The Prophets

Prophetam excitabit deus de fratribus vestris;1
Omnis anima, que non audierit prophetam illum,
exterminabitur de populo suo;
Nemo propheta sine honore nisi in patria sua.
All ye folk of israell,1
herkyn to me! I will you tell2
Tythyngis farly goode;3
All wote ys how it be fell4
wherfor Adam was dampnyd, to hell,5
he, and all his blode.6
Therfor will god, styr and rayse7
A prophete, in som man dayes,8
Of oure brethere kyn;9
And all trowes as he says,10
And will walk in his ways,11
ffrom hell he will theym twyn.12
when his tyme begynnys to day,13
I rede no man fro hym dray,14
In way, ne stand on strut;15
ffor he that will not here his sagh,16
he be shewed, as an out-lagh,17
And from his folkis be putt.18
I warne you well that same prophete19
shall com hereafterward, full swete,20
And many meruels shew;21
Man shall fall till his feete,22
ffor cause he can bales beete,23
Thrugh his awn thew.24
All that will in trowth ren25
shall he saue, I warne you then,26
Trust shall his name be.27
Bot all ouer will man prophete ken28
with worship, amangis men,29
Bot in his awne countre.30
herkyns all, both yong and old,!31
God that has all in wold,32
Gretys you bi me;33
his commaundementis ar ten;34
Behold, ye that ar his men,35
here ye may theym se.36
his commaundementis that I haue broght,37
looke that ye hold, thaym noght38
ffor tryfyls, ne for fables;39
ffor ye shall well vnderstand,40
That god wrote theym with his hand,41
In thyse same tables.42
Ye that thyse in hart will hald,43
vnto heuen shall ye be cald,44
That is fyrst to com;45
And ye that will not do so,46
Till hell pyne mon ye go,47
And byde a bytter dome.48
Do now as I shall you wys;49
The fyrst commaundement is this50
That I shall you say;51
Make no god of stok ne stone,52
And, trow in none god, bot oone,53
That mayde both nyght and day.54
Anothere bydis thou shall not swere,55
ffor no mede, ne for no dere,56
ffalsly, bi godis name;57
If thou swere wrongwosly,58
Wit thou well and wytterly,59
Thou art worthi grete blame.60
The thyrd, is, thou shall well yheme61
Thi holy day, and serue to wheme62
God with all thi hart.63
The fourt commaundement is bi tayll,64
ffader and moder worship thou shall,65
In pouert and in qwarte.66
The fyft commaundis thou shall forsake67
ffornycacyon, and take the a make,68
And lyf in rightwys state.69
The sext commaundis thou shal not be70
Man sloer, for gold, ne fee,71
Ne for luf, ne for hate.72
The seuenth commaundis that thou shall leue,73
And nather go to stele ne reue,74
ffor more then for les.75
The aght bydis both old, and yong,76
That thay be traw of thare tong,77
And bere no fals witnes.78
The nenth bydis the, bi thi lif,79
Thou desyre not thi neghbur’s wife,80
Ne mayden that is his.81
The tent bidis the, for no case,82
Desyre not wranwosly thyng thi neghbur has;83
Do thus, and do no mys.84
I am the same man that god chase,85
And toke the ten commaundementis of peasse86
In the monte synay;87
Thise wordis, I say, ar no les;88
My name is callyd moyses;89
And haue now all good day!90
a Omnes reges adorabunt eum, omnes gentes seruient ei.
herkyn, all, that here may,91
And perceyf well what I shall say,92
All with righ[t]wisnes.93
loke ye put it not away,94
Bot thynk theron both nyght and day,95
ffor it is sothfastnes.96
Iesse son, ye wote I am;97
Dauid is my right name,98
And I bere crowne;99
Bot ye me trow, ye ar to blame;100
Of Israel, both wyld, and tame,101
I haue in my bondon.102
As god of heuen has gyffyn me wit,103
shall I now syng you a fytt,104
With my mynstrelsy;105
loke ye do it well in wrytt,106
And theron a knot knytt,107
ffor it is prophecy.108
Myrth I make till all men,109
with my harp and fyngers ten,110
And warn theym that thay glad,111
ffor god will that his son down send,112
That wroght adam with his hend,113
And heuen and erth mayde.114
He will lyght fro heuen towre,115
ffor to be mans saueyoure,116
And saue that is forlorne;117
ffor that I harp, and myrth make,118
Is for he will manhede take,119
I tell you thus beforne;120
And thider shall he ren agane,121
As gyant of mych mayne,122
Vnto the hyest sete;123
Ther is nawther kyng, ne swayn,124
Then no thyng that may hym layn,125
Ne hyde from his hete.126
he shall be lord, and kyng of all,127
Tyll hys feete shall kyngis fall,128
To offre to hym wytterly.129
Blyssyd, be that swete blome,130
That shall saue vs at his com!131
Ioyfull may we be.132
Riche gyftis thay shall hym bryng,133
And till hym make offeryng,134
kneland on thare kne;135
well were hym that that lordyng,136
And that dere derlyng,137
Myght bide on lyfe and se.138
Men may know hym bi his marke,139
Myrth and lovyng is his warke,140
that shall he luf most.141
lyght shall be born that tyme in darke,142
Both to lawd, man and to clark,143
the luf of rightwys gost.144
Therfor, both emperoure and kyng,145
Ryche and poore, both old, and ying,146
temper well youre gle,147
Agans that kyng lyght downe,148
ffor to lowse vs of pryson,149
And make vs all free.150
Thou shew thi mercy, lord, tyll vs,151
ffor to thou com, to hell we trus,152
we may not go beside;153
lord, when thi will is for to dele154
Tyll us thi salue and thi hele,155
whom we all abyde.156
Now haue I songen you a fytt;157
loke in mynd that ye haue it,158
I rede with my myght;159
he that maide vs all with his wytt,160
sheld, vs all from hell pytt,161
And graunt vs heuen lyght!162
Sybilla Propheta
Iudicii signum tellus sudore madescit,163
E celo rex adueniet per secla futurus,
Scilicet in carne presens vt iudicet orbem.
Who so wyll here tythyngis glad,163
of hym that all this warld, made,164
here me wytterly!165
sibill sage is my name;166
Bot ye me here, ye ar to blame,167
My word, is prophecy.168
All men was slayn thrugh adam syn,169
And put to pyne that neuer shall blyn,170
thrugh falsnes of the feynd.171
A new kyng comes from heuen to fyght172
Agans the feynd, to wyn his right,173
so is his mercy heynd.174
All the warld, shall he deme,175
And that haue seruyd hym to wheme,176
Myrth thaym mon betyde;177
All shall se hym with thare ee,178
Ryche and poore, low and hye,179
No man may hym hyde;180
Bot thay shall in thare flesh ryse,181
That euery man shall whake and gryse,182
Agans that ilk dome.183
with his santis, many oone,184
he shall be sene in flesh and, bone,185
that kyng that is to com.186
All that shall stand hym before,187
All shal be les and more,188
Of oone eld, ichon.189
Angels shall qwake then for ferd,190
And fyre shall bren this mydyll-erd,191
yei, erth and, all ther apon.192
shall nothyng here in erth be kend,193
Bot it shall be strewyd, and brend,194
All waters and the see.195
sythen shall both hill and dale196
Ryn togeder, grete and smale,197
And all shall euen be.198
At hys commyng shall bemys blaw,199
That men may his commyng knaw;200
ffull sorowfull shall be that blast;201
Ther is no man that herys it,202
Bot he shall qwake for all his witt,203
Be he neuer so stedfast.204
Then shall hell gape and gryn,205
That men may know thare dome therin,206
Of that hye iustyce;207
That ill have done, to hell mon go;208
And to heuen the other also,209
that has been rightwys.210
Therfor, I rede ilk a man,211
kepe, as well as he can,212
ffro syn and fro mysdede.213
My prophecy now haue I told;214
God, you saue, both yong and old,215
And help you at youre nede!216
Cum venerit sanctus sanctorum cessabit vncio vestra.
God that maide adam and eue,217
whils thay dyd well, he gaf thaym leue218
In paradise to dwell;219
Sone when thay that appyll ete,220
Thay were dampned, sone and skete,221
Vnto the pyne of hell,222
Thrugh sorow and paynes euer new;223
Therfor wyll god apon vs rew,224
And his son downe send,225
Into erth, flesh to take,226
That is all for oure sake,227
oure trespas to amend.228
fflesh with fleshe will be boght,229
That he lose not that he has wroght230
wyth hys awne hend.231
Of a madyn shal he be borne,232
To saue all that ar forlorne,233
Euermore withoutten end.234

2022 Jan 21  20:05:23