The Judgement

Secundus Malus
ffull darfe has bene oure deede / for thi commen is oure care;
This day to take oure mede / for nothyng may we spare.
Alas I harde that horne / that callys vs to the dome,
All that euer were borne / thider behofys theym com.
May nathere lande ne se / vs from this dome hide,5
ffor ferde fayn wold, I fle / bot I must nedys abide;
Alas, I stande great aghe / to loke on that Iustyce,
Ther may no man of lagh / help with no quantyce.8
vokettys ten or twelfe / may none help at this nede,
Bot ilk man for his self / shall answere for his dede.
Alas, that I was borne!11
I se now me beforne,12
That lord with Woundys fyfe;13
how may I on hym loke,14
That falsly hym forsoke,15
When I led synfull lyfe?16
Tercius Malus
Alas, carefull catyfys may we ryse,17
sore may we wryng oure handys and wepe;18
ffor cursid and sore covytyse19
dampnyd be we in hell full depe.20
Roght we neuer of godys seruyce,21
his commaundementys wold we not kepe,22
Bot oft tymes maide we sacrifice23
to sathanas when othere can slepe.24
Alas! now wakyns all oure were,25
oure wykyd Warkys can we not hide,26
Bot on oure bakys we must theym bere,27
that will vs soroo on ilka syde.28
Oure dedys this day will do vs dere,29
Oure domysman here we must abide,30
And feyndys, that will vs felly fere,31
thare pray to haue vs for thare pride.32
Brymly before vs be thai broght,33
oure dedys that shall dam vs bidene;34
That eyre has harde, or harte thoght,35
that mowthe has spokyn, or ee sene,36
That foote has gone, or hande wroght,37
in any tyme that we may mene;38
ffull dere this day now bees it boght.39
alas! vnborne then had I bene!40
Quartus Malus
Alas, I am forlorne! / a spytus blast here blawes!41
I harde well bi yonde horne / I wote wherto it drawes;
I wold I were vnborne / alas! that this day dawes!43
Now mon be dampnyd this morne / my warkys, my dedys, my sawes.
Now bees my curstnes kyd / alas! I may not layn45
All that euer I dyd, / it bees put vp full playn.46
That I wold, fayn were hyd, / my synfull wordys and vayn,
ffull new now mon be rekynyd / vp to me agayn.48
Alas! fayn wold I fle / for dedys that I haue done,
Bot that may now not be / I must abyde my boyn;50
I trowed neuer to have sene this dredfull day thus soyn;
Alas! what shall I say When he sittys in his trone?
To se his Woundys bledande / this is a dulfull case;
Alas! how shall I stand / or loke hym in the face?54
So curtes I hym fand / that gaf me life so lang a space;
Mi care is all command, / alas! where was my grace?
Alas! catyffys vnkynde / where on was oure thoght?57
Alas! where on was oure mynde / so wykyd warkys we Wroght?
To se how he Was pynde / how dere oure luf he boght,
Alas! we were full blynde / now ar we wars then noght.
Alas! my couetyse / myn yll will, and myn Ire!61
Mi neghbur to dispise / most was my desyre;62
I demyd euer at my deuyse / me thoght I had no peyre,
With my self sore may I grise / now am quyt my hyre.
Where I was wonte to go / and haue my Wordys at will,
Now am I set full thro / and fayn to hold, me still;
I went both to and fro / me thoght I did, neuer ill,
Mi neghburs for to slo / or hurt withoutten skill.68
Wo worth euer the fader / that gate me to be borne!
That euer he lete me stir / bot that I had bene forlorne;
Warid be my moder / and warid be the morne71
That I was borne of hir / alas, for shame and skorne!
Primus Angelus
stand not togeder, parte in two!73
all sam shall ye not be in blys;74
Oure lorde of heuen will it be so,75
for many of you has done amys;76
On his right hand ye good shall go,77
the way till heuen he shall you wys;78
ye wykid, saules ye weynd hym fro,79
on his left hande as none of his.80
The tyme is commen, I will make ende,81
my fader of heuen will it so be,82
Therfor till erthe now will I weynde,83
my self to sytt in maieste.84
To dele my dome I will discende,85
this body will I bere with me,86
how it was dight mans mys to amende87
all mans kynde ther shall it se.88
Primus Demon
Oute, haro, out, out! / harkyn to this horne,89
I was neuer in dowte / or now at this morne;90
So sturdy a showte / sen that I was borne91
hard I neuer here abowte / in ernyst ne in skorne,92
A wonder!93
I was bonde full fast94
In yrens for to last,95
Bot my bandys thai brast96
And shoke all in sonder.97
Secundus Demon
I shoterd and shoke / I herd sich a rerd,98
When I harde it I qwote / for all that I lerd,99
Bot to swere on a boke / I durst not aperd;100
I durst not loke / for all medill-erd,101
ffull payll;102
Bot gyrned and gnast,103
my force did, I frast,104
Bot I wroght all wast,105
It myght not auayll.106
Primus Demon
It was like to a trumpe / it had sich a sownde;107
I fell on a lumpe / for ferd that I swonde.108
Secundus Demon
There I stode on my stumpe / I stakerd that stownde,
There chachid I the crumpe / yit held, I my grounde
halfe nome.111
Primus Demon
Make redy oure gere,112
we ar like to haue were,113
ffor now dar I swere114
That domysday is comme;115
ffor all oure saules ar wente / and none ar in hell.
Secundus Demon
Bot we go we ar shente / let vs not dwell,117
It sittys you to tente / in this mater to mell,118
As a pere in a parlamente / what case so befell;119
It is nedefull120
That ye tente to youre awne,121
What draght so be drawne,122
If the courte be knawen123
the Iuge is right dredfull.124
Primus Demon
ffor to stand, thus tome / thou gars me grete.125
Secundus Demon
let vs go to this dome / vp watlyn strete.126
Primus Demon
I had leuer go to rome / yei thryse, on my fete,127
Then forto grefe yonde grome / or with hym forto mete;
ffor wysely129
he spekys on trete,130
his paustee is grete,131
bot begyn he to threte132
he lokys full grisly.133
Bot fast take oure rentals / hy, let vs go hence!134
ffor as this fals / the great sentence.135
Secundus Demon
Thai ar here in my dals / fast stand We to fence,136
Agans thise dampnyd sauls / Without repentence,137
And Iust.138
Primus Demon
how so the gam crokys,139
Examyn oure bokys.140
Secundus Demon
here is a bag full, lokys,141
of pride and of lust,142
Of Wraggers and wrears / a bag full of brefes,143
Of carpars and cryars / of mychers and thefes,144
Of lurdans and lyars / that no man lefys,145
Of flytars, of flyars / and renderars of reffys;146
This can I,147
Of alkyn astates148
that go bi the gatys,149
Of poore pride, that god hatys,150
Twenty so many.151
Primus Demon
peasse, I pray the, be still / I laghe that I kynke,
Is oght Ire in thi bill / and then shall thou drynke.
Secundus Demon
sir, so mekill ill will / that thai wold, synke154
Thare foes in a fyere still / bot not all that I thynke
dar I say,156
Bot before hym he prase hym,157
behynde he mys-sase hym,158
Thus dowbill he mase hym,159
thus do thai today.160
Primus Demon
has thou oght Writen there / of the femynyn gendere?
Secundus Demon
yei, mo then I may bere / of rolles forto render;162
Thai ar sharp as a spere / if thai seme bot slender;
Thai ar euer in were / if thai be tender,164
yll fetyld.165
she that is most meke,166
When she semys full seke,167
she can rase vp a reke168
if she be well nettyld.169
Primus Demon
Thou art the best hyne / that euer cam beside vs.170
Secundus Demon
yei, bot go we, master myne / yit wold I we hyde vs;
Thai haue blowen lang syne / thai will not abide vs;
We may lightly tyne / and then will ye chide vs173
Primus Demon
Make redy oure tolys.175
ffor we dele with no folys.176
Secundus Demon
sir, all clerkys of oure scolys177
ar bowne furth theder;178
Bot, sir, I tell you before / had domysday oght tarid,
We must haue biggid, hell more / the warld is so warid.
Primus Demon
Now gett we dowbill store / of bodys myscarid,181
To the soules where thai wore / both sam to be harrid.
Secundus Demon
Thise rolles183
Ar of bakbytars,184
And fals quest-dytars,185
I had no help of writars186
bot thise two dalles.187
ffaithe and trowth, maffay / has no fete to stande;
The poore pepyll must pay / if oght be in hande,189
The drede of god is away / and lawe out of lande.190
Primus Demon
By that wist I that domysday / was nere hande191
In seson.192
Secundus Demon
Sir, it is saide in old sawes-193
the longere that day dawes-194
‘Wars pepill wars lawes.’195
Primus Demon
I lagh at thi reson;196
Alle this was token / domysday to drede;197
ffull oft was it spokyn / full few take hede;198
Bot now shall we be wrokyn / of thare falshede,199
ffor now bese vnlokyn / many dern dede200
In Ire;201
All thare synnes shall be knawen,202
Othere mens, then thare awne.203
Secundus Demon
Bot if this draght be well drawen204
don is in the myre.205
Whi spir ye not, sir / no questyons?206
I am oone of youre ordir / and oone of youre sons;207
I stande at my tristur / when othere men shones.208
Primus Demon
Now thou art myn awne querestur / I wote where thou wonnes;
do tell me.210
I was youre chefe tollare,211
And sithen courte rollar,212
Now am I master lollar,213
And of sich men I mell me.214
I haue broght to youre hande / of saules, dar I say,
Mo than ten thowsand / in an howre of a day;216
som at ayll-howse I fande / and som of ferray,217
som cursid, som bande / som yei, som nay;218
so many219
Thus broght I on blure,220
thus did I my cure.221
Primus Demon
Thou art the best sawgeoure222
that euer had I any.223
here a roll of ragman / of the rownde tabill,224
Of breffes in my bag, man / of synnes dampnabill;225
vnethes may I wag, man / for wery in youre stabill226
Whils I set my stag, man. /227
Secundus Demon
abide, ye ar abill228
To take wage;228
Thou can of cowrte thew,229
Bot lay downe the dewe230
ffor thou will be a shrew,231
be thou com at age.232
here I be gesse / of many nyce hoket,233
Of care and of curstnes / hethyng and hoket,234
Gay gere and witles / his hode set on koket,235
As prowde as pennyles / his slefe has no poket,236
ffull redles;237
With thare hemmyd shoyn,238
All this must be done,239
Bot syre is out at hye noyn240
And his barnes bredeles.241
A horne and a duch ax / his slefe must be flekyt,242
A syde hede and a fare fax / his gowne must be spekytt,
Thus toke I youre tax / thus ar my bookys blekyt.244
Primus Demon
Thou art best on thi wax / that euer was clekyt,245
or knawen;246
with wordes will thou fill vs,247
bot tell thi name till vs.248
Mi name is tutiuillus,249
my horne is blawen;250
a ffragmina verborum / tutiullus colligit horum,
b Belzabub algorum / belial belium doliorum.
Secundus Demon
What, I se thou can of gramory / and som what of arte;
had I bot a penny / on the wold, I warte.252
Of femellys a quantite / here fynde I parte.253
Primus Demon
Tutiuillus, let se / goddys forbot thou sparte!254
so Ioly255
Ilka las in a lande256
like a lady nerehande,257
So fresh and so plesande,258
makys men to foly.259
If she be neuer so fowll a dowde / with hir kelles and hir pynnes,
The shrew hir self can shrowde / both hir chekys and hir chynnes;
she can make it full prowde / with iapes and with gynnes,
hir hede as hy as a clowde / bot no shame of hir synnes
Thai fele;264
When she is thus paynt,265
she makys it so quaynte,266
She lookys like a saynt,267
And wars then the deyle.268
she is hornyd like a kowe / [...] fon syn,269
The cuker hyngys so side now / furrid with a cat skyn,
All thise ar for you / thai ar commen of youre kyn.
Secundus Demon
Now, the best body art thou / that euer cam here in.
An vsage,273
swilk dar I vndertake,274
makys theym breke thare wedlake,275
And lif in syn for hir sake,276
And breke thare awne spowsage.277
yit a poynt haue I fon / I tell you before,278
That fals swerars shall hider com / mo then a thowsand skore;
In sweryng thai grefe godys son / and pyne hym more and more,
Therfor mon thai with vs won / in hell for euer more.
I say thus,282
That rasers of the fals tax,283
And gederars of greyn wax,284
Diabolus est mendax285
Et pater eius.286
yit a poynte of the new gett / to tell will I not blyn,
Of prankyd gownes & shulders vp set / mos & flokkys sewyd wyth in;
To vse sich gise thai will not let / thai say it is no syn,
Bot on sich pilus I me set / and clap thaym cheke and chyn,
no nay.291
dauid in his sawtere says thus,292
That to hell shall thai trus,293
Cum suis adinuencionibus,294
for onys and for ay.295
yit of thise kyrkchaterars / here ar a menee,296
Of barganars and okerars / and lufars of symonee,297
Of runkers and rowners / god castys thaym out, trulee,
ffrom his temple all sich mysdoers / I cach thaym then to me
ffull soyn;300
ffor writen I wote it is301
In the gospell, withoutten mys,302
Et eam fecistis303
Speluncam latronum.304
yit of the synnes seven / som thyng speciall305
now nately to neven / that renys ouer all;306
Thise laddys thai leven / as lordys riall,307
At ee to be even / picturde in pall308
As kyngys;309
May he dug hym a doket,310
A kodpese like a pokett,311
hym thynke it no hoket312
his tayll when he Wryngys.313
his luddokkys thai lowke / like walk-mylne cloggys,
his hede is like a stowke / hurlyd as hoggys,315
A woll blawen bowke / thise fryggys as froggys,316
This Ielian Iowke / dryfys he no doggys317
To felter;318
Bot with youre yolow lokkys,319
ffor all youre many mokkys,320
ye shall clym on hell crokkys321
With a halpeny heltere.322
And nell With hir nyfyls / of crisp and of sylke,323
Tent well youre twyfyls / youre nek abowte as mylke;
With youre bendys and youre bridyls / of sathan, the whilke
sir sathanas Idyls / you for tha ilke326
This gill knaue;327
It is open behynde,328
before is it pynde,329
Bewar of the West wynde330
youre smok lest it wafe.331
Of Ire and of enuy / fynde I herto,332
Of couetyse and glotony / and many other mo;333
Thai call and thai cry / go we now, go!334
I dy nere for dry / and ther syt thai so335
All nyght;336
With hawvell and Iawvell,337
syngyng of lawvell,338
Thise ar howndys of hell,339
That is thare right.340
In slewthe then thai syn / goddys warkys thai not Wyrke;
To belke thai begyn / and spew that is irke;342
his hede must be holdyn / ther in the myrke,343
Then deffys hym with dyn / the bellys of the kyrke,
When thai clatter;345
he wishys the clerke hanged,346
ffor that he rang it,347
Bot thar hym not lang it,348
What commys ther after.349
And ye Ianettys of the stewys / and lychoures on lofte,
youre baill now brewys / avowtrees full ofte,351
youre gam now grewys / I shall you set softe,352
youre sorow enewes / com to my crofte353
All ye;354
All harlottys and horres,355
And bawdys that procures,356
To bryng thaym to lures,357
Welcom to my see!358
ye lurdans and lyars / mychers and thefes,359
fflytars and flyars / that all men reprefes,360
Spolars, extorcyonars / Welcom, my lefes!361
ffals Iurars and vsurars / to symony that clevys,362
To tell;363
hasardars and dysars,364
ffals dedys forgars,365
Slanderars, bakbytars,366
All vnto hell.367
Primus Demon
When I harde many swilke / many spytus and fell,368
And few good of ilke / I had meruell,369
I trowd it drew nere the prik. /370
Secundus Demon
sir, a worde of counsell;371
saules cam so thyk / now late vnto hell371
As euer;372
Oure porter at hell yate373
Is haldyn so strate,374
vp erly and downe late,375
he rystys neuer.376
Primus Demon
Thou art pereles of tho / that euer yit knew I,377
when I Will may I go / if thou be by;378
Go we now, We two. /379
Secundus Demon
syr, I am redy.380
Primus Demon
Take oure rolles also, / ye knawe the cause Why;380
do com381
And tent well this day.382
Secundus Demon
sir, as well as I may.383
Primus Demon
Qui vero mala384
In ignem eternum.385
Ilka creatoure take tente386
What bodworde I shall you bryng,387
This wykyd warld, away is wente,388
and I am commyn as crownyd kyng;389
Mi fader of heuen has me downe sente,390
to deme youre dedys and make endyng;391
Commen is the day of Iugemente,392
of sorrow may euery synfull syng.393
The day is commen of catyfnes,394
all those to care that ar vncleyn,395
The day of batell and bitternes,396
ffull long abiden has it beyn;397
The day of drede to more and les,398
of Ioy, of tremlyng, and of teyn,399
Ilka wight that wikyd is400
may say, alas this day is seyn!401
here may ye se my Woundys wide402
that I suffred for youre mysdede,403
Thrugh harte, hede, fote, hande and syde,404
not for my gilte bot for youre nede.405
Behald, both bak, body, and syde,406
how dere I boght youre broder-hede,407
Thise bitter paynes I wold, abide,408
to by you blys thus wold, I blede.409
Mi body was skowrgid, withoutten skill,410
also ther full throly was I thrett;411
On crosse thai hang me on a hill,412
blo and blody thus was I bett;413
With crowne of thorne thrastyn full ill,414
A spere vnto my harte thai sett;415
Mi harte blode sparid thai not to spill.416
man, for thi luf wold, I not lett.417
The Iues spytt on me spitusly,418
thai sparid, me no more then a thefe;419
When thai me smote I stud, stilly,420
agans thaym did I nokyns grefe.421
Beholde, mankynde, this ilk am I,422
that for the suffred sich myschefe,423
Thus was I dight for thi foly,424
man, loke thi luf was me full lefe.425
Thus was I dight thi sorow to slake;426
man, thus behovid the borud, to be;427
In all my wo toke I no wrake,428
my will it was for luf of the.429
Man, for sorow aght the to qwake,430
this dredfull day this sight to se;431
All this suffred I for thi sake.432
say, man, What suffred, thou for me?433
Mi blissid barnes on my right hande,434
youre dome this day thar ye not drede,435
ffor all youre ioy is now commande,436
youre life in likyng shall ye lede.437
Commes to the kyngdom ay lastand,438
That you is dight for youre good dede,439
ffull blithe may ye be there ye stand,440
ffor mekill in heuen bees youre mede.441
When I was hungre ye me fed,442
To slek my thrist ye war full fre;443
When I was clothles ye me cled,444
ye Wold, no sorowe on me se;445
In hard, prison When I was sted,446
On my penance ye had pyte;447
ffull seke when I was broght in bed,448
kyndly ye cam to comforth me.449
When I was will and weriest450
ye harberd me full esely,451
ffull glad then were ye of youre gest,452
Ye plenyd my pouerte full pitusly;453
Belife ye broght me of the best,454
And maide my bed there I shuld, ly,455
Therfor in heuen shall be youre rest,456
In ioy and blys to beld, me by.457
Primus Bonus
lord, When had thou so mekill nede?458
hungre or thrusty, how myght it be?459
Secundus Bonus
When was oure harte fre the to feede?460
In prison When myght We the se?461
Tercius Bonus
When was thou seke, or wantyd wede?462
To harbowre the when helpid we?463
Quartus Bonus
When had thou nede of oure fordede?464
when did we all this dede to the?465
Mi blissid barnes, I shall you say466
what tyme this dede was to me done;467
When any that nede had nyght or day,468
Askyd you help and had it sone;469
youre fre harte saide theym neuer nay,470
Erly ne late, myd-day ne noyn,471
As ofte-sithes as thai wold, pray,472
Thai thurte bot aske and haue thare boyn.473
ye cursid, catyfs of kames kyn,474
That neuer me comforthid, in my care,475
Now I and ye for euer shall twyn,476
In doyll to dwell for euer mare;477
youre bitter bayles shall neuer blyn478
That ye shall thole when ye com thare,479
Thus haue ye seruyd for youre syn,480
ffor derfe dedys ye haue doyn are.481
When I had myster of mete and drynke,482
Catyfs, ye chaste me from youre yate;483
when ye were set as syres on bynke484
I stode ther oute wery and Wate,485
yit none of you Wold, on me thynke,486
To haue pite on my poore astate;487
Therfor to hell I shall you synke,488
Well ar ye worthy to go that gate.489
When I was seke and soryest490
ye viset me noght, for I was poore;491
In prison fast when I was fest492
wold, none of you loke how I foore;493
When I wist neuer where to rest494
With dyntys ye drofe me from youre doore,495
Bot euer to pride then were ye prest,496
Mi flesh, my bloode, ye oft for-swore.497
Clothles, When that I was cold,498
That nerehande for you yode I nakyd,499
Mi myschefe sagh ye many folde,500
Was none of you my sorowe slakyd;501
Bot euer forsoke me, yong and olde,502
Therfor shall ye now be forsakyd.503
Primus Malus
lorde, when had thou, that all has,504
hunger or thriste, sen thou god is?505
When was that thou in prison was?506
When was thou nakyd or harberles?507
Secundus Malus
When myght we se the seke, alas!508
and kyd the all this vnkyndnes?509
Tercius Malus
When was we let the helples pas?510
When dyd ye the this wikydnes?511
Quartus Malus
Alas, for doyll this day!512
alas, that euer I it abode!513
Now am I dampned for ay,514
this dome may I not avoyde.515
Catyfs, alas, ofte as it betyde516
that nedefull oght askyd in my name,517
ye harde thaym noght, youre eeres was hid,518
youre help to thaym was not at hame;519
To me was that vnkyndnes kyd,520
therfor ye bere this bitter blame,521
To the lest of myne when ye oght dyd,522
to me ye dyd the self and same.523
Mi chosyn childer, commes to me!524
With me to dwell now shall ye weynde,525
Ther ioy and blys euer shall be,526
youre life in lykyng for to leynde.527
ye warid Wightys, from me ye fle,528
In hell to dwell withoutten ende!529
Ther shall ye noght bot sorow se,530
And sit bi sathanas the feynde.531
Primus Demon
Do now furthe go, / trus, go we hyne!532
vnto endles wo / ay-lastand pyne;533
Nay, tary not so / we get ado syne.534
Secundus Demon
hyte hyder warde, ho / harry ruskyne!535
War oute!536
The meyn shall ye nebyll,537
And I shall syng the trebill,538
A revant the devill539
Till all this hole rowte.540
youre lyfes ar lorne / and commen is youre care;541
ye may ban ye were borne / the bodes you bare,542
And youre faders beforne / so cursid, ye ar.543
Primus Demon
ye may wary the morne / and day that ye ware544
Of youre moder545
ffirst borne forto be,546
ffor the wo ye mon dre.547
Secundus Demon
Ilkone of you mon se548
sorow of oder.549
Where is the gold, and the good / that ye gederd togedir?
The mery menee that yode / hider and thedir?551
Gay gyrdyls, iaggid hode / prankyd gownes, whedir?552
haue ye wit or ye wode / ye broght not hider553
Bot sorowe,554
And youre synnes in youre nekkys.555
Primus Demon
I beshrew thaym that rekkys!556
he comes to late that bekkys557
youre bodyes to borow.558
Secundus Demon
Sir, I Wold, cut thaym a skawte / and make theym be knawne;
Thay were sturdy and hawte / great boste haue thai blawne;
youre pride and youre pransawte / What will it gawne?
ye tolde ilk mans defawte / and forgate youre awne.
Thare neghburs thai demyd,564
Thaym self as it semyd,565
Bot now ar thai flemyd566
ffrom sayntys to recouer.567
Primus Demon
Thar neghburs thai towchid / With wordys full ill,568
The warst ay thai sowchid / and had no skill.569
Secundus Demon
The pennys thai powchid / and held, thaym still;570
The negons thai mowchid / and had no will571
ffor hart fare;572
Bot riche and ill-dedy,573
Gederand and gredy,574
sore napand and nedy575
youre godys forto spare.576
ffor all that ye spard / and dyd extorcyon,577
ffor youre childer ye card / youre heyre and youre son,
Now is all in oureward / youre yeres ar ron,579
It is commen in vowgard / youre dame malison,580
To bynde it;581
ye set bi no cursyng,582
Ne no sich small thyng.583
Primus Demon
No, bot prase at the partyng,584
ffor now mon ye fynde it.585
youre leyfys and youre females / ye brake youre wedlake;
Tell me now what it vales / all that mery lake?587
se so falsly it falys. /588
Secundus Demon
syr, I dar vndertake589
Thai will tell no tales / bot se so thai quake589
ffor moton;590
he that to that gam gose,591
Now namely on old, tose.592
Thou held, vp the lose,593
That had I forgotten.594
Primus Demon
sir, I trow thai be dom / somtyme were full melland;
Will ye se how thai glom. /596
Secundus Demon
thou art ay telland;597
Now shall thai haue rom / in pyk and tar euer dwelland,
Of thare sorow no some / bot ay to be yelland598
In oure fostre.599
By youre lefe may We mefe you?600
Primus Demon
showe furth, I shrew you!601
Secundus Demon
yit to-nyght shall I shew you602
A mese of ill ostre.603
Of thise cursid forsworne / and all that here leyndys,
Blaw, wolfys-hede and oute-horne / now namely my freyndys.
Primus Demon
Illa haill were ye borne / youre awne shame you sheyndys,
That shall ye fynde or to morne. /607
Secundus Demon
com now with feyndys608
To youre angre;608
youre dedys you dam;609
Com, go we now sam,610
It is commen youre gam,611
Com, tary no langer.612
Primus Bonus
We loue the, lorde, in alkyn thyng,613
That for thyne awne has ordand thus,614
That we may haue now oure dwellyng615
In heuen blis giffen vnto vs.616
Therfor full boldly may we syng617
On oure way as we trus;618
Make we all myrth and louyng619
With te deum laudamus.620

2022 Jan 21  20:05:23