þis tydyng,51
I wot nevyr what joye þat I may make.

Here þe dyscypulys gun in with Symon to se þe ordenawns; and Cryst comyng thedyrward, þus seyng:

þis path is calsydon be goostly ordenawns,53
Wech xal conuey us wher we xal be.
I knowe ful redy is þe purvyaunce
Of my frendys þat lovyn me.
Contewnyng in pees, now procede we;
For mannys love þis wey I take.
With gostly ey I veryly se59
þat man for man an hende must make.

Here þe dyscipulys com ageyn to Cryst, Petyr þus seyng:

All redy, Lord, is oure ordenawns,61
As I hope to 3ow plesyng xal be.
Seymon hath don at 3oure instawns,
He is ful glad 3oure presens to se.
Allthyng we haue, Lord, at oure plesyng65
þat longyth to 3oure Mawndé, with ful glad chere.
Whan he herd telle of 3oure comyng,
Gret joye in hym þan dyd appere.

Here comyth Syrnon owt of his hous to welcome Cryst.

Gracyous Lord, welcome þu be!69
Reverens be to þe, both God and man,
My poer hous þat þu wylt se,
Weche am þi servaunt as I kan.
There joye of all joyis to be is sewre73
(Symon, I knowe þi trewe intent),
þe blysse of hefne þu xalt recure;
þis rewarde I xal be grawnt present.

Here Cryst enteryth into þe hous with his disciplis and ete þe paschal lomb and in þe menetyme þe cownsel hous befornseyd xal sodeynly onclose schewyng þe buschopys, prestys and jewgys sytsyng in here astat lych as it were a convocacyon, Annas seyng þus:

Behold, it is nowth, al þat we do!77
In alle houre materys we prophete nowth.
Wole 3e se wech peusawns of pepyl drawyth hym to
For be mervaylys þat he hath wrowth?
Some othyr sotylté must be sowth,81
For in no wyse we may not þus hym leve.
Than to a schrewde conclusyon we xal be browth,
For þe Romaynes þan wyl us myscheve,
And take oure astat and put us to repreve,
And convey all be pepyl at here owyn request.
And þus all þe pepyl in hym xal beleve.
þerfore I pray sow, cosyn, say what is þe best.
Attende now, serys, to þat I xal seye:89
Onto us all it is most expedyent
þat o man for þe pepyl xuld deye
þan all þe pepyl xuld perysch and be shent.
þerfor, late us werk wysely þat we us not repent.
We must nedys put on hym som fals dede.
I sey for me, I had levyr he were brent
þan he xuld us alle þus ouyrlede.
þerfore every man on his party help at þis nede,
And cowntyrfete all be sotyltés þat 3e kan.
Now late se ho kan 3eve best rede99
To ordeyn sum dystruccyon for þis man.
Late us no lenger make delacyon,101
But do Jesu be takyn in hondys fast,
And all here folwerys to here confusyon,
And into a preson do hem be cast.
Ley on hem yron þat wol last,
For he hath wrouth a3ens þe ryth.
And sythyn aftyr we xal in hast107
Jewge hym to deth with gret dyspyth!
For he hath trespacyd a3ens oure lawe,109
Mesemyth his were best jewgement:
With wyld hors lete hym be drawe,
And afftyr in fyre he xal be brent!
Serys, o thyng myself herd hym sey,113
þat he was Kyng of Jewys alle.
þat is anow to do hym dey,
For treson to Sezar we must it calle.
He seyd also to personys þat I know
þat he xuld and myth, serteyn,
þe gret tempyl mythtyly ovyrthrow,119
And þe thrydde day reysyn’t ageyn!
Seche materys þe pepyl doth cons[treyn]121
To 3eve credens to his werkys alle.
In hefne, he seyth, xal be his reyn;
Bothe God and man he doth hym calle!
And all þis day we xuld contryve125
What shameful deth Jesu xuld haue.
We may not do hym to meche myscheve
þe worchep of oure lawe to save.
Vpon a jebet lete hym hongyn be!129
þis jugement, mesemyth, it is reson
þat all þe countré may hym se
And beware be his gret treson.
3et O thyng, serys: 3e must aspye133
And make a ryth sotyl ordenawns
Be what menys 3e may come hym bye,
For he hath many folwerys at his instawns.
Serys, þerof we must have avysement137
And ben acordyd or þan we go.
How we xal han hym at oure entent,
Som wey we xal fynd þerto.
Maria Magdalen
As a cursyd creature closyd all in care,141
And as a wyckyd wrecche all wrappyd in wo,
Of blysse was nevyr no berde so bare,143
As I mysylf þat here now go.
Alas! Alas! I xal forfare
For þe grete synnys þat I haue do,
Lesse than my Lord God sumdel spare,
And his grett mercy receyve me to.
Mary Mavdelyn is my name.149
Now wyl I go to Cryst Jesu,
For he is lord of all vertu,
And for sum grace I thynke to sew;
For of myself I haue grett shame.
A mercy, Lord, and salve my synne!154
Maydenys floure, þu wasch me fre.
þer was nevyr woman of mannys kynne
So ful of synne in no countré.
I haue be fowlyd be fryth and fenne
And sowght synne in many a ceté.
But þu me borwe, Lord, I xal brenne,160
With blake fendys ay bowne to be!
Wherefore, Kynge of Grace,
With his oynement þat is so sote,
Lete me anoynte þin holy fote,
And for my balys þus wyn sum bote
And mercy, Lord, for my trespace.166
Woman, for þi wepynge wylle,167
Sum socowre God xal þe sende.
þe to saue I haue grett skylle,
For sorwefful hert may synne amende.
All þi prayour I xal fulfylle;
To þi good hert I wul attende
And saue þe fro þi synne so hylle,173
And fro vij develys I xal þe fende.
Fendys, fleth 3oure weye!
Wyckyd spyritys, I 3ow conjowre,
Fleth out of hire bodyly bowre!
In my grace she xal evyr flowre
Tyl deth doth here to deye.179
Maria Magdalene
I thanke þe, Lorde, of this grett grace.180
Now þese vij fendys be fro me flytt,
I xal nevyr forffett nor do trespace
In wurd, nor dede, ne wyl, nor wytt.
Now I am brought from þe fendys brace,
In þi grett mercy closyd and shytt,
I xal nevyr returne to synful trace186
þat xulde me dampne to helle pytt.
I wurchep the on knes bare.
Blyssyd be þe tyme þat I hedyr sowth,
And þis oynement þat I hedyr brought.
For now myn hert is clensyd from thought
þat fyrst was combryd with care.192
Lord, methynkyth þu dost ryght ylle193
To lete his oynement so spylle!
To selle it, yt were more skylle,
And bye mete to poer men.
The box was worth of good moné
iij C pens fayr and fre!
þis myght a bowht mete plenté199
To fede oure power ken.
Pore men xul abyde —201
Ageyn þe woman þu spekyst wronge —
And I passe forth in a tyde.
Off mercy is here mornyng songe.

Here Cryst restyth and etyth a lytyl, and seyth syttyng to his disciplis and Mary Mawdelyn:

Myn herte is ryght sory, and no wondyr is:205
Too deth I xal go, and nevyr dyd trespas.
But 3itt most grevyth myn hert evyr of this:
On of my bretheryn xal werke þis manas.
On of 3ow here syttynge my treson xal tras —
On of 3ow is besy my deth here to dyth.
And 3itt was I nevyr in no synful plas211
Wherefore my deth xuld so shamfully be pyght.
My dere Lord, I pray the þe trewth for to telle,
Whiche of vs ys he þat treson xal do?
Whatt traytour is he þat his Lord þat wold selle?
Expresse his name, Lord, þat xal werke his woo.
If þat her be on þat wolde selle so,217
Good mayster, telle us now opynly his name.
What traytour is hym þat from þe þat wolde go
And with fals treson fulfylle his grett shame?
It is ryght dredfull such tresson to thynke,221
And wel more dredfful to werk þat bad dede!
For þat fals treson to helle he xal synke,
In endles peynes grett myscheff to lede.
Jacobus Major
It is not I, Lord! For dowte I haue drede.225
þis synne to fulfylle cam nevyr in my mende.
Iff þat I solde þe, thy blood for to blede,
In doyng þat treson my sowle xulde I shende!
Alas, my dere Lord, what man is so wood229
For gold or for sylvyr hymself so to spylle?
He þat þe doth selle for gold or for other good,
With his grett covetyse hymself he doth kylle.
What man soevyr he be of so wyckyd wylle,233
Dere Lord, among vs tell vs his name all owt.
He þat to hym tendyth þis dede to fulffille,
For his grett treson, his sowle stondyth in dowt.
Golde, sylver, and tresoour sone doth passe away,237
But withowtyn ende evyr doth laste þi grace.
A, Lord, who is that wyll chaffare þe for monay?
For he þat sellyth his Lord, to grett is þe trespace!
Jacobus Minor
That traytour þat doth his orryble manace,241
Bothe body and sowle I holde he be lorn,
Dampnyd to helle pytt fer from þi face,
Amonge all fowle fyndys to be rent and torn.
To bad a marchawnt, þat traytour he is,245
And for þat monye he may mornyng make.
Alas, what cawsyth hym to selle þe Kyng of Blys?
For his fals wynnynge þe devyl hym xal take.
For his fals treson þe fendys so blake249
Xal bere his sowle depe down into helle pytt.
Resste xal he non haue, but evyrmore wake
Brennyng in hoot fyre, in preson evyr shytt.
I woundyr ryght sore who þat he xuld be253
Amongys vs all bretheryn þat xuld do his synne.
Alas, he is lorn, her may no grace be;
In depe helle donjeon his sowle he doth pynne.
In my dysche he etyht þis treson xal begynne,
Wo xal betydyn hym for his werke of dred.
He may be ryght sory swych ryches to wynne,
A[n]d whysshe hymself vnborn for þat synful ded.
The trewth wolde I knowe as leff as 3e261
And þerfore, good ssere, þe trewth þu me telle.
Whiche of vs all here þat traytour may be?
Am I þat person þat þe now xal selle?
So seyst þiselff, take hed att þi spelle.
þu askyst me now here if þu xalt do þat treson;
Remembyr þiself, avyse þe ryght welle;
þu art of grett age and wotysst what is reson.

Here Judas rysyth prevely and goth in þe place and seyt "Now cownter..."

Now cowntyrfetyd I haue a prevy treson,269
My maysterys power for to felle:
I, Judas, xal asay be some encheson
Onto þe Jewys hym for to selle.
Som mony for hym 3et wold I telle.
Be prevy menys I xal asay;
Myn intent I xal fulfylle.275
No lenger I wole make delay.
þe princys of prestys now be present,277
Vnto hem now my way I take.
I wyl go tellyn hem myn entent —
I trow ful mery I xal hem make.
Mony I wyl non forsake,
And þei profyr to my plesyng;
For covetyse I wyl with hem wake,283
And onto my maystyr I xal hem bryng.
Heyl, prynsesse and prestys þat ben present!285
New tydyngys to 3ow I come to telle.
3yf 3e wole folwe myn intent,
My maystyr, Jesu, I wele 3ow selle,
Hese intent and purpose for to felle.
For I wole no lenger folwyn his lawe.
Lat sen what mony þat I xal telle,291
And late Jesu my maystyr ben hangyn and drawe.
Now welcome, Judas, oure owyn frende!293
Take hym in, serys, be þe honde.
We xal þe both geve and lende,
And in every qwarel by þe stonde.
Judas, what xal we for þi mayster pay?297
þi sylver is redy and we acorde.
þe payment xal haue no delay,
But be leyde down here at a worde.
Late þe mony here down by layde,301
And I xal telle 3ow as I kan.
In old termys I haue herd seyde
þat "mony makyth schapman."
Here is thretty platys of sylver bryth305
Fast knyth withinne his glove.
And we may have þi mayster his nyth,
þis xalt þu haue, and all oure love.
3e are resonable chapmen to bye and selle.309
þis bargany with 3ow now xal I make.
Smyth up! 3e xal haue al 3oure wylle,
For mony wyl I non forsake.
Now þis bargany is mad ful and fast,313
Noyther part may it forsake.
But, Judas, þu must telle us in hast
Be what menys we xal hym take.
3a, þer be many þat hym nevyr sowe317
Weche we wyl sende to hym in fere.
þerfor be a tokyn we must hym knowe
þat must be prevy betwyx us here.
3a, beware of þat for ony thynge.321
For o dyscypil is lyche þi maystyr in al parayl,
And 3e go lyche in all ciothyng;
So myth we of oure purpose fayl.
As for þat, serys, haue 3e no dowth;325
I xal ordeyn so 3e xal not mysse.
Whan þat 3e cvm hym all abowth,
Take þe man þat I xal kysse.
I must go to my maystyr ageyn.329
Dowth not, serys; his matere is sure inow.
Farewel, Judas, oure frend, serteyn.331
þi labour we xal ryth wel alow.
Now wyl I sotely go seke my maystyr ageyn,333
And make good face as I nowth knew.
I haue hym solde to wo and peyn;
I trowe ful sore he xal it rew.

Here Judas goth in sotylly wheras he cam fro.

Lo, serys, a part we haue of oure entent337
For to take Jesu! Now we must provyde
A sotyl meny to be present
þat dare fyth and wele abyde.
Ordeyn eche man on his party341
Cressetys, lanternys, and torchys lyth;
And þis nyth to be þer redy
With exys, gleyvis, and swerdys bryth.
No lenger þan make we teryeng,345
But eche man to his place hym dyth.
And ordeyn preuely for his thyng,
þat it be don his same nyth.

Here the buschopys partyn in þe place, and eche of hem takyn here leve be contenawns, resortyng eche man to his place with here meny, to make redy to take Cryst. And þan xal þe place þer Cryst is in sodeynly vnclose rownd abowtyn shewyng Cryst syttyng at þe table and hese dyscypulis ech in ere degré; Cryst þus seyng:

Brederyn, þis lambe þat was set us beforn
þat we alle haue etyn in þis nyth,
It was comawndyd be my fadyr to Moyses and Aaron
Whan þei weryn with þe Chylderyn of Israel in Egythp.
And as we with swete bredys haue it ete,353
And also with þe byttyr sokelyng,
And as we take þe hed with þe fete,
So dede þei in all maner thyng.
And as we stodyn so dede þei stond;357
And here reynes þei gyrdyn, veryly,
With schon on here fete and stavys in here hond;
And as we ete it, so dede þei, hastyly.
þis fygure xal sesse; anothyr xal folwe þerby,
Weche xal be of my body, þat am 3oure hed,
Weche xal be shewyd to 3ow be a mystery363
Of my flesch and blood in forme of bred.
And with fervent desyre of hertys affeccyon365
I have enterly desyryd to kepe my Mawndé
Among 3ow or þan I suffre my Passyon.
For of þis no more togedyr suppe xal we.
And as þe paschal lomb etyn haue we
In þe eld lawe was vsyd for a sacryfyce,
So þe newe lomb þat xal be sacryd be me
Xal be vsyd for a sacryfyce most of price.

Here xal Jesus take an oblé in his hand lokyng vpward into hefne, to þe Fadyr þus seyng:

Wherefore to þe, Fadyr of Hefne þat art eternall,
Thankyng and honor I 3eld onto þe,
To whom be þe Godhed I am eqwall,
But be my manhod I am of lesse degré.
Wherefore I as man worchep þe Deyté,
Thankyng þe, fadyr, þat þu wylt shew his mystery;
And þus þurwe þi myth, fadyr, and blyssyng of me,
Of his þat was bred is mad my body.

Here xal he spekyn ageyn to his dyscipulys, þus seyng:

Bretheryn, be þe [vertu] of þese wordys þat [re]hercyd be,
þis þat shewyth as bred to 3oure apparens
Is mad þe very flesche and blod of me,
To þe weche þei þat wole be savyd must 3eve credens.
And as in þe olde lawe it was comawndyd and precepte
To ete his lomb to þe dystruccyon of Pharao vnkende,
So to dystroy 3oure gostly enmye his xal be kepte
For 3oure paschal lombe into þe werdys ende.
For his is þe very lombewithowte spot of synne
Of weche Johan þe Baptyst dede prophesy
Whan his prophesye he dede begynne,
Seyng, "Ecce Agnus Dey."
And how 3e xal ete his lombe I xal 3eve infformacyon
In þe same forme as þe eld lawe doth specyfye,
As I shewe be gostly interpretacyon;
þerfore to þat I xal sey, 3oure wyttys loke 3e replye.
With no byttyr bred his bred ete xal be:397
þat is to say, with no byttyrnesse of hate and envye,
But with þe suete bred of loue and charyté,
Weche fortefyet þe soule gretlye.
And it schuld ben etyn with þe byttyr sokelyng:
þat is to mene, 3yf a man be of synful dysposysyon,
Hath led his lyff here with myslevyng,
þerfore in his hert he xal haue byttyr contrycyon.
Also, þe hed with þe feet ete xal 3e:405
Be þe hed 3e xal vndyrstand my Godhed,
And be þe feet 3e xal take myn humanyté.
þese tweyn 3e xal receyve togedyr, indede.
This immaculat lombe þat I xal 3ow 3eve409
Is not only þe Godhed alone,
But bothe God and man, þus must 3e beleve;
þus þe hed with þe feet 3e xal receyve echon.
Of his lombe vnete yf owth belevyth, iwys,413
Yt xuld be cast in þe clere fyre and brent;
Weche is to mene, yf þu vndyrstande nowth al his,
Put þi feyth in God and þan þu xalt not be shent.
The gyrdyl þat was comawndyd here reynes to sprede
Xal be þe gyrdyl of clennes and chastyté.
þat is to sayn, to be contynent in word, thought, and dede,
And all leccherous levyng cast 3ow for to fle.
And þe schon þat xal be 3oure feet vpon
Is not ellys but exawnpyl of vertuis levyng
Of 3oure form faderys 3ou beforn;
With þese schon my steppys 3e xal be sewyng.
And þe staf þat in 3oure handys 3e xal holde
Is not ellys but þe exawmplys to other men teche;
Hold fast 3oure stauys in 3oure handys and beth bolde
To every creature myn precepttys for to preche.
Also, 3e must ete þis paschall lombe hastyly,
Of weche sentens þis is þe very entent:
At every oure and tyme 3e xal be redy
For to fulfylle my cowmawndement.
For þow 3e leve his day, 3e are not sure433
Whedyr 3e xal leve tomorwe or nowth.
þerfor hastyly every oure do 3oure besy cure
To kepe my preceptys, and þan þar 3e not dowth.
Now haue I lernyd 3ow how 3e xal ete437
3oure paschal lombe, þat is my precyous body.
Now I wyl fede 3ow all with awngellys mete;
Wherfore to reseyve it, come forth seryattly.
Lord, for to receyve þis gostly sustenawns441
In dewe forme, it excedyth myn intellygens.
For no man of hymself may have substawns
To receyve it with to meche reverens.
For with more delycyous mete, Lord, þu may us not fede
þan with þin owyn precyous body.
Wherfore what I haue trespacyd in word, thought, or dede,
With byttyr contrycyon, Lord, I haske þe mercy.

Whan oure Lord 3yvyth his body to his dyscypulys, he xal sey to eche of hem, except to Judas:

This is my body, flesch and blode,449
þat for þe xal dey upon be rode.

And whan Judas comyth last, oureLord xal sey to hym:

Judas, art þu avysyd what þu xalt take?
Lord, þi body I wyl not forsake.452

And sythyn oure Lord xal sey onto Judas:

Myn body to þe I wole not denye,453
Sythyn þu wylt presume þerupon.
Yt xal be þi dampnacyon, verylye —
I 3eve þe warnyng now beforn.

And aftyr þat Judas hath reseyvyd, he xal syt þer he was, Cryst seyng:

On of 3ow hath betrayd me457
þat at my borde with me hath ete.
Bettyr it hadde hym for to a be
Bothe vnborn and vnbegete.

Than eche dyscypyl xal loke on other, and Petyr xal sey:

Lord, it is not I.461

And so all xul seyn tyl þei comyn at Judas, wech xal sey:

Is it owth I, Lord?462

þan Jesus xal sey:

Judas, þu seyst þat word.463
Me þu ast solde, þat was þi frend;
þat þu hast begonne, brenge to an ende.

þan Judas xal gon ageyn to þe Jewys. And, yf men wolne, xal mete with hym and sey þis spech folwyng — or levyn't whether þei wyl — þe devyl þus seyng:

A, a, Judas, derlyng myn,466
þu art þe best to me þat evyr was bore!
þu xalt be crownyd in helle peyn,
And þerof þu xalt be sekyr for evyrmore.
Thow hast solde þi maystyr and etyn hym also!
I wolde þu kowdyst bryngyn hym to helle every del;
But 3et I fere he xuld do her sum sorwe and wo
þat all helle xal crye out on me þat sel.
Sped up þi matere þat þu hast begonne:
I xal to helle for þe to mak redy.
Anon þu xalt come wher þu xalt wonne;
In fyre and stynk þu xalt sytt me by.
Now þe Sone of God claryfyed is,478
And God in hym is claryfyed also.
I am sory þat Judas hath lost his blysse,
Weche xal turne hym to sorwe and wo.
But now in þe memory of my Passyon,482
To ben partabyl with me in my reyn above,
3e xal drynk myn blood with gret devocyon,
Wheche xal be xad for mannys love.
Takyth þese chalys of þe newe testament,
And kepyth his evyr in 3oure mende.
As oftyn as 3e do his with trewe intent,
It xal defende 3ow fro þe fende.

Than xal þe dysciplys com and take þe blod, Jesus seyng:

þis is my blood þat for mannys synne490
Outh of myn herte it xal renne.

And þe dyscipulys xul sett þem a3en þer þei wore, and Jesus xal seyn:

Takyth hed now, bretheryn, what I haue do:492
With my flesch and blood I haue 3ow fed.
For mannys love I may do no mo
þan for love of man to be ded.
Werfore, Petyr, and 3e everychon,496
3yf 3e loue me, fede my schep,
þat for fawth of techyng þei go not wrong;
But evyr to hem takyth good kep.
3evyth hem my body, as I haue to 3ow,500
Qweche xal be sacryd be my worde.
And evyr I xal þus abyde with 3ow
Into þe ende of þe werde.
Hoso etyth my body and drynkyth my blood,504
Hol God and man he xal me take.
It xal hym defende from þe deuyl wood,
And at his deth I xal hym nowth forsake.
And hoso not ete my body nor drynke my blood,508
Lyf in hym is nevyr a dele.
Kepe wel his in mende for 3oure good,
And every man save hymself wele.

Here Jesus takyth a basyn with watyr and towaly gyrt abowtyn hym and fallyth beforn Petyr on his o kne.

Another exawmpyl I xal 3ow shewe512
How 3e xal leve in charyté.
Syt here down at wordys fewe,
And qwat I do 3e sofre me.

Here he takyth þe basyn and þe towaly and doth as þe roberych seyth beforn.

Lord, what wylt þu with me do?516
þis servyce of þe I wyl forsake.
To wassche my feet, þu xal not so —
I am not worthy it of þe to take.
Petyr, and þu forsake my servyce all520
þe weche to 3ow þat I xal do,
No part with me haue þu xal,
And nevyr com my blysse onto.
þat part, Lord, we wyl not forgo;524
We xal abey his comawndement.
Wasche hed and hond, we pray þe so;
We wyl don after þin entent.

Here Jesus wasshyth his dyscipulys feet by and by, and whypyth he[m], and kyssyth hem mekely, and sythy[n] settyth hym down, þus seyng:

Frendys, þis wasshyng xal now prevayll.528
3oure lord and mayster 3e do me calle,
And so I am, withowtyn fayl;
3et I haue wasschyd 3ow alle.
A memory of þis haue 3e xall
þat eche of 3ow xal do to othyr.
With vmbyl hert submyt egal,534
As eche of 3ow were otherys brother.
Nothyng, serys, so wele plesyth me,536
Nor no lyf þat man may lede,
As þei þat levyn in charyté;
In efne I xal reward here mede.
þe day is come, I must procede
For to fulfylle þe prophecy.
his nyth for me 3e xal han drede542
Whan novmbyr of pepyl xal on me cry.
For þe prophetys spoke of me,544
And seydyn of deth þat I xuld take;
Fro whech deth I wole not fle,
But for mannys synne amendys make.
This nyth fro 3ow be led I xal,
And 3e for fer fro me xal fle,
Not onys dur speke whan I 3ow call,550
And some of 3ow forsake me.
For 3ow xal I dey and ryse ageyn.552
Vn þe thrydde day 3e xal me se
Beforn 3ow all walkyng playn
In þe lond of Galylé.
Lord, I wyl þe nevyr forsake,556
Nor for no perellys fro þe fle!
I wyl rather my deth take
þan onys, Lord, forsake þe.
Petyr, yn ferthere þan þu doyst knowe560
As for þat promese loke þu not make.
For or þe cok hath twyes crowe,
Thryes þu xal me forsake.
But, all my frendys þat am me dere,564
Late us go; þe tyme drawyth ny.
We may no lengere abydyn here,
For I must walke to Betany.
þe tyme is come, þe day drawyth nere;568
Onto my deth I must in hast.
Now, Petyr, make all þi felawys chere;
My flesch for fere is qwakyng fast.

2024 Mar 19  14:56:36