John the Baptist

John the Baptist
God, that mayde both more and les,1
Heuen and erth, at his awne wyll,2
And merkyd man to his lyknes,3
As thyng that wold his lyst ffulfyll,4
Apon the erth he send lightnes,5
Both son and moyne lymett thertyll,6
He saue you all from synfulnes,7
And kepe you clene, both lowd and styll.8
Emang prophetys then am I oone9
That god has send to teche his law,10
And man to amend, that wrang has gone,11
Both with exampyll and with saw.12
My name, for sothe, is baptyst Iohn,13
My fader zacary ye knaw,14
That was dombe and mayde great mone,15
Before my byrth, and stode in awe.16
Elezabeth my moder was,17
Awntt vnto mary, madyn mylde;18
And as the son shynys thorow the glas,19
Certys, in hir wombe so dyd hir chyld.20
Yit the Iues inqueryd me has21
If I be cryst; thay are begyld,22
For ihesus shal amend mans trespas,23
That with freylte of fylthe is fylyd.24
I am send bot messyngere25
ffrom hym that alkyn mys may mend;26
I go before, bodword to bere,27
And as forgangere am I send,28
his wayes to wyse, his lawes to lere,29
Both man and wyfe that has offende.30
ffull mekyll barett mon he bere,31
Or tyme he haue broght all tyll ende,32
Thise Iues shall hyng hym on a roode,33
Man’s saull to hym it is so leyfe,34
And therapon shall shede his bloode,35
As he were tratoure or a thefe,36
Not for his gylt bot for oure goode,37
Because that we ar in myschefe;38
Thus shall he dy, that frely foode,39
And ryse agane tyll oure relefe.40
In water clere then baptyse I41
The pepyll that ar in this coste;42
Bot he shall do more myghtely,43
And baptyse in the holy goost;44
And with the bloode of his body45
wesh oure synnes both leste and moost,46
Therfor, me thynk, both ye and I47
Agans the feynde ar well endoost.48
I am not worthy for to lawse49
The leste thwong that longys to his shoyne;50
Bot god almyghty, that all knawes,51
In erth thi will it must be done.52
I thank the, lord, that thi sede sawes53
Emong mankynde to groyf so sone,54
And euery day that on erth dawes55
ffeydys vs with foode both euen and none.56
we ar, lord, bondon vnto the,57
To luf the here both day and nyght,58
ffor thou has send thi son so fre59
To saue mans saull that dede was dight60
Thrugh adam syn and eue foly,61
That synnyd thrugh the feyndis myght;62
Bot, lord, on man thou has pyte,63
And beyld thi barnes in heuen so bright.64
Primus Angelus
harkyn to me, thou Iohn baptyst!65
The ffader of heuen he gretys the weyll,66
ffor he has fon the true and tryst,67
And dos thi dever euery deyll;68
wyt thou well his will thus ist,69
Syn thou art stabyll as any steyll,70
That thou shall baptyse ihesu cryst71
In flume Iordan, mans care to beyll72
John the Baptist
A, dere god! what may this be?73
I hard a steuen, bot noght I saw.74
Primus Angelus
Iohn, it is I that spake to the;75
To do this dede haue thou none aw.76
John the Baptist
Shuld I abyde to he com to me?77
That that shall neuer be, I traw;78
I shall go meyt that lord so fre,79
As far as I may se or knaw.80
Secundus Angelus
Nay, Iohn, that is not well syttand;81
his fader will thou must nedys wyrk.82
Primus Angelus
Iohn, be thou here abydand,83
Bot when he commys be then not yrk.84
John the Baptist
By this I may well vnderstand85
That childer shuld be broght to kyrk,86
ffor to be baptysyd in euery land;87
To me this law yit is it myrk.88
Secundus Angelus
Iohn, this place it is pleassyng,89
And it is callyd flume Iordan;90
here is no kyrk, ne no bygyng,91
Bot where the fader wyll ordan,92
It is godys wyll and his bydyng.93
John the Baptist
By this, for sothe, well thynk me than94
his warke to be at his lykyng,95
And ilk folk pleasse hym that thay can.96
Sen I must nedys his lyst fulfyll97
he shall be welcom vnto me;98
I yeld, me holy to his will,99
where so euer I abyde or be.100
I am his seruande, lowd and styll,101
And messyngere vnto that fre;102
whethere that he will saue or spyll103
I shall not gruch in no degre.104
Iohn, godys seruand and prophete,105
My fader, that is vnto the dere,106
has send me to the, well thou wytt,107
To be baptysyd in water clere;108
ffor reprefe vnto mans rytt109
The law I will fulfyll right here;110
My fader ordynance thus is it,111
And thus my wyll is that it were.112
I com to the, baptym to take,113
To whome my fader has me sent,114
with oyle and creme that thou shal make115
vnto that worthi sacrament.116
And therfor, Iohn, it not forsake,117
Bot com to me in this present,118
ffor now will I no farther rake119
Or I haue done his commaundement.120
John the Baptist
A, lord! I loue the for thi commyng!121
I am redy to do his will,122
In word, in wark, in all kyn thyng,123
what soeuer he sendys me tyll;124
This bewteose lord to bryng to me,125
his awne seruande, this is no skyll,126
A knyght to baptyse his lord kyng,127
My pauste may it not fulfyll.128
And if I were worthy129
ffor to fulfyll this sacrament,130
I haue no connyng securly,131
To do it after thyn intent;132
And therfor, lord, I ask mercy;133
hald, me excusyd as I haue ment;134
I dar not towche thi blyssyd body,135
My hart will neuer to it assent.136
Of thi connyng, John, drede the noght;137
My fader his self he will the teche;138
he that all this warld, has wroght,139
he send the playnly forto preche;140
he knawys mans hart, his dede, his thoght;141
he wotys how far mans myght may reche,142
Therfor hedir haue I soght;143
My fader lyst may none appeche.144
Behold, he sendys his angels two,145
In tokyn I am both god and man;146
Thou gyf me baptym or I go,147
And dyp me in this flume Iordan.148
Sen he wyll thus, I wold wytt who149
Durst hym agan stand? Iohn, com on than,150
And baptyse me for freynde or fo,151
And do it, Iohn, right as thou can.152
Primus Angelus
Iohn, be thou buxom and right bayn,153
And be not gruchand in no thyng;154
Me thynk thou aght to be ful fayn155
ffor to fulfyll my lordis bydyng156
Erly and late, with moyde and mayn,157
Therfor to the this word I bryng,158
My lord has gyffen the powere playn,159
And drede the noght of thi conyng.160
Secundus Angelus
he sendys the here his awne dere chylde,161
Thou welcom hym and make hym chere,162
Born of a madyn meke and mylde,163
That frely foode is made thi fere;164
with syn his moder was neuer fylde,165
Ther was neuer man neghyd hyr nere,166
In word ne wark she was neuer wylde,167
Therfor hir son thou baptyse here.168
Primus Angelus
And, securly, I will thou knaw169
whi that he commys thus vnto the;170
he commys to fulfyll the law,171
As pereles prynce most of pauste;172
And therfor, Iohn, do as thou awe,173
And gruch thou neuer in this degre174
To baptyse hym that thou here saw,175
ffor wyt thou well this same is he.176
John the Baptist
I am not worthy to do this dede;177
Neuer the les I will be godys seruande;178
Bot yit, dere lord, sen I must nede,179
I will do as thou has commaunde.180
I tremyll and I whake for drede!181
I dar not towche the with my hande,182
Bot, certys, I will not lose my mede;183
Abyde, my lord, and by me stande.184
I baptyse the, Ihesu, in hy,185
In the name of thi fader fre,186
In nomine patris & filii,187
Sen he will that it so be,188
Et spiritûs altissimi,189
And of the holy goost on he;190
I aske the, lord, of thi mercy,191
here after that thou wold blys me.192
here I the anoynt also193
with oyle and creme, in this intent,194
That men may wit, where so thay go,195
This is a worthy sacrament.196
Ther ar sex othere and no mo,197
The which thi self to erthe has sent,198
And in true tokyn, oone of tho,199
The fyrst on the now is it spent.200
Thou wysh me, lord, if I do wrang;201
My will it were forto do weyll;202
I am ful ferd yit ay emang,203
If I dyd right I shuld done knele.204
Thou blys me, lord, hence or thou gang,205
So that I may thi frenship fele;206
I haue desyryd this sight ful lang,207
ffor to dy now rek I no dele.208
This beest, Iohn, thou bere with the,209
It is a beest full blyst;210
Iohn, it is the lamb of me,211
Beest none othere ist;212
It may were the from aduersyte,213
And so looke that thou tryst;214
By this beest knowen shall thou be,215
That thou art Iohn baptyst.216
John the Baptist
ffor I haue sene the lamb of god217
which weshys away syn of this warld,218
And towchid hym, for euen or od,219
My hart therto was ay ful hard.220
ffor that it shuld be better trowed,221
An angell had me nerehand mard,222
Bot he that rewlys all with his rod223
he blys me when I draw homward.224
I graunt the, Iohn, for thi trauale,225
Ay lastand ioy in blys to byde;226
And to all those that trowys this tayll,227
And saw me not yit gloryfyde.228
I shalbe boytt of all thare bayll,229
And send them socoure on euery syde;230
My fader and I may thaym auayll,231
Man or woman that leyffys thare pryde.232
Bot, Iohn, weynd thou furth and preche233
Agans the folk that doth amys;234
And to the pepyll the trowthe thou teche;235
To rightwys way look thou tham avys,236
And as far as thi wyt may reche237
Byd thaym be bowne to byde my blys;238
ffor at the day of dome I shall thaym peche239
That herys not the nor trowys not this.240
Byd thaym leyfe syn, for I it hate;241
ffor it I mon dy on a tre,242
By prophecy ffull well I wate;243
My moder certys that sight mon se,244
That sorowfull sight shall make hir maytt,245
ffor I was born of hir body.246
ffarwell Iohn, I go my gaytt;247
I blys the with the trynyte!248
John the Baptist
Almyghty god in persons thre,249
All in oone substance ay ingroost,250
I thank the, lord in mageste,251
ffader and son and holy goost!252
Thou send thi son from heuen so he,253
To mary mylde, into this cooste,254
And now thou sendys hym vnto me,255
ffor to be baptysid in this oost.256
ffarwell! the frelyst that euer was fed!257
ffarwell! floure more fresh then foure de lyce!258
ffarwell! stersman to theym that ar sted259
In stormes, or in desese lyse!260
Thi moder was madyn and wed;261
ffarwell! pereles, most of pryce!262
ffarwell! the luflyst that euer was bred!263
Thi moder is of hell emprise.264
ffarwell! blissid both bloode and bone!265
ffarwell! the semelyst that euer was seyn!266
To the, ihesu, I make my mone;267
ffarwell! comly, of cors so cleyn!268
ffarwel! gracyouse gome! where so thou gone,269
ffull mekill grace is to the geyn;270
Thou leyne vs lyffyng on thi lone,271
Thou may vs mende more then we weyn.272
I wyll go preche both to more and les,273
As I am chargyd securly;274
Syrs, forsake youre wykydnes,275
Pryde, envy, slowth, wrath, and lechery.276
here gods seruice, more & lesse;277
Pleas god with prayng, thus red I;278
Be war when deth comys with dystres,279
So that ye dy not sodanly.280
Deth sparis none that lyf has borne,281
Therfor thynk on what I you say;282
Beseche youre god both euen and morne283
you for to saue from syn that day.284
Thynk how in baptym ye ar sworne285
To be godis seruandis, withoutten nay;286
let neuer his luf from you be lorne,287
God bryng you to his blys for ay. Amen.288

2022 Jan 21  20:05:23