The Play of the Doctors

Secundus Magister
That a madyn a barn shuld, bere;
And his name thus can thay tell,
ffro the tyme that he born were,
he shalbe callyd emanuell;
Counselloure, and god of strengthe,
And wonderfull also
Shall he be callyd, of brede and lenghthe
As far as any man may go.
Tercius Magister
Masters, youre resons ar right good,
And wonderfull to neuen,
yit fynde I more by abacuk;
Syrs, lysten a whyle vnto my steuen.
Oure bayll, he says, shall turn to boytt,
her-afterward som day;
A wande shall spryng fro Iesse roytt,-
The certan sothe thus can he say,-
And of that wande shall spryng a floure,
that shall spryng vp full hight:
Ther of shall com full swete odowre,
And therapon shall rest and lyght
The holy gost, full mych of myght;
The goost of wysdom and of wyt,
Shall beyld his nest, with mekyll right,
And, in it brede and sytt.
Primus Magister
Bot when trow ye this prophecy
Shalbe fulfyllyd in dede,
That here is told so openly,
As we in scrypture rede?
Secundus Magister
A greatt meruell for sothe it is,
To vs to here of sich mastry;
A madyn to bere a chyld, Iwys,
without mans seyde, that were ferly.
Tercius Magister
The holy gost shall in hyr lyght,
And kepe hir madynhede full clene;
whoso may byde to se that sight
Thay ther not drede, I wene.
Primus Magister
Of all thise prophetys wyse of lore
That knew the prophecy, more and les,
was none that told the tyme before,
when he shuld, com to by vs peasse.
Secundus Magister
wheder he be commen or not
No knowlege haue we in certayn;
Bot he shall com, that dowt we not;
ffull prophetys haue prechyd it full playn.
Tercius Magister
Mekyll I thynk that thise prophetys
Ar holden to god, that is on hight,
That haue knowyng of his behetys,
And for to tell of his mekyll myght.
Masters, luf be with you lent,
And mensk be vnto this meneyoe!
Primus Magister
Son, hens away I wold thou went,
ffor othere haft in hand haue we.
Secundus Magister
Son, whosoeuer the hyder sent,
Thay were not wyse, thus tell I the;
ffor we haue othere tayllys to tent
Then now with barnes bowrdand to be.
Tercius Magister
Son, thou lyst oght lere / To lyf by moyses lay;
Com heder, and thou shall here / The sawes that we wyll say;
ffor in som mynde it may the bryng
To here oure sawes red by rawes.
To lere of you nedys me no thyng,
ffor I knaw both youre dedys & sawes.
Primus Magister
hark, yonder barn with his bowrdyng!
he wenys he kens more then he knawys;
Nay, certys, son, thou art ouer ying
By clergy yit to know oure lawes.
I wote as well as ye / how that youre lawes was wroght.
Secundus Magister
Com sytt! soyn shall we se, / ffor certys so semys it noght.
Tercius Magister
It were wonder if any wyght
vntill oure resons right shuld reche;
And thou says thou has in sight
Oure lawes truly to tell and teche.
The holy gost has on me lyght,
And anoynt me lyke a leche,
And gyffen to me powere and myght
The kyngdom of heuen to preche.
Secundus Magister
whens euer this barne may be
That shewys thise novels new?
Certan, syrs, I was or ye,
And shall be after you.
Primus Magister
Son, of thi sawes, as we haue ceyll,
And of thi wytt is wonder thyng;
Bot neuer the les fully I feyll
That it may fayll in wyrkyng;
ffor dauid demys euer ilk deyll,
And thus he says of chylder ying,
"Ex ore infanicium & lactencium, perfecisti laudem."
Of thare mowthes, sayth dauid, wele,
Oure lord he has perfourmed louyng.
Neuer the les, son, yit shuld thou lett
her for to speke in large;
ffor where masters ar mett,
Chylder wordys ar not to charge.
ffor certys, if thou wold neuer so fayn
Gyf all thi lyst to lere the law,
Thou art nawther of myght ne mayn
To know it, as a clerk may knaw.
Syrs, I say you in certan,
That sothfast shall be all my saw;
And powere haue I plene and playn,
To say and answere as me aw.
Primus Magister
Masters, what may this mene?
Meruell, methynk, haue I
where euer this barne has bene
That carpys thus conandly.
Secundus Magister
In warld as wyde as we haue went
ffand we neuer sich ferly fare;
Certys, I trow the barn be sent
Sufferanly to salfe oure sare.
Syrs, I shall preue in youre present
All the sawes that I sayde are.
Tercius Magister
which callys thou the fyrst commaundement
And the most, in moyses lare?
Syrs, synthen ye syt on raw,
And hafe youre bookys on brede,
let se, syrs, in youre saw
how right that ye can rede.
Primus Magister
I rede that this is the fyrst bydyng
That moyses told, vs here vntyll;
honoure thi god ouer ilka thyng,
with all thi wyt and all thi wyll;
And all thi hart in hym shall hyng,
Erly and late, both lowde and styll.
ye nede none othere bookys to bryng,
Bot fownd this to fulfyll;
The seconde may men profe
And clergy knaw therby;
youre neyghburs shall ye lofe
Right as youre self truly.
[Thise] commaunded moyses tyll all men
In his commaundes clere;
In thise two bydyngys, shall ye ken,
hyngys all the law we aght to lere.
who so fulfylles thise two then
with mayn and mode and good manere,
he fulfyllys truly all ten
That after thaym folows in fere.
Then shuld we god honowre
with all oure myght and mayn,
And luf well ilk neghboure
Right as oure self certayn.
Primus Magister
Now, son, synthen thou has told vs two,
which ar the aght, can thou oght say?
The thyrd bydys, "where so ye go,
That ye shall halow the holy day;
ffrom bodely wark ye take youre rest;
youre household, looke the same thay do,
Both wyfe, chyld, seruande, and beest."
The fourt is then in weyll and wo
"Thi fader, thi moder, thou shall honowre,
Not only with thi reuerence,
Bot in thare nede thou thaym socoure,
And kepe ay good obedyence."
The fyft bydys the "no man slo,
Ne harme hym neuer in word ne dede,
Ne suffre hym not to be in wo
If thou may help hym in his nede."
The sext bydys the "thi wyfe to take,
Bot none othere lawfully;
lust of lechery thou fle and fast forsake,
And drede ay god where so thou be."
The seuen bydys the "be no thefe feyr,
Ne nothyng wyn with trechery;
Oker, ne symony, thou com not nere,
Bot conscyence clere ay kepe truly."
The aght byddys the "be true in dede,
And fals wytnes looke thou none bere;
looke thou not ly for freynd ne syb,
lest to thi saull that it do dere."
The neyn byddys the "not desyre
Thi neghburs wyfe ne his women,
Bot as holy kyrk wold it were,
Right so thi purpose sett it in."
The ten byddys the "for nothyng
Thi neghburs goodys yerne wrongwysly;
his house, his rent, ne his hafyng,
And crysten fayth trow stedfastly."
Thus in tabyls, shall ye ken,
Oure lord to moyses wrate;
Thise ar the commaundmentys ten,
who so will lely layt.
Secundus Magister
Behald how he lege oure lawes,
And leryd neuer on booke to rede!
ffull sotell sawes, me thynk, he says,
And also true, if we take hede.
Tercius Magister
yei, lett hym furth on his wayes,
ffor if he dwell, withoutten drede
The pepyll will ful soyn hym prayse
well more then vs, for all oure dede.
Primus Magister
Nay, nay, then wyrk we wrang!
sich spekyng will we spare;
As he cam let hym gang,
And mefe vs, not no mare.
A, dere Ioseph! what is youre red?
Of oure greatt bayll no boytt may be;
My hart is heuy as any lede,
My semely son to I hym se.
Now haue we soght in euery sted,
Both vp and downe, thise dayes thre;
And wheder he be whik or dede
yit wote we not; so wo is me!
Sorow had neuer man mare!
Bot mowr[n]yng, mary, may not amend;
ffarther do I red we fare,
To god some socoure send.
Abowtt the tempyll if he be oght,
That wold I that we wyst this nyght.
A, certys, I se that we have soght!
In warld was neuer so semely a sight;
lo, where he syttys! se ye hym noght
Amangys yond masters mekyll of myght?
Blyssyd be he vs heder broght!
In land now lyfys there none so light.
Now dere Ioseph, as haue ye seyll,
Go furth and fetche youre son and myne;
This day is goyn nere ilka deyll,
And we haue nede for to go hien.
with men of myght can I not mell,
Then all my trauell mon I tyne;
I can not with thaym, that wote ye well,
Thay are so gay in furrys fyne.
To thaym youre erand, forto say,
Surely that thar ye drede no deyll!
Thay will take hede to you alway
Be cause of eld, this wote I weyll.
when I com ther what shall I say?
ffor I wote not, as haue I ceyll;
Bot thou will haue me shamyd for ay,
ffor I can nawthere crowke ne knele.
Go we togeder, I hold, it best,
Vnto yond worthy wyghtys in wede;
And if I se, as haue I rest,
That ye will not, then must I nede.
Go thou and tell thi tayll fyrst,
Thi son to se will take good hede;
weynd furth, mary, and do thi best,
I com behynd, as god me spede.
A, dere son, Ihesus!
sythen we luf the alone,
whi dos thou tyll vs thus,
And gars vs make this mone?
Thi fader and I betwix vs two,
Son, for thi luf has lykyd yll,
we haue the soght both to and fro
wepeand sore, as wyghtis wyll.
wherto shuld ye, moder, seke me so?
Oft tymes it has bene told, ye tyll
My fader warkys, for wele or wo,
Thus am I sent for to fulfyll.
Thise sawes, as haue I ceyll,
I can well vnderstonde,
I shall thynk on them weyll
To fownd what is folowand.
Now sothly, son, the sight of the
has comforthed vs of all oure care;
Com furth, now, with thi moder and me!
At nazareth I wold we ware.
Be leyf then, ye lordyngys fre!
ffor with my freyndys now wyll I fare.
Primus Magister
Son, where so thou shall abyde or be
God make the good man euer mare.
Secundus Magister
No wonder if thou, wife,
Of his fyndyng be fayn;
he shall, if he haue lyfe,
prefe to a full good swayn.
Tercius Magister
Son, looke thou layn, for good or yll,
The noyttys that we haue nevened now;
And if thou lyke to abyde here styll,
And with vs won, welcom art thou.
Gramercy, syrs, of youre good wyll!
No longer lyst I byde with you,
My freyndys thoght I shall fulfyll,
And to thare bydyng baynly bow.
ffull well is me this tyde,
Now may we make good chere.
No longer wyll we byde;
ffar well all folk in fere.

2022 Jan 21  20:05:23