The Flechars, Bowyers, Coopers, and Stringers Playe

Incipit pagina decima sexta de passione Christi; et primo venient Jadei adducentes Jesum ad Annam et Caypham, et primo incipit

Primus Judeus
Sir bushoppes, heare we have broughte1
A wreche that moche wo has wroughte,
And woulde bringe our lawe to naughte,
Righte so at it hath he sppurned.
Secundus Judeus
Yea, wyde were we have hym soughte,5
And deare also we have hym boughte,
For heare manye mens thoughte
To hym he hase torned.
A! janglinge Jesu, arte thou nowe here?9
Nowe thou maye prove thy postie power,
Wheither thy cause be cleane and cleare,
Thy Christehoode we muste knowe.
Me thinke a maisterye that it were13
Other for penye or prayer,
To shutte hym of his dangere,
And suche [a sleight] to shewe.
[Sir Cayphas, I saye seckerly,17
We that bene in companye
Must needes this dosebeirde destroye,
That wickedly hase wroughte.]
Sir, it is nedfull, this saye I,21
That on man dye witterlye,
All the people to for-by,
So that the perishe naughte.
Tercius Judeus
Sir Cayphas, harcken nowe to me,25
This babelavante or kinge woulde be;
Whatsoever he sayes nowe before thee,
I harde hym saye full yore
That prince he was of such postee,
Destroye the temple well mighte he,
And bulde it up in dayes three,31
Righte as it was before.
Quartus Judeus
Yea, sicker that I harde hym saye,33
He maye not denye, by no waye,
And also that he was God vereye,
Emanuell and Messie;
He maye not nye this ne saye ney,
For moe then fortye in good faye,
That in the temple were that daye,39
Harden as well as I.
Saye, Jesu, to this what sayen ye?41
Thou wotteste nowe what is put on thee,
Put fourth, prince, thy postie,
And perceive what the proven.
What? devill of hell! not on worde speakes he!
Yet, Jesu, here I counger thee,
Yf thou be Godes sonne, here before me47
Answere to that the moven.
As thou saves righte, so save I,49
I am Godes sonne almightie;
And heare I tell thee trewlye,
That me yet shall thou see
Sitte on Godes righte hande hym by,
Mankinde in cloudes to justiffye.
Marye, justiffye! fye on thee, fye!55
Wittnes of all this companye,
That falslye lyes he.
You heren all what he sayes heare!
Of wyttnes nowe what nede were,
For before all thes folke in fere
Lowdlye thou lyes.61
What saye you, men, that nowe be here?
Primus Judeus
Buffittes hym that makes this beare:63
For to God he maye not be deare,
That our lawe so destroyes.
Destroye shall he not it.66
You wreches, ye wanten witte,
Founde that frecke a fitte,
And gurde hym on the face.
Dispice hym, spume, and spitte;70
Lett see, or you sitte,
Who has hape to hitte,
That us this harmed has.

Tunc Judex statuent Jesum in cathedram; et dicat torquendo

Primuz Judeus
For his harminge here,74
Nighe will I nere,
This same lewde fere,
That makes our lawe false.
Secundus Judeus
He is, without were,78
To the devill full deare.
Spitte we in feare,
And buffitte hym [als].
Tercius Judeus exputans.
Yea, harcken in this place nowe,
Howe he lyed hase nowe,84
In medeste his face nowe
Fowle will I fowle hym.
Quartus Judeus exputans.
Passe he shall a pace nowe,
For God he hym makes nowe,
Grettes he no grace nowe,90
When I maye begyle hym.
Primus Judeus dam alapam.
Fye upon this freke!
Stowpe nowe and creke;
Thy breynes to breake
Am I readye bowne?96

Tunc Secundus Judeus dans alapam velando faciem Jesu, et dicat

Secundus Judeus
His face will I stecke97
With a cloth, or he creke,
And us all wrecke,
For my warryson.
Tercius Judeus
And thou be Messye,101
And loth for to lye,
Whoe smote thee? crye,
Yf that thou be Christe.
[Quartus Judeus
For all his prophesye,
Yet he fayles thrye,107
Though my fiste flye,
Gettes he a feiste.]
Primus Judeus percutiens.
Though he sore skricke,
A bumtte shall bytte,
Maye no man me whytte,113
Though I doe hym woe.
[Secundus Judeus
Hym fayles to flytt,
Or ought to despitte;
For he hase to lite,
Now must he have moe.]119
Tercius Judeus percutiens.
And moe yet I maye,
I shall sone assaye,
And shewe large paye,
Thou prince, on thy pate.
Quartus Judeus
Yf he saye ney,125
I shall [in] faye
Laye on, I dare laye
It is not to late.

Tunc cessabunt ab alapis, et dicat Cayphas:

Lordinges, what is your beste rede?129
This man hase served to be dead,
And yf he lightlye thus be lead,
Our lawe cleane will slepe.
Sir, it is full myne advise,133
Leade we hym to the highe justice;
Sir Pilate is bouth ware and wise,
And hase the lawe to kepe.

Tunc Cayphas et Annas et Judex adducant Jesum ad Pylatum: dicat Cayphas:

Sir Pilate, here we bringe one,137
That false is and our elders fone,
Tribute maye be geven non
To Ceser for hym here.
Whersoever he and his felowes gone,
The tome the folkes to them eichone j
No we aske we dome hym upon,143
Of tliee that has power.
Sicker he is our elders foe:145
Whersoever he goeth to or froe,
That he is Christe and kinge also
He preaches appeartlye.
Wiste Ceser that, he would be woe,
Suche a man if we let goe;
Therfore to dampne hym we bene throe,151
Lest he us all destroye.
Per wus, sir Cayphas,153
Dye vous, sir Annas,
Et sum dispte Judas,
Vel aires infinte.
Come up, lordinges, I you praye,
And we shall heare what he will saie
Amonge this felowshipe here.159
What sayeste thou, man in misserye?
And thou be kinge of Jewes, saye.
Soe thou sayes, men heare maie,162
A kinge that thou me mase.
No cause fynde I, in good faye,164
To doe this man to death to daie.
Sir, the people, us to myspaye,166
Converted to hym all he has.
Yea, all the lande of Gallalye,168
Cleane torned to hym hase he;
Therfore dome nowe aske we,
This false man to doe downe.
Wher as he was borne, ther seene ye,172
To Herode sende sone shall he be,
Elles rafte I hym his royalltye,
And blemished his renowne.
Goe leade hym to Herode in hye,
And saye I send hym to Justine
This man of which he hath maisterye,178
At his owine likinge.
Primus Judeus
Hym shall you have full hastelye,180
And leade hym theider anon will I.
Come thou fourth with thy ribaldrye,
And speake with our kinge.

Tunc ibunt duo Judex adducentes Jesum ad Herodem, et dicat

Primus Judeus
Sir kinge, heare sir Pilate hath you sente184
A shrewe that our lawe has shente,
For to have his judgmente,
Or he hense awaye wende.
A! welckome, Jesu, veremente,188
And I thanke Pilate of this presente,
For ofte tymes I have bene in that intente,
After thee to have sende.
Jesu, moche have I harde of thee,
Some vertue fayne nowe woulde I see.
Yf thou from God in magistie194
Be comon, tell us heare:
I praye thee saye nowe to me,
And prove some of thy postie,
And moche the gladder would I be,
Trulye all this yeaire.

Jesu nicil respondebit, el dicit Herodes

What! I wene that man is wood,200
Or elles dompe and can noe good!
Suche a stalwarde before me [never] stood,
So stowte and stearne is he.
Speake on, Jesus, for cockes bloode,
For Pilate shall not, by my hoode,
Doe thee non amysse, but mende thy moode,206
And speake somewhat with me.
Alas! I am nighe woode for woe,
Me thinke this man is wounder throo,
Dombe and deafe as a doted doo,
Or franticke, in good faye.
Yet seinge that Pilate hath done soe,212
The wrath that was betwene us too
I forgeve, noe more to be his foe,
To be after this daye.
Cloth hym in whyte, for in this case,
To Pilate it maye be solace;
For Jewes custom before was,218
To clouth men that were wood,
Or madde nowe as he hym mase,
As well seemes by his face:
For hym that has loste his grace
This garment is full good.

Tunc Judei induent eum veste alba, et dicat

Primuz Judeus
Have this, Jesus, upon thee,224
A worshipffull weede, as thinkes me,
Of the kinges livereye,
That nowe is on thee lighte.
Secundus Judeus
Put thee fourth, thou maye not fley,228
Nowe thou arte in thy royaltye,
Sir Herode kinge be leeve of thee,
And graunte mercye guyfte.

Tunc redeunt duo Judei ad Pilatum adducentes Jesum in veste alba, et dicat

Primus Judeus
Sir Pilate, here the kinge hath sente232
Jesus againe, and seith we wente,
He hath forgotten his male intente,
For thy deed to daye.
Yea, faulte in hym can I fynde non,236
Ne Herode has seene heare upon,
Therfore it is beste we let hym gone
Wheither he will his waie.
Secundus Judeus
Nay, ney, we all cryne with one voyce,240
Nayle hym to the crosse!
You men, for shame, let be your noyse, —242
My counscell will I saye.
You knowe eichon the manere,
Delivered muste be a prisoner,
This feaste that nowe approcheth nere,
For honour of the daye.
Will you Jesus delivered be?248
Tercius Judeus
Neye, suffer the death worthy is he,249
And ther upon all crye we,
And Barabam reserved.
What shall I doe with Jesus heare,252
That Christe is called and kinge in feare?
Quartus Judeus
Nayle him on the crosse, in all manere,254
For so he hath deservede.
Nowe seinge I se you soe fervente,256
And shapen that he shalbe shente,
Wayshe I will here in your presente,
Waxe you never so woode;
You shall all witte veramente,
That I am cleane and innocente,
And for to sheede in noe intente262
This rightwise mans bloode.

Tunc Pilatus lavabit manibus, et Cayphas et Annas recedent cum Pilato: dicat

You prelates, here everye eichone264
What? will you doe let hym gone?
Nayle, nayle hym to the crosse anon,266
And deeme hym or thou leve.
Take you hym that be so gryme,268
And after your lawe deme you hym.
Nay, that is not lawfull, leith ner lym270
For us no man to reve.
What devill of hell is this to saye I272
Jesus, tell me, I thee praye,
Arte thou kinge, saye yea or nay,
Of Jewes by auncestrye?
Wheither hopest thou it so be,276
Or other men toulde it thee?
Naye, faye! thy selfe maie knowe and see278
That noe Jewe am I.
Men of thyn owne nacion
Shewen for thy damnacion,
With manye accusacion,
And all this daie have.
Arte thou kinge? saye, for all ther crye.284
My relme in this worlde saye I285
Is not; but, were it witterlye,
With Jewes were I not tane.
And yf my realme in this worlde were,
Strive with you I would nowe here,
And leade with me suche power,
Shoulde prive you of your praye.291
But my mighte in this manere
Will I not prove, nor nowe apeare
As worldlye kinge, my cause uncleare
Were then, in good faye.
Ergo, a kinge thou arte or was.296
That thou sayeste it is no lesse.297
But nowe I tell thee heare exspres,
That kinge I am and maye be.
In worlde I came to beare wittnes
Of southnes, therfore borne I was,
And all that leeven southnes,
Take heede to that I saye.303
What is southnes? tell thou me.304
Southnes came from Godes see.305
In yeairth then hath truth no postye,306
In thyne opinion?
Howe shoulde truth on earth be,308
Whyle so denied in eairth is he
Of them that hath non authorittie
In yeairth, againste reason?
Lordinges, I finde no cause, i-wisse,312
To dampne this man that here is.
Pilate, he hath done moche amisse:314
Let hym never passe.
By Moyses lawe leven we,
And after that lawe dead shall he be,
For apeartlye preachead has he
Godes sonne that he was.
Yea, Pilate, he that makes hym apeare320
Other to kinge or kinges feare,
Withsaith Ceaser of his power,
And so we have done with hym;
And whoso called hym selfe a kinge here,
Reves Ceaser of his power.
Anon goe scorge this losingere,326
And beate hym leith and lym.
Primus Judeus
Come, nowe, with care,328
Frecke, for thy fare,
On thy bodye bare
Strockes shalte thou beare.
Secundus Judeus
Caste of thy ware,332
Of all thy clothes yare
Starte nowe and stare,
This stalwarde I will steare.

Tunc spoliabunt ipsum et ligabunt ad columnam, et dicat

Tercius Judeus
Nowe he is bounden;336
Be he never so wounden,
Sone he shalbe founden
With flapes in feare.
Quartus Judeus
In woe he is wounden,340
And his grane is gronden;
No lade unto London
Suche lawe can hym lere.
Primuz Judeus
Nowe seith he kinge is,344
Whyte is clothinge is,
Begger to thee I bringe this,
Thee for to weare.
Secundus Judeus
All ye lythinge this is,348
That of oulde spronge is,
Of thornes this thinge is,
Thee for to weare.
Tercius Judeus
Nowe thou haste a weed,352
Have heare a reede,
A cepter I thee bide,
A kinge for to be.
Quartus Judeus
Harvye, take heede,356
This muste I need,
For my fowle deed,
Knele upon my knye.
Primuz Judeus
Heale, kinge of Jewes!360
That so manye men rewes,
Riball, thee rewes
With all thy reverence.
Secundus Judeus
With irone on hym hewes,364
On his hyde hewes;
Anoyntmente the newes,
For thyn offence.
Tercius Judeus
To wryte in his face,368
Thou that thee kinge mase,
Noe my nose hase
Good spice of the newe.
Quartus Judeus
With a harde grace372
Thou came to this place,
Passe thou this race,
Sore shall thou rewe.
Lordinges, here you maye se376
Your kinge all in his royaltye.
Naye, sir, for south no kinge have we,378
Save the emperowre of Rome, perdye!
And but thou nayle hym to the treey,
The emperower wrath wilbe.
All we saye righte as saith he,382
Deme hym wliyle thou haste tyme.
Wheither of them will you hane,384
Jesus Christe or Barabam?
Naye Jesus, this traytor that is tane,386
Muste nayled be to the tree,
And let Barrabam goe his waie.
Take hym to you nowe, as I saye;389
For save hym I ney maye,
Undone but I woulde be.
Primuz Judeus
This dome is at an ende.392
Nowe rede I that we wende,
This shrewe for to shende,
A littill here besyde.

Ponet crucem super dorsum, et dicat:

Secundus Judeus
Heare shall thou not lende:396
Come neither and be hynd,
Thy backe for to bende,
Hit maye thou not abyde.

Tunc ibunt versus montem Calvaries.

The damsell doth speake to Petter.

Was not thou with Jesus of Nazareth?400
I knowe hym not, or what thou saies.401
Sires, I tell you playne,402
This man here is on of them
That was with hym in the garden,
I knowe it to be trewe.
It is not trewe, so mote I thee,406
I knowe hym not by any degree.
The Jewe.
One of them thou arte assuredlye,
And thou arte also of Gallalye,
Thy speche clearlye bewrayeth thee,
In wittnes of us all.412
In faith and troth, that is not so:413
Shame have I, and mickell wo,
Yf ever I did hvm before knowe,
Or kepte hym companye.

Finis. Deo gracias! per me, Georgi Bellin.

Come, Lorde Jesu, come quicklye. 1592.

The ende of this storye is begennan in the nexte leafe ffollowinge.

2023 Sep 26  11:45:55