The Tapiters' and Couchers' Play: Christ before Pilate I: The Dream of Pilate's Wife

Yhe cursed creatures that cruelly are cryand,1
Restreyne you for stryuyng for strengh of my strakis;
Youre pleyntes in my presence vse plately applyand,
Or ellis this brande in youre braynes sone brestis and brekis.
This brande in his bones brekis,
What brawle that with brawlyng me brewis,
That wrecche may not wrye fro my wrekis,7
Nor his sleyghtis noyot slely hym slakis;
Latte that traytour noyot triste in my trewys.
For sir Sesar was my sier and I sothely his sonne,
That exelent emperoure exaltid in hight
Whylk all this wilde worlde with wytes had wone,
And my modir hight Pila that proude was o plight;13
O Pila that prowde, Atus hir fadir he hight.
This ‘Pila’ was hadde into ‘Atus’-
Nowe renkis, rede yhe it right?
For thus schortely I haue schewid you in sight
Howe I am prowdely preued ‘Pilatus’.
Loo, Pilate I am, proued a prince of grete pride.19
I was putte into Pounce the pepill to presse,
And sithen Sesar hymselffe with exynatores be his side
Remytte me to ther remys the renkes to redresse.
And yitte am Y graunted on grounde as I gesse
To justifie and juge all the Jewes.
A, luffe, here lady? No lesse?25
Lo sirs, my worthely wiffe, that sche is,
So semely, loo, certayne scho schewys.
Was nevir juge in this Jurie of so jocounde generacion,
Nor of so joifull genologie to gentrys enioyned
As yhe, my duke doughty, demar of dampnacion
To princes and prelatis that youre preceptis perloyned.
Who that youre preceptis pertely perloyned,
With drede into dede schall ye dryffe hym;
By my trouthe, he vntrewly is troned34
That agaynste youre behestis hase honed;
All to ragges schall ye rente hym and ryue hym.
I am dame precious Percula, of prynces the prise,
Wiffe to ser Pilate here, prince withouten pere.
All welle of all womanhede I am, wittie and wise,
Consayue nowe my countenaunce so comly and clere.40
The coloure of my corse is full clere
And in richesse of robis I am rayed,
Ther is no lorde in this londe as I lere,
In faith, that hath a frendlyar feere
Than yhe my lorde, myselffe thof I saye itt.
Nowe saye itt may ye saffely, for I will certefie the same.
Gracious lorde, gramercye, youre gode worde is gayne.
Yhitt for to comforte my corse me muste kisse you madame.
To fulfille youre forward my fayre lorde I am fayne.
Howe, howe, felawys! Nowe in faith I am fayne50
Of theis lippis so loffely are lappid
In bedde is full buxhome and bayne.
Yha sir, it nedith not to layne,53
All ladise we coveyte than bothe to be kyssid and clappid.
My liberall lorde, o leder of lawis,55
O schynyng schawe that all schames escheues,
I beseke you my souerayne, assente to my sawes,
As ye are gentill juger and justice of Jewes.
Do herke howe yon, javell, jangill of Jewes.59
Why, go bette horosonne boy, when I bidde the.
Madame, I do but that diewe is.61
But yf thou reste of thy resoune thou rewis,62
For all is acursed, carle-hase in, kydde the!
Do mende you madame, and youre mode be amendand,64
For me semys it wer sittand to se what he sais.
Mi lorde, he tolde nevir tale that to me was tendand,
But with wrynkis and with wiles to wend me my weys.
Gwisse, of youre wayes to be wendand itt langis to oure lawes.
Loo lorde, this ladde with his lawes!69
Howe, thynke ye it prophitis wele his prechyng to prayse?
Yha luffe, he knawis all oure custome,71
I knawe wele …
My seniour, will ye see nowe the sonne in youre sight,
For his stately strengh he stemmys in his stremys?
Behalde ovir youre hede how he heldis fro hight
And glydis to the grounde with his glitterand glemys.
To the grounde he gois with his bemys
And the nyght is neghand anone.
Yhe may deme aftir no dremys,79
But late my lady here with all hir light lemys
Wightely go wende till hir wone;
For ye muste sitte sir this same nyght, of lyfe and of lyme.
Itt is noyot leeffull for my lady by the lawe of this lande
In dome for to dwelle for the day waxe ought dymme,
For scho may stakir in the strete but scho stalworthely stande.
[…     …]85
Late hir take hir leve whill that light is.
Nowe wiffe, than ye blythely be buskand.87
I am here sir, hendely att hande.88
Loo, this renke has vs redde als right is.89
Youre comaundement to kepe to kare forthe Y caste me.
My lorde, with youre leue, no lenger Y lette yowe.
Itt were a repreue to my persone that preuely yoe paste me,
Or ye wente fro this wones or with wynne yoe had wette yowe.
Ye schall wende forthe with wynne whenne that yoe haue wette yowe.
Gete drinke! What dose thou? Haue done!
Come semely, beside me, and sette yowe.
Loke, nowe it is even here that I are behete you,
Ya, saie it nowe sadly and sone.98
Itt wolde glad me my lorde if yoe gudly begynne.99
Nowe I assente to youre counsaille so comely and clere.
Nowe drynke madame-to deth all this dynne.
Iff it like yowe, myne awne lorde, I am not to lere-
This lare I am not to lere.
Yitt efte to youre damysell madame.104
In thy hande, holde nowe and haue here.105
Gramarcy, my lady so dere.106
Nowe fares-wele, and walke on youre way.107
[…     …]107
Now farewele the frendlyest, youre fomen to fende.108
Nowe farewele the fayrest figure that euere did fode fede,
And farewele ye damysell, indede.
My lorde, I comande me to youre ryalté.111
Fayre lady, here is schall you lede.112
Sir, go with this worthy in wede,
And what scho biddis you doo loke that buxsome you be.
I am prowde and preste to passe on apasse,115
To go with this gracious hir gudly to gyde.
Take tente to my tale thou turne on no trayse,117
Come tyte and telle me yf any tythyngis betyde.
Yf any tythyngis my lady betyde,119
I schall full sone sir witte you to say.
This semely schall I schewe by hir side
Belyffe sir, no lenger we byde.
Nowe fares-wele, and walkes on youre way.123
Nowe wente is my wiffe, yf it wer not hir will,
And scho rakis tille hir reste as of nothyng scho rought.
Tyme is, I telle the, thou tente me vntill;
And buske the belyue, belamy, to bedde that Y wer broght
[…     …]127
And loke I be rychely arrayed.
Als youre seruaunte I haue sadly it sought,129
And this nyght, sir, newe schall ye noght,
I dare laye, fro ye luffely be layde.
I comaunde the to come nere, for I will kare to my couche.
Haue in thy handes hendely and heue me fro hyne,
But loke that thou tene me not with thi tastyng, but tendirly me touche.
A, sir, yhe whe wele.135
Yha, I haue wette me with wyne135
[…     …]135
Yhit helde doune and lappe me even here,
For I will slelye slepe vnto synne.
Loke that no man nor no myron of myne
With no noyse be neghand me nere.
Sir, what warlowe yow wakens with wordis full wilde,
That boy for his brawlyng were bettir be vnborne.
Yha, who chatteres, hym chastise, be he churle or childe,
For and he skape skatheles itt were to vs a grete skorne-
Yf skatheles he skape it wer a skorne.
What rebalde that redely will rore,
I schall mete with that myron tomorne
And for his ledir lewdenes hym lerne to be lorne.
Whe! So sir, slepe ye, and saies no more.148
Nowe are we at home. Do helpe yf ye may,149
For I will make me redye and rayke to my reste.
Yhe are werie madame, for-wente of youre way,151
Do boune you to bedde, for that holde I beste.
Here is a bedde arayed of the beste.153
Do happe me, and faste hense ye hye.154
Madame, anone all dewly is dressid.155
With no stalkyng nor no striffe be ye stressed.156
Nowe be yhe in pese, both youre carpyng and crye.157
Owte! Owte! Harrowe!157
Into bale am I brought, this bargayne may I banne,
But yf Y wirke some wile in wo mon I wonne.
This gentilman, Jesu, of cursednesse he can,
Be any syngne that I see this same is Goddis sonne.
And he be slone oure solace will sese,
He will saue man saule fro oure sonde163
And refe vs the remys that are rounde.
I will on stiffely in this stounde
Vnto ser Pilate wiffe pertely and putte me in prese.
O woman, be wise and ware, and wonne in thi witte
Ther schall a gentilman, Jesu, vnjustely be juged
Byfore thy husband in haste, and with harlottis be hytte.
And that doughty today to deth thus be dyghted,
Sir Pilate, for his prechyng, and thou,
With nede schalle ye namely be noyed.
Youre striffe and youre strenghe schal be stroyed,
Youre richesse schal be refte you that is rude,
With vengeaunce, and that dare I auowe.175
A, I am drecchid with a dreme full dredfully to dowte.
Say childe, rise vppe radly and reste for no roo,
Thow muste launce to my lorde and lowly hym lowte,
Comaunde me to his reuerence, as right weill Y doo.
O, what, schall I trauayle thus tymely this tyde?180
Madame, for the drecchyng of heuen,
Slyke note is newsome to neven
And it neghes vnto mydnyght full even.
Go bette boy, I bidde no lenger thou byde,184
And saie to my souereyne this same is soth that I send hym:
All naked this nyght as I napped
With tene and with trayne was I trapped,
With a sweuene that swiftely me swapped
Of one Jesu, the juste man the Jewes will vndoo.
She prayes tente to that trewe man, with tyne be noyot trapped,
But als a domesman dewly to be dressand,
And lelye delyuere that lede.
Madame, I am dressid to that dede-193
But firste will I nappe in this nede,
For he hase mystir of a morne-slepe that mydnyght is myssand.
Sir Cayphas, ye kenne wele this caytiffe we haue cached
That ofte-tymes in oure tempill hase teched vntrewly.
Oure meyné with myght at mydnyght hym mached
And hase drevyn hym till his demyng for his dedis vndewly;
Wherfore I counsaile that kyndely we care
Vnto ser Pilate oure prince, and pray hym
That he for oure right will arraye hym-202
This faitour-for his falsed to flay hym;
For fro we saie hym the soth he schall sitte hym full sore.
Sir Anna, this sporte haue ye spedely aspied,205
As I am pontificall prince of all prestis.
We will prese to ser Pilate, and presente hym with pride
With this harlott that has hewed oure hartis fro oure brestis
Thurgh talkyng of tales vntrewe.
And therfor ser knyghtis-
Sir knyghtis that are curtayse and kynde,211
We charge you that chorle be wele chyned.
Do buske you and grathely hym bynde
And rugge hym in ropes his rase till he rewe.
Miles 1
Sir, youre sawes schall be serued schortely and sone.
Yha, do felawe, be thy feith; late vs feste this faitour full fast.
Miles 2
I am douty to this dede, delyuer, haue done;217
Latte vs pulle on with pride till his poure be paste.
Miles 1
Do haue faste and halde at his handes.219
Miles 2
For this same is he that lightly avaunted,220
And God sone he grathely hym graunted.
Miles 1
He bese hurled for the highnes he haunted-222
Loo, he stonyes for vs, he stares where he standis.
Miles 2
Nowe is the brothell boune for all the boste that he blawe,
And the laste day he lete no lordynges myyot lawe hym.
Ya, he wende this worlde had bene haly his awne.226
Als ye are dowtiest today tille his demyng ye drawe hym,
And than schall we kenne how that he canne excuse hym.
Miles 1
Here, ye gomes, gose a-rome, giffe vs gate,229
We muste steppe to yone sterne of astate.
Miles 2
We muste yappely wende in at this yate,231
For he that comes to courte, to curtesye muste vse hym.
Miles 1
Do rappe on the renkis that we may rayse with oure rolyng.
Come forthe sir coward, why cowre ye behynde?
O, what javellis are ye that jappis with gollyng?235
Miles 1
A, goode sir, be noyot wroth, for wordis are as the wynde.
I saye, gedlynges, gose bakke with youre gawdes.237
Miles 2
Be sufferand I beseke you,238
And more of this matere yhe meke yowe.
Why, vnconand knaves, an I cleke yowe,240
I schall felle yowe, be my faith, for all youre false frawdes.
Say childe, ill cheffe you! What churlles are so claterand?
My lorde, vnconand knaves thei crye and thei call.243
Gose baldely beliffe and thos brethellis be batterand,
And putte tham in prisoune vppon peyne that may fall.
Yha, spedely spir tham yf any sporte can thei spell-
Yha, and loke what lordingis thei be.
My lorde that luffull in lee,248
I am boxsom and blithe to your blee.
And if they talke any tythyngis come tyte and me tell.
Can ye talke any tythandis, by youre faith, my felawes?
Miles 1
Yha sir, sir Cayphas and Anna ar come both togedir252
To sir Pilate o Pounce and prince of oure lawes;
And thei haue laughte a lorell that is lawles and liddir.
My lorde, my lorde!255
My lorde, vnlappe yow belyve where ye lye.256
Sir Cayphas to youre courte is caried,
And sir Anna, but a traytour hem taried.
Many wight of that warlowe has waried,
They haue brought hym in a bande his balis to bye.
But are thes sawes certayne in soth that thou saies?
Yha lorde, the states yondir standis, for striffe are they stonde.
Now than am I light as a roo, and ethe for to rayse.
Go bidde tham come in both, and the boye they haue ne.
Siris, my lorde geues leue inne for to come.265
Hayle prince that is pereles in price,266
Ye are leder of lawes in this lande,
Youre helpe is full hendely at hande.
Hayle, stronge in youre state for to stande,269
Alle this dome muste be dressed at youre dulye deuyse.
Who is there, my prelates?271
Yha lorde.271
Nowe be yoe welcome iwisse.271
Gramercy my souerayne. But we beseke you all same272
Bycause of wakand you vnwarly be noght wroth with this,
For we haue brought here a lorell-he lokis like a lambe.
Come byn, you bothe, and to the benke brayde yowe.275
Nay gud sir, laugher is leffull for vs.276
A, sir Cayphas, be curtayse yhe bus.277
Nay goode lorde, it may not be thus.278
Sais no more, but come sitte you beside me in sorowe as I saide youe.
Hayle, the semelieste seeg vndir sonne sought,280
Hayle, the derrest duke and doughtiest in dede.
Now bene-veneuew beuscher, what boodworde haste thou brought?
Hase any langour my lady newe laught in this leede?
Sir, that comely comaundes hir youe too,284
And sais, al nakid this nyght as sche napped
With tene and with traye was sche trapped,
With a sweuene that swiftely hir swapped
Of one Jesu, the juste man the Jewes will vndo.
She beseches you as hir souerayne that symple to saue,
Deme hym noght to deth for drede of vengeaunce.290
What, I hope this be he that hyder harlid yoe haue.
Ya sir, the same and the selffe-but this is but a skaunce,
He with wicchecrafte this wile has he wrought.
Some feende of his sand has he sente
And warned youre wiffe or he wente.
Yowe! That schalke shuld not shamely be shente,296
This is sikir in certayne, and soth schulde be sought.
Yha, thurgh his fantome and falshed and fendes-craft
He has wroght many wondir where he walked full wyde,
Wherfore, my lorde, it wer leeffull his liffe were hym rafte.
Be ye neuere so bryme ye bothe bus abide301
But if the traytoure be taught for vntrewthe,
And therfore sermones you no more.
I will sekirly sende hymselffe fore,
And se what he sais to the sore.
Bedell, go brynge hyme, for of that renke haue I rewthe.
This forward to fulfille am I fayne moued in myn herte.
Say, Jesu, the juges and the Jewes hase me enioyned
To bringe the before tham even bounden as thou arte.
Yone lordyngis to lose the full longe haue thei heyned,
But firste schall I wirschippe the with witte and with will.
This reuerence I do the forthy,
For wytes that wer wiser than I,313
They worshipped the full holy on hy
And with solempnité sang Osanna till.
Miles 1
My lorde that is leder of lawes in this lande,316
All bedilis to your biding schulde be boxsome and bayne,
And yoitt this boy here before yowe full boldely was bowand
To worschippe this warlowe-methynke we wirke all in vayne.
Miles 2
Yha, and in youre presence he prayed hym of pees,320
In knelyng on knes to this knave
He besoughte hym his seruaunte to saue.
Loo lord, such arrore amange them thei haue323
It is grete sorowe to see, no seeg may it sese.
It is no menske to youre manhed that mekill is of myght
To forbere such forfettis that falsely are feyned,
Such spites in especiall wolde be eschewed in your sight.
Sirs, moves you noyot in this matere but bese myldely demeaned,
For yone curtasie I kenne had som cause.
In youre sight sir the soth schall I saye,330
As ye are prince take hede I you praye,
Such a lourdayne vnlele, dare I laye,
Many lordis of oure landis might lede fro oure lawes.
Saye losell, who gaue the leve so for to lowte to yone ladde
And solace hym in my sight so semely that I sawe?
A, gracious lorde, greue you noght for gude case I hadde.
Yhe comaunded me to care, als ye kenne wele and knawe,
To Jerusalem on a journay, with seele;
And than this semely on an asse was sette
And many men myldely hym mette,
Als a God in that grounde thai hym grette,
Wele semand hym in waye with worschippe lele.342
‘Osanna’ thei sange, ‘the sone of Dauid’,
Riche men with thare robes thei ranne to his fete,
And poure folke fecched floures of the frith
And made myrthe and melody this man for to mete.
Nowe gode sir, be thi feith, what is ‘Osanna’ to saie?
Sir, constrew it we may be langage of this lande as I leue,
It is als moche to me for to meue-
Youre prelatis in this place can it preue-
Als, ‘oure sauiour and souerayne thou saue vs we prayé.
Loo senioures, how semes yow? The sothe I you saide.
Yha lorde, this ladde is full liddir, be this light.
Yf his sawes wer serchid and sadly assaied,
Saue youre reuerence, his resoune thei rekenne noyot with right.
This caytiffe thus cursedly can construe vs.
Sirs, trulye the trouthe I haue tolde357
Of this wighte yoe haue wrapped in wolde.
I saie, harlott, thy tonge schulde thou holde,359
And noght agaynste thi maistirs to meve thus.
Do sese of youre seggyng, and I schall examyne full sore.
Sir, demes hym to deth or dose hym away.362
Sir, haue ye saide?363
Yha lorde.363
Nowe go sette you with sorowe and care,363
For I will lose no lede that is lele to oure lay.
But steppe furth and stonde vppe on hight
And buske to my bidding, thou boy,
And for the nones that thou neven vs a noy.
I am here at youre hande to halow a hoy,368
Do move of youre maistir for I shall melle it with myyot.
Cry ‘Oyas’.370
Yit efte, be thi feithe.370
Yit lowdar, that ilke lede may lithe-371
Crye pece in this prese, vppon payne thervppon,
Bidde them swage of ther sweying bothe swiftely and swithe
And stynte of ther stryuyng and stande still as a stone.
Calle Jesu the gentill of Jacob, the Jewe.
Come preste and appere,
To the barre drawe the nere,377
To thi jugement here,
To be demed for his dedis vndewe.
Miles 1
Whe, harke how this harlott he heldis oute of harre,
This lotterelle liste noght my lorde to lowte.
Miles 2
Say beggar, why brawlest thou? Go boune the to the barre.
Miles 1
Steppe on thy standyng so sterne and so stoute.383
Miles 2
Steppe on thys standyng so still.384
Miles 1
Sir cowarde, to courte muste yhe care-385
Miles 2
A lessoune to lerne of oure lare.386
Miles 1
Flitte fourthe, foule myght thou fare.387
Miles 2
Say warlowe, thou wantist of thi will.388
O Jesu vngentill, thi joie is in japes,389
Thou can not be curtayse, thou caytiffe I calle the,
No ruthe were it to rug the and ryue the in ropes.
Why falles thou noyot flatte here, foule falle the,
For ferde of my fadir so free?
Thou wotte noght his wisdome iwys,
All thyne helpe in his hande that it is,395
Howe sone he myght saue the fro this.
Obeye hym, brothell, I bidde the.
Now Jesu, thou art welcome ewys, as I wene,398
Be noyot abasshed but boldely boune the to the barre;
What seyniour will sewe for the sore I haue sene.
To wirke on this warlowe, his witte is in warre.
Come preste, of a payne, and appere,
And sir prelatis, youre pontes bes prevyng.
What cause can ye caste of accusyng?404
This mater ye marke to be meving,
And hendly in haste late vs here.
Sir Pilate o Pounce and prince of grete price,407
We triste ye will trowe oure tales thei be trewe,
To deth for to deme hym with dewly device.
For cursidnesse yone knave hase in case, if ye knew,
In harte wolde ye hate hym in hye.
For if it wer so
We mente not to misdo;413
Triste, ser, schall ye therto,
We hadde not hym taken to the.
Sir, youre tales wolde I trowe but thei touche none entente.
What cause can ye fynde now this freke for to felle?
Our Sabbotte he saues not, but sadly assente418
To wirke full vnwisely, this wote I riyot wele,
[…     …]419
He werkis whane he will, wele I wote,
And therfore in herte we hym hate.
Itt sittis you to strenghe youre estate
Yone losell to louse for his lay.
Ilke a lede for to louse for his lay is not lele.424
Youre lawes is leffull, but to youre lawis longis it
This faitoure to feese wele with flappes full fele,
And woo may ye wirke hym be lawe, for he wranges it.
Therfore takes vnto you full tyte,
And like as youre lawes will you lede
Ye deme hym to deth for his dede.430
Nay, nay sir, that dome muste vs drede,431
[…     …]431
It longes noyot till vs no lede for to lose.
What wolde ye I did thanne? The deuyll motte you drawe!
Full fewe are his frendis but fele are his fooes.
His liff for to lose thare longes no lawe,
Nor no cause can I kyndely contryue
That why he schulde lose thus his liffe.
A, gude sir, it raykes full ryffe438
In steedis wher he has stirrid mekill striffe
Of ledis that is lele to youre liffe.
Sir, hatle men and hurte he helid in haste,441
The deffe and the dome he delyuered fro doole
By wicchecrafte, I warande-his wittis schall waste-
For the farles that he farith with loo how thei folowe yone fole,
Oure folke so thus he frayes in fere.
The dede he rayses anone-446
This Lazare that lowe lay allone
He graunte hym his gates for to gone,
And pertely thus proued he his poure.
Now goode siris, I saie, what wolde yhe seme?450
Sir, to dede for to do hym or dose hym adawe.451
Yha, for he dose wele his deth for to deme?452
Go layke you sir, lightly; wher lerned ye such lawe?
This touches no tresoune I telle you.
Yhe prelatis that proued are for price,
Yhe schulde be bothe witty and wise
And legge oure lawe wher it lyse,
Oure materes ye meve thus emel you.458
Misplese noyot youre persone, yhe prince withouten pere,
It touches to tresoune this tale I schall tell:
Yone briboure, full baynly he bed to forbere
The tribute to the emperoure, thus wolde he compell
Oure pepill thus is poyntis to applye.
The pepull he saies he schall saue,464
And Criste garres he calle hym, yone knave,
And sais he will the high kyngdome haue-
Loke whethir he deserue to dye.
To dye he deserues yf he do thus indede,468
But Y will se myselffe what he sais.
Speke Jesu, and spende nowe thi space for to spede.
Thez lordyngis thei legge the thou liste noyot leve on oure lays,
They accuse the cruelly and kene;
And therfore as a chiftene Y charge the,
Iff thou be Criste that thou telle me,474
And God sone thou grughe not to graunte the,
For this is the matere that Y mene.
Thou saiste so thiselue. I am sothly the same477
Here wonnyng in worlde to wirke al thi will.
My fadir is faithfull to felle all thi fame;
Withouten trespas or tene am I taken the till.
Loo busshoppis, why blame ye this boye?481
Me semys that it is soth that he saies.
Ye meve all the malice ye may
With youre wrenchis and wiles to wrythe hym away,
Vnjustely to juge hym fro joie.
Noght so sir, his seggyng is full sothly soth,486
It bryngis oure bernes in bale for to bynde.
Sir, douteles we deme als dewe of the deth488
This foole that ye fauour-grete fautes can we fynde
This daye for to deme hym to dye.
Saie losell, thou lies be this light!491
Naie, thou rebalde, thou rekens vnright.
Avise you sir, with mayne and with myght,493
And wreke not youre wrethe nowe forthy.
Me likes noyot his langage so largely for to lythe.
A, mercy lorde, mekely, no malice we mente.496
Noo done is it douteles, balde be and blithe,497
Talke on that traytoure and telle youre entente.
Yone segge is sotell ye saie;
Gud sirs, wer lerned he such lare?
In faith, we can not fynde whare.501
Yhis, his fadir with som farlis gan fare502
And has lered this ladde of his laie.
Nay, nay sir, we wiste that he was but a write,504
No sotelté he schewed that any segge saw.
Thanne mene yhe of malice to marre hym of myght,506
Of cursidnesse convik no cause can yhe knawe.
Me meruellis ye malyngne o mys.
Sir, for Galely hidir and hoo509
The gretteste agayne hym ganne goo,
Yone warlowe to waken of woo,
And of this werke beres witnesse ywis.
Why, and has he gone in Galely, yone gedlyng ongayne?
Yha lorde, ther was he borne, yone brethelle, and bredde.
Nowe withouten fagyng, my frendis, in faith I am fayne,
For now schall oure striffe full sternely be stede.
Sir Herowde is kyng ther ye kenne,
His poure is preued full preste
To ridde hym or reue hym of rest.
And therfore, to go with yone gest
Yhe marke vs oute of the manliest men.521
Als witte and wisdome youre will schal be wroght,522
Here is kempis full kene to the kyng for to care.
Nowe seniours, I saie yow sen soth schall be soght,
But if he schortely be sente it may sitte vs full sore.
And therfore sir knyghtis-
Sir knyghtis that are cruell and kene,527
That warlowe ye warrok and wraste,
And loke that he brymly be braste
[…     …]529
Do take on that traytoure you betwene.
Tille Herowde in haste with that harlott ye hye,
Comaunde me full mekely vnto his moste myght.
Saie the dome of this boy, to deme hym to dye,
Is done vpponne hym dewly, to dresse or to dight
Or liffe for to leue at his liste.535
Say ought I may do hym indede,
His awne am I worthely in wede.
Miles 1
My lorde, we schall springe on a-spede.538
Come thens! To me this traitoure full tryste.
Bewe sirs, I bidde you ye be not to bolde,540
But takes tente for oure tribute full trulye to trete.
Miles 2
Mi lorde, we schall hye this beheste for to halde542
And wirke it full wisely in wille and in witte.
So sirs me semys itt is sittand.544
Miles 1
Mahounde, sirs, he menske you with myght-545
Miles 2
And saue you sir, semely in sight.546
Now in the wilde vengeaunce ye walke with that wight,
And fresshely ye founde to be flittand.

2018 Nov 25  22:07:40