The n-Town (Necastro) plays

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The Proclamation of Banns20912
  1The Creation of Heaven and the Fall of the Rebel Angels3045
  2The Creation of the World and the Fall of Adam and Eve12495
  3Cain's Murder of Abel7412
  4Noah and the Flood11710
  5Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac10601
  6Moses and the Ten Commandments8667
  7The Root of Jesse: Prophecies of the Savior5881
  8Joachim and Anna and the Conception of Mary13361
  9Joachim and Anne's Presentation of Mary at the Temple16231
10The Marriage of Mary and Joseph20334
11The Parliament in Heaven Between God the Father and the Virtues, and the Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary15414
12Joseph's Doubt About Mary8252
13Mary and Joseph's Visit to Elizabeth10035
14The Trial of Mary and Joseph17869
15The Nativity13967
16The Annunciation to and Visitation of the Shepherds5661
18Herod and the Magi, and the Adoration of the Magi10709
19The Purification at the Temple7780
20The Slaughter of the Innocents and the Death of Herod10185
21Christ Disputes with the Scholars in the Temple12854
22The Baptism of Christ7254
23The Parliament in Hell and the Temptation of Christ in the Desert9300
24The Woman Taken in Adultery12370
25The Raising of Lazarus19398
26The First Passion Play: The Prologues of the Lucifer and John the Baptist, Judas and the Conspiracy Against Christ, and Christ's Entry into Jerusalem25608
27The Last Supper and the Conspiracy with Judas27457
28The Agony in the Garden and the Arrest of Jesus12655
29The Second Passion Play: Herod's Boasting and the Trial Before Annas and Caiphas12072
30The Death of Judas, and the Trials of Christ Before Pilate and Herod12451
31Satan and the Dream of Pilate's Wife, and Christ's Second Trial Before Pilate11179
32The Procession to Calvary and the Crucifixion of Christ14768
33The Harrowing of Hell A1817
34The Burial of Christ and the Guarding of the Sepulchre12765
35The Harrowing of Hell B, Christ's Appearance to Mary; Pilate Berates the Soldiers10660
36The Announcement of the Angel to the Three Marys, and Peter and John at the Sepulchre6641
37Christ's Appearance to Mary Magdalene3948
38Christ's Appearance to Cleophas and Luke on the Way to Emmaus, and Thomas' Doubt16826
39The Ascension of Christ and the Selection of Matthias as the Twelfth Disciple3551
41The Assumption of Mary27336
42The Last Judgment5546
SrcAll the plays in one big lump5017532024 Jun 22  19:07:05
•  The Chester (Wright) Plays(All)
•  The Chester (Necastro) Plays(All)
•  The Coventry Plays(All)
•  The Coventry 2022 Production(5 plays)
•  The n-Town (Necastro) Plays(All)
•  The n-Town (GT and To) Plays(9 plays)
•  The Wakefield (Towneley) Plays(All)
•  The Wakefield 2023 Production(4 plays)
•  The York Plays(All)
•  The York 2021 Production(4 plays)
•  The official site
•  Main menu of this, the unofficial site

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