
Peas, of payn that no man pas;
bot kepe the course that I commaunde,
And take good hede of hym that has
youre helth all holy in hys hande;
ffor kyng pharro my fader Was,
And led thys lordshyp of thys land;
I am hys hayre as age Wyll has,
Euer in stede to styr or stand.
All Egypt is myne awne
To leede aftyr my law;
I Wold my myght Were knawne
And honoryd, as hyt awe.
ffull low he shall be thrawne
That harkyns not my sawe,
hanged hy and drawne,
Therfor no boste ye blaw;
Bot as for kyng I commaund peasse,
To all the people of thys empyre.
looke no man put hym self in preaase,
Bot that Wyll do as I desyre,
And of youre Wordis look that ye seasse.
Take tent to me, youre soferand syre,
That may youre comfort most increasse,
And to my lyst bowe lyfe and lyre.
Primus Miles
My lord, if any here Were,
That Wold not wyrk youre Wyll,
If We myght com thaym nere,
ffull soyn we shuld theym spyll.
Thrugh out my kyngdom Wold I ken,
And kun hym thank that Wold me tell,
If any Were so Waryd men
That wold my fors downe fell.
Secundus Miles
My lord, ye haue a maner of men
that make great mastres vs emell;
The Iues that Won in gersen,
thay ar callyd chyldyr of Israel.
Thay multyplye full fast,
and sothly We suppose
That shall euer last,
oure lordshyp for to lose.
Why, how haue thay sych gawdis begun?
ar thay of myght to make sych frayes?
Primus Miles
Yei, lord, full fell folk ther Was fun
In kyng pharao, youre fader dayes.
Thay cam of Ioseph, Was iacob son-
he Was a prince Worthy to prayse-
In sythen in ryst haue thay ay ron;
thus ar thay lyke to lose youre layse,
Thay Wyll confound you cleyn,
bot if thay soner sesse.
What deuyll is that thay meyn
that thay so fast incresse?
Secundus Miles
How thay incres full well we ken,
as oure faders dyd vnderstand;
Thay Were bot sexty and ten
when thay fyrst cam in to thys land;
Sythen haue soierned in gersen
[Fower hundreth] Wynter, I dar warand;
Now ar thay nowmbred of myghty men
moo then [thre hundreth] thousand,
Wyth outen Wyfe and chyld,
or hyrdis that kepe thare fee.
How thus myght we be begyld?
bot shall it not be;
ffor wyth quantyse we shall thaym quell,
so that thay shall not far sprede.
Primus Miles
My lord, we haue hard oure faders tell,
and clerkis that well couth rede,
Ther shuld a man walk vs amell
that shuld fordo vs and oure dede.
ffy on hym, to the deuyll of hell!
sych destyny wyll we not drede;
We shal make mydwyfis to spyll them
where any ebrew is borne,
And all menkynde to kyll them,
so shall thay soyn be lorne.
And as for elder haue I none awe,
sych bondage shall I to thaym beyde,
To dyke and delf, bere and draw,
and to do all vnhonest deyde;
So shall these laddis be halden law,
In thraldom euer thare lyfe to leyde.
Secundus Miles
Now, certis, thys was a sotell saw,
thus shall these folk no farthere sprede.
Now help to hald theym downe,
look I no fayntnes fynde.
Primus Miles
All redy, lord, We shall be bowne,
in bondage thaym to bynde.
Gret god, that all thys Warld began,
and growndyd it in good degre,
Thou mayde me, moyses, vnto man,
and sythen thou sauyd me from the se;
kyng Pharao had commawndyd, than,
ther shuld no man chyld sauyd be;
Agans hys Wyll away I wan;
thus has god, shewed hys myght for me.
Now am I sett to kepe,
vnder thys montayn syde,
Byshope Iettyr shepe,
to better may be tyde;
A, lord, grete is thy myght!
What man may of yond meruell meyn?
Yonder I se a selcowth syght,
sych on in Warld Was neuer seyn;
A bush I se burnand full bryght,
and euer elyke the leyfes are greyn;
If it be wark of Warldly Wyght,
I Wyll go wyt wythoutyn Weyn.
Moyses, Moyses!
Moyses, com not to nere,
bot styll in that stede thou dwell,
And harkyn vnto me here;
take tent What I the tell.
do of thy shoyes in fere,
wyth mowth as I the mell,
the place thou standis in there
forsothe, is halowd Well.
I am thy lord, Wythouten lak,
to lengthe thi lyfe euen as I lyst;
I am god that som tyme spake
to thyn elders, as thay Wyst;
To abraam, and Isaac,
and iacob, I sayde shuld be blyst,
And multytude of them to make,
so that thare seyde shuld not be myst.
Bot now thys kyng, pharao,
he hurtys my folk so fast,
If that I suffre hym so,
thare seyde shuld, soyne be past;
Bot I Wyll not so do,
in me if thay Wyll trast,
Bondage to bryng thaym fro.
therfor thou go in hast
To do my message, haue in mynde,
to hym that me sych harme mase;
Thou speke to hym Wyth wordis heynde,
so that he let my people pas,
To Wyldernes that thay may Weynde,
to Worshyp me as I wyll asse.
Agans my wyll if that thay leynd,
ful soyn hys song shall be ‘alas.’
A, lord! pardon me, Wyth thy leyf,
that lynage luffis me noght;
Gladly thay Wold me greyf,
if I sych bodworde broght.
Good lord, lett som othere frast,
that has more fors the folke to fere.
Moyses, be thou nott abast,
my bydyng shall thou boldly bere;
If thay with wrong away Wold Wrast,
outt of the way I shall the Were.
Good lord, thay Wyll not me trast
for all the othes that I can swere;
To neuen sych noytis newe
to folk of Wykyd Wyll,
Wyth outen tokyn trew,
thay wyll not tent ther tyll.
If that he wyll not vnderstand
thys tokyn trew that I shall sent,
Afore the kyng cast downe thy Wand,
and it shall turne to a serpent;
Then take the tayll agane in hand-
boldly vp look thou it hent-
And in the state that thou it fand,
then shal it turne by myne intent.
Sythen hald thy hand soyn in thy barme,
and as a lepre it shal be lyke,
And hole agane with outen harme;
lo, my tokyns shal be slyke.
And if he wyll not suffre then
my people for to pas in peasse,
I shall send venyance [neyn] or ten,
shall sowe full sore or I seasse.
Bot the ebrewes, won in Iessen,
shall not be merkyd with that measse;
As long as thay my lawes Wyll ken
thare comforth shall euer increasse
A, lord, to luf the aght vs well,
that makis thy folk thus free;
I shall vnto thaym tell
as thou has told to me.
Bot to the kyng, lord, when I com,
if he aske what is thy name,
And I stand styll, both deyf & dom,
how shuld, I [skape] withoutten blame?
I say the thus, ‘Ego sum qui sum,’
I am he that is the same;
If thou can nother muf nor mom,
I shall sheld, the from shame.
I vnderstand full well thys thyng,
I go, lord, with all the myght in me.
Be bold in my blyssyng,
thi socoure shall I be.
A, lord of luf, leyn me thy lare,
that I may truly talys tell;
To my freyndis now wyll I fare,
the chosyn childre of Israell,
To tell theym comforth of thare care,
in dawngere ther as thay dwell.
God manteyn you euermare,
And mekyll myrth be you emell.
Primus Puer
A, master moyses, dere!
oure myrth is all mowrnyng;
ffull hard halden ar we here
as carls vnder the kyng.
Secundus Puer
We may mowrn, both more and myn,
ther is no man that oure myrth mase;
Bot syn we ar all of a kyn,
god send vs comforth in thys case.
Brethere, of youre mowrnyng blyn;
god Wyll delyuer you thrugh his grace,
Out of this wo he wyll you wyn,
and put you to youre pleassyng place;
ffor I shall carp vnto the kyng,
and fownd full soyn to make you free.
Primus Puer
God graunt you good Weyndyng,
and euermore with you be.
kyng pharao, to me take tent.
Why, boy, what tythyngis can thou tell?
ffrom god hym self hydder am I sent
to foche the chyldre of Israell;
To Wyldernes he wold thay went.
yei, weynd the to the devyll of hell!
I gyf no force What he has ment,
In my dangere, herst thou, shall thay dwell;
And, fature, for thy sake,
thay shalbe put to pyne.
Then wyll god venyance take
of the, and of all thyn.
On me? fy on the lad, out of my land!
wenys thou thus to loyse oure lay?
Say, whence is yond warlow with his wand
that thus wold wyle oure folk away?
Primus Miles
Yond is moyses, I dar warand,
agans all egypt has beyn ay,
Greatt defawte with hym youre fader fand;
now wyll he mar you if he may.
ffy on hym! nay, nay, that dawnce is done;
lurdan, thou leryd to late.
God bydis the graunt my bone,
and let me go my gate.
Bydis god me? fals losell, thou lyse!
What tokyn told he? take thou tent.
He sayd thou shuld dyspyse
both me, and hys commaundement;
fforthy, apon thys wyse,
my Wand he bad, in thi present,
I shuld lay downe, and the avyse
how it shuld turne to oone serpent;
And in hys holy name
here I lay it downe;
lo, syr, here may thou se the same.
A, ha, dog! the devyll the drowne!
He bad me take it by the tayll,
for to prefe hys powere playn;
Then he sayde, wythouten fayll,
hyt shuld turne to a wand agayn.
lo, sir, behold!
wyth ylahayll!
Certis this is a sotell swayn!
bot thyse boyes shall abyde in bayll,
All thi gawdis shall thaym not gayn;
Bot wars, both morn and none,
shall thay fare, for thi sake.
I pray god send us venyange sone,
and on thi Warkis take wrake.
Primus Miles
Alas, alas! this land is lorn!
on lyfe we may [no] longer leynd;
Sych myschefe is fallen syn morn,
ther may no medsyn it amend.
Why cry ye so, laddis? lyst ye skorn?
Secundus Miles
Syr kyng, sych care was neuer kend,
In no mans tyme that euer was borne.
Tell on, belyfe, and make an end.
Primus Miles
Syr, the Waters that were ordand
for men and bestis foyde,
Thrugh outt all egypt land,
ar turnyd into reede bloyde;
ffull vgly and full yll is hytt,
that both fresh and, fayre was before.
O, ho! this is a wonderfull thyng to wytt,
of all the warkis that euer wore!
Secundus Miles
Nay, lord, ther is anothere yit,
that sodanly sowys vs full sore;
ffor todis and froskis may no man flyt,
thay venom vs so, both les and more.
Primus Miles
Greatte mystis, sir, ther is both morn and noyn,
byte vs full bytterly;
we trow that it be doyn
thrugh moyses, oure greatte enmy.
Secundus Miles
My lord, bot if this menye may remefe,
Mon neuer myrth be vs amang.
Go, say to hym we wyll not grefe,
bot thay shall neuer the tytter gang.
Primus Miles
Moyses, my lord gyffys leyfe
to leyd thi folk to lykyng lang,
So that we mend of oure myschefe.
ffull well I wote, thyse wordis ar wrang;
But hardely all that I heytt
ffull sodanly it shall be seyn;
vncowth meruels shalbe meyt
And he of malyce meyn.
Secundus Miles
A, lord, alas, for doyll we dy!
we dar look oute at no dowre.
What, ragyd the dwyll of hell, alys you so to cry?
Primus Miles
ffor we fare wars then euer we fowre;
grete loppys ouer all this land thay fly,
And where thay byte thay make grete blowre,
and in euery place oure bestis dede ly.
Secundus Miles
hors, ox, and asse,
thay fall downe dede, syr, sodanly.
we! lo, ther is no man that has
half as mych harme as I.
Primus Miles
yis, sir, poore folk haue mekyll wo,
to se thare catall thus out cast.
The Iues in gessen fayre not so,
thay haue lykyng for to last.
Then shall we gyf theym leyf to go,
to tyme this perell be on past;
Bot, or thay flytt oght far vs fro,
we shall them bond twyse as fast.
Secundus Miles
Moyses, my lord gyffis leyf
thi meneye to remeue.
ye mon hafe more myschefe
bot if thyse talys be trew.
Primus Miles
A, lord, we may not leyde thyse lyfys.
what, dwyll! is grevance grofen agayn?
Secundus Miles
ye, sir, sich powder apon vs dryfys,
where it abidys it makys a blayn;
Mesell makys it man and wyfe,
thus ar we hurt with hayll & rayn.
Syr, v[y]nys in montanse may not thryfe,
so has frost & thoner thaym slayn.
yei, bot how do thay in gessen,
the Iues, can ye me say?
Primus Miles
Of all thyse cares no thyng thay ken,
thay feyll noght of our afray.
No? the ragyd! the dwyll! sytt thay in peasse?
and we euery day in doute & drede?
Secundus Miles
My lord, this care wyll euer encrese,
to moyses haue his folk to leyd;
Els be we lorn, it is no lesse,
yit were it better that thai yede.
Thes folk shall flyt no far,
If he go welland wode.
Primus Miles
Then will it sone be war;
It were better thay yode.
Secundus Miles
My lord, new harme is comyn in hand.
Yei, d,will, will it no better be?
Primus Miles
wyld wormes ar layd ouer all this land,
Thai leyf no floure, nor leyf on tre.
Secundus Miles
Agans that storme may no man stand;
And mekyll more meruell thynk me,
That thise thre dayes has bene durand
Sich myst, that no man may other se.
Primus Miles
A, my lord!
Secundus Miles
Grete pestilence is comyn;
It is like ful long to last.
[pestilence] in the dwilys name!
then is oure pride ouer past.
Primus Miles
My lord, this care lastis lang,
and will, to moyses haue his bone;
let hym go, els wyrk we wrang,
It may not help to houer ne hone.
Then will we gif theym leyf to gang;
Syn it must nedis be doyn;
Perchauns we sall thaym fang
and mar them or to morn at none.
Secundus Miles
Moyses, my lord he says
thou shall haue passage playn.
Now haue we lefe to pas,
my freyndis, now be ye fayn;
Com furth, now sall ye weynd
to land of lykyng you to pay.
Primus Puer
Bot kyng Pharao, that fals feynd,
he will vs eft betray;
ffull soyn he will shape vs to sheynd,
And after vs send his garray.
Be not abast, god is oure freynd,
And all oure foes will slay;
Therfor com on with me,
haue done and drede you noght.
Secundus Puer
That lord blyst might he be,
that vs from bayll has broght.
Primus Puer
Sich frenship neuer we fand;
bot yit I drede for perels all,
The reede see is here at hand,
ther shal we byde to we be thrall.
I shall make way ther with my wand,
as god has sayde, to sayf vs all;
On ayther syde the see mon stand,
to we be gone, right as a wall.
Com on wyth me, leyf none behynde;
lo fownd, ye now youre god to pleasse,
Secundus Puer
O, lord,! this way is heynd;
Now weynd we all at easse.
Primus Miles
kyng pharao! thyse folk ar gone.
Say, ar ther any noyes new?
Secundus Miles
Thise Ebrews ar gone, lord, euer-ichon.
how says thou that?
Primus Miles
lord, that tayll is trew.
We, out tyte, that they were tayn;
That ryett radly shall thay rew,
we shall not seasse to thay be slayn,
ffor to the see we shall thaym sew;
So charge youre chariottis swythe,
And fersly look ye folow me.
Secundus Miles
All redy, lord, we ar full blyth
At youre byddyng to be.
Primus Miles
lord, at youre byddyng ar we bowne
Oure bodys boldly for to beyd;
we shall not seasse, bot dyng all downe,
To all be dede withouten drede.
heyf vp youre hertis vnto mahowne,
he will be nere vs in oure nede;
help! the raggyd dwyll, we drowne!
Now mon we dy for all oure dede.
Now ar we won from all oure wo,
And sauyd out of the see;
louyng gyf we god vnto,
Go we to land now merely.
Primus Puer
lofe we may that lord on hyght,
And euer tell on this meruell;
Drownyd he has Kyng pharao myght,
louyd be that lord Emanuell.
heuen, thou attend, I say, in syght,
And erth my wordys; here what I tell.
As rayn or dew on erth doys lyght
And waters herbys and trees full well,
Gyf louyng to goddys mageste,
hys dedys ar done, hys ways ar trew,
honowred be he in trynyte,
to hym be honowre and vertew.

2022 Jan 21  20:05:23